Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1067: Not in line with values

Of course, Yang Jiangang has been a little depressed these days. It's not just that Chu Yuanxi's plan to sell his body was rejected by Chu Yuanxi, it's not that Xiaopozhan didn't have any information, and he didn't directly contact Chu Yuanxi. The main reason was that Chu Yuanxi suddenly did not. How can you kill him?

   It wasn't that Yang Jiangang was suffering from nail palace disease, and he had to listen to a few curses to enjoy it, but that Chu Yuanxi felt uncomfortable after he became polite, and then he felt hesitant. Nominal independence, financing and financial liberation are not as effective as the white and black clauses in the incubation agreement.

   This makes him feel that he has missed a good opportunity. Sometimes he also asks himself, now he is better than two years ago, but he does not know how much he is better than two years ago. Whether it is his personal ability and prestige, or his worth and future, two years ago he was far stronger than Pengfei's technological era. Years ago, it turned upside down again, but why didn't it become happy?

   Is it because there is no such blatant purchase of a villa to save girls like Chu Yuanxi? No, but the hesitation about the career is even greater. Originally, he was just an old salted fish foraging in a shallow pond. Without ambition, he would have no desire. But now he has swam into large rivers and has seen a lot of opportunities to fish over the dragon gate, but what path did he choose?

I thought it was good at first because it was good for the old salted fish to get a chance to start a business, not to mention that he still likes to do it. Now, because I have eaten it before, the amount of information intake is not the same as my past self. Not to mention the contacts, so I often find better opportunities, greater prospects, or easier success, but I can’t do it.

   That’s why he sometimes imagined that he would start a second business directly like Chu Yuanxi did. Isn’t it impressive? But my instinct told me that my ability to eat dry meals was not enough, so I never lost my SAN value.

   Sometimes Zhao Jie also persuades him, you do this thing first, and then you think about other things? At that time, he would use Chu Yuanxi as an example to refute, don't you think that Chu Yuanxi started doing well off without becoming a Baer?

   Then the topic became weird, because different people have different opinions on what standard is considered success. At this time, Zhao Jie would ridicule him, saying that when Chu Yuanxi was in a well-off life, the Ba people had a monthly income of hundreds of millions. How would you make it? Only sold to Ali?

   And of course he has something to say-Xiaokang was registered in May 2018. At that time, even the TCG mobile game was not online yet!

   The relationship between the two of them and Yu Wenhui is of course pretty good, but Yu Wenhui does not have a resume with Pengfei Technology. He and Zhao Jie are old colleagues.

   In short, life will continue. Peak visual effects are not without development in the past few months. At present, the daily activity has exceeded 1 million, and it can be regarded as a new figure in domestic platforms. Of course, if you calculate user time, it is still a junior in video platforms.

   The crux of the problem lies in the amount of content. Many users just follow a show, click on favorites without squinting, and then finish watching. The community is not deserted, but most of the speeches made by A-po-zhu, audience-type users rarely participate.

Peak visual effects is the UGC platform. There are only a few official animations, so the early stage is definitely slow. It can be said that after only a mere year of development, the daily life can be up to one million, which is definitely the effect of the Pakistani Group's desperate milk supply .

   This point is obvious in comparison with the initial stages of Kuaishou, Station B, and Duan. Although Chu Yuanxi didn’t talk to Yang Jiangang, she didn’t complain with other people. There were no Pakistani people to do the operation. The first year of peak visual effects was not a question of how many DAUs there were. Ten thousand, it's a question of where to find UGC users. There is no opportunity for development at all.

   Even now, because Ba people never operate for the "peak visual effect community", audience-type users rarely participate. Of course, the characteristics of peak visual effects also have an impact, because the production method is so unique that ordinary users can't participate in the creative exchanges of grandma masters, and can only praise and criticize the content.

In this state, the second season of "Rome Enemy" was launched, along with the warm-up of the mobile game, and the Mediterranean game suddenly entered a state of tension. It also infected the island country programmers of the Suzuki team. The intensity of overtime.

   At this time, Chu Yuanxi's headache is the well-off Southeast Asia, that is, Elizabeth must inject capital. The question is how to bet and who is to bet. This is the planned capital injection. Refer to the financing rhythm of the well-off last year. In fact, the difference is not bad. Well-off did Pre_A in March and the A round in August. Southeast Asia is just one year away.

   To some extent Elizabeth needs more money. Inadequate financing will affect the already difficult development situation. Especially for some things that Xiaokang has already paid a large sum of money, Elizabeth must continue to spend money and cannot fully enjoy the results of Xiaokang. For example, the map function is a rigid R&D expenditure.

   The development of maps is not only a cost issue, but also "freshness". What is freshness? That is, the map needs to reflect the real-time geomorphology, and it needs to survey and map the "now" map, that is to say, after the survey is completed, the local municipal project will be done, and the previous ones will be completely useless...

   But I can’t stop the government from doing infrastructure construction, right? In this way, the cost of maintenance and update is Schrödinger's, and it is a huge challenge to pursue high precision and high quality. Although Xiaokang does not use the requirements of electronic map developers to spur itself, but the trend of betting on city treasures strategically is extremely obvious, so the money can not be spent much.

   Besides, there is cloud, which is also a highlight.

   It should be said that Map Xiaokang is only passive investment, but the cloud domain actively enters the game, but it will cost money to enter the game. This is something that can't get away.

Similarly, clouds also have geographic attributes. It is difficult for domestic cloud resources to supply the cloud market in Southeast Asia. Elizabeth wants to learn Chu Yuanxi's full set of play. At present, Chu Yuanxi may not be happy, but learning half of it also needs cloud. .

   And the Southeast Asian market is definitely a must-see.

   We must know that Amazon Cloud is a well-deserved class leader in the world, with a 45% market share, followed by Microsoft Cloud 18%. The gap is absolute. As for Alibaba Cloud and Penguin Cloud, although they are ranked third and fifth with Google Cloud in between, the absolute numbers are too small, and the three together barely rival Microsoft.

   But this is not the case in the Asia-Pacific market. Alibaba Cloud ranks first with 28%, and Amazon ranks second with less than 18%. The current battle between the two sides is showing a fierce trend. The Asia-Pacific market is mainly Southeast Asia, the world's fastest growing cloud market.

   This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi is willing to spend money to cultivate a well-off Southeast Asia. As long as the well-off block cloud can develop, even if other things fail, it will be a trade that will never lose money. The number of users and demographic dividends in Southeast Asia is not a direct factor for other cloud computing companies, but it is a natural assist for the well-off, and the vast world has a lot to do.

   But at least a data center is essential, which is a lot of money. Chu Yuanxi even couldn't afford the money, hoping that Elizabeth would rent cloud resources as a start-up metronome in the future. After the block cloud matures, she can withdraw the lease. With the temperature and humidity in the Southeast Asian environment, building a data center is really cheating!

   Now it's just a question of how to bet the money. According to the original plan, of course it was a sole proprietorship by Xiaokang, but the world has changed too fast and too much. Recently, Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth Gou passed the issue of early release. Of course, she raised her hands and feet in favor of it, so of course Xiaokang will also turn to incubation mode.

   was not an incubation model before. Elizabeth's position in the well-off society is far worse than Yang Jiangang's position in the Ba people when he was the peak visual effect. Yang Jiangang is called incubation, with equity and options. And Elizabeth has no equity, which is equivalent to Zhao Jie and Lu Yu in Pakistani Games and Pakistani Information. Their positions are called managers and they are just managers with options.

But what troubles Chu Yuanxi is that Elizabeth still does not have the ability to pull investment. No one of her own contacts dared to invest her money. Therefore, during this period of time, she madly opened up new contacts and used the existing scale of well-off Southeast Asia to find local consortia. stand by.

   It's just that Chu Yuanxi feels that he has to help her, so who is the headache? Even Zhao Zhujiang refused...His eyes couldn't help but turn to the direction Ali was.

   In fact, Xiaokang is not incapable of financing this money. If you feel that you are short of money, just take a loan. With Xiaokang’s current assets and the state's policy to support small and medium-sized enterprises, it is not particularly difficult to make loans.

   It's just that Chu Yuanxi's personal style is particularly repulsive to making loans, which is completely different from those veterans who have been in business for many years. When the seniors saw that they were able to make loans, they would definitely be worthwhile loans. The utilization rate of funds must reach the limit, or even exceed, to show their ability.

   But Chu Yuanxi was forced to be very cautious about loans in the world of Chu Yuanxi. On the one hand, he was really young and inexperienced. On the other hand, he showed his immaturity. The beautified way is called awe in unfamiliar fields. The main reason is that some listed companies are capable to the point where they can't pay on time, stock price crashes and lawsuits, short-term borrowings and high current liabilities do not seem like they want to continue. To this kind of phenomenon, he has always been looking at the flowers in the mist and not understanding the essence of management, so he has no fear.

   But relatively, Chu Yuanxi is good at financing, even if it's financing for others...

   Therefore, Lao Fan unexpectedly received a WeChat message from Chu Yuanxi, but this discussion about investing in a well-off subsidiary looked so awkward?

   Actually, it's not impossible to talk about it. After all, it is an investment in offshore projects. Well-off Southeast Asia will develop as an independent company in the future. Even if it must be controlled by Chu Yuanxi, the party is still very interested, and it is not impossible to treat it as a pure financial investment. But this candidate...

   "Chu Yuanxi, we can't vote for you, this is not in line with our values."

   "Old Fan, don't you ever mention the three words'values' outside for a while, right?"

   Chu Yuanxi saw Lao Fan's rejection so quickly, of course he knew it was his own intention and not Ali's. Therefore, he responded quickly: "The values ​​need to be consistent, not the towel thrown in the footbath, and only pick it up and wipe it when needed. How about you hire the program ape who robbed the mooncake first?"

   Old Fan started to tremble when he was so angry, he said to his heart whether you want to talk or not? But being slapped in the face can't refute it, and can only send three angry expressions in a row!

   However, the atmosphere became more subtle, because Chu Yuanxi didn't mean to ask anyone, it was just that I had fulfilled my obligation to inform and decided not to vote.

   Because of this, it itches people's hearts, because Southeast Asia is a place to be contended, which is more "contended" than Africa and India, because Africa and India are farther away, and the other has greater resistance.

If you are far away, you will have to fight for a long time with the old imperial colonialism. Those with strong resistance may be attacked by non-commercial forces. Don’t you see Sun Dasheng’s eight-year-old Bile merger only in February this year. Finally approved? The scene where Ooguanhai grinned was a true portrayal of non-commercial sniping. Even due to the same review, Dasheng has not yet received the two Uber board seats it should have received.

   But Southeast Asia is just right. Although there is still a lot of resistance, it is not desperate. It is Ali's biggest center of gravity outside the country. Especially the cloud business, the energy spent in the Southeast Asian market and the growth rate achieved have caught up with China.

   Therefore, rejecting Chu Yuanxi now only needs to move his fingers to type a few words, but if Xiaokang Southeast Asia is as solid and explosive as Xiaokang in China, wouldn't Alibaba Cloud in Southeast Asia have one more enemy and one friend? The charm of Xiaokang is not only social and payment, but also the block cloud has great potential. Otherwise, Wuwei would not have decided to give a valuation of 55 billion.

  Why is Xiaokang now "solid and explosive" in the concept of Lao Fan? Because the potential of the block cloud is first realized!

   This starts with the well-off integration of fresh food front warehouse.

Integrating the fresh food front warehouse and transforming it into a self-pickup point. Many people think that this is Xiaokang's contribution to mobile payment and even increasing user density for social interaction. But in fact, the only area that has so many business lines that is linearly related to the number of users is Xiaokang. Cloud. There is a user who drives the city treasure to obtain health coins, the well-off block cloud has more power, and the fresh food startups directly give the number of health coins supplied to the users a double, and the online time may even be ×3.

Many people, including Xu Xin, underestimated these fresh food e-commerce companies. However, after the data came out, she immediately realized that fresh food e-commerce users are usually price-sensitive users, that is, users who are always subsidized. Stopping this batch of users will make people impressed. Therefore, the batch of fresh food e-commerce companies that Chu Yuanxi eats has a common label, and they are all start-ups on the road of subsidizing users.

   This kind of user is most suitable for health coins to detoxify.

Therefore, the well-off cloud computing working group even needs to temporarily transfer the Siege Lion to Cao Xiang to help in the past. First, the transfer of block cloud from traditional cloud resources to the Internet of Things does require the assistance and coordination of the Blockchain Siege Lion. Now users Both the quantity and quality have been improved, and it is possible to shift part of the demand for cloud resources to the Internet of Things.

  Second, they need to do some traditional database siege lion work, so I can’t get too busy...

   Therefore, when the third-party mobile data platform gave the latest data of Xiaokang, many people in the market still exclaimed: "Impossible!"

   But the sound is not as straightforward as before, because Talking  Data, Baidu Data, and App  Annie rarely make mistakes at the same time. The continuous upward curve of the Baidu search index can also explain the problem.

At this time, the people who are most concerned about well-off in the market are divided into three categories. The first category is to quickly find fresh food e-commerce companies to seek mergers and acquisitions. This is rich and powerful, but it is a shortcoming brain, and Chu Yuanxi wants to remind them. .

You must know that when a blind person touches an elephant, the result of each blind person's touch is different, so people like Chu Yuanxi and Xu Xin who can see the whole picture can know how to come and go, knowing that the health coin is just coupled. Fresh food e-commerce startups acquired price-sensitive users, so the data exploded.

   But what do outsiders see? It was Xiaokang who acquired a bunch of fresh food e-commerce companies and completed the integration of pre-warehouses to self-pickup points, and then the data exploded. Not only did the number of active users doubled, but the online duration grew too exaggerated to believe it.

   What makes the unbelieving parties most unbelievable is that Annie actually purchased the cloud service of Xiaokang Block Cloud. This news hit a meteorite on the hearts of some people...

"Let me check! What the **** is going on! Why would such a big Annie purchase unstable services! They all admit that they are not completely stable yet, how did they sell it!" In the corner of the imperial capital, Xiao Zhang in the spacious and bright office I’m always ranting, to some extent this can be regarded as Annie’s endorsement of Xiaokang’s But the survey results show that it is not that Xiaokang used any foreign tricks, but directly with Annie’s senior management. Get direct communication. The other party is a third-party data service provider, and of course he is interested in innovative models and innovative technologies, because it is likely to change the industry structure. If it is true, it will affect a large amount of data collection.

   So when Xiaokang gradually shifted the use of cloud resources from the data center to the block cloud, Annie was very interested in buying a portion. Is there any verification method that is more direct than experiencing the other party’s services in person?

   At this time, Xiaokang started to sell cloud resources in the data center. It was very traditional. He didn't plan to sell block clouds, but Chu Yuanxi felt the sincerity of the other party. Moreover, the vice president of sales of the other party is from a social game background. Not only does he have a common language, but he is also very interested in the treasures of the well-off city and sees the social potential of the well-off. Chu Yuanxi had a very happy conversation with the other party, so he half-pushed and agreed to provide a part of the block cloud for the other party to try.

   But this result made Mido quite unwilling to believe it. Of course, the most important thing is that the emotion of "I can do it on me" is brewing, so he shot it angrily.

   Therefore, when he learned that Mido was looking for suitable fresh food products in the market, he especially wanted to post Weibo and the like. What is your old gentleman doing when buying fresh food e-commerce? Fresh e-commerce I eat it is fairy grass, you eat it is a big poisonous grass...

   But think about the destiny of loyalty, let alone the leader of the League of Rejectors who have prejudices against themselves? Forget it.

  :. :

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