Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 207: You are such a star

   "Don't you read Yang Yuanmei's report? She wants to send both arrows, low-end sells 79, high-end with good fabrics and good craftsmanship, ask someone to design, how can it be 79? 79 is not even the cost!"

Zhu Yan's complexion changed slightly, because what she had always wanted was to make a small mess. Selling cute rabbit hats to eat tens of millions has made her very excited, and never thought of making "selling peripherals" a long-term one. business. After a moment of stunned, she said slowly, "Chu Yuanxi, are you... are you in the eye of the money? You sell it so expensive, do you sell it?"

Chu Yuanxi took a look at it, and hit it like this: "Look at what you usually wear, Gucci Prada LV. How much money do they make when they monopolize the high-end market? People call added value, and people call profit. The cost is fifty cents. The paper clips are directly marked 5000, and a lot of people buy it. In comparison, what can we add one hundred yuan to each one? This is a long-term business, of course, we must have a lofty goal!"

   Zhu Yun's nose was crooked, and he picked up the LV bag at hand and held it in front of Chu Yuanxi: "We can make a pair that is better than Gucci LV? How much does it cost to advertise in Guangpu stores?"

   "Why can't it be compared? Gucci may have to ask you to be an endorsement in the future." Chu Yuan was happy, and Zhu Yan was finally brought into his own logic by him, and then used his rich experience to strike. "Don't take yourself too low. We provide o2o services, which are directly to users. It is more advanced than the traditional economy of high-end luxury brands. Of course, emerging economies have advantages over traditional businesses."

   Zhu Yun was addicted to Chu Yuanxi's bragging rights, and was overjoyed when he heard that Gucci will endorse in the future, but immediately felt even more unreliable, because especially luxury goods, pay more attention to image, and have never invited Internet celebrities to bring goods. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look forward to the cowhide Chu Yuanxi was blowing: "You can pull it down. People are all big stars."

  Chu Yuanxi even changed her voice this time: "You are a big star."

   "What about you?" Zhu Yun's neck was reddish, but he resisted the instinct of bowing to avoid, and met Chu Yuanxi's gaze.

   "Me? I am..." Chu Yuanxi suddenly stood up, "I am the backer of the superstar!"

   "Cut!" Zhu Yan bulged, "You are the same as the classmate of a big star."

   On the other side, the mother and daughter of Yang’s mother and daughter are so busy to encourage each other, because there are cute bunny hats in front of them, and the t-shirts will sell hot. Moreover, although the brand strategy given by Chu Yuanxi seemed a bit cruel to Yang Ma, it was indeed an executable strategy.

   However, to implement the brand strategy, a dedicated person is definitely needed. At present, it seems that the more suitable candidate is actually Yang Ma. Yang Yuanmei is not suitable because she has no experience and has no ambitions.

  Mama Yang has been extremely excited these past two days. She is responsible for both design and quality control. She is indispensable as an OEM in terms of quality, but design is beyond her control. Fortunately, a good girl can operate with full authority.

   Calculated based on the low-end product price of 40, her foundry has a very good profit margin, and the Pakistani people expect to make up to 50 yuan. As for sales, Chu Yuanxi said that it will definitely not sell like hats, because this time it is not selling a variety of Internet celebrities, but selling them to fans. Every month she walks 10,000 pieces and feels that she can wake up when she sleeps Up.

   Such a gross profit of up to 6 million a year seems to be far worse than selling cute rabbit hats, but this is only the first step. The gross profit margins of high-end t-shirts and shirts will be much higher.

   Yang Ma feels that Chu Yuanxi’s strategy is a bit like Meitu Xiuxiu. At first, it was a software for beauty camera, and then spread upstream, spreading out a mobile phone brand that focuses on beauty photography.

   Counting down, this company also has a gross profit margin of tens of millions a year. The key is that this can make stable income, which is extremely scary. Ten million does not seem to be much, but her husband and wife have been operating a factory for 20 years, one of the top 100 companies in the country, and coupled with clothing printing and dyeing, the gross profit margin of the entire group is only so much a year. Bad years can even lose money.

   Even if it is a listed company on the A-share market, how many can achieve an annual gross profit of 10 million? Thinking about Chu Yuanxi’s business again, the tax payment is basically a net profit, there is no salary, bonus, depreciation, and even bad debts. This is even more terrible...

   "Mei Mei." Mother Yang grabbed Yang Yuanmei who had walked on the wind and asked: "You said, has Chu Yuanxi ever thought of chasing you?"

"Mom-what do you think?" Yang Yuanmei was impatient, "Chu Yuanxi's old friend is a fairy, and the investor is a goddess. Our top brand Zhu Wei has never been chased after him. My best friend He Nami chased him to death. Do you think your daughter is too happy?" She thought of He Nami's embarrassment and couldn't help but feel sad.

  Mama Yang let go of her hand sullily. She originally wanted to say that if Chu Yuanxi chased you, you could just push it halfway and half.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yuanmei did not leave. Instead, she said, "Mom, you played too high these past two days. My dad thought you had an affair, so today he asked me about Is it a third party? The costume designer who just arrived."

   "I'm pooh--" Madam Yang suddenly became energetic, "I'm focused on production. Does he know a hammer?"

   But she also knows that she was indeed relatively high in the two days when the girl came back, mainly because the design proposal proposed by Chu Yuanxi was really interesting. Users can be constantly mobilized in the way of cultural creativity, and the styles are designed by themselves, so the styles and cultural points can be rolled up and always upward.

The cultural creativity provided by Chu Yuanxi includes the classic one-sentence passages Zhu Yan talked about, Zhu Yan's classic dance shots, a close-up of Qi Yu’s underground garage, ink brush paintings, animal company roles, house brothers and troubled times Out of the mountain, it will be updated regularly in the future, not only selling products, but also with advertising functions. This is also the inherent function of cultural shirts.

  Of course, the first batch of culture

Creativeness, because the main sales target is Duanyou, and the enthusiasm for the closure of Duanzi, all of them are finalized by Yang Yuanmei instead of Chu Yuanxi's. As a senior Duanyou, it is really easy for her to do this.

   In fact, she has been doing belly-ups these days, for her deadly funny attributes. Since entering Pakistani Entertainment, she has written countless jokes, but this time she did her best to burn her brain cells seriously.

   At this time, Yang Yuanmei watched her mother go home aggressively, "Chufu", and she had to say a few words for her father. Suddenly, her mobile phone has a reminder. It was a WeChat sent by Chu Yuanxi: You can add content in cultural creativity, but you must be careful not to infringe. Also, don't have "long grass Yan Danzi".

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