Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 257: Chu Yuanxi's decision (free of charge)

It’s free, let’s see the genuine ones, haha


"It's good if you have heard. If you want to establish a brand, you must have sales as a guarantee. If there is sales, it is impossible to lock in Aunt Yang's factory. Her production capacity is not enough. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā wants to expand production capacity. You have to have iconic data. Both online and offline links are indispensable. Otherwise, it is a blind expansion. This requires opening a flagship store. Opening a flagship store is 1+1≈gt;2. If you don’t open it, you Understand?"

Cao Shan talked a lot about it, and finally, she suddenly asked in confusion: "Or, your idea is that it doesn't matter whether the brand is established or not? It doesn't matter if it fails? Then I don't have to worry about it!"

"No, absolutely not!" Chu Yuanxi sweated on WeChat. This is a feeling of guilty conscience after the boss's careful thoughts are seen through by employees, and it has also appeared many times in the original world. At this moment, Chu Yuanxi felt like a world away, and the familiar feelings continued one after another.

"That's good, then you set a time, and then I will send you the budget for this conference, not much money..." After Cao Shan finished speaking, she ended the call violently, and then turned around and threw a copy for not much money. Conference budget.

Chu Yuanxi said that in the eyes of the rich second generation, 100,000 yuan does not seem to be a great money? But how much can you earn after selling clothes in one month?

The cultural shirt has been sold for more than a week, and after three times of bringing the goods, I also ate the blood steamed buns. The sales volume is only less than 6,000. Tonight, Zhu Yan will continue to bring the Pakistani cultural shirts. It is estimated that the first two rounds of stimulation Can there be a sales volume of 20,000 pieces in a month? Even if it can make a gross profit of 60 yuan, this is still the first month, and it is impossible to carry the goods every month in the future. Is it too extravagant to spend one hundred thousand for a meeting?

Moreover, it is impossible for the store manager to pay for the opening of a flagship store. Even if only five or six stores are opened, that is a big investment. Chu Yuanxi wondered if he had agreed too much?

However, Cao Shan acted vigorously and made an invitation on the 2nd, and a meeting was held on the 4th. Chu Yuanxi said that so many people in charge of clothing factories, who are dragged by you, can they come? As a result, Chu Yuanxi underestimated Cao Shan's face. This big-faced pan girl didn't lose the name of the second generation of wealth, she was very good at eating, and it really brought people together.

As a result, on the 4th, the large conference room of the Pakistani new office was used for the first time, and it seemed to be full of talents. After the newly appointed front desk lady was busy, even Yang Yuanmei was called to help temporarily because of the people who came. Many of them also know her. And she and Zhu Yan also have to attend this meeting, because they are both shareholders. There is also a special observer, Yuan Mu.

It turned out that the time was almost here. Chu Yuanxi and Cao Shan hadn't appeared yet. Yang Yuanmei hurried to find them and found that the two were "intensively communicating" in the small meeting room.

When she knocked on the door to enter, Cao Shan happened to see it, and then she knocked on the table hard and shouted at Chu Yuanxi: "The time has come, just do what I said!"

However, Chu Yuanxi ignored Yang Yuanmei and yelled at Cao Shan, "I have to listen to this matter!"

"Do you have so much money?" Cao Shan sneered, "Listen to you, you can only point to the money spent on the Pakistani account. The Artifact Company will not generate positive cash flow for at least half a year!"

"There are still more than 20 million on the Ba Ren account, enough to make money for the artifact company!" Chu Yuanxi slapped hard, and the small wooden table "squeaked" after a "slap", "That's it! "

After speaking, he stood up with Cao Shan at the same time, and then said aggressively to Yang Yuanmei: "Go!"

Yang Yuanmei hurriedly let the door open, and when Chu Yuanxi went out, she asked Cao Shan in a low voice, "Caozi cake, what's the matter?"

"Chu Yuanxi was full of thoughts with me." Cao Shan said irritably, "I thought of saving him as much as possible in the initial stage, reducing the size of the flagship store as much as possible, and hiring fewer staff."

The so-called flagship store does not actually have a scale requirement. It means a brand center store, which can be understood as a brand's offline base. As long as it is officially opened, it can guarantee 100 authentic products. It’s okay to open a store in a glamorous hypermarket, and it’s okay to make a small door face, but most brands are pursuing high-powered style and tall, open flagship stores without deductions, they are all the best places to pick the most prosperous places. The decoration, the higher the grade, the better.

Of course Yang Yuanmei understands this truth, so she said: "Chu Yuanxi wants to open a store according to the flagship store of the super brand?"

"No, I don't know what he thinks. He has no requirements for the location and decoration. Just keep a unified style, but the scale is large enough. A shop needs at least five or six employees, and there is no upper limit. According to my opinion To open a mini store, one store manager and one employee for each flagship store is enough."

"Huh?" Yang Yuanmei was stunned, because the scale is not something that you can support, you have to have enough products to do it. Chu Yuanxi's request means--

"Yes, yes, he asked for a few more layouts, but they are all basic models." Cao Shan reluctantly, "In fact, the issue of the number of categories is not a big deal for us, because we can DIY, theoretically one layout can be. There are an infinite variety of products, each of which is different for printing and dyeing. It is no problem to support the facade. Don't be afraid of monotony.

"Ah, are you worried about the cost?"

"Obviously, I don't know what madness he made!" Cao Shan said bitterly, "Anyway, if the Artifact Company does not produce cash flow, the Pakistani people will find a way to pay their employees."

The content that Chu Yuanxi communicated with her today greatly undermined the business plan she designed, because the minimum requirement of the Mtlnovel Company is to live within our Ba people will not invest more money in the Mtlnovel Company and must rely on it. Turn around by yourself.

Originally, according to Cao Shan's wishful thinking, cost was controlled on scale, sales volume increased in the process of brand establishment, and cash flow could be steadily increased.

In this way, she can spend the money elsewhere and have spare capacity to do other things through the artifact company, and the Pakistani can also get part of the profit from it, and maintain expansion in a healthy financial state-if the Pakistani insists not to advertise Then the live rewards and the artifact company are the only two stable sources of profit, and the live broadcast, Chu Yuanxi does not support the harvest of fan wallets, which means that regardless of Zhu Yan or Qi Yu, not only can’t rewards, but also Actively control fans to brush gifts.

In fact, Cao Shan is also curious about Zhu Yan and Qi Yu. It is said that they are already big anchors who have attracted much attention, and they actually listen to Chu Yuanxi's words so much. Speaking of which, isn't the anchor alive by rewards? Wouldn't Chu Yuanxi not allow them to ask for gifts?

As a result, Zhu Yan and Qi Yu actually didn't want gifts, and frequently discouraged water friends from making gifts. As a result, their live streamers often spiked the rest of the anchors, but they became spiked on the anchor list. Tik Tok is a bit more beautiful. If you don't engage in rankings such as anchor rankings, Zhu Yan will be ridiculed every time he broadcasts on the volcano, because the upper left corner always displays the ranking on the hourly rankings, and he can't hide it.

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