Actually, Chu Yuanxi himself also needs to participate in this kind of activity. Of course, he shouldn't be here, but Cao Shan should be here, but she is so busy that she can't come.

   Is there any need to participate in this IP event? Certainly, because Pakistani Entertainment is doing fan economy, and IP=fans + content, different content forms and different fan tonality will combine into a variety of IP patterns.

Not to mention, the Baren T-shirt is an IP derivative of Gen Zheng Miaohong, and here are the upstream producing IP derivative products and the downstream interested in IP derivative. It is attractive to Fang Shiling and Yuan Rong, and to the artifact company. The same is true.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi really hopes to meet some reliable clothing distributors here. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t meet them. Because of the DIY characteristics of Pakistani t-shirts, the main battlefield cannot be the distributors, the channels can only be Embellishment. This is why Cao Shan doesn't take this activity seriously.

   In addition to channel vendors, there are many famous writers who come to participate in the event, but they are basically concentrated in the main venue. And their brand is too big, even if you encounter it, you know it. From the perspective of cost performance, it is not affordable for small households like Pakistani Entertainment. Chu Yuanxi's purpose of operating IP is to make money, so he hopes to harvest some powerful authors rather than famous ones.

   Another group of friends you may encounter are friends, that is, IP operators with the same attributes as Baren Entertainment. Of course, most of these people are traditional novels and comics websites. At present, there are no IP players with the same routines as Baren Entertainment. There are also some practitioners in the film and television industry, they are considered IP downstream.

   So Chu Yuanxi was not surprised that the vice president of Taishan TV appeared here. The downstream of these film and television industries can be said to be one of the motivations for him to come to West Lake this time, because the next step of "A Time in Trouble" is film and television. In the past few days, he believes that he will meet more film and television industry leaders.

   After the game is launched, if it succeeds, the price of film and television copyrights will definitely rise sharply. Shouldn't it be enough to wait for someone to come home with the money? Why do we need to arrange contacts in advance at this time? Because this is the same as seeking a relationship, if you accidentally become rich suddenly, there will be a large number of beautiful women approaching, and it is impossible to tell who is sincere. From the perspective of sincerity, the film and television industry is more difficult to distinguish than beauties. Because the water is too deep, everyone says that they are sincere and they are not bad for money.

   Generally speaking, more money and less money can show sincerity to a certain extent, but this is not the case in the film and television industry. In particular, what Chu Yuanxi needs is long-term management. It is absolutely impossible to deal with IP in the hands of a partner who pursues short-term benefits, so early screening is necessary. In fact, only four months have become more stressful.

But the dignified boss who came on was not in Chu Yuanxi's plan at all, and even his presence here surprised Chu Yuanxi. Not only was he too high in his position, but also because he couldn't beat him. .

   This person is the boss of Transsound Technology, Zhao Zhujiang. Next to him was a little fat brother who was wearing glasses. He was not very old, but he was very stable.

   If you want to ask which domestic mobile phone is strong, the answer given by the general people is likely to be Huawei.

   But what if "domestic" is changed to "domestic"? Ordinary people still think of Huawei, but those in the industry who have a bit of concept have to ask: What are the strong standards?

   If it is only better than the financial report, then Huawei is still the first, and it is far away from the second. But if you compare the shipments, if you don't consider the difference between smart phones and feature phones, I'm sorry, Transsonic Technology was the No. Transsion launched in the African market, turning its biggest competitor Samsung into a horse, and even now it is about to sell Samsung out of the African market.

   As for Huawei and Xiaomi, they are really younger brothers.

   So this is a real boss. In his early years, he was one of the Bird Four. He created a fighter jet in a mobile phone. Later, he founded Sound Technology. The influence in China is far less than that of Rebs. However, he made a fortune in Africa, and his legs are extremely thick. Shuangma Qiangdong is still rough. Because he is personally rich, the entire company is his asset instead of having extremely high voting rights but low equity.

   There is not much contact with Transsound Technology in the world of Chuyuan Xiyuan, which is a general acquaintance, but it will be no problem to recognize this face. Because this person controls the mobile Internet traffic entrance of the entire Africa, and there are 1.3 billion people in Africa, the size is about the same as the celestial dynasty, and it is the core of the grand strategy of the One Belt One Road. In a sense, his significance to the country even exceeds that of Shuangma . Of course, Chu Yuanxi hopes that Xiaokang will go out in the original world, so Zhao Zhujiang is also very important to him.

   Suddenly seeing this big boss Chu Yuanxi felt a little at a loss, how should I "know"? Zhao Zhujiang and SF's Lao Wang are a bit like, they are very, very low-key, and they don't even have a chance to meet him. The same is true in the capital market. Although there have been recent rumors of backdoor listings, such a powerful company has not taken major moves in seeking listing for many years, which shows its caution.

   Although Chu Yuanxi has no direct use even if he knows Zhao Zhujiang now, it is really bad to see an expert hand in hand. The question is how to recognize it? He rushed up and said, "My name is Chu Yuanxi, I have been admiring you for a long time." I guess the other party nodded and couldn't even remember.

   Just as he was thinking about whether to go straight up and have a hard The little brother beside Zhao Zhujiang suddenly brightened his eyes, said something to Zhao Zhujiang, and walked over quickly. After getting closer, he took off his glasses and looked carefully, and then said "Ah", "You should be Chu Yuanxi from Pakistani Entertainment?"

   "Yes, you know me?" Chu Yuanxi was happy, and asked without changing his face, "You are?"

"Oh, that's great, I don't know you but I can recognize the two young ladies behind you. Zhu Yan, Qi Yu, right? I'm doing the second dimension, and yesterday I watched the extravaganza of "A Troubled World" you uploaded yesterday. ."

   "Oh oh lucky to meet, let's find a place to talk?" Chu Yuanxi punched in her consciousness, which is great!

   But Fang Shiling’s anger tank is almost full next to him, just talk about what your heart says? Throwing a brick out on this occasion today killed seven people, six out of them were doing the second dimension!

   She can order Gao Wenming to stop talking, but why is it so difficult to talk to Chu Yuanxi?

   I only heard the little fat brother say: "My name is Chen Bingye, and the company is on Binjiang Road."

   Chu Yuanxi was even more happy, "Hey, that's great, I admire two-dimensional novels."

   Fang Shiling really wants to shoot Chu Yuanxi dead with a brick. Two-dimensional novels have always been at the bottom of the two-dimensional contempt chain? what--...


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