Soon she found out that the elaborate program for Chu Yuanxi had really taken off. The day of the forum was tomorrow, so Chu Yuanxi began to tour the West Lake. It felt like she had carefully prepared a big move, and she hadn't released it yet. Suddenly, Chu Yuanxi, who was fragile, broke the skill with a trick by Tiancheng.

Lin'an is the fastest growing city in the entire country in the past ten years, and its status is also rising in a rocket-like manner. Ten years ago, it was still a city of **** on par with Dongguan. It is famous for its tourism resources. Ten years later, it is already a city of technology and culture. city.

   Thanks to the two Internet hegemons of Ali and Zhaiyi, and the high-quality students of Zhejiang University, the technological environment here has blown out. This blowout drives the policy forward in the opposite direction, and the forward policy has spawned a large number of IP companies.

  Therefore, there are many websites on the edge of the West Lake to do the Internet cultural industry, especially the novel and comic websites on Binjiang Road. It may not be better than a few giants to pull out one alone, but in terms of overall scale, it should be a unique cultural center in China.

   This is why West Lake is keen to engage in IP industry forums and surrounding derivatives conferences, right? After all, the source of IP is basically novel.

   To say that the compelling standard of this IP venture capital conference is actually quite high, this year also invited Tom Jakobson, who has been an executive of Fox and Paramount, to come from Hollywood to give a live speech.

However, she operates the derivatives sub-venue. The difficulty of manipulating the rankings is much lower. Those who pay attention to this sub-venue are mainly IP downstream manufacturers, unlike the main venue, which focuses on the IP venture capital competition and the licensing of award-winning works. .

   The next day, Fang Shiling got up early, and after doing some psychological construction, he invited Chu Yuanxi and the three to come down for breakfast, and then he was shocked again, because the three of them got up earlier than her, and they had already slipped away after eating.

   Fang Shiling had a full meal, but he didn't care about eating in the hotel, and hurried to the Yintai Mall. The offline physical store of Intime Department Store was built as an animation mall during the conference, and it was also a branch venue for the IP derivatives unit of the conference.

   At the same time, Chu Yuanxi and Qi Yu were pressing the road in Wulin Square side by side. As soon as Zhu Yan rushed into the nearby shopping mall and chopped his hands, Qi Yu approached Chu Yuanxi and said in a low voice, "I don't like Fang Shiling, I don't know why."

   She has almost nothing to do with Fang Shiling, except for the KTV.

   "Well, you don't like her, probably because... you like me?"

   "Are you able to improve Chu Yuanxi?" Qi Yu looked at him up and down, "I haven't seen Xuexue tease a girl in a few days? Unfortunately, it is awkward, far worse than Xu Jinjiang's son!"

   "What are you panicking?" Chu Yuanxi laughed loudly, but Zhu Yan came out very quickly, and put two shopping bags into Chu Yuanxi's hand: "What are you happy about? I saw Senior Brother Gao just now."

   "Huh? What is Gao Wenming doing?"

   "And Du Shuang, they came together."

   Chu Yuanxi didn't want to see Gao Wenming the last time, just as Gao Wenming didn't want to see Chu Yuanxi. However, there was only a competition agreement when buying "High Webmaster", and he couldn't do anything if he wanted to walk around.

   He raised his head and glanced at Intime Department Store, the big shopping mall was square and condensed. With a slight smile, he took the lead and walked in.

   The interior of the shopping mall was decorated and showed a strong animation atmosphere, and I thought it was a comic exhibition if I didn’t know it. Chu Yuanxi stepped on the escalator to the second floor, and saw Gao Wenming and Du Shuang walking around a platform. Du Shuang saw Chu Yuanxi, and then showed a very surprised look, but soon he put a smile on his face, strode over and stretched out his hand: "Oh, President Chu, are you here too?"

   "Should I be surprised by your appearance?" Chu Yuanxi shook hands with Du Shuang, only to hear Gao Wenming's grimly saying, "I have to seek re-employment."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that this B resentment is not small? It doesn't matter, it will be even bigger after the "Troubled Times" comes into force. "If you want to get a job again, I recommend a direction for you? It's definitely suitable."

   Du Shuang smiled awkwardly, and then glared at Gao Wenming, meaning you shut up! The current situation embarrassed him, because "Gao Zhan Master" has transferred the authority, but the down payment has not yet been paid, so he does not want to see Chu Yuanxi more than Gao Wenming, especially he does not want to see Chu Yuanxi VS Gao Wenming Scenes.

   Only Gao Wenming said cheerfully: "Writing a movie script? I have been a film critic for so many years, but I am planning."

   "With all due respect, the style shown in your public account article may be enough to write a script ten or twenty years ago. Now the above has promoted cultural self-confidence, and there is probably no market."

Seeing Gao Wenming’s gloomy face, Chu Yuanxi went on to say: “My suggestion is to write lyrics. I am a professional in this regard. The music market is very big and will grow bigger and bigger, and it also has a good IP effect. Especially High-quality lyrics are very scarce. If you use your talents to study and write, I think there will be unexpected results."

   Gao Wenming snorted, "Is Chu always laughing at my lack of tone?"

   "Xiao Gao!" Du Shuang frowned, "General Chu's suggestion is good."

   Gao Wenming glanced at him and said that he was a good ass, writing the lyrics is so self-defeating, won't this ruin me?

   At this moment, Fang Shiling walked up the escalator. She wore a dark blue suit jacket on her upper body and a long skirt with dyed veil on her lower body. She walked over gracefully, Gao Wenming immediately turned into a gentle smile that concealed her joy, as if she had practiced face changing skills. And Chu Yuanxi saw a very tall man with Fang Shiling next to him, in a very decent suit, with a very capable plan.

   Fang Shiling didn't expect Du Shuang and Gao Wenming to be there. She nodded to the two and walked to the front and said, "Are you all there? Introduce you to a friend. This is Weining, the vice president of Taishan TV, and my friend."

   "Hahaha, Wei and I are always old acquaintances." Du Shuang laughed openly, and Chu Yuanxi also shook his hand politely and handed out a business card, "Good meeting, Pakistani entertainment, Chu Yuanxi."

   Weining casually put the business card in his pocket. Interlaced like a mountain, big satellite TVs like Taishan TV are really indifferent to companies like XX Entertainment, just like the weeds in the ground, too many.

   Qi Yu silently vomited beside him, saying that Chu Yuanxi finally had a decent business card. Unexpectedly, Wei Ning blinked after seeing her, "Are you... Qi Yu from Mango Terrace?"

   "It's me, but I didn't bring my business card. I just came to the West Lake to play with my boss."

   Wei Ning suddenly couldn't understand the relationship between these people.

On the other side, Gao Wenming leaned forward to talk, but Fang Shiling turned her head and said, "Don't talk for now." After speaking, he smiled at Chu Yuanxi and said, "The main venue is on the third floor, why are you all walking around on the second floor? ?"

   "This location is good, everyone can see it when they come, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

   Zhu Yun didn’t understand: "Do you want to have any unexpected gains?"

   "Look at this big guy who came across, he may be a very unexpected harvest."...


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