Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 454: Humph 2 will

  Yu Wenhui and Zhao Jie looked at each other, and said that such a boss on the stall is just to make us vomit blood? Is the salary you paid us worthy of such a lofty goal?

   However, regarding infrastructure construction, this is the experience summed up after suffering several losses in the original world of Chu Yuanxi, and there is no opportunity to practice it. Because the well-off was already taking shape at that time, all teams were fighting, who should be adjusted and not adjusted? No one is willing to accept adjustments, and whoever is adjusted will damage performance. Therefore, the resistance is great. But there is no such problem when there is only one group. The problem is foresight.

   This foresight is not only Chu Yuanxi's foresight, but also requires the back-end program responsible for this matter to have foresight, understand the current technology, and understand the possible future direction. Otherwise, there will be a set of standards that can only be used now, and will not be able to keep up with the trend in a while.

   But this situation is okay for the backend, because the front-end technology will see big progress almost every two years, and the backend is basically databases, databases and databases, nothing more than from local to cloud, the evolution is not so exaggerated.

  So, as long as this mechanism is established, it will be much more comfortable for Pakistani Entertainment to develop game products in the future.

   After he finished the meeting, Qi Yu and the others also finished the morning filming and were walking out. Just listen to Zhu Yan's question: "Who is that black dress? It's just like a textbook girl, that's amazing!"

   "Who is too good?" Chu Yuanxi inserted forcefully.

   Qi Yu snorted like a demonstration: "Master, you don't ask, anyway, you can't learn it."

   I only heard Zhou Minxi say: "It's the son of a famous old actor in Xiangjiang. When I read your news, I often see him being cueed into the horse king in the song of ice and fire and the thunder **** in Marvel, do you know?"

   "Xu Jinjiang? This is a legend, he is actually his son?"

   Several people chatted and laughed and came to the small restaurant downstairs, each taking a takeaway. Uncle Sheng and Ah Ya also came down soon. Today they are shooting green screens and need a little post-compositing. Ah Ya has not played video less in the past six months. Now the simple compositing has played pretty well, at least the cutout processing. Reached the lonely unrewarded level.

   I just listened to Chu Yuanxi stuffing her mouth and saying, "Qi Yu, I have an idea for a variety show. It must be fun to shoot. Do you want to hear it?"


""You know! Brother", how about this name? "School Boy" for short. All those who are speculating in the show business world should be caught for papers, curriculum design and defense, and then get a kick In the form of competitions, there is one test in each program, and the five-year college entrance examination is simulated for three years. The score determines who will be on the stage in the next period. Those who are kicked off will be punished. The audience promises to watch it."

"Puff—you have a bad idea, you!" Qi Yu seemed to think of something. He grinned and sprayed out the rice grains. "Hey, when it comes to Xueba, I think of something, Tang Yan from the magic city told me this month. She is going to start a new play in Hengdian. The male lead of Uncle Bo and the male second of Dr. Zhai, ask me if I am interested in acting as a female second? Do you say I will go?

   "Why do you say Xueba remembered this?"

   "Dr. Zhai is a real doctor, isn't he known as the top student in the entertainment industry?"

   "A PhD in the Department of Performance? He is the number one academic bully, far behind Shuimunianhua." Uncle Sheng sneered, "I thought I was a academic bully back then. If I enter the entertainment industry, I will kill them."

"Well, I know you want to talk about folk singers. In fact, there are still a lot of real tyrants in the entertainment industry. They are short, big and tight, and Ye Xuan is quite powerful." Chu Yuanxi finished the rice dumpling in three mouthfuls, "I suggest you Don't go, you, the variety show host, just got better, let's concentrate on the main business. Actresses are all small cases when you come out. After that, you will start directly with the heroine, and you will not consider the second woman."

"Okay, don't blow it, I think so." Qi Yu said nothing else. He eats faster, even faster than professional eating broadcaster Zhou Minxi. He eats next to Chu Yuanxi, "I heard that you are down. Go to West Lake on Monday?"

   "Yes, there is an IP forum, I will go to the platform for people."

   Qi Yu accidentally said: "You are so busy and people go all the way to the platform?"

   "Isn't the focus of the Ba people in the next stage of the development of the film and television series of "Unwinding in the Wind"? There must be many big players in the film and television industry at this conference. I think it is necessary to take the opportunity to develop contacts."

   "Then I will go with you? Anyway, I'm fine at the beginning of the week. I will go to West Lake with you for two days?" Qi Yu said very ordinary, but Zhu Yan immediately raised his head: "I want to go, I want to go too."

   "Who else wants to go?" Chu Yuanxi looked up: "Except for Uncle Sheng."

   "Why are you excluding me?"

   "Your script outline has been revised? My Yuan Mingyue has appeared? Whom is my Er Zhu Ying'e falling in love with?" Chu Yuanxi's eyes shifted, moving to the sparse hairline of Uncle Sheng.

   "Obviously no!" Uncle Sheng was outraged, "Do you know how many bugs will be made?"

   "What's wrong with a bug? Don't Naruto have bugs too? Isn't it a classic?"

   "Go go! Naruto is full of bugs, the logic is incomprehensible, the explanation is not round at all, don't use it to pollute me!"

   "Which is as serious as you said? Naruto stealing the book of the seal in the Hokage office does not affect the logic at all?"

   "Your problem is not serious. I'll just ask you, how important is the birth of Naruto to Konoha? Why didn't Jiraiya also guard the village?

   Itachi is Konoha's spy who broke into Akatsuki's Why is he already a senior member of Akatsuki after so many years, and Konoha still doesn't know much about Akatsuki? Even if Payne Six Dao is a controlled corpse, you have to rely on yourself and dying to send a code? What does he eat?

   Nagato can be resurrected, why not resurrect Yahiko?

   The most important thing is that the core of this book is the emotional issue with soil. May I ask Lin is dead, why doesn't he solve the problem at the lowest cost? "

   "What is... Solving the problem at the lowest cost?" Chu Yuanxi was stunned by the question.

"The lowest cost is, why doesn't Nagato resurrect Nohara Lin? Nagato's reincarnation can be resurrected by nature, and resurrecting a person has no effect on Nagato. The relationship between the soil and Nagato, find a reason for Nagato to resurrect Nohara Isn't Lin the finale?"

  Chu Yuanxi smacked his mouth, "Okay, don't eat lemons...I think it is, when did you write such a powerful character as Hokage, how about the plot of it?"

   Uncle Sheng left bitterly.

   So on Monday, at the West Lake Xixi Hotel, Fang Shiling, who had arrived two days earlier, was stunned and waited to bring Chu Yuanxi with the second general of Huo Ha...

   Fang Shiling suddenly fell into anxiety, and said to his heart, why don’t you play cards according to your routine? What about the show I am preparing later? what--...


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