Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 452: Social Network Law

Soon, Zhu Yan and Zhou Minxi received the toys and figurines sent by Yuan Rong, respectively, and prepared to bring the goods live.

Zhou Minxi didn't know much about the grievances of the rivers and lakes. Chu Yuanxi did what she said. Zhu Yan was different. He knew Yuan Rong was Yuan Du's father a long time ago!

As a witness of the Spring Festival KTV event, Zhu Yan felt completely unbelievable about Chu Yuanxi's "magnanimity". "Hey, did you know that this grandson was going to kill us at the beginning? You helped his father make money? You are so cold to make money! I don't want to get it for him."

Chu Yuanxi looked up at the sky again at a 45-degree angle, "Do you think I am so kind?"

"Then you still sign a contract with him?"

"Oh, I have explained this kind of thing to you now and you don't understand it. Just watch me perform it!" Chu Yuanxi said confidently, "He is quite beautiful after negotiating the contract, hehe, I don't know him. How did you come from doing business for so many years?"

This time, Yuan Rong made two big models, plush toys and figurines. Based on the principle of small profits but quick turnover, the price is not high, maintained at between 50 and 200 yuan, but the gross profit is still very impressive, because regardless of the hand The cost of running a plush toy is not high.

This is the situation where Chu Yuanxi strongly demands quality and quantity. All samples are shown to Chu Yuanxi personally after they are modeled, and they can be sold only after the quality and workmanship have been inspected. This time it was an IP derivative, Yuan Rong had to pay more attention to it, making a lot of money by shoddy, but Chu Yuanxi would never allow him to destroy the IP.

In fact, for toys, the best IP in China is science fiction, because science fiction toys are easier to sell at high prices. Whether it's a Transformer or a spaceship, the seemingly complicated workmanship makes it easy for users to recognize their added value, which dilutes the concept of pits and no pits. As for the plush toys, most people know that they are low cost and do not require any excellent workmanship. Therefore, it is difficult to sell even items that fans desire.

The main user of the figure is the otaku. For many fans of the dead house category, the figure of the two-dimensional idol can not stop the heart even if it is thousands of dollars, it is very easy to impulse consumption, or it is Otto. Fans of Man, Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc., can collect a set of different forms of Wukong.

However, "Animal Company" does not belong to these two categories, so it is a good deal for Yuan Rong and very low profit expectations for Chu Yuanxi. However, he is willing to do business that is not profitable. This time he wants to earn new users.

Soon, the TCG mobile game "Animal Company" first launched the event of opening a treasure box to send a limited number of hands. As long as you train the designated card to a specified level, you can receive a beautiful hand corresponding to the card. R roared and asked when the development team would launch Zhou Minxi Card. Zhou Minxi’s role has been ceremoniously added to the "Animal Company" article for a long time. As the human resources director of the animal company, he has to fight with several key employees every day and become a mess in this article.

It's a pity that Chu Yuanxi didn't authorize Yuan Rong to make Zhou Minxi's figure, otherwise he could really answer this question. He didn't want to consume Zhou Minxi's popularity prematurely, at least it was not worth making quick money.

After this wave of simple warm-ups, the same figure and toys will be brought into the live broadcast.

The effect of carrying goods is very obvious, especially Zhou Minxi's ability to carry goods is super strong. At this time, Zhou Minxi said that Chinese was already fluent, and because she was drawn into it, she was a loyal reader of "Animal Company" and was very familiar with the plot and the characters.

So when you bring the goods, you directly enter the role-playing mode, so that the water friends who have watched the comics are surprised to find that Zhou Minxi in the comics has come out! Under her lead, toys and figures like programmers, siege lions, etc. also came alive.

This effect made Yuan Rong too happy to close his legs. He actually left tens of thousands of goods in three days, and his gross profit rushed to 2 million! Even the goods in the warehouse are not enough to deliver, and the production speed cannot keep up with the sales?

This simply allowed him to enjoy the coolness of Yang's mother, and his reaction was extremely quick. Originally, he was cautious in his production. First, he made a batch of goods to see the situation and tasted the saltiness. As a result, the anxiety disappeared instantly. From the next day, he started to use the horsepower to greatly increase the production schedule, and then continuously transported to the foreign bases. Do it.

It is important to know that the scale of production of the hand-made has an absolute impact on the cost. The gross profit margin of producing 10,000 pieces and producing 100,000 pieces is very different. The rapid increase will not only stimulate sales, but also spur profit margins.

At this time, what he didn't know was that the rapid response was already taking shape. According to the laws of social media, the fast decay that followed was about to come, and he was still adding, adding, and then increasing!

The so-called law is the law that must be followed in any business, even in social networks. Regardless of axioms or laws, they exist objectively in this world, but a wise mind is needed to discover that the axioms of European geometry have lasted forever, but they were not summarized until Euclid.

Therefore, companies that do not understand the laws of social interaction abound, especially in the period when they just entered the mobile Internet era. One of the most typical representatives is the acquirer of the "You Draw I Guess" project.

This project achieved unprecedented success after being put on the Internet in early 2012. It recorded 50 million active users within 50 days, making Zynga of the United States ecstatic when it saw this explosive data, thinking that it had found its own destiny. Quickly and decisively acquired the development company Omgpop that you paint I guess at a price of 180 million US dollars.

Then Within 10 days after the acquisition of Lightning, the number of active users that you draw, I guess, dropped to below 5 million like an avalanche, and it was irreversibly returned to zero all the way. Two months later, Zynga claimed that the acquisition of Omgpop was a "rare case" and bought a bunch of employees with 180 million US dollars. Of course, it was rare...

There are many such examples. So, only when people ask what Zynga actually bought for 180 million, can they have a clever mind to sum up the law of fast decay in social networks-how fast it detonates, and how much exhaustion fast.

Zynga's lively rush to the street has awakened generations of Internet people, especially those engaged in social interactions. This is why Chu Yuanxi felt that Yuan Rong might not be able to pit him at first. What if he knew it too? This law is so famous!

However, Yuan Rong really didn't know.

So soon, Chu Yuanxi lowered his effort to bring goods.

In this kind of cooperation, the flow of fans is water, and the faucet is in the hands of Baren Entertainment. Chu Yuanxi is the initiator of the quick response. He has the final say when the faucet is turned off. Therefore, he needs to let the fast decay come faster, and it will give Yuan Rong a chance to breathe.

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