Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1007: 3 financing

Chu Yuanxi's words implied that Gu Hongru could find you and explain her way. But Pu Mingyi didn't hear it, and asked stupidly: "Then why are you still optimistic about me?"

"I'm not optimistic. My profit expectations have been lowered significantly, but I am still willing to gamble." Chu Yuanxi said solemnly, "Although I am a model innovation, I don't understand technology, but I don't want to invest in models. Innovation. In terms of investment, I am still willing to invest in people with cutting-edge technology capabilities to start businesses, at least it has direct value to society. Unfortunately, those who have the ability to do high-end chips, lithography machines, and vacuum evaporation machines, I invest Don't go in."

"Got a bet?" Pu Mingyi never thought it was the answer, and asked with a grin: "Do you get a lot of money for this bet? I think I need almost 50 million?"

"It seems that you haven't done enough with your homework. You can ask Gu Hongru, I can't afford it. In addition, you're bad, 50 million is definitely not enough."

Chu Yuanxi also made a self-criticism after saying goodbye to this rather unusual talent. After returning from enthusiasm to calm, he found that he was floating, and money made people floating.

It is undeniable that the external environment will definitely affect people’s judgment and psychology. If the Pakistani’s account is more than 3 billion at this time, he will definitely not have any ideas, or even think about going out to buy cheap, because Not quite enough. But there are more than 30 billion yuan, and the investment of 100 million yuan becomes full of randomness.

Is Pu Mingyi worth it? Or is the VR track worth it? This is really time-consuming. If Rebs waits to engage in Xiaomi again in 2014, the value will really decrease. The market may leave him some room, but it is almost impossible to get users like in history.

You know, Xiaomi in 2010 is the "light of domestic products" in the smartphone industry. It is not how light Xiaomi has, but that there is no other sufficient amount of light, only some low light, and Xiaomi turned out to be bright. At that time, why didn't it matter? Therefore, it is not a question of Xiaomi's improper praise of "the light of domestic products".

Judging that period of history, it is not too much to say that users have made Xiaomi want to come, but users are not falling from the sky, but operating. Xiaomi first took the key step of the Internet mobile phone solution integrator, and then could obtain the privilege of unique operating users as the first mover. Five years late? Don't even think about using a series of monkey tricks, the number of people who buy it is estimated to be drastically reduced.

In the current segment of VR, Chu Yuanxi used his own commercial eyes to examine the situation at that time. Technically, it was possible to do it, but no one did it. The first one who did it was eating crabs, and the latter was the one who did it. Crab soup, this is the only place he thinks has investment value.

And if Pu Mingyi really has the technology, the situation may be much better than that of Xiaomi in the mobile phone circle. Xiaomi's surging chip is really not good, so he can only use Qualcomm and get stuck. But VR technology does not seem to have such an insurmountable gap, and there is no impenetrable patent blockade.

In fact, it is not so glamorous to really blend into Xiaomi, especially from the perspective of 2018, it is really boring after the IPO. Xiaomi has improved quite a bit this year. Why? In fact, a very important reason is the rise of Huawei.

These are two big companies that have fallen in love with each other, but Xiaomi should actually thank Huawei, and other big companies that use Qualcomm processors are the same. If it weren’t for Huawei to really break through the blockade of Qualcomm, especially in the 5G field, it has strong strength. Qualcomm can get stuck on Xiaomi’s neck. You can do whatever you want. The price doesn’t matter, or you can use MediaTek. .

It is precisely because Qualcomm lost its exclusivity that it became humble and the price of its chips became relatively reasonable. Therefore, although Xiaomi continues to call Qualcomm the father, but without Huawei, the father does not care if it is called the son.

I hope Pu Mingyi doesn't mix up like this.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi suddenly proposed to invest in Pu Mingyi. In fact, there is another important consideration, and that is to show that "the master is not bad for money", not only is it not bad, but there is room for investment abroad.

The urination of capital has always followed the Matthew effect. At least Chu Yuanxi's world view is like that. He likes to go where there is no shortage of money, and lacks interest in paying attention to the most lacking. Just like banks, companies that are in distress need money the most. How can they turn their losses without new funds? But it is also the most difficult to borrow money. A wealthy enterprise is another situation. Even if you don’t want to make a loan, the bank can beg you to make a loan! Therefore, financing of small and micro enterprises has never been easy.

On this day, a very important news came from the capital market. The management released the refinancing, and there were many bright spots in three consecutive blockbuster documents. Of course, whether it is positive or negative depends on where the **** sits. You must know that in the big bear market in 2008, refinancing was one of the three main culprits that pushed the stock market down. The Shanghai Composite Index was hit from 5520 to 1664. It was too tragic. Every day, the Arbor Day was celebrated. Chu Yuanxi, a college student at school, knew it all.

Therefore, the reaction of the capital market was also strangely calm, and it was not ecstatic, and it was not as sorrowful. This is because there are many ways to refinance, such as private placement, which is a relatively preferred way for capital to participate. In fact, Chu Yuanxi also has a certain degree of popularity in the capital circle. Pakistani people also have serious investment companies, and private placements can also participate.

After the day came, Gu Hongru immediately joined the group chat, and Pu Mingyi finally knew that the opposite person was an entrepreneur in name, but was actually a big dog.

Of course, this news spread to the outside world through Gu Hongru, and one day later, I wish the entire investment circle would know it. This is because Chu Yuanxi clearly stated that he does not require a solo vote. Anyone can vote, and even lead or follow-up shots can be made. This is called "free move" in Go, and it is not always necessary to make a free move. Up.

In short, Gu Hongru found that some were involved, so he began to make use of his own characteristics of small talents, while forming the founder's board and the investor's board at the same time.

During this period of time, the national Go player Ke Jie also made a joke, because he took the course of Go in Shuimu, and was called a villain for a while.

However, he seems to have miscalculated. This course is called Go and Culture. The probability of the final exam questions is like this:

1. The story of "Lan Ke" comes from () Chao's work "". "Lan Ke Pu" comes from the work of () Chao writer ().

2. The author of the life-and-death title "Fayang" is ().

3. In the famous battle of Feishui, who is the winner of the chess game between Xie An and Xie Xuan? Their bet is ().

I believe that the teachers of the elective courses are very willing to polish the exam questions.

On the same day, Dingding finally collapsed gloriously.

During this period of time, Ali showed solid skills. When other live broadcast software was either dropped or stuck or blocked the live broadcast of politics and biology class teachers, Dingding always insisted that there were no problems and did not give the flowers of the motherland any trouble. Take the opportunity. Many employees with children have found that family relationships have become more harmonious, and the children have begun to understand the difficulties of their parents at work.

So the live broadcast industry is more promising! These children will become more accustomed to giving rewards to the anchor after get off work in a few years. Until February 17...This day is the beginning of school. Many schools choose to start school. Not only primary and secondary schools, but even PKU, Shuimu and other colleges and universities also start as planned. The Guangshuimu family has more than 3,000 courses to teach online.

Moreover, the schools that use live broadcasts do not consider the problem of waste of network resources at all, and even all things like Yunshengqiyun broadcast exercises are going up. This is similar to the flow of Double Eleven, concentrated and swift, learning has collapsed, and the tree of wisdom has collapsed. How can Dingding be alone? After all, just last night I just made a B-station video of nailing the nails and begging for mercy online, so I can’t leave the crowd.

This unexpected situation has brought the debate within Xiaokang over whether to use DingTalk or WeChat Enterprise Edition from a close match to an abrupt end.

In the past few days when I resumed work, in fact, Xiaokang has only two main tasks. The first is to develop an internal APP for food. In this special period, solving safety problems is the core, and the most important thing in safety problems is how to eat to be safe.

For Xiaokang, the easiest solution to think of is to directly solve the employees' three meals through their own fresh and hot meal supply capabilities, and comprehensively consider the lowest cost.

Of course, this has to be wronged, brothers, eating in isolation at their workstations. But no matter how Nordic queuing and exam-style dining, eating in the canteen cannot be safer than this way of eating.

It's just that if you don't give people a choice, then someone will not be able to stand it for a long time. People need to be managed. The essence of management is to compromise with each other, not to command one-sidedly. Of course, Chu Yuanxi, who was an operator, must understand this, so he needs to develop an ordering system for his employees.

After all, the well-off supply system is relatively powerful. It has its own fresh food factory and sufficient logistics. Of course, it is not a problem to provide hot meal processing to hundreds of people, even with Pakistani people. Therefore, the company can let the young guys choose from dozens of dishes, and then use the power of big data to quickly eliminate the unchosen ones, plus a wishlist function, enough to satisfy most people.

The development of this APP is very simple, as long as you pull out a framework from the well-off life application to do subtraction.

The same is done with subtraction. It’s not that easy to provide community management and control software to the leaders of the relevant departments. Chu Yuanxi bragged that four days to complete the two-day test, and the requirements were set on the 13th. This is 96 hours later. Will be packaged and handed over to the test group.

Moreover, after two days of testing, this statement was also spit out internally. This kind of public-facing test, and it is national in nature, must consider extreme test rather than ordinary test. But in this situation, people who want to do extreme testing but cannot start testing manually, society is not in a normal state, and people who want to collect extreme testing can't get it.

So it was only possible to test with a robot. The degree of unreliability of the robot test was very obvious. Fortunately, it was not too late for Chu Yuanxi to discover this fatal problem, so she went to Xue Ming for help.

So Xue Ming didn't sleep for almost two days and came up with an AI robot to simulate various possible behaviors of users. Chu Yuanxi organized broadband resources and was finally able to start testing as scheduled.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi was very upset when he suddenly received the report that the test team was difficult to carry out the test, and now he can finally catch his breath. In the next stage, it is time to enter financing.

There are three rounds of financing below, the first is the simplest, Pu Mingyi’s angel round financing. Because Chu Yuanxi said that he was investing in Buddhism and was willing to make the most of the financing, the progress was extremely fast, and the only problem was the valuation.

Normally, this kind of enterprise with very high technological content, even if it does not have a seed round, directly enters the angel stage, it is unlikely that it will be less than 50 million.

But Pu Mingyi actually has nothing valuable except for the head of the item, and even the co-founder team was helped by Gu Hongru. And with regard to his character and ability to do things, teaming up with someone he doesn't know is just like forming a wild team in the next instance of the game. Do the team members listen to the command of the team leader? Will it move? Can the tank pull the hatred? Will DPS be OT? And most importantly, will the regiment command command? These are all problems and have to be run-in.

In short, Chu Yuanxi felt that the possibility of smashing the game was extremely high, so he could only accept relatively high gambling, and did not dare to accept too high a valuation. The 50 million angel wheel was absolutely unrecognizable. In particular, other investors may not have such an intuitive understanding of Pu Mingyi. Maybe he takes the lead and recognizes others as well. It is very likely that the Pakistani people will lead the investment. Why not the lead investor will follow the investment? Recognize?

For a while, Chu Yuanxi had another idea, and summed up with Gu Hongru, do you want to persuade Pu Mingyi to accept the position of co-founder CTO? Let's find someone with real organization and management skills to take the lead.

Or the co-CEO is not impossible. The CTO is responsible for technology, and the CEO is responsible for corporate planning and management. This is a harmonious entrepreneurial model. It's not reasonable to be a CTO and be a CEO.

As a result, Gu Hongru vomited fiercely: "Don't do that, Xiao Chu, you can spare me!"

"Why? It's difficult for him to communicate? I'll just tell him in person." Chu Yuanxi felt that his thoughts were reasonable, and couldn't talk about feelings and reasoning?

"No, it's not a problem that is difficult to communicate. It's because he really did what the CTO wants to do as the CEO. When the time comes to point at others, it will be unfair and more prone. It's even more easy to get him the title of CEO. a little better!"

Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt that the future was dark, and this was tens of millions to suffer! Maybe you can't wait until you cast A round before you're already yellow? This is the first battle in the true sense of being an investor after I have traveled through it. It should be auspicious!

"The question is, Pu Mingyi, does he have the ability to manage? If you look at his resume, he may be competent in planning and other things, but what about management?"

Just listen to Gu Hongru saying: "Xiao Chu, although my sister is not a few years older than you and Yuan Mu, my experience is quite rich."

What does it mean? Chu Yuanxi felt bored for a while, and then left the European Union: "Are you going to come out in person?"

"Yes, he lacks a COO who knows him and the other co-founders. I can only do this, and I find everyone."

Chu Yuanxi yelled "fuck" in her heart at that time, is this getting bigger and bigger? Gu Hongru's investment circle must be much higher than Yuan Mu's, but because she took her grandfather's class, and she hadn't taken over for a few years, she was always underestimated. Including Chu Yuanxi herself before, but she did not expect to be so determined!

"Then what do you do with your fund when you start a business?"

"Part-time, you can both start two companies at the same time, and also be the CFO of peak visual effects. Can't I be a part-time COO?"

The second financing is the financing of peak visual effects. Yang Jiangang started the B round of financing before Xiaokang.

However, he never came to Chu Yuanxi to exercise his eloquence. He just sent an email to inform the investors of the A round.

The e-mail is quite simple. It talks about what peak visual effects have been done during the period after the A round of integration. For example, a dedicated developer operation team was established and a complete set of operation methods were established to provide R&D. stand by. A dedicated developer group and community have been established, as well as developer training courses, live classrooms, developer articles, etc., to provide technical knowledge support.

At the same time, I also wrote about the feelings during this period of time. It is nothing more than the development of the engine that is particularly painful. The company needs to continue to simplify the very complex functions until the average player can understand it, and also needs to face various possible BUGs and optimizations. problem. This is actually a cliché, and it is correct at any time.

The last is the purpose and goal of planning round B. This part fully summarizes Chu Yuanxi’s suggestion, saying that it is for promotion, incubating the ecology of high-end communities, in order to promote business signing, etc. It is only mentioned in an unimportant position. Next, continue to develop platform functions and optimize user experience.

In the end, the valuation proposed in the B round ~ ~ Yang Jiangang's quotation is 1.6 billion, which is twice that of the A round, which is extremely restrained. However, the financing he wants is 400 million, that is, to directly share a 25% share, and his appetite is not small.

Fortunately, Yang Jiangang's recent operation made Chu Yuanxi feel that this appetite might still be satisfied. It would be good if the peak visual performance produced a heavyweight representative work that swept the Internet, and it could not be the official customization of the IP of the Pakistani people. It must be from the hands of UGC, which is very convincing.

Now the peak visual performance is still "Animal Company", which is quite embarrassing, because even the IP has been transferred to Ali along with Pakistani games, and even Disney's related businesses have also been transferred. Of course, this business itself also had a great positive significance for the evaluation value of Pakistani games at that time, so Chu Yuanxi was not at a loss, but Yang Jiangang was at a loss. He only retained the publishing rights of the peak visual effects version of "Animal Company" animation. ...

However, although there are no masterpieces that meet the requirements, the influence has been initially manifested, because those UGC users who use peak visual effects have released new crown-related knowledge videos on Douyin, which have been well spread after the Pakistani people have helped it. A lot of UGC users on Douyin came to use it, which led to further inflow of ordinary users.

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