Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1008: 4th financing

This is another manifestation of Douyin's traffic dividend. National-level applications do not directly drain traffic and still have a huge influence. Everyone on Douyin is UGC. Can you still do this when you see others making videos? Then I can do it! So when they inquired about each other, they got acquainted with peak visual effects.

And recently Chu Yuanxi saw the scene that Yang Jiangang should dream of, that is evolution.

After the distribution of Douyin, more people got to know Pinnacle Visual Effects, and some shopping guides and e-commerce companies began to produce animations to promote their WeChat stores on Douyin. In other words, it has become a way for platform merchants such as Weimob and Youzan to make Douyin videos, and such platform merchants have a scientific name called Weishang.

So immediately, people from all walks of life in micro-businesses listened to the news. Their sense of smell has always been keen, and the new shopping methods must not be left behind.

This series of changes formed a large-scale detonation. The peak effect is not particularly high, but the impact area is large. In particular, we businessmen are long-tailed traffic, and the crowd is actually very scattered, with very thin tentacles, and they work hard at the same time-we businessmen have always been the hardest people in the circle of friends.

This objectively promotes the impact of peak visual effects. Although many people do not know where these animations come from because they do not have a logo, they must know that there is a platform that allows individual users to freely create animations, otherwise it is so big Each batch of animation is different, where did it come from? .

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi took the lead to express affirmation, and also sent a group reply. He quoted Jack Ma’s famous words to praise Yang Jiangang for having grown into a qualified entrepreneurial core:

The core backbone of any team must learn to win together with the team without encouragement, no recognition, no help, no understanding, no tolerance, no retreat, and only pressure. There is only one definition of success, which is responsible for the results. If you rely on the encouragement of others to shine, you are at most a light bulb. You must become a generator to influence others to shine, then you are naturally the core.

In addition, Chu Yuanxi did not forget to remind Pinnacle that what Pinnacle Visual Effects is doing is subversive, with Internet thinking, which supports the valuation proposed by Yang Jiangang.

There are many rules in the arena. Internet thinking is to promote new models to break the old rules and drive users to eliminate the existing rentiers and unreasonable rules in the arena. At that time, Dong Ge had the courage to fight the major appliances mall, and was regarded as a deadly enemy by the other party, and forced the manufacturer to choose one of the two, because he looked down on the other party and had to increase the price of major appliances by 50% to make a profit.

This remark is unique to investors, because usually this kind of talent is called the Dragon Slayer.

What will happen to Young Dragon Slayer? Later, Brother Dong set up his own rules and madly charged the suppliers in the self-operated market, and relied on the interest on the billing period to create major profits for Dagoudong. Goudong, how the major shopping malls did it back then, has been intensified.

This is the country that Young Dragon Tu himself has laid down, and of course there must be benefits. This kind of future benefits is known as the advantage brought by business status, which is particularly attractive to investors.

Even so, Chu Yuanxi had to support Yang Jiangang in this round. After all, it's very special now. If the Pakistani don't support it, the 400 million won may not be able to be raised.

Therefore, based on the data and performance of Pinnacle Visual Effects, especially the operational events and related video broadcasts on Douyin, Chu Yuanxi, as the CEO of Pakistani people, announced in a group email that he is willing to follow up with more than 100 million yuan.

The "above 100 million" in the email was very subtle. Yang Jiangang was greatly relieved after seeing the reply, but he wondered if Chu Yuanxi's so happy valuation was too low?

He didn't discuss this valuation with Chu Yuanxi, and directly sent an email. Originally, he waited for Chu Yuanxi to scatter his head and cover his face after sending the e-mail, and the prepared rhetoric was not necessarily effective. Unexpectedly, instead of rushing to spray him, Chu Yuanxi directly sent an email promising to pay? What's the situation?

It took another two days for Chu Yuanxi to tell him what happened.

The situation is: "Isn't this as it should be? Your financing, I have said that my CFO wants a vegetarian meal with a corpse, what do you still discuss with me? Of course it is all up to you. The price is high and the financing cannot be made. The price is low, it’s nothing more than to see how you choose. I think the price is just right, and you did a good job. Therefore, I think you can find a full-time CFO alone, and I will completely withdraw from Peak Vision after the B round is completed. Effective management."

This reply made Yang Jiangang quite emotional.

Then Chu Yuanxi asked him, "Why did you send the letter without ventilating with me? Are you quite confident?"

Yang Jiangang immediately took out the prepared speech: "I was forced. Didn't you see Sony's British studio MediaMolecule release "Dreams"?"

There are too many things that Chu Yuanxi needs to worry about recently, and the gaming circle hasn't paid much attention to it, especially in the past two days. Why did Yang Jiangang talk to Yang Jiangang after two days? Because I am staring at the test of community management and control applications, this test is a tool provided by Pakistani people by Xiaokang, which is equivalent to two companies working together. The process is quite complicated. Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi had the right to temporarily transfer Xue Ming over, and finally completed the limit test. After the delivery, I was in the mood to chat with Yang Jiangang.

Of course, whether it will collapse in the end depends on how much cloud resources are deployed by the relevant departments. Even if there is no resource or loan, even an app made by God will collapse. What Chu Yuanxi can do is to ensure that the threads of the software back-end are not messed up when resources are sufficient, and that the data warehouse in the cloud does not go wrong.

But this "Dreams" sounds quite familiar. I only heard Yang Jiangang say: "Sony started testing "Dreams" last year. It was officially launched two days ago. It means UGC, which is just to let players use the console. Made by UGC."

"Host production? What to make?"

"Animation, games, and music are all fine."

Chu Yuanxi secretly said "fuck", and finally remembered why she was familiar. Zhao Jie's ultimate goal of Gobi Network is to point to UGC games. At that time, the idea of ​​this UGC game was already being put into practice. The foreign benchmarking company was "Robrus", and the domestic benchmarking company was "Code Universe".

Robus has been a new sandbox with more than 100 million alive and 5 million creators in a month. The code universe is still developing, but his ambition is high and he is taking the physics engine route full of thorns. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi and Zhao Jie decided to use IP as their fist, specializing in the RPG segment, and focusing on the role-playing UGC game platform. This way, the competitive pressure is relatively small, and the advantages are obvious. In short, it is easy to succeed.

But under the light of Robus, Dreams shouldn't be ignored either, because Zhao Jie has also arranged it as material and discussed it with Chu Yuanxi. It's just that it's a foreign country, and it's a host computer, so there is no suspicion of crashing with Gobi Network, so Chu Yuanxi didn't mind it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jie dodges left and right, but Yang Jiangang was hit by someone.

But after thinking about it, Chu Yuanxi looked strange, "I said, people mainly do it for games, right? I haven't watched it yet, but I bet it is definitely not professional animation. Why are you a professional animation artist afraid of it? ?"

Yang Jiangang said that you are pretending to be confused? Their father is Sony, how awesome, my father is you, and I was kicked out of the house!

The problem is that Chu Yuanxi also has his own affairs, how can I take care of him now? Well-off financing should also start. Xiaokang's B round is bound to not be as simple as Pu Mingyi's angel round, because too much money is needed, so he is also considering it.

In addition, on the 19th, the emperor has introduced a series of measures, which are strongly related to the Ba people.

The most important of these is the introduction of benefits for online games and e-sports, the most important of which is to give play to the territorial management advantages of online games in terms of approvals, open service windows, and improve approval efficiency. Secondly, the official stepped forward to directly establish a connection with overseas issuance platforms to promote overseas issuance business to settle locally, and even directly bring the issuance platform over.

Chu Yuanxi read the document twice from top to bottom, and was surprised that he could not find a support for the IPO of the game company, and he felt regretful. These two measures are undoubtedly beneficial to gamers. Both the opening of the approval window and the strengthening of overseas distribution business are good and good for Pakistani competitors. Of course, it is certainly useful for Pakistani people. This cannot be denied, but it is certainly not as useful as supporting the listing.

In addition, in this guidance document, he also saw "increase support for thematic works such as building a well-off society in an all-round way", which is very subtle. Isn't this what Chu Yuanxi named the convenience store for?

Turning the sky, the rivers and lakes were suddenly turbulent. First, Google suddenly broke the family bucket of Panther, the pioneer of the country and the country, and more than forty apps were removed collectively. This browser-based company was just terminated by Facebook last year because of the flooding of advertising, which is also a daily subject that is particularly familiar from the media industry-counterfeiting. As a result, the stock price was substantially short-selling, and the market value was lower than the cash reserves on the company's account. The founder shouted in the circle of friends that we had a deposit of 5 billion in the account——

Unexpectedly, I was killed by Google again this year. The reason for being removed was destructive advertising. However, some of the apps that were removed were only apps made by companies invested by Panther, and some had no ads at all.

Although Panther's business has been deteriorating in recent years, it is reflected in the stock price that it is rushing to the sea, but the status of the world is quite high, so this must be a big event in the Internet entrepreneurship circle of the country, and there are different opinions for a time.

Some people say that Google has removed more than 600 apps in this wave. At first glance, it is not true to panther, but in fact? Chu Yuanxi sneered.

In fact, it's very simple. Under the background of Google's return to the empire, both the previous Muli Mobile and the current Panther are all advertising alliances in the eyes of overseas publishers, and they have changed from friends of Google to competitors. In the past, Guochao Internet companies needed to use them to advertise overseas, but now Google needs to take over these advertising services, so it is quite obvious what it will do.

Immediately after another domestic wave, Shenchuan Notebook sued Dagoudong, and the chairman of the board posted a number of Weibo posts, which were both reasonable and well-founded. Immediately afterwards, a large number of naval forces appeared on major domestic platforms, and the content of the posts was very magical, making it difficult to figure out which one they were.

They posted on the whole network that the quality of Shenchuan’s notebooks was not good, so Dagudong refused to check out. The repair rate and after-sales application rate were all 50% higher than the average. The essence is that they started from 2017. This has been the case for three years.

Chu Yuanxi said that this was definitely sent by Qiang Dong's nemesis to harm him, right? Otherwise, Dagoudong knew that the quality of Shenchuan’s computers was poor since 2017, but they were still selling well, with annual sales exceeding 2.5 billion yuan, which was sold for 3 years until the end of 19 because of the sale of Shenchuan on Tmall. Is cheaper so you don’t pay the bill?

What is your name? You can outsource your business if you don’t use self-media! Who is this **** army like the wave information? Is this?

However, he understands the plight of Goudong. The difference between Goudong and other e-commerce companies is that it is too self-employed, but self-employment needs cash flow to support it. Originally, Gou Dongli’s rules made it difficult for suppliers to pay for long-term billing. Now in this situation, cash flow must be tighter. Either they will not supply the goods or they will start to pay for them.

So don’t ask, Goudong’s cash flow is definitely tight. The partners who have worked together for ten years have reached this point, definitely because both sides are short of money.

In fact, it is not only Dagudong who encounters difficulties in super enterprises, but Huang Tuan is not much better. It’s just that Huang Tuan’s things are not very decent. Even Jiao Tu, who is far away in the capital of Shu, frequently complains on WeChat. His relatives have already been recruited.

The current situation in the food delivery industry is that well-known brands, especially well-built offline stores, are okay. Those who can open the door also insist on opening the door. Those who used to only do takeout at the waist and tail are closed in large numbers, and the yellow group business is instantly reduced. More than half.

In fact, the reason is very simple. What needs of the people have been suppressed during this period? It is the need to eat a big meal. Large meals are characterized by high customer unit prices and high profit margins. What is important is to eat freshly cooked meals at the store, but those who were unwilling to order takeaways to eat large meals in the past can only give in.

Therefore, in this special period of time, the existence of takeaways allows big stores to still insist on opening their doors, but almost no dine-in food can be taken away.

But Xiaodian is very sorry. It’s acceptable for the user to wear a suit and go out of the community to get a big meal. Take a takeaway for about 10 yuan? This is riding a motorcycle up the mountain to cut firewood, or a mask for the national province. Because these customers have disappeared in large numbers.

So Huang Tuan started a fishing to save himself. First, launch a very attractive plan, give a very low commission to attract merchants who have not joined before, and let the merchants deliver the food by themselves. Then just in the past week, the plan was changed immediately, the commission increased from 8% to 20%, and the delivery must be a yellow rider. The Hot Pot Alliance in Shudu ceased to do it at that time, and according to Jiaotu, it was preparing to do something.

But what really shocked Chu Yuanxi today was the Berlin Film Festival. This time in Berlin, two films called "Landau xx" participated in the competition. Landau was a great former Soviet physicist who named the atomic level after him. Everyone who has studied physics at university level should Impressed.

However, these two movies have nothing to do with Landau. At first, the director wanted to make a biography of Landau. As a result, a philosopher-loving **** invested a lot of money in the director, which made him make a shocking decision to build a small society of 12,000 square meters in Ukraine to restore the former Soviet Union. The filming was upgraded to super-large real-life experience shooting, referred to as DAU, which is the last three letters of Landau.

Then he found 400 fixed actors from all over the world, and more than 10,000 group performers lived in them. Starting in 2009, it took 3 years to shoot, and then a long editing work.

Although it is said that the filming is likely to be the former Soviet Union in the minds of the participants after decades of brainwashing education, rather than the real one, the way and technique of this filming is really unexpected. The key is that Chu Yuanxi is ignorant and ignorant. He had never heard of this before, and he opened his eyes today.

As a result, when he was surprised to search for film information, Elizabeth suddenly called from overseas.

When Chu Yuanxi saw that it was a phone call instead of WeChat, she felt that something had happened? Sure enough, Elizabeth revealed a big piece of news, squeezing Chu Yuanxi on the spot-Graby is about to unify mobile payment in Southeast Asia!

The main reason is that Graby recently received a new investment of less than $1 billion, but both capitalists are from island countries, one is a data center and cloud service, and the other is a serious financial group Mitsubishi UFJ.

This battle is unabashedly directed towards mobile payment. Mitsubishi UFJ owns banks in several countries in Southeast Asia and is a predator among the predators. Another cloud service provider can complement Graby’s mobile payment technology. Needless to say, this kind of resource must be found by Sun Dasheng for Graby.

And Graby’s business is aimed at local life, car-hailing and take-out. Now with mobile payment, it is AutoNavi + Are you hungry + This is the rhythm of being a little Ali in Southeast Asia.

Considering that Graby itself has obtained electronic payment licenses and electronic money licenses in major Southeast Asian countries, and is a standard financial technology company with its own electronic wallet business, isn't it just a difference between Yu'ebao and borrowing?

"Others have similar businesses." Elizabeth said quickly, making people feel her anxiety. "Graby has subsidiaries that do retail wealth management and loans, and even sell insurance for C-end users. There is no balance yet. It's just treasure."

"So, let's change our strategy to cooperate with Graby?" Chu Yuanxi didn't have the idea of ​​which one he must fight against. Of course it would be good if he could do his own mobile payment in Southeast Asia, but time waits for no one. If you really do it No, it’s okay to give up mobile payment, anyway, Elizabeth hasn’t really started to do it, so there is no problem of grievances before.

Just listen to Elizabeth said: "No, I am not just investigating during this time. I have already been involved in this activity. I can get all the mobile payment licenses here. We can get the system through you and push it a little bit. Mobile payment can also be promoted, but the speed is fast and it has to be accelerated!"

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