Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 451: Blockchain idea

In an instant, Chu Yuanxi was swiped by the mountain and tsunami:

"All chre logos must be removed within one day. Tomorrow I must see an autonomous and controllable valley-produced kernel browser with no chre at all!"

"Don't worry if you steal other people's clothes, you at least cut the trademark, brother."

"The Thousand Talents Program special experts, Beijing special experts, Beijing Haiying talents... After reading a bunch of hats, I almost got distracted. After a long time, I am a master of ancestral filming?"

"Even though the red suit is worn on the body, my heart is still Google Core. My programmer has already branded everything about me with Google."

"Customer satisfaction is very high? Of course it is satisfied after using IE6 for a lifetime and using chre!"

"What's the trouble, you people are really disregarding the overall situation! Isn't this just being grabbed by the West to plagiarize our intellectual property rights?"

Speaking of it, Google is very kind. There is an open source project called Chrium, which is also the father of Chre browser. However, because it is an open source project, developers can use it as long as the source is clear, and it can even be commercialized.

However, the red core cannot identify the source. Knowing the source is worthless. It cannot break the monopoly of the United States. It has the first independently innovative smart browser kernel in China. How to raise funds?

It happened that He Namei came to submit the recruitment list of the operation department, glanced at Chu Yuanxi's computer, and said, "I just gave the story of the red core financing to my friend who is the Ethereum sending currency when I had lunch just now. For a moment. He slapped the table with anger:'Fuck, this is a scam!'"

Chu Yuanxi was shocked: "Do you still have friends who are blockchains?"

"Cut, I still can't know a great friend?"

"Shouldn't the awesome friend you know be me?"

He Nami immediately raised her chest: "You are so awesome, why don't you give me a raise?"

"Friends, what are you talking about for money?"

He Nami rolled her eyes and quickly left.

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but smile, and it was rare for the big money circle to think it was a fraud.

In fact, the blockchain is also a project that Chu Yuanxi wants to engage in. However, he is different from the big guys who issue air coins. He didn't plan to join any sleepless group cutting leeks at 3:30 in the morning, and he would not even issue coins. Instead, he wanted to apply the blockchain to the well-off plan.

The essence of the blockchain is to serve the complex social system. Using its distributed operation mode and the characteristics of data traceability but non-tamperability will simplify the objects that require complex circulation. Chu Yuanxi in the original world had already done this and proved the feasibility.

Moreover, in the past few days of busy cheating, WeChat has successfully carried out a demonstration of the actual application of the blockchain, which is also worthy of history.

Last Sunday, August 12, WeChat showed a blockchain invoice project, and the blockchain invoice was issued at the International Trade Restaurant in the headquarters of Pengcheng. Of course, it must be> that those who have worked know how cumbersome the invoice reimbursement process is. Even electronic invoices have to be downloaded, printed, posted neatly and submitted to the financial review, and then wait one to several months to get the reimbursement. paragraph.

The blockchain invoice is not the case. After WeChat pays the bill, just apply for an invoice, put it in the card package, and then submit the reimbursement system from the card package, you can say: "I, WeChat, make money", and then wait for the reimbursement to enter> this The correct application of the blockchain is the correct application of the blockchain. Because the payment transaction is completed online, the transaction data can be distributed through the blockchain to the individual invoice systems of individuals, businesses, companies, and the tax bureau. Every link can be traced to the source, and blockchain information cannot be tampered with. What fake invoices, over-reporting and under-reporting? nonexistent!

The biggest help from this system is not individuals, but companies and tax bureaus, because the work of taxation personnel will become extremely easy, there will be no mistakes, and the money-making process will be very fast.

However, it is not easy for Chu Yuanxi to start a blockchain project, because after the hype of Bitcoin and a series of air coins in the previous year, the truly technical blockchain masters have already made a lot of money. It is very difficult to recruit such a strong person.

The original world Zhongxiaokang was a blockchain project launched at the end of 2016. At that time, Bitcoin was only 600, but at the end of 2017, it had been speculated to nearly 20,000. How much wealth would it have to create? And this is not the same as stocks and futures. When trading stocks and futures, big market makers can only rely on capital advantages to manipulate prices. In the Bitcoin trading market, technical experts are always the first to perceive the trend of skyrocketing and falling. In the trading market There is a little bit of foresight.

So I wanted to recruit technical experts by auctioning money. In 2018, it became an old revolution and encountered new problems. But it must be done, because like the car, the blockchain also represents the future. The reason why so many air coins have been hyped is precisely because this technology has unparalleled application prospects and convenience in the information society, which can greatly reduce social costs, not because it is not regulated and can be sold to Drug lords and arms dealers even use it to launder money.

Unfortunately, the sense of smell of capital is always the most sensitive, and most capitals are particularly interested in money laundering. This has made the blockchain technology misplaced. No one is keen on how to implement it. However, money laundering solutions are diverse. Finally, I cut a wave of leeks.

At least Chu Yuanxi knows an invincible way of money laundering ~ ~ that is-invest in a bit mine and buy a large amount of mining machines.

The mining machine is definitely a money laundering artifact, because it is completely legal, and even in some areas because of the power redundancy, they are happy to see the mine owners settling down on their own sites. Why? Because this is an industry, mining machines are fixed assets. Not only do people use electricity, they also pay taxes!

So how to launder money? Of course, it is domestically digging mines and going overseas to sell! Those who are rich and want to transfer assets in the country, such as the bosses of the free shipping area, had to lose their hair in the past to get to the underground bank, otherwise they could not escape the strictest supervision in the world, but now it is simple, buy a mining machine! How can you make some sense if you catch up with a good relationship? The key is that the mining machine can also help companies avoid tax by making losses through impairment, which is simply invincible!

Therefore, the country severely cracked down on all kinds of bit mines this year, so that the moths of this group of society were invisible!

These things are kept secret in some circles and will not be discussed publicly, but Chu Yuanxi has seen it in the original world, and there is no problem in doing things seriously, and he has very rich experience in dealing with crooked ways.

What he has to deal with now is Yuan Rong, this grandson engages in crooked ways every day, this time Chu Yuanxi has prepared a big set meal and will give it to him immediately!

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