Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 258: Manpower reserve

However, this is a tacit understanding, a relationship that people with relatively distant relationships like Cao Shan cannot understand. Yang Yuanmei, like Yang Yuanmei, understands better. Zhu Yan really wants to spend his life to buy gifts. Not to mention, it is very reliable to spend 2 million yuan on Moonlight Volcano.

However, let's not say whether Chu Yuanxi accepts it or not. The key is how to score so many live broadcast rewards? Chu Yuanxi then sent the reward in full to Zhu Yan in the form of a bonus. Is she still embarrassed to ask for it? Ba Ren Entertainment is not owned by Chu Yuanxi alone, others also have shares...

Cao Shan is puzzled. How does she know that there are eighteen bends in Chu Yuanxi's brain circuit?

Originally, Chu Yuanxi didn't support the flagship store plan. The reason was not only to eat cash flow, but in his opinion, it must be a wrong way to shrink and open the store, and the effect is bound to be poor. Professional players don't know which trick is the most correct, but which one is the most wrong can definitely be asserted. Opening a small shop requires cash flow, but the effect is poor, so why do you open it?

His original idea was to open as few flagship stores as possible. For example, there are only six flagship stores in the country, one in the five major cities + Lin'an, and each store should maintain a certain size. What caused him to make a 180-degree turn was actually that he suddenly thought of the well-off plan. An important part of it.

In the well-off plan, the most important point in the initial stage is the staffing problem of convenience stores. He did not travel by himself in this pit world, so his impression is not unforgettable, but he cannot completely ignore it. With the registration of the well-off company, many things need to be put on the agenda.

This manpower problem is actually the key to success or failure, because the attributes of convenience stores make the details completely dependent on manpower, and there is no direct control. A large number of reliable and qualified manpower can do it well. In other words, "doing" can be done at any time, and there are too few people in the sky. However, "doing well" is not the same. It is not something you can do today if you want to recruit a group of people on the street tomorrow.

The well-off plan in the original world was a product of coincidence. Chu Yuanxi met a convenience store manager named Du Xie when he was working as an executive in a bicycle company. After getting familiar with each other, he had a deep conversation. There is an entrepreneurial project of a chain of convenience stores in Zheng De, which is about to cool down.

There are actually a lot of domestic convenience store startup projects, but most of them are not scaled up. Everyone envy the scale of the island country 724, but the convenience store business is fully competitive after the market is saturated. , Everyone knows to make money, but no one can kill it, it’s normal to be cool.

Then Yuan Jing and Yuan Mu valued Chu Yuanxi and talked to him about the idea of ​​starting a business, and after Chu Yuanxi knew the resources Yuan Jing could provide, he immediately pulled up Du's shirt and talked with him. This made the embryonic form of a well-off life. .

Therefore, the well-off life in the original world has not lacked manpower from the beginning, but lacked the mode and sense of direction to break the game. The trustworthy people who are close to the manpower are Du Tsai and his ground army. If there are not enough manpower, they will be transferred from the chain convenience store that is about to cool off Zheng De. In short, the manpower is a mess, so he directly enters the express channel.

But now it’s different. Chu Yuanxi has touched the bottom line, but Du Tie is still working in his convenience store, but Zheng De’s convenience store has long since cooled down. They are all disposed of as bad assets, and there is no scum left. under.

Moreover, Du Xie didn't know Chu Yuanxi, and it was even more impossible to maintain communication for a long time. It was unreasonable to directly pull out like the original world, and he would not organize his ground army.

At the same time, the opposite was that Chu Yuanxi didn't lack the pattern and sense of direction to break the game this time, and it was completely twisted with the situation in the original world.

Therefore, he now has an extraordinary demand for the flagship store of the Artifact Company. He needs to use the flagship store as an adult training center to accumulate energy for the well-off society. When the well-off society starts to exert strength in the spring of tomorrow, he will pull out the Du shirt on the one hand, and directly from Promote the backbone in your own flagship store.

So after Cao Shan’s convenience store plan was put forward, she thought she would be strongly opposed by Chu Yuanxi, but it turned out that Cao Shan herself strongly opposed...

When Cao Shan walked into the large conference room, Chu Yuanxi was already standing on the stage like a dog. This large conference room can hold small press conferences, live broadcasts, and has large projection equipment. Today, Chu Yuanxi is wearing a Pakistani cultural shirt, with Zhu Yan's dance on the front, and Out of the World on the reverse.

When Cao Shan came in, he first said a few scenes, introduced the Pakistani boss Chu Yuanxi to everyone present, and then gave a brief explanation of the situation.

If you follow the idea of ​​efficiency and economy, Chu Yuanxi should go to the Yangma factory to meet everyone, because most of the people come by plane from the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai free shipping areas. But the purpose of her summoning people to the Pakistani headquarters was not only for Chu Yuanxi to communicate with people personally, but more importantly, to boost confidence. After all, Pakistani Entertainment is the parent company of Artifact Whether the mother is strong is still very important to the son.

Pakistani Entertainment is a self-media company. We-media companies are generally "mysterious" in people's impressions. Before coming, many people thought it should be a small workshop, and there were some revelations about the Pakistani entertainment workshop on the Internet. As expected.

However, after arriving at the Pakistani people, I found that the previous speculation was too outrageous! Why is it different from what is said on the Internet?

In fact, the smell of paint that has not completely diffused can actually explain the problem.

After Cao Shan finished speaking, she asked Chu Yuanxi to come on stage and say a few words, mainly about the company's development plan and vision for the future. This is not a conference. It is an announcement of the strengths and weaknesses of the company and the starting point for the people to judge whether to become a like-minded partner of the company, or continue to wait and see.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: “The clothing industry is actually the best and oldest industry in the world. Many richest men have been born. For example, Amancio of ZARA of Spain has been the richest man in the world, and H&M of Sweden The richest man in the country is relatively close to us, the island country. The richest man in the island country has taken turns over the years, either from SoftBank’s Son Zhengyi or from Uniqlo’s Yanai Masa.

Therefore, our company is absolutely serious about making clothing. I hope you all understand. Many people think that our pure self-media company can advertise and bring goods. It will cause problems if it spreads to the entity. What I want to say is that we solve problems when we encounter problems. We are not afraid of problems.

So what does our artifact company mainly do? Mainly do basic money.

All of you present here are leaders in the industry, and you must know what a basic model is. The so-called basic models are underwear, shirts, Tshirts, hoodies, etc., all-match models that everyone can wear, I will just call them cultural shirts..."

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