Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1082: Overdraft the future

Latest website: In December, more companies felt Chu Yuanxi's destructive power. First of all, in the middle of the year, many travel companies started their own errands, such as Didi and Cao Cao for various reasons, but in fact they all value this business that can legally obtain data and legally obtain user portraits.

However, in order to socialize the mythology label and consolidate Kangkang's penetration of the small circle, Chu Yuanxi doubled his shot and launched two functions in a row, one is the second-hand transaction in the community, and the other is to help with the delivery business.

Second-hand transactions in the community are completely stress-free for the well-off area, because there are stores for transit, and even contactless transactions can be carried out, if both users are at ease.

However, this business itself is not big, because it is a limited area, that is to say, it first draws a boundary for itself, rather than a nationwide second-hand transaction like the salted fish platform, so it does not involve logistics and express delivery.

At the user level, the participation of pregnant women and child-rearing families is particularly high, and the function is in full swing as soon as it goes online.

In the special scenario of "in the community", the most original transaction needs are maternal and child products, which are usually only used for one time, and the use time is extremely short, and the replacement frequency is extremely high. Especially for children in big cities, there are a lot of gold-swallowing monsters. It is impossible not to buy if you don’t buy it. It is a pity to throw away if you don’t use it, and it’s not easy to hang salted fish, because it’s best to look at the merchandise or give it away. .

At the same time, few communities can successfully organize a group of mothers to trade these items mellowly, and Kangkang's second-hand transaction suddenly exploded. Of course, the heat is just too hot. This is to release the long-term backlog of transaction needs. From now on, there will be a long flow. As long as the continuous stickiness of pregnant women and the elderly with babies to Kangkang's product is formed, the goal has actually been reached.

But the pick-up business is not so polite. Xiaokang’s help is really help, and the neighbors implement the help-and-take process in the form of "delegation-acceptance-completion".

Although it is said that the help of errands by travel companies and the help of Xiaokang are not completely conflicted, because the help of errands by travel companies is similar to the help of flash delivery business, and most of Xiaokang’s help is in the neighborhood of the community, and the two even May produce a match. But the people in charge of several platforms didn't look very beautiful when they saw Chu Yuanxi.

It is said that they are afraid that Xiaokang will make another big move, rubbing the new variables they have finally found.

But in fact, how can Chu Yuanxi have the time to control them now? These functions are nothing more than going online step by step in accordance with the milestone schedule. Xiaokang has taken a step out of social interaction, which is equivalent to making the already more vivid urban treasures more dynamic. Therefore, you only need to focus on two things in the follow-up. On the contrary, online ecology does not require special attention.

The first thing is to do the functions according to the plan, and temporarily discover new requirements, and submit a new function research and development plan. In other words, if there is no huge external disturbance, Xiaokang only needs to go on step by step according to his own plan.

The second is to do pre-construction for franchising, that is, supply chain and logistics, as well as the official opening of aircraft carrier stores. Franchisees must only rely on Xiaokang to supply products in a standardized model. The selection of products must be Xiaokang's selection driven by big data, and franchisees only sell. But this is a multiple choice question that requires careful calculation, because it will eat up a large part of the cash.

Convenience stores themselves are quite cash-intensive, so any option that needs to expand spending must be cautious.

The so-called multiple-choice questions are where to open the franchise and how many franchises are opened after the target area becomes an operating area. This question may seem simple, but it is not. The first thing is to consider whether there are local snakes entrenched and whether it is regarded as a key area by other giants?

For example, in the capital of Shu, Hongqi is a powerful local convenience store chain, and it is also a very powerful player who occupies the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang. As for Meiyijia, it goes without saying, but Eastern Guangdong Province is a must, so the second stop of Xiaokang goes straight to eastern Guangdong, completely ignoring Meiyijia's huge volume and density.

Second is the issue of economic vitality. What is the population density, consumption power, and user habits. These are all questions. Where there is no earth-headed snake may not be good, if it is good, there should be a earth-headed snake. This is where the paradox lies.

Then there is whether the target area has a suitable target for mergers and acquisitions. This must be the most cash-eating but also the fastest one among all the factors worth considering.

In addition, since it is a franchise, it is necessary to consider the overall willingness to join in the region. Everything is good. After a long time of construction, no one declares to join. Wouldn't it be very fooled?

Moreover, these factors to be considered have great timeliness, and the results of the original research on the well-off society in the world may not be useful after three years. What's more, the original world Chu Yuanxi didn't wait for the smooth launch of the franchise before crossing, so there is no way to talk about foresight. Therefore, the discussion about joining as early as August in Xiaokang has already begun to discuss and research, there is indeed a plan, but it is not necessarily the best.

One of the most important of course is the use of funds, which is the issue of cost and efficiency.

Convenience store is a good track, but it is not a quiet time.

Large supermarkets and department stores have been experiencing negative growth since 2017, while convenience stores have always been positive. Last year, the national retail sales of consumer goods maintained a vigorous growth, and offline is still the main component, and convenience stores are the most growing part of offline formats.

The key is to get offline traffic, which makes it possible to invest in Hedgehog in the convenience store track, regardless of whether the e-commerce giant personally deploys or large-scale supermarkets use their own supply chain and brand strength to conduct business, or entrepreneurs such as Xiaokang enter the market Disruption, the endless fighting on the track. Actions like Xiaokang's face-to-face provocation against 724 are not isolated cases. Recently, Chu Yuanxi heard that 724 also plans to expand the scope of joining.

In this chaotic war, e-commerce, local lifestyle mobile Internet companies and even catering stores have begun to compete to close down convenience stores to upgrade their efficiency and improve their digital level and supply chain. For example, the three-time replenishment principle of the top three in the island countries has gradually become the logistics standard of new-style convenience stores, because in the end this is the key to the long-term profitability of convenience stores.

Therefore, investment in the initial construction is indispensable, and the aircraft carrier shop must also be opened, and it must be responsible for solving problems as a base of the franchise area, otherwise it will not be able to move. However, competitive factors are likely to cause the capital utilization rate to fail to meet expectations, especially in areas that you are not familiar with. This is also the fact that many corpses lying down on the road are telling.

We must know that competition in this industry has always been extremely fierce. In 18 and 19, there have been continuous withdrawals of star convenience stores, such as Neighbor, 131, etc., including the full-time withdrawal from the Imperial Capital in the first half of this year. How energetic was when the Hundred Cities and Millions Project was launched at all times? Entering first-tier cities such as Jiangcheng, Shudu, and Shancheng, it is claimed that it will invest 10 billion yuan to cover 100 cities in five years and form millions of terminals. However, at most, there are only 800 stores nationwide.

At the same time, the convenience store industry is also a must. Back then, when the neighbors were arrogant, they proposed the goal of opening 20,000 stores a year. If 2,000 stores were actually reluctantly recognized, what is the concept of 20,000 stores? The concept of directly becoming the industry leader! Sure enough, it closed down.

The same downed 131 plan to open stores in 6 major cities before 2020, and as a result burned 40 million investors in four months, and did not wait for the arrival of 2020 to calmly play GG.

There is also a convenience store chain startup that was valued at more than 10 billion yuan last year. It entered the country. The number of stores nationwide is similar to that of a well-off society, but the layout is much scattered, and the result is a loss of layoffs.

What is this indicating? Are they too exciting to play? It is indeed too exciting, at least the spirit of taking risks in the cash flow statement is too strong. The convenience store business must have sufficient cash to allow it to be radical, which is why Chu Yuanxi has always attached great importance to financing.

But in fact, this is also about the decline in competitiveness of regional brand convenience stores after they leave the local market. All capital-expanding convenience stores face the same problem, and Xiaokang is no exception.

The top three island nations have never rushed into second- and third-tier cities. Obviously, these veteran players know what is needed for store expansion. Chu Yuanxi’s interpretation is the construction of supply chain and logistics and warehousing capabilities. Otherwise, Toshio Suzuki, the founder of 724, would not call convenience stores "life infrastructure".

Infrastructure, of course, needs the support of a basic full service system. 724's recent plan to expand its franchise may also be the reason why preparations in this area have been relatively sufficient. Of course, there is another possibility that 724 also has an online expansion plan. Don't forget that people on the island country have calmly used their base camp as a test field to experience some of the sweetness of being well-off. Not to mention social interaction, at least the sweet and delicious cake of mobile payment may be in the mood to try it.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi also set a more radical goal, which was a scene that made Xiaokang quite nervous. Increasing density is to increase the appeal to users. The greater the density of offline retail, the more attractive it is to non-users. People have a herd mentality.

However, whether franchisees are willing to join with a higher density is a big test. If you switch to other convenience stores, you may not have the face to fill the density while opening the franchise. The little blue cup has done this, but unfortunately it has not yet come out. Lie down.

Fortunately, Xiaokang has a unique system at this time. There are Kangkang, strange cities, urban treasures, and mobile payment bonuses. You can overdraft part of it to franchisees. The interest of potential franchisees can definitely be mobilized. .

In fact, Chu Yuanxi has prepared two sets of franchising plans. If there is no giant player, Xiaokang will of course start the franchise step by step, so there is no need to reduce the direct delivery of coupons in advance. At the same time, for franchisees, Xiaokang will not Need to give too much dividends to mobilize their interest.

But now that the situation is like this, we must use the "overdraft future" skill to implement Plan B. Convenience stores have long battle lines, slow payment returns, and high investment. Expansion depends on the supply of funds. It is not easy to do without overdraft in the future. Overdraft in the future itself is the essence of convenience store business.

The previous acquisition of a batch of fresh food pre-warehouse start-ups is actually a form of overdraft in the future, forcibly expanding the operating area, establishing the confidence and anchor point of the offline users of the health coin, but also injecting management into the well-off body. The problem is the stability of these fresh entrepreneurs in the future. In the future, when the stores of Xiaokang convenience stores are opened to their respective operating areas, these fresh self-pickup points will no longer be heroes, but cumbersome.

Of course, since it is called an overdraft future, this problem will only need to be resolved in the future. The secret is that many problems now seem to be problems, and when the size of the future becomes larger, they may not still be problems, maybe they may become opportunities instead.

The same is true for franchising. To open franchise in advance, a key question is whether the now well-off store is attractive to franchisees?

Xiaokang stores currently have an average daily consumption of nearly 20,000 yuan per store, which is much higher than the average level. Of course, because of the existence of coupons, the profit margin is relatively low, forming a unique financial statement with high passenger flow and low gross profit. From the perspective of making money, even the profit margin of HealthCoin’s external cloud computing is higher than that of stores, but this also shows that HealthCoin is unique. You must know that other cloud services are still losing money, even if it is The world's top three Alibaba Cloud.

However, a large passenger flow is a good thing, so the attraction must still exist, so how can it become better and make franchisees more motivated to join? Obviously there are dividends.

Theoretically speaking, the strategic significance of franchise stores to the well-off is on the one hand to rapidly expand a sufficient scale to fight against the giants in an all-out war; on the other hand, it is to get stuck in the position, occupy the blank track and block the way of other competitors. For example, blocking the road of 724, this is a matter of increasing one by one. The second is to help Xiaokang obtain more offline traffic, become the anchor point of the block cloud, and the social support of Kangkang.

Knowing this strategic significance also understands what Xiaokang can give up. Chu Yuanxi has always been more sober about what needs to be overdrawn in order to join. It is expressed in a more scientific way, that is, the A plan of Xiaokang joining is to accumulate enough potential energy. Then release it as kinetic energy. Plan B has not yet accumulated enough potential energy, but it needs so much kinetic energy. What should I do? The thinking of game operators is the simplest, and they engage in "activities" to increase their kinetic energy.

Make a simple analysis. First of all, the large passenger flow is where the current well-off is significantly better than the industry standard, and it is certainly the most valued by potential franchisees. The passenger flow is a necessary condition for the activity, not contradictory.

Secondly, although Xiaokang started to join, it is not easy to join. The initial fee of 100,000 yuan is not high. In addition to the initial fee, the overall cost includes daily items such as shop rent, decoration, store manager and clerk training period, salary, water, electricity and gas, and fees paid to third-party accounting companies. Among them, the site selection and the decoration provide necessary assistance.

This initial fee must be collected. Many unscrupulous franchisees make money by collecting franchise fees. The supply chain and logistics are close to nothing. The supply capacity is lower than Taobao merchants and the price is higher. However, this money is not free. You need to bear the construction and expenses of formal logistics and warehousing, so this money is mandatory.

Moreover, Xiaokang claims that it does not earn the franchise fee, but the actual situation is that Xiaokang has made no use of the supply chain + logistics of the joining cities, and has created a large number of jobs, which has strengthened public relations and social influence.

So on the whole, joining a well-off society is a form of low initial fee + high threshold, but the franchisees have to pay the money and they have to conduct an interview, which is as troublesome as the 724 franchise interview. People who don’t fit well, social habits are too heavy, those who don’t accept the well-off franchise model are not good, and those who cannot learn well-off’s huge and complex system are not good. In a well-off franchise store, the clerk not only has training, but also has to go through internships before they can take up their jobs. They don’t have to go to the shop, but don’t violate the rules.

Among them, the store manager needs to be appointed by the well-off, and the store staff are recruited by the franchisees themselves. If the franchisee wants to appoint the store manager or be the store manager directly, it needs to go to the store designated by Xiaokang for a three-month internship and pass the assessment.

In fact, the store manager’s responsibility is extremely heavy for the franchise stores. They have to manage daily expenses and manage the disposal of short-term preservation food. Fresh products cannot be sold if they are not fresh. Of course, the well-off data drive makes this aspect unnecessary. Bother.

A more professional store manager can also temporarily adjust the time and SKU of ordering and replenishment to make full use of the ability of Xiaokang Logistics to load goods three times a day to give full play to the efficiency. In addition, there are issues such as scheduling and so on. No internship experience is definitely not good.

All in all, it's a comparison, joining Xiaokang is lower than the initial fee of 724, but it is more troublesome and requires learning a whole set of systems. Joining 724 now has to learn some knowledge related to mobile Internet, but there is no need to learn so much for the well-off. It can be said that after participating in the well-off joining, it should be easy to find a counterpart job in other convenience store systems, which is equivalent to learning from Gaowei The feeling of jumping to low-dimensional But this is not enough to constitute attractiveness. What is really attractive is the attractive prospect of joining.

So what can Xiaokang provide for joining customers? The current state of the direct sales store is high passenger flow and low gross profit, and finally barely maintains a break-even. In the future, profit margins will increase significantly when the well-off society eliminates the poison caused by coupons. Joining customers will certainly not have any interest in this situation, and the competition is bound to be inferior to 724, so now it is necessary to raise the profit margin of franchisees while maintaining the most valued passenger flow by franchisees.

This passenger flow is the part that needs to be overdrawn. Overdraft is detrimental to the future. Anyone who has done game operations knows that the curve before and after the recharge activity is a pillar of Optimus and then the eunuch. This kind of graph is definitely not beautiful, so what is a more powerful overdraft? It's equivalent to Pinduoduo's tens of billions of subsidies, and the overdraft cannot be stopped!

So when will it stop? Either there is a better plan, or the scale has expanded to a certain extent so that the tragedy of the attrition rate of stopping activities can be bearable.

Chu Yuanxi weighed and weighed, and decided that the city treasure and the demon city will do activities together. Since the overdraft is valuable, it will thoroughly ignite the enthusiasm of users in the newly opened operation area.

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