Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 454: Film adaptation

It is said that the We Media, which has a slightly larger influence in the currency circle, were not spared today, and it seems that they have been pulled on the list long ago. Among them, the Wu Jie blockchain is very eye-catching, because there have always been rumors that this self-media belongs to the first person of the Celestial blockchain, and is also the founder of Block Continental, and Block Continental is ready to trade in Xiangjiang It is said that the IPO application will be submitted next month.

At this time, suddenly such a thing happened, and Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt very interesting. I don't know how Wu feels now? Can his $50 billion valuation be maintained?

It’s not too much to watch the excitement. He slapped haha ​​and asked, "Do your friends in the currency circle have any inside stories?"

"Yes, but I won't tell you." He Namei gave Chu Yuanxi a blank look, and she couldn't help but measure it, because her friend gave her a very interesting proposal.

Soon Chu Yuanxi rushed to the training site, and the 40-odd people would be divided into four groups in a week to refresh "Animal World". Of course, the specific time is to be determined. It depends on how long Yuan Rong takes before handing in his gun. It will take about two weeks? So, we have to encourage him to do more standing cards...

Liao Xingxing saw that Chu Yuanxi had arrived and immediately organized the people. When Chu Yuanxi stood on the stage, he immediately started speaking: "Brothers, I am Chu Yuanxi, the boss of Pakistani Entertainment. I have a few words to tell you. Say."

Hearing the whispering voice from below became smaller, he smiled, "Someone asked you to ask our brothers not to give us a formal contract. Is it too hypocritical? No, my brothers have to settle accounts. I'm here today. It’s just to introduce the status of Pakistani Entertainment’s operations and the feasibility for you to become a regular employee. In fact, there is nothing too complicated about this matter. It is the same for Lao Liao, but I say it more credibly."

Chu Yuanxi glanced around quickly, and she really focused a lot of attention: "Baren Entertainment will have operational needs for a long time in the future, especially the operation of offline activities, which is also a business you are engaged in or will be engaged in. .

But just in terms of offline operations, it is impossible to need a team of more than forty people, because after all, we are still a small company with not so many projects. In the future, the company's projects will gradually increase, and then more and more operations will be required, and this is an explosive event.

After this event is over, if you are willing to stay and perform well, the company will get regular as needed. Then, for those who have not been converted, the company will also give rewards based on your performance in addition to the basic salary. The point is coming! "

At this time, Liao Xingxing gave a cheer in time: "What reward? Why don't I even know?"

"DKP rewards, I don’t know if you understand the DKP reward system of Pakistani Entertainment, which is probably used in exchange for the company’s various benefits. If you don’t understand, I will send a document to Liao Xingxing. This time, because of its special nature. , I also added a DKP discount option for you, which is equivalent to a bonus. Of course, you can also exchange for other benefits without discounting."

As Chu Yuanxi said, the conversation changed: "But don't be too busy to be happy. This reward depends on your performance. The first level is the exam."

There was a buzzing noise suddenly below.

Without waiting to ask questions, Chu Yuanxi directly announced: "How to take the test, I will tell everyone. The content director of the company, Ms. Zhou Minxi, will give the questions, all of which are related to the plot, characters, TCG card gameplay and mobile games of "Animal Company". Content. This test is taken before departure and the results will be announced after returning. As promoters, you must be very familiar with the IP of "Animal Company". This requirement is not excessive, right?"

Standing in the audience, Liao Xingxing admired him very much, saying that Chu Yuanxi was so bad that he sucked! But in this way, the team's combat effectiveness must have soared. Originally, a large part of the so-called training is the content of the IP to be promoted. If even the local push team itself does not understand this IP, it is unlikely to be able to push even in the university town.

However, when he recruited people, he had already deliberately biased to recruit job seekers who had heard of this IP. Among them, 20% were fans of "Animal Company". Chu Yuanxi only strengthened the rigid requirements in this regard.

After working on this matter, Chu Yuanxi ushered in a rare and relaxing period. The company's various businesses are steadily advancing, and there is no need to blend in. The only things that need attention are Monica’s IGTV account and Zhou Minxi’s universe. National tiktok account only.

As a result, two days before the melon was eaten, Chu Yuanxi suddenly noticed that someone was doing a show! Because he has been paying attention to the entertainment industry for more than half a year, he now habitually reads some entertainment news, so he found that Xu Caikun rushed to the iTunes list without a problem, and brushed his new song to the top of the total list. One!

You know that Apple's music chart is very authoritative, almost tied to the bulletin board. The bulletin board Billboard is the official evaluation of the music media, and the iTunes download list reflects the influence of fans.

Then Xu Caikun’s operation team made efforts to repost 100 million reposts of Xu Caikun’s gratitude and excitement in order to be the number one on iTunes.

It is a pity that there was a tragedy in Wenzhou that day. Another girl, Didi Taxi, was killed by the driver, only three months after the flight attendant case.

This incident caused a huge social repercussions, and it was much more important than the **** horse Kun, so that he was killed by Apple the next day no one cared about it.

Also on the 25th Yuanxi ushered in a film and television company, and the other party took the initiative to come to negotiate the adaptation of the film and television drama "A Windfall".

Zhongzheng Film and Television, which is an A-share listed company, is very powerful. It focuses on TV dramas. In recent years, the most famous is a TV drama with online games.

Recently, there are not a few who are interested in negotiating the film and television series of "Troubled Times".

There are shell companies, most of which are named after XX media. At first glance, they are like buying and reselling copyrights. It has delayed Chu Yuanxi a lot of time because he has to do a background check, right? This kind of company is the most strenuous to do back-tuning, because they have no works, so it is difficult to check!

The name XX film and television is much stronger. At least some works can be retrieved as the "producer". Of course, most of them are co-producers. The moisture here is almost the same as sponge, because as long as you participate in the investment, you can hang this name.

What Chu Yuanxi wanted was a powerful film and television company, but in the past two years, the number of domestic film and television companies could not be more than 10,000. The good and the bad are uneven, and it is very easy to win the eye. For example, should a listed company have strength? Isn't it the matter that Youzu stocked up the copyright of "Three Body" and didn't shoot it?

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