Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 439: The forum is just to make a comparison (on)

A few people came early, and the opening time of the forum has not yet arrived. As a sub-venue of the forum, Yintai Mall arranged a lot of space for coffee breaks in the venue very intimately. Zhu Yan was a little confused. She didn't expect that Chu Yuanxi would really dismiss Fang Shiling in a few words, and then ran with this little brother while sitting down for a tea break?

She looked at the faces of other people, Senior Brother Gao was obviously satisfied with Chu Yuanxi's self-consciousness, but Du Shuang's expression was intriguing, and Wei Ning was talking with Qi Yu quite high. Although Qi Yu is only a host and he is the vice president, Mango Terrace is a top-tier player. After the eight streets of Taishan, Mango players naturally occupy the top of the entire chain of contempt.

"Do you have any opinion on the old aunt?" She walked behind Chu Yuanxi, leaned down and asked, "You will make the old aunt sad."

"What's the matter?" Chu Yuanxi was particularly excited, because Zhao Zhujiang really followed his wish. We must know that even in the original world, Xiaokang developed its own community social system and its own logistics system gradually became of scale. There are real-world ar games covering the whole country, unprecedented movies as pioneers, and a large number of offline stores. With strong support, you can ignore Shuangma’s face, but want to enter Africa, which represents the vast world of the future?

It can be said that Zhao Zhujiang already holds the capital of the king, as long as he knows how much energy this fat man holds, no one will be uninterested in him.

"I really want to talk to other people, activities, just meet a lot of new friends, are you too sensitive?"

Zhu Yan sat down next to Chu Yuanxi, then rolled his eyes and said in his heart that I believed in your ghost!

On the other side, Chen Bingye was also quite excited. Although there were many works by Ba people, Chu Yuanxi rarely appeared on the scene. I didn’t expect to see alive today. After sitting down, I asked directly, “Brother Chu, I’m very curious about one thing, Pakistan. Who is operating the official Weibo of People Entertainment?"

Chu Yuanxi hadn't spoken yet, Zhu Yan curled his lips: "Just him, who else can be so bad?"

"You really did it yourself? It's too sharp! You are simply a strange flower in the world!" Chen Bingye raised his thumb and showed his admiring eyes.

"It's too much to be ashamed and ashamed." Chu Yuanxi looked ashamed. "If the official Weibo thing is operating and maintenance, there are a lot of things I can't say, I can't be responsible, I can only Rigid dogma. It’s different when I personally post it. It’s more agile than other people’s officials, and it seems sharp to take advantage of it, but it’s actually the same.

Zhu Yan blushed so much that he wanted to find a ditch to get in. He said that you are really weird. How do people praise you? However, Chu Yuanxi really felt that the other party was complimenting him, and asked, "Which two-dimensional novel app did you make?"

"Ah, the small website is called ‘Pingtou Brother’." (Author’s Note: It’s all fabricated and doesn’t exist in reality)

"Oh, is that the one that used barrage to post book reviews? The one that dared to collide with Jack Ma’s chip company is not a small website." Chu Yuanxi said, watching Zhu Yan look dazed, and said to her: The one that my uncle often goes to work to catch fish and hold his mobile phone to watch, claiming to draw material from scripts, especially when I read through novels to draw material from historical scripts, I don’t even bother to talk about him."

"Ooh, I see, the one who cheated the teenagers."

"Who is better than "A Mountain in a Troubled Time" than cheating young people?" Chen Bingye said grievously, and unexpectedly Chu Yuanxi shook his finger: "Nonono, I think the qi refining for three thousand years has potential."

Chen Bingye's eyes lit up instantly: "Can't you buy it?"

More light appeared in Chu Yuanxi's eyes: "Keep it."

"Haha, I'm just kidding." Chen Bingye let out an awkward smile, "Actually, I am not so short of money now. What I want to learn is how Brother Chu cultivates comics."

"That's even more important to keep potential novels in your hands. Only by raising your own children can you nurture national-level ips, authorized to others to be raised by stepmothers, you can squeeze and squeeze, making money is the first thing."

Zhao Zhujiang seems to have finally developed a little interest: "So there is a contradiction between making money and cultivating national IP?"

"Yes, cultivation is costly, and continuous investment is required, and at the same time, you can't think about harvesting. Who can sit still without seeing the money back? With successful demonstrations ahead, people will continue to have doubts. There are many people who question the past decisions every day, not to mention that there does not seem to be an example of successfully nurturing a national ip address in China."

"Then what do you think should be cultivated in my situation?"

"Singularity." Chu Yuanxi said that what she is good at is not giving up. "Like your case, there are high-quality authors under your sect, and you are not short of money, and you have users. It is very important to have these three at the same time in the IP industry chain. Advantageous."

"How specific?"

"Only a very small number of IPs are operated at the same time, such as one or two, and they are pushed to all users." Chu Yuanxi said seriously: "I guess, you people with a large number of users will fall into the misunderstanding of maximizing efficiency, just want Push multiple different types of IPs at the same time, so that all users can see the content of interest. But this cannot form a synergy."

Chen Bingye showed a thoughtful look, because what Chu Yuanxi said subverted his common sense. The so-called common sense refers to accurate placement based on user portraits. In the fan economy, this is an unbreakable truth and a concentrated manifestation of the superiority of big data.

"Assuming that the total power of all your users is 10,000, roughly divided into 50 different user portraits, you push 50 ips, and accurately take care of 2% of users, and the final efficiency value is also 10,000. Then you only push one ip, The disagreement with some users makes some users not catch a cold, and even causes users to churn. The final efficiency value is 3000. From the total efficiency value, there is only 30% results. Which method do you choose?"

"Do you choose the latter?" Chen Bingye asked a little hard. His first reaction after seeing Chu Yuanxi was actually just to get to know him, and to change his business card politely, because Pakistani Entertainment has a lot of traffic after all.

These years, the people who have traffic to them are their fathers, which are better than money. In his understanding, the Chinese and Pakistani people are the downstream, and he himself is the upstream. This is also the reason why some of these small websites often find official accounts to distribute content, and even share 90% of the channel's profit, only asking for some traffic to go away.

However, he didn't expect Chu Yuanxi's unusual enthusiasm, and he could tell the truth in a few words, something he had never thought of.

But should I believe it?

"Look at the business model. For a stable operation, choose the former. A confident person like me obviously chooses the latter."

Zhu Yan couldn't figure it out at all: "Why? Is this a loss?"

"Because the former gets 50 IPs with an intensity of 200, while the latter gets an IP with an intensity of 3000. The right to speak and influence are different, and the level of partners that can be found is also different."

Zhu Yan just didn’t understand the nature of the industry’s operation. He was not really ignorant. He quickly discovered the "loophole" in Chu Yuanxi’s logic: "But if you carefully select and cultivate a period of time among these 50, you may get 5 An IP with an intensity of 3000, right?"

"In this way you will fall into peeping thinking, your thinking mode needs a cognitive upgrade to enter the field of metaphysics of ip."

"What is peeping thinking? And why is IP in the field of metaphysics?"

"The field of metaphysics is the same as when you posted a short video on vibrato. I don't know which one will be hot." Chu Yuanxi chuckled, "Give a look at thinking that you forgot to do ip, the purpose of cultivating ip is not because of the ip Being more prosperous is not to prosper our cultural market, but ultimately to make money. Peeping thinking means narrow thinking and can only consider the current goal. The problem is that the current goal is not the final goal. You must always focus on the final goal to find a solution.

Your operating mode has a higher ‘upper limit’, so it’s the pursuit of maximum profit. But I want to deny it fundamentally, because it is wrong to pursue the maximization of benefits, and it is necessary to strike a balance between benefits and speed. The former requires many times the energy of the latter, and it requires many elite soldiers to achieve it. Even if there are enough talents, they can persist longer than the latter. The persistence before dawn is the most difficult, understand? ? "

It doesn't matter whether Zhu Yan understands or not, Chen Bingye understands. The benefits of the former are five times that of the latter, but the difficulty is ten times that of the latter, and the time is two or three times that of the latter. If it is a big player like Penguin Ali, of course, he can take the former route, but what about small players?

"Well, that's right. This idea of ​​maximizing relative interests should be called'interest suitability'? Haha, I'm a bit of soil." Zhao Zhujiang smiled self-defeatingly, and Chu Yuanxi hurriedly said: "Right, right, right. Best of all, your summary is in place. Don't dare to ask, are you?"

" is Mr. Zhao of Transsion Technology." Chen Bingye had a sense of superiority in IQ, "I am also my investor."

Then he owed Zhao Zhujiang: "This President Chu’s Pakistani Entertainment is now the first-class self-media company in China. Miss Zhu Yan next to him is the most popular Internet celebrity in China."

Chu Yuanxi pretended not to know what Sound Technology was, and maintained a sense of courtesy and distance. Now that there is a gap of ten between Chu Yuanxi and Zhao Zhujiang, who will return to China next week, it should not be too warm.

If you want to get more in touch with the slow guide topic with rhythm, it is not suitable to throw out shocking remarks to attract others' attention at this time.

The kind of protagonist in the novel stands in front of a big man, Barabala, and then speaks something that no one else can think of, and then Jane is extremely disqualified. Human nature determines that most people look at others first in terms of class level, and secondly whether they hate this person or not. Instead of listening carefully to what the other person said, and then telling whether it makes sense. If the level difference is too far, you simply don’t bother to think.

Therefore, for Chu Yuanxi, it would be great to be able to truly "make friends" with Zhao Zhujiang today.


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