Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 435: Infrastructure

   The two handsome boys seem to see that these people are from the universe, so they don’t have any hesitation in speaking. The black clothes watched Zhou Minxi walking over, and they still joked: "You forgot the most important thing?"

   Zhou Minxi put down the fried rice cake and looked at this guy a little strangely, because he felt a little familiar?

   The person in the red dress said thank you, and said to the joy of the black dress: "I just wanted to come and have a look, but the young lady turned her head and melted my heart."

   asked Zhou Minxi in black clothes: "Is there anything else to eat?"

   Zhou Minxi suddenly remembered who this person is! Recently, in order to practice Chinese, she watched the news of the celestial dynasty, but she also had the choice, mainly looking at entertainment news, after all, this is her profession.

   Thinking of this, Zhou Minxi blinked, and said lamely as possible: "Bread shrimp." After that, he turned and left.

   I only heard the little handsome guy in black behind saying: "There was a kid selling flowers just now..."

   Zhou Minxi pursed his mouth and happily returned to the dining car, and immediately ran over in red and asked for a piece of breaded shrimp, but he did not dare to look at Xu Enxiu.

   looked around curiously, Zhou Minxi saw that a child in black clothes really called a child with a flower, came back and ate two bites of breaded shrimp, and then slipped?

   Zhou Minxi became more and more curious, did they just leave? Unexpectedly, the flower seller immediately ran all the way to Xu Enxiu's side: "The two brothers told me to give this to you."

   "Wow, thank you——" Xu Enxiu took the flowers and covered her mouth with the other hand, only when the little boy continued: "They gave me 100 yuan and this little note."

   Zhou Minxi took it over and took a look: "Hahaha is the phone number!"

   Xu Enxiu looked surprised and happy.

   This incident successfully opened up the topic of three girls on Saturday, bringing the relationship between Zhou Minxi and Qi Yu closer. If there is anything imperfect, it is that Chu Yuanxi himself did not participate in the filming, and he was in a meeting with the programmers.

   It has been 20 days since the emergence of troubled times, the planning documents have been written almost, and the system functions have begun to be built. This is a good time to sort out the construction of basic functions. For this, he has read the game development documentation for two days.

"First of all, you, Yang Jiangang, there are too many places to scratch your head with your documents. I have already marked out some for you as a demonstration." Chu Yuanxi went to the conference room with a large gold knife and sprayed directly: "Your work I want to make it clear. First, reduce the burden on the programmers, and then reduce the burden on the players, don’t you understand? At this stage, you are the main planner and the product manager. You must learn to review your own documents from my previous perspective. If you don’t, just think about how we fought before. We have many valuable experiences of fighting each other."

  Yang Jiangang nodded his head to express his understanding. The meaning is easy to understand, which is to do subtraction.

"Needs can't be mentioned randomly, nor can they not be mentioned. This is not a black case of programmers coming to me to sue you, but how to say it. The current development situation in China is like this. There are basically no product managers transferred from Siege Lions, and there is no theory. Deduction, there is no preliminary research, and no AB testing. Good and bad ideas are all directly meeting users in the product, which makes the quality of the requirements document extremely low. I cannot tolerate this situation."

   Yang Jiangang's eyes widened, and he said that you have said that there is no product manager who has been transferred from a siege lion. What if you cannot tolerate it?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: "Don’t stare at me. I want the horse to run and not eat the grass. You must use your experience to fulfill my requirements. You must improve the quality of the requirements document and make the technical The team can design a sustainable architecture instead of stacking up features, and finally making it into a dead end. Our game is epoch-making, and there must be an infrastructure worthy of it."

   Yang Jian Gangxin said that you kill me, which means that there is probably a lot of rework in the document.

"Then the technical team." Chu Yuanxi said to Jiang Bo and Zhao Jie: "The voice of the technical team must be reflected in judgment. A certain requirement will cause its own structure to be disordered, so you can't bite the bullet and do it by patching. It is necessary to ensure that it can be maintained calmly when replacing people, instead of seeing the previous code as a shit, you can only rewrite the function once. What we are doing is just a card game, and there must be plenty of time. If you feel something is wrong Now, I would rather stop the demand, or sort out the infrastructure clearly. This is what I want for both of you."

   Yu Wenhui wanted to talk several times and stopped. Chu Yuanxi greatly improved the right to speak of the front-end and back-end main program, and his job would become difficult to do.

   Then he heard Chu Yuanxi say: "I have a bold idea."

Yu Wenhui didn’t have any anger, and only listened to Chu Yuanxi’s words: “In view of the fact that the company will develop other projects in the future, in order to avoid re-creating wheels, I think we should learn from Ali’s China-Taiwan system, and let’s establish one Pakistani SDK', sort out all the functions that may be repeated, and then the technical team, Yu Wenhui takes the lead in making the standard, is it okay?"

   "I know Ali's China-Taiwan system, but what are the possible duplicate functions?"

"Just login, guild, leaderboard, and naming, etc., each game must have a function. TCG group did it again, and you have to do it again. This is to repeat the wheel ."

   "But each game may have different specific And this is mainly a back-end job, right?"

"Leave the interface and only do the basic functions." Chu Yuanxi scratched his head, "This problem is not mainly about the interface and function differences, but we must start with this project and establish a mature development model and methodology. You That’s right, it’s mainly back-end work. For future projects, I hope that the front-end will be diverse, but the back-end development generally follows a set of ideas and a set of processes to facilitate rapid product iteration. Instead of a set of independent processes for each project team ."

   Zhao Jie took a breath: "If you are like this, you may have to adjust the company structure. The current project team is probably not suitable for this."

"Yes, I know." Chu Yuanxi knows the hemp. "Usually companies will consider this kind of thing after there are several development teams, because only one or two project teams are not cost-effective. But wait until there are several projects. It’s actually not easy to develop during the group. Let’s ignore the TCG group, just your group, and you will all be followed after establishing standards based on you. The easiest way to develop this set of methods is.

I hope that this mechanism will continue to operate until the advent of the 5G era. The back-end computing in the 5G era will become cloud computing. Obviously, there will be obvious differences from this generation. The programming language will inevitably change drastically. A unified language will become more lubricated, such as Node.js. Our infrastructure must also be prepared for it. This is what I want from you. Can it be completed? "...


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