Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 346: Start negotiation

? June 21, Thursday, the summer solstice. It is better to open the lights, travel, not to move the ground to settle the bed.

In the past few days, Douyin’s traffic has dropped sharply, from 71 million DAU on the 13th to 40 million in a week. Many online media outlets are extremely excited. They all assert that Douyin’s inflection point has come, and the bonus period is over. Think it was the result of the Goose Fight, and the Penguin won!

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi's evaluation is-stupid!

Penguin's traffic dropped even worse, and the traffic on the Chinese website of the starting point collapsed to grandma's house. Are you blind? Is this caused by the World Cup? Who has the kung fu to master the vibrato after watching three games a day? Do you want to work? Do you want to blow each other?

It was precisely on this day that the news of Douyin's independent financing finally hit the newspapers. Chu Yuanxi can only admire Zheng De's news channel, which is valued at 8-10 billion dollars, which is not bad at all.

It was also on this afternoon that Yuan Jing visited Pakistani Entertainment.

Why can't Yuan Jing sit still? Because he didn't know the deal between Chu Yuanxi and Zhang Ming, he only saw the music and MVs of "Troubled Times" all over the media channels on the headlines that day, including animated and real people. What's the situation?

And in this big push, some are entry-level.

What is the entry level? To give an unsuitable example, it is equivalent to when a user searches for "the best comic" on the Toutiao app, the first one displayed is the advertisement and download link of a certain comic app; the second one is the Wukong Q&A. Answer, this answer will give a link to "Unwind in the Wind"; the third one is the boutique MV of "Unwind in the Wind" in the watermelon video.

This is the entrance, which is equivalent to the questions and answers that Baidu knows or Mohuli. After arranging the entry, flush the data, such as the high praise of certain, people who ask the same question in the future will automatically search for answers and related entry links first, representing the long-tail state of the traffic.

For this Toutiao recommendation, Chu Yuanxi also made a compromise and passed a copy of the comics "A World of Disorder" on Toutiao, which will be updated simultaneously in the future. The Toutiao account is not as good as the WeChat official account, because only the information has no function, it is still serious to divert it to the official account, but who can’t let him get such benefits from WeChat...

When Yuan Jing came, Chu Yuanxi was looking at the data, and Zhou Minxi's mobile phone advertisement's Douyin playback data.

The script of the advertisement itself has a sense of future technology. After she matched it in Chinese, it was natural and cute. The point is that the users of the Tianchao have only heard the sound but have not seen it. The domestic users who want to buy FindX are very There are so many, but I can’t buy it! So this vibrato burst again, and it couldn't even stop the current limit!

This video was placed directly on the main account, and it played 30 million times in half a day. There must be many users who watched it repeatedly and liked 4 million in one hour. The most funny thing is to leave a message. Most of them are for buying. Why is there no shopping cart? Some may come to be funny, but some probably really don’t understand, they are howling to buy and buy...

You know that this is after the Goose War. The only way for Douyin to spread on WeChat is to save the video and upload it to WeChat as a whole. The difficulty of dissemination and the consumption of traffic are the same as those of a wall. Only real **** videos can be used. Penetrate this heavy wall. Chu Yuanxi couldn't do it herself, but did it after receiving an advertisement...

The only regret is that this advertisement cannot be cast on Douyin's app in the Universe Zone. TikTok is called TikTok in the universe country, and it is also very popular. Many celebrities have opened accounts. It would be fun if they could see Zhou Minxi's popularity in the sky.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't say that he hadn't seen Yuan Jing for a long time, but this time, Yuan Jing's temperament was extraordinary, showing composure and caution, as if facing the abyss. It seems that there is a circle of needles covering his body, and both ends are needle points. Any action that violates his territory will be rebound, but it will also bring him harm.

In the original world, he saw Yuan Jing like this when Yuan Jing signed a one-billion-yuan investment agreement. Since then, although well-off has experienced many twists and turns, Yuan Jing has never become like this again.

Chu Yuanxi specially wore his long black suit today. In order to highlight his clothes, it would not be too troublesome in summer.

"Huh? Isn't Li Jingfei coming together? Why didn't I see anyone?" He pretended not to feel the strangeness of Yuan Jing, and only listened to Yuan Jing saying slowly: "I told him to go back first. What is the situation with you? Why did the headline suddenly give you a full push? Is it possible that "Out of the Wind" authorized it?"

"No, I haven't signed any authorization." Chu Yuanxi didn't know whether Yuan Jing would like to see "Truthed Out of the Mountain" authorized or not. He decided to fake it: "This company is so important to the headline system. What's wrong with a little promotion resource?"

"Isn't it a little bit?" Yuan Jing pressed the bridge of his nose, just the combo set meal I saw today. If you spend money to buy it, no one can buy three to five million. Even if you are willing to pay for it, the headline is Not necessarily willing to do it, because entry-level resources are generally not bought with money. However, he heard from Li Jingfei, the iron head baby, that Zhang Ming admitted that he knew Chu Yuanxi. Does the headline department also have the idea of ​​investing in Pakistani entertainment? Have even taken action?

"Relaxation, it's just a bit of advertising resources. It's no big deal. Our company doesn't point to this point of advertising to increase the valuation." Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes and said, "You are a busy man, come here suddenly, yes. For investment? What's the Let's talk."

Yuan Jing took out a document that Chu Yuanxi described to him at the beginning, what is the development strategy and how to do it if he runs Pakistani Entertainment.

At present, it seems that it is generally following the established strategy.

Relying on the various methods of gathering fans through the media, all the media are basically the same, but in the future, most of the media consider how to harvest the economic value of fans, quickly realize or flow slowly, and a few are very successful. Rely on the fan base to brew word of mouth and then realize it, such as making movies.

And Chu Yuanxi's chain is longer and more delicate, fans-comics-IP-peripherals-games-film and television. This chain is not easy to complete, but once it is completed, it is safer to grasp than directly making a movie, and the value of realization is much higher.

Ba Ren Entertainment is a pump in Chu Yuanxi's hands, which continuously pumps the fans' water flow into the IP. Some of the ones that cannot be used are left on the short video and Weibo platforms. It becomes the nourishment of IP. Among them, Yuan Jing admires Chu Yuanxi's point of never killing chickens and taking eggs. Since he said that he will use fans to pour IP and earn money from IP, he does not rely on live broadcasts to calculate fans' wallets.

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