Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 252: The strength of fruit research and development

Yang Jiangang said: "This dkp is very good, but is there an upper limit?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't understand for a while, Yang Jiangang deserved to say this: "I mean, dkp is equivalent to the currency of the company's resources. Can I accumulate a lot of dkp and then do a big thing?"

Chu Yuanxi looked dazed: "How big are you going to do?"

"Remember what you promised me?" Yang Jiangang raised his eyebrows, "In Pangu Seven Stars, you will have the ability in the future and you want to help me realize my ideals.? WWW.suimeng.lā"

Chu Yuanxi swallowed and said to her heart that Yang Jiangang was holding a big move? So he nodded: "If you have any unreliable ideas, let's go down and talk alone."

"Okay!" Yang Jiangang spoke as if Chu Yuanxi was already capable, but in fact, Pakistani Entertainment was far from real success. Therefore, the conversation between the two people made He Nami who stood watching the excitement even more uncomfortable.

The people who came to listen to Chu Yuanxi were not only Yang Jiangang and Zhao Jie, but also the front-end and back-end main programmers of the game team developed by Fruit. They are not Pakistani employees, but they are likely to be in the future, so they were also invited by Chu Yuanxi to listen to the company's new policy.

Compared with Zhao Jie and Yang Jiangang's calmness, their psychological fluctuations are significantly greater.

The back-end main program is called Chen Ran, who is already in his 30s this year. A few years ago, when the mobile game was on fire, he made a lot of bonuses with the release of fruits. The annual income of one million made him drift very much, and then he never had a successful product. . Of course, this should not be the main responsibility of the back-end main process, because it is difficult for subsequent games to succeed. His skills are still excellent, and because he is not married yet, he is more financially free. Although he has a mortgage to repay, his yearning for success is greater than a stable and monotonous life.

The front-end chief Cheng Jiangbo is much younger than Chen Ran, but he is married. His marriage is really very typical. He is from Xijiang Gancheng, his wife is from Shudu, and he works in the Imperial Capital, and his wife works in the Magic Capital.

His ambition is much smaller than Chen Ran, and of course he is still very hungry for bonuses because he needs to please his wife.

The two of them looked at each other, almost at the same time remembering Chu Yuanxi's request to see their code base not long ago.

This requirement is actually a bit too much, because the project is a fruit network, although they are already in Cao Yingxin in Han, who knows if Chu Yuanxi is a test of their professional ethics?

At this moment, a news came from a work group where the two of them belonged. The two looked at their phones and found that it was an instruction from the headquarters of the Magic City: You can show Chu Yuanxi the code library.

"Fuck!" The two looked at each other. It turned out that Chu Yuanxi was serious, and he asked the magic city for the public. In fact, they think too much. Chu Yuanxi's request is very reasonable. Since your Fruit Network wants to throw the burden on me, of course I have to look at their strength. How do you look at strength? Looking at the product on the device in a short time, it is impossible to tell whether it is gold inlaid or other than gold, but it is much more obvious in the code base.

Therefore, after the meeting, Chu Yuanxi neglected Yang Jiangang and followed Chen Ran to the project team's machine.

It took more than an hour to look at it. Chu Yuanxi walked around and looked around, and found that it was much neater than the one seen by Zhao Jie last time. It is a bit of a reputation to be meticulous, but there are no obvious low-level mistakes in the comments that should be written. There are no strange things like using str to store numbers like Zhao Jie, and there are more cases where special cases are written.

It seems that it is inhumane to ask game development to write fewer special cases.

Chu Yuanxi's level is limited to picking the thorns on the big surface. You ask him to judge the level of the two pieces of code. When they look good, he is 100% awkward.

Of course, the fault still has to be picked. Chu Yuanxi opened a planning form and pointed to it and asked: "Hey, why does your form require planning to assign IDs to start from 0 and then keep it continuous?"

"Because the program is easy to write." Chen Ran said naturally, "The program mechanism is different. How efficient is this kind of spreadsheet program to run?"

"But what if we transplant and expand multiple platforms?" Chu Yuanxi asked in a chat: "Sometimes games need to be handed over to other companies for operation, right? But the update of the version is your own responsibility. Then you The first version is passed, and the other party adds a piece of content to the form, so a new id must be occupied. Then what will the other party do when your second version is updated? They have already occupied that id, you pass it There is also this id in the new version of the past."

"Mr. Chu, we are just developing an outsourcing project, don't we need to think about such far away things?"

Chen Ran knew what Chu Yuanxi was talking about, and was surprised that Chu Yuanxi could ask such a professional question.

The discontinuous id in the table has a great advantage, that is, it can be expanded and identified through the "id segment management" method.

For example, in the role table, the first digit of id represents gender, male is 1 and female is 2, and the second to fourth digits represent race, 100 for humans, 200 for orcs, and 00 for blood elves, so each of the nine races occupies an id segment. The fifth to seventh digits are specific IDs. When you need to add a role, you can directly add a row to the corresponding position in the table. For example, if the id is 1201017, it represents the male werewolf character number 17 (assuming the code name of the werewolf among the orcs is 201).

This method is somewhat similar to the data structure in the program, which looks very clear. The bottom line of 1201017 may be the with a big gap in the middle, so if you need to add another werewolf of number 18, just insert it directly below number 17.

However, in the method required by Chen Ran, all ids must be continuous, so chaotic ordering will inevitably occur. Still taking the role table as an example, the first version of 100 characters may be 0-99 in order of race and gender, and the second version adds 50 new ones. It's over, you can’t insert it forward. You must start from 99. Later, I started to write 100-149. The old and new versions of werewolves are separated by the world in the table. After a few versions, there is no order to speak of.

If this problem is not serious, then what Chu Yuanxi said is much more serious. The first version of the form passed by the project team to the operator was 0-99. It was clearly written. The operator took a look at it. So few roles? This is not easy to sell cards, so I added 50 new characters, 100-149, and sold them.

However, the project development team did not know that in the next version they also added 50 new roles, the id is also 100-149, and passed to the operator. At this time, the operator has nothing to say except the horse.

Chu Yuanxi was able to accept Chen Ran’s explanation, but he could not accept Chen Ran’s way of working, because his so-called high efficiency was not one-tenthousandths higher for the product, and even the code "easy to write" had to be marked with an asterisk. .

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