Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 450: Wonderful offer

It is impossible to say that there is no grievance at all, but Chu Yuanxi thought of Qi Yu anxiously and continuously refreshing the Pakistani entertainment Weibo in the remote mango stand, and his anger disappeared quickly. Who made this contract make Qi Yu have a lot of grudges? She must have the same feeling in signing at that time as eating shit. Of course, it's not as big as Ma Daru's shit.

After Qi Yu forwarded it, it was not enough, and another @ article: The company actually copied the contract of the big event to me? Really hammered!

Chu Yuanxi smiled, @回去: Is this called plagiarism? Can legal matters count as plagiarism? This is called borrowing! Then Goutou Sanlian.

On the Internet, Qi Yu felt relieved, and finally relaxed his tight spirit. This tone was obviously Chu Yuanxi, he shouldn't be angry with his old mother... right?

After this magical operation, Chu Yuanxi succeeded in bringing the war back to the big event and Ma Daru before he was brought to the rhythm. After all, that side was the main battlefield for the big event and Ma Daru's fans. After comparing Chu Yuanxi’s palette, those fans of Ma Daru only knew that the contract was bad, but didn’t know how bad the contract was. They instantly understood, and the contradiction became clearer, and the fire quickly blew out and directly sprayed. Hot search on Weibo.

"Huh..." Chu Yuanxi liked the hot search when he saw the big event, and finally let out a sigh of relief. And this dead Qi Yu, is it due to repair?

Speaking of it, Qi Yu was really cold during this period, but it makes no sense to talk on the phone every night, right? At that time, if you only flirt and don't marry, isn't it true that you are a scumbag?

The so-called scumbag is just asking for it without assuming the responsibility and obligation. Chu Yuanxi sat at her desk, feeling a little lost for a while. Some opposite sexes are good in all aspects, but it is not convenient to be lovers, but they are even more reluctant to give it to others, especially Qi Yu and Zhu Yan. From this perspective, they are up to the standards of a scumbag.

The question is whether I will fall in love with Zhu Yan and Qi Yu? His thinking is a little confused. I should just like Zhou Minxi, so when Zhou Minxi was taken away by Jiao Tu, the emotion in his heart was a blessing, not sour, but what if the white object of Jiao Tu was Zhu Yun? Chu Yuanxi thinks she should kill Jiao Tu, right?

This is very confusing. But suddenly, Chu Yuanxi found out that she had been ravaged by Fang Shiling for so long. She didn't even think of her at this moment. It seemed that the symbol had become very weak in the past few months?

Chu Yuanxi suddenly wanted to find an emotional master to analyze it for herself. Is it because of this that new love has grown in her heart, covering the old symbols? However, the burden of work made him have no such time, because Yuan Rong's contract had already been sent!

This is what Chu Yuanxi waited for, and immediately began to communicate the details of cooperation. In this way, it is impossible not to talk about Yuan Rong's sales strategy, so he successfully got Yuan Rong's key sales target areas nationwide. The drawing circle in this area was originally the result of the discussion between the two parties, because the distribution of "Animal Company" fans is traceable. Since the official account was diverted, the fans of "Animal Company" have basically migrated to the pet account. The day after tomorrow there will be a ranking of the provinces by the number of fans.

Of course, Yuan Rong will not sell toys indiscriminately. The online store is part of it, and some of the goods will be distributed to the agency sales points in various provinces offline. Where to send it? You have to consider the density of fans and Yuan Rong's own offline channels. This is also one of Yuan Rong's main purposes for going to Hangzhou. He also sorts out offline channels, and now he finally has a spectrum.

This is what Chu Yuanxi wanted.

During the communication process of this contract, he suddenly summoned the Pakistani HR team and Liao Xingxing, gave the human resources and operation an urgent task, recruited short-term contract personnel and prepared to leave the imperial capital to engage in activities in other places, such as Langfang, Shudu , Chang'an these places.

Liao Xingxing looked dumbfounded, and Chu Yuanxi didn't explain the reason, just let him recruit people, and gave him a list. It's better to be from these places. If it can be better, then it is in these places. Go to university.

I don’t know what medicine Chu Yuanxi’s gourd sells, so Liao Xingxing had to hold back the power of the predecessor and recruit with the HR little sisters. So there was a very strange recruitment offer in the headhunting circle of the Imperial Capital, hiring people, short-term contracts, and unlimited education. , Work experience is not limited, only account book, only graduated college......

The headhunters were all dumbfounded. They had never seen such a recruiting company. Then when the company was a recent Ba Ren entertainment company, it also gave a lot of intermediary fees. The headhunters had to follow the instructions of Party A’s father. Need to quickly pull people out.

Chu Yuanxi felt that this recruiting experience could open up new heights for the careers of these headhunters.

The terms of the contract with Yuan Rong are rather simple, because the contract sample was issued by Yuan Rong, which is an ordinary IP authorization model.

Chu Yuanxi was eager to do this, so that the rhythm of bringing people here would not be specified in the contract. Even if it did, it didn't matter. Chu Yuanxi had already prepared countermeasures, but the enemy was not able to do so, and it was completely useless.

At this point, Chu Yuanxi was sure that Yuan Rong definitely didn't understand what a quick reaction meant.

This busy work lasts for a week, and it comes to August 15th with just one click. What day is August 15 in the Gregorian calendar? It is a day that should be remembered forever in the history of Internet entrepreneurship in Tianchao Technology. On this day, Red Core Browser announced that it had successfully completed the C round of financing, and then became a monkey. It was revealed that there was no independent research and development at all, and it was Google Chrome. I changed the icon and the name!

This day will coincide with January 17, 2006. The "Hanxin No. 1" of was revealed to be a fake. At any rate, it still has some technical content, and it has to reorganize its own patents. Today, Chu Yuanxi was stunned to see that in the file properties of the "Red Core" browser installer, even the "original file name xe" had not been deleted!

Of course, he was not the first to discover this historical truth, but he had noticed this entrepreneurial project a long time ago. This is a star project, which is much more glorious than the grassroots of Pakistani entertainment. Coincidentally, just today, Red Core also announced that it has completed a financing of 250 million yuan, and the total financing amount exceeds 4 small goals!

The people who broke the news of the Red Core must be quite scheming, but chose to release the giant melon on this day. The Red Core just announced the completion of the financing, and was hurriedly washed by public opinion, and announced in a panic: Your product contains Chrome in it. , But not plagiarism, but "stand on the shoulders of giants to innovate", and said that customer satisfaction is high!

Meow meow meow?


.. m.

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