Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 453: Chu Yuanxi cheated like this

Yuan Rong was so happy that within a week, Spartan discovered that there was a large amount of hoarding on his side, the inventory skyrocketed, and the SKU turnover was going against the sky.

His expression collapsed instantly! He got the data and watched it for a long time, and then drove straight to Pakistani entertainment without saying a word.

However, before he started crying, Chu Yuanxi cried first: "Mr. Yuan——"

Yuan Rong was stunned, and his heart said, why are you crying? Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This product has not been sent, the fans have a lot of backlash."


"Because the models are too small." Chu Yuanxi said innocently, "Let's take two big models and a toy, more than ten small models, come and go to bring the goods, fans are arguing, ask if you have any What’s new? I can’t read the background messages. It’s as if the official account has been posted for a week, no one has read it. The data of our live broadcast is dropping, the Weibo official account The number of openings is plummeting—"

This is obviously nonsense, but Yuan Rong has no ability to verify these data anyway. He stood there blankly, and asked unequivocally: "What should I do?"

In fact, through this wave of activities, TCG mobile games have already made money, because the activities in the game stimulate the recharge. This month, there will be several million more turnovers, especially many non-Rs looked at themselves under the temptation of the hands. The card level that can be changed hands is cruelly embarked on the road of no return for recharging.

But Chu Yuanxi’s main goal has not yet been achieved, because Yuan Rong is just hoarding a lot of goods, but he hasn’t lost money yet. He has made a lot of money in the previous quick reaction, even if the existing hoarding cannot be sold at most. Just don't make money.

Yuan Rong’s current problem is that SKU is not well controlled, he does not understand supply chain management, he did not lose money, the squeezed inventory is not enough, and he does not cause substantial damage to his channels. If he doesn't lose money, he won't be able to operate according to Chu Yuanxi's expectations. Chu Yuanxi said that how inappropriate?

So he pretended to think hard and said, "Or, let's make a new one."

"New style?"

"Yes, stand up, have you done it?"

"I've heard of it but I haven't done it. Someone bought that stuff?"

"Yes." Chu Yuanxi slapped his thighs "excitedly". "The standing card is an Epoxy crystal card. Although the price is only 40 or 50, the cost is extremely low. If you open a mold and make a few thousand, the cost is only Two yuan each."

Yuan Rong frowned. His problem was that he did not have a production line and could not produce it himself, so he could only commission OEM. Of course, this kind of foundry is very sufficient, and it takes three or four days to do it with his network, mainly for contract.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This derivative product, I have never sold it. I don't know why the sales fluctuates so much. However, there is a trough and a peak. What do you think of each other and stimulate each other? There are a lot of profitable people."

Yuan Rong's primary goal at this time is to make money, and making money is the only pursuit. After all, the large shipments of the previous two days are still vivid. Although I don't know why suddenly no one bought it, but I think it's not a problem with Pakistani entertainment. Because he has been staring at the promotion of the Pakistani people, all the ones that should be pushed are pushing, and he didn't see any major problems. At the same time, the Pakistani people have been stable these days, and no one has collapsed the fans. Kind of bad luck.

Therefore, he first looked for problems in himself, and Chu Yuanxi's suggestion was in line with his expectation of continuing to make a lot of money, so he listened to three points first. Risk and profit, these two words are constantly swaying on Yuan Rong's balance sheet, and the mood of chasing profit in the end made him decide to follow goodwill after grit his teeth.

Seeing Yuan Rong leaving excitedly, Chu Yuanxi was amused. This kind of fast reaction effect can finally reflect the long tail effect, or mathematically speaking, the final total income is the area enclosed by the fast reaction curve and the coordinate axis, which is a calculus "integral" "Instead of the height of that peak. Therefore, the long-term height and descent rate of the long tail are important, and this is the source of IP, which is what Pakistani Entertainment can stimulate.

So Chu Yuanxi felt that as long as he was stimulated slightly, Yuan Rong would see sales pick up. If he thinks, his confidence should be doubled?

He hurried to the operations department again. With Yuan Rong doing the licensing, he is expected to hand in his gun in a week, and then the time for the operation department to perform.

Because it is a temporary job recruitment, there are so many people recruited this time, to the point that Pakistani Entertainment does not have that many jobs for them.

Therefore, Liao Xingxing had to rent a venue for temporary training for the newcomers. At this time, Liao Xingxing finally knew the next task. He had to go to a few university towns designated by Chu Yuanxi to push the "Animal Company", so he needed locals, preferably local university graduates.

The actions behind it all depended on Liao Xingxing, and Chu Yuanxi was beyond the reach of going outside. Because of this, Liao Xingxing was almost exhausted this week. The recruits needed training, and then a series of offline activities had to make an event plan. During the day, there was a shortage of time to pee.

Chu Yuanxi needs to go out to meet these new temporary workers in person, accompanied by He Nami.

On the way, He Nami was inexplicable: "Why do you want to see them? Are they all temporary workers?"

"Temporary workers are not condoms, so just throw them away when you run out." Chu Yuanxi said that you still want to be the CEO of Pakistani Entertainment. At the beginning, He Namei mentioned this matter and Chu Yuanxi refused to say it but Chu Yuanxi knew that she had never given up this unrealistic idea.

For a company, whether it is a current employee, a former employee or a temporary worker, even a security guard or a cleaning lady, they all carry the genes of the company. This situation is not visible when it is normal, but the impact is invisible.

For example, in May of this year, a startup company in Zhangjiang District, the magic capital, broke its capital chain and immediately closed down. As a result, a cleaning lady gave out 6 million cash to the company to take a bite. Did Procter & Gamble's Wisdom Eyes discover the potential value of this company? It is because she likes the atmosphere of this company and does not want to see it break up. Of course, the key lies in the fact that she is a demolisher of the World Expo and has eight suites in her hands.

This is the power of the company's genes. Of course He Nami definitely doesn't understand.

Chu Yuanxi and He Namei both sat in the back of Didi and glanced with their heads tilted, and found that what she was reading on her phone seemed to be news from the currency circle? Squint, fuck! Has the currency circle been talking about big things again?

Just today, on August 22, relevant departments suddenly took action to rectify the We Media in the currency circle. Golden Finance, Huobi Information, Cannon Ratings, Deep Chain Finance, and even the Wu Jie blockchain, which is constantly gossiping, were all blocked!

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