Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 740: Torrent of times

Parking piles are the biggest problem encountered in Milestone 1. On the contrary, the negotiation that Chu Yuanxi thought would be difficult is relatively simple, that is, the negotiation with the supply channel.

When the original world was doing well-off, it was also because the initial volume was too small. The scale of more than a dozen stores was so small that it was inseparable from the mom-and-pop shop. The large suppliers were ignorant of it, and Xiaokang was very concerned about the packaging. The food requirements are quite high, and I hope to replenish the goods many times in the day, and I get a lot of eyes.

The result may be due to the severe economic cold. Even the large-scale convenience store chain like Quanshi has begun to withdraw or shrink the business scope, making Xiaokang quickly responded to the demand after it has been raised, and the momentum that you want the goods and you have the final say has become The easiest link to solve.

In addition, other issues are internal issues of the company, such as the R&D progress issues of the five IT teams, such as the logistics system and the fresh food processing plant, and so on. Milestone 1 is only a few days away, and it just ends.

Speaking of it, Xiaokang has five IT teams, but in fact there are more than five, because the APP team is a very large team. For example, the riding module and payment transaction module can actually be used as a team in terms of scale.

In this milestone, the cycling module is the top priority, because once the other modules are available, they can’t be online. Riding alone is not possible. Bicycles are the face of a well-off. It is a must to win customers and also to gain popularity. Go online at a time.

This is why Su Gu was appointed as the leader of the entire APP team. He is an expert in cycling.

However, the cycling of Milestone 1 is obviously too late to develop a complete cycling with map function.

Mobile phone maps look very common, but they are actually very complicated. There are more than a dozen common configurations for background functions, such as navigation, geocoding, and positioning. Therefore, if you want to be large and comprehensive, the R&D cost is very high, and it will not bring direct benefits, basically it is either for self-use or toB. If you really want to do a good job and complete it, investing more than one billion a year is very common, and it is a luxury that is destined to be played only by giants.

It would be very cheap if Xiaokang only did the cycling function, because only two or three of the functions need to be intercepted. A large number of shared bicycle entrepreneurs that emerged around 2016 did this. However, Xiaokang still needs to produce high-quality online content, and the requirements for map functions are relatively high. Although it does not need to be complete, it is expected that the total development and procurement expenditure will exceed 100 million yuan as a command-type direction of burning money.

This is regarded as the content cost that must be paid for online content, and it is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi proposed a round of Pre_A first. After all, in the original world, Chu Yuanxi had Zheng De's one billion in his hand at the start, but now the money on the account is not that much, and he needs to do more detailed work. However, Xiaokang's complete map function can be launched at Milestone 4, but it does not have to be launched now.

Therefore, the current riding rhythm is to go all out to build wheels if you have money in the account. At this stage, save as much as possible. The way to save is to connect to another SDK.

There are four good domestic maps: Penguin, Baidu, Gaode and NavInfo. The best choice is Gaode. Technically, Baidu and Gaode are basically the same, but Baidu's SDK is not easy to connect.

For this timetable, after a milestone of research and development, each project team has basically found their own rhythm, at least in Chu Yuanxi's view, they have found a rhythm, and there is great hope for completing it on schedule, so he is more comfortable.

But the arena is surging, and people dare not feel comfortable.

First of all, two months have passed, Baidu's one billion Spring Festival Gala red envelope effect has been able to conclude, staged the strongest black humor in the history of the world Internet.

The time goes back to the beginning of January.

If we use fantasy novels to describe the social state of the Great Tian Dynasty, it is probably more appropriate to define it as a "humane torrent", and this torrent has an explosive rhythm, and the biggest node is the annual Spring Festival. Among the leaders, one is the Spring Festival and the other is the Spring Festival Gala.

In the Spring Festival Gala in recent years, officials like to interact with Internet giants and give the audience red envelopes in the show. The penguin has gone up and down, and Ali has gone up too, and it has gone down as well. This year it is Baidu's turn. The point is that Robin Lee received the bid on January 4, and February 4 is New Year’s Eve, leaving only one month for Baidu’s iron-head siege lions.

At that time, Chu Yuanxi was busy with the group reorganization of the Ba people and preparing for the start of a well-off society. There was no time to eat melons, but now there is. Recall that Baidu took the red envelope that once beat the crying penguin and defeated Ali's CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Facing the humane torrent of the mountains and the tsunami, he stopped, and his knees were not bent? It's a miracle!

Chu Yuanxi couldn’t imagine how Baidu’s super-smashing lions stood up, because Ali’s cloud is stronger than Baidu’s, and Ali’s APP is more concise and capable than Baidu’s. Moreover, Ali started preparing for it three months earlier last year. Kneel down in the torrent and call Dad.

On the other hand, Baidu, as the most chaotic APP in history, is the label of Family Bucket. The user login system is more paper-like than Penguin Ali. Once the app is opened, it needs to traverse the Family Bucket and send 100 requests, which is almost flawed. How is it possible in a month? It is impossible to deploy cloud resources alone, and the server cannot be delivered in a single month on site!

However, Baidu’s supernatural siege lions took exactly one month to solve all the problems, optimize the APP, deploy cloud resources in place, and even stop the information flow and advertising system in order to support the Spring Festival Gala. . How bold and productive people are, this red envelope was finally sent safely to more than one billion users across the country, moving CCTV to tears!

However, the siege lion can't solve the problem on behalf of the product manager, no matter how supernatural.

Nowadays, a mobile browser has its own search, which greatly weakens Baidu’s status in the arena, while other products are not very powerful, and bad content can neither occupy the user’s time nor make it effective. Demand, a thousand words in one sentence, cannot keep users.

Therefore, in the past two months, all the efforts of the Super God Siege Lions have turned into a negative 2 billion financial hole. The red envelope did not bring any positive effects, making Baidu's Q1 a rare and huge loss.

If this melon only has a police role in the industry, the next one is social. In the pulse, Dagudong’s employees broke the news. Qiangdong made the strongest voice since returning to China in a low-key manner. In his internal letter, he emphasized that three types of people should be cleaned up: those who cannot fight, those with poor performance, and those with low cost performance. People, people who mess around are not my brothers!

Thus was born a hot word of the year-Schrodinger's brother. You are all my brothers, but I can't recognize who is a brother blindly!

Inside Xiaokang, Yuan Mu saw this news with mixed flavors. Chu Yuanxi made a prediction a month ago. At that time, Gou Dong handed over a bad financial report. After reading the financial report, Chu Yuanxi immediately predicted it-Qiang Dong Brother must zoom in!

I just didn't expect this trick...

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