Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 434: Source of happiness

   Fang Shiling, who is not embarrassed about the people on the stage, said as if unable to restrain the power of the predecessor: "No, you have to go, what's so great about joining the team?"

   Chu Yuanxi shook his head straight, what kind of venture capital competition or something, listened to low, the force is really low. Then he was able to be arranged to accept the award by someone like Fang Shiling who had no coffee status. It can be seen that it was just a large scale, and seriousness and influence were probably a problem.

   "Don't shake your head, this is very meaningful for the peripheral promotion of "Fang Ge". I will take this opportunity to launch the IP and finalize the surrounding dealer channels, so as to solve the problems in the middle and lower reaches of the industry chain at one time."

   "Don't you just go to receive this award yourself? You are now the actual controller of this IP."

"But I'm not a entrepreneurial star. The award is given to me to get back a trophy. What's the use? It's only suitable for me as a partner to come forward and die with the channel." Fang Shiling was very happy, and all the goals were achieved. Leave with a gust of wind.

   Zhu Hao hid aside, watching Fang Shiling command Ruo Ding with his spirits flying. She didn't say a word from start to finish, until Fang Shiling left, she said quietly, "The old aunt is so happy."

   Chu Yuanxi patted Zhu Yun on the shoulder: "She is happy because of her fulfilling work."

   Zhu Yun muted his face, turned his head section by section, glared at Chu Yuanxi and said, "I am also very happy."

   "No, you are not happy." Chu Yuanxi hopes to be able to use emoticons in reality.

   "Are you the devil?"

"Happy people will not lament the happiness of others." Chu Yuanxi laughed for a while, and said after she recovered her calm, "You are worthy of being happier than her. If I can choose whom to give the source of happiness, I am sure Give you."

"Cut! Keep it for yourself." Zhu Yan turned his head and walked away. When he walked back to his desk, Qi Feng just walked up to him, looked at Zhu Yun strangely, and muttered: "Why is Zhu Yan blushing? Up?"

   He was recently caught by Chu Yuanxi and came to film "Out of the Mountains". Today, he has to deliver a batch of goods. Chu Yuanxi opened it and took a look, and found that Ah Ya played really well, each of them played several roles, and they could still hold it. And because of the strength of CV, the voice for everyone is different, each has its own characteristics, and it can bring extra points. It is even a surprise for the low-cost production of this grade of film.

   Because the ultimate goal of this group of fans is to build loyalty in the game, there is no male protagonist young Taoist in it, just like the character created by the player in the game is not a comic protagonist but a DIY character.

   He took Uncle Sheng to look at it for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle, do you think what you said last time is okay?"

   "Don't call me "Uncle", it's fine to call me Uncle." Uncle Sheng pinched his nose and said, "Is it really necessary to add another female character?"

   "You can go back and let her play in the mid-term." Chu Yuanxi still couldn't suppress her heart to interfere with the plot.

   "This does not conform to the plot logic."

   "But it can be in accordance with the logic of reality. If you add a name and a surname in history, readers will not feel awkward."

   "Okay, okay, then Yuan Mingyue, add Yuan Mingyue." Uncle Sheng once again compromised unprincipledly, "This way, you will change from a hot-blooded young man to a harem man!"

   "Isn't Li Xiaoyao the same as Zhao Linger, Lin Yueru and Anu, isn't it also a classic?"

   Uncle Sheng covered his ears, "Why do you have to ask for a role at this time?"

   Zhu Yun was arranging his ears next to him. When he heard it, he understood: "Hehe, because someone wants a character from Fanwaili." After speaking, he sneered and looked at Chu Yuanxi.

   Chu Yuanxi stretched out her index finger and shook it: "Not that."

   Uncle Sheng is fascinated: "Which one is not?"

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that Zhu Wei is definitely not in a beautiful mood today, and I hope she can remain happy. "Natsume-chan is out of her turn, this time it is Qi Yu's role."

   Zhu Yun held a big grass in his heart! "Natsume wants a role, you won't give it!"

   "Yes, I'm so snobbish. If Natsume is also a well-known host on Mango Channel, I will also give her a friendly guest appearance. I will put Uncle Sheng's head in the water and give her a role."

  Uncle Shengxin said I was so miserable? But Qi Yu hasn’t seen her for a long time. Recently, it’s been a Weibo interaction, so she misses her...

   Qi Yu has been very moisturized recently, because she really sent Chu Yuanxi's WeChat screenshot to Teacher He. However, Mr. He did not listen. As a result, he was scolded as a dog on Weibo. A large group of righteous netizens who did not know where he came out denounced him for his behaviors of giving people a platform without distinction, and he also spoke for tax evaders. This big hat directly stunned him.

   Teacher Mango Taihe, as an old river and lake with over 100 million Weibo fans, hasn't seen any big winds and waves? But he had never seen the storm this time. When he was struggling, his broken arm door was suddenly fried with cold rice and it was extremely hot. The heat was not normal at all, and he was shocked directly.

   If there were no screenshots of Chu Yuanxi’s WeChat account, Mr. He might have been stunned for a while, but he thought of the key word Chu Yuanxi had said-standing in line.

So the way to deal with the crisis became very simple. Soon, the verbal abuse and gossip about Teacher He on the Internet suddenly disappeared a lot, so Qi Yu was very solemnly thanked by Teacher He, to the point that she did not know why. , She had forgotten about it.

   Therefore, Qi Yu decided to go back to the emperor to play for two By the way, I will shoot a "Troubled Times", otherwise this short play without special effects condensed the painstaking efforts of Pakistani entertainment. Would Chu Yuanxi forget that she still has the number one person?

   At the same time, Zhou Minxi has also entered the last day of eating and broadcasting variety shows, and can return to the imperial capital on Saturday.

  Chu Yuanxi is still a little excited to think about it. This weekend, Pakistani Entertainment will have a rare scene where the three beauties gather. Zhu Yunqiyu and Zhou Minxi will have the first offline gathering.

   On Friday night, in the dark night of Qingdao night market, Zhou Minxi turned into a waiter and served dishes with Xu Enxiu. Their dining car was parked on the side of the road, and several entertainers chatted listlessly while performing role-playing. After all, work is about to end tomorrow. They have gone through more than a week of filming, and it's all manual labor. At this time, they can finally relax.

   At this moment, two handsome guys walked in the night, with a fan in their red T-shirts, and they came over and asked, "Which one is delicious?"

  Xu Enxiu pointed to a row of food in bad Chinese and said, "It's delicious." As he said, he raised his thumb: "Zhajiang rice cake is delicious. Twenty."

   The handsome guy paid the money obediently. Zhou Minxi picked up the fried rice cake with fried bean paste and got a little closer. He only heard the black clothes ask, "Do you want WeChat?"

   The red-dressed happily sat down: "How is it possible, am I sick?"...


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