Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 741: Li Jingfei jumps off the car

This big move is not over yet.

In fact, Yuan Mu has long understood Goudong’s changes at this level, and even the CXO level has left several consecutively. How could he not move? It’s just that I didn’t expect Qiangdong to put the company’s business logic problems on the employees’ work output, and soon announced the New Deal. A few days later, on April 8, it was announced that the basic salary of the courier would be cancelled and the package included Performance and lowering the ratio of provident fund are in line with industry standards.

Over the past few years, Big Dog East’s courier salaries have indeed been significantly higher, and they have also provided the highest standards of service in the logistics industry. Now it is like a real compromise. It’s just that, Goudong is proud to burn money for more than ten years of logistics. It is no different from ordinary logistics companies. I don’t know that it took such a long time to burn so much money to burn a family. What is the price/performance ratio for an ordinary logistics company?

Of course, from the perspective of breaking the monopoly of Guangchang County's bigwigs on the national logistics industry, the effect is obvious.

During this period of time, the domestic self-media circle was also constantly agitated. First, the Internet celebrity company by the West Lake officially ringed the bell on the Nasdaq. It directly broke 37% of the hair that day. By the 8th, it was almost cut. Then the "fascinated sheep", known as the first stock of medical aesthetics, will also submit a prospectus on Nasdaq.

This sheep is not an ordinary sheep, it is a model that most of the Chinese media should learn from. First aim at the subdivision of the track, and then find the correct business logic. At a glance, you can see a sufficiently high ceiling and profit expectations, a sufficiently deep moat, and finally rely on professionalism to push the content to death, and push the content category. In the end, it brought extremely huge profits. In 2018, the sales volume of medical aesthetics reached a staggering 2.1 billion, and the sales channel alone was softened.

This is definitely a perfect combination between professional content masters and professional commercial masters. When this combination produces a good chemical effect rather than a tear, it can bear fruit without any excessive capital operation.

Seeing other people raising funds, Chu Yuanxi also wanted to complete Pre_A as soon as possible, especially as Milestone 2 was about to begin. What surprised him was that the newly met investors were enthusiastic, but Li Jingfei and Modu Syndicate were not active. The feedback from Yuan Mu was that they were not willing to participate in well-off financing.

Forget about the Demon Capital Syndicate, coming or not will not affect Chu Yuanxi's mood, but Li Jingfei didn't want to participate, he was really surprised. To know that the financing amount of 150 million is divided into many institutions, in fact, Li Jingfei can't get much. Chu Yuanxi thought he closed his eyes and patted his head and voted.

Unexpectedly, Li Jingfei said on the phone: "I would rather see you make something and catch up, rather than bargaining the bottom when you have nothing. I can wait for you to raise funds in August and September before entering, even A+ It’s okay to get in when I’m in, right?"

What else can Chu Yuanxi say? It's just that this is too far from the original world. Could it be that the original world was auctioned for fund money, and now he is going to shoot his own money, so he is more cautious? However, he did not enter the original world at the beginning.

This kind of thing can’t be persuaded stubbornly. Whenever it involves paying money from other people’s pockets, Chu Yuanxi persuaded him at most once or twice, and more will become persecution, let alone “I’m doing it for you. You make money" this promise. Especially for people like Li Jingfei with a particularly strong head, persuasion is useless.

Just listen to Li Jingfei asking: "In addition, I heard Aunt Xu Xin talked about your Alipay social theory. After listening to the co-authoring for a long time, it is hypothetical? Is there anything real?"

Chu Yuanxi knew that Li Jingfei was about to lift the bar. Lifting the bar was the joy of his life. Fortunately, he was just an iron head at work, not a bar head.

But when you ask about social, you ask the right person! Chu Yuanxi gave him a "haha": "There are real things, I said Alipay so thoroughly, you still suspect that it is really unacceptable to teach! I will ask you in the era of the three major portals, your village Is it online yet?"

"I have always been from the city, okay? I have experienced that era."

Huh? Li Jingfei didn't even start a round of bargaining? Chu Yuanxi was puzzled and said, "Back then, the three major portal websites all provided search functions at the same time, don't you know? There was no Baidu at that time. Why did Baidu, which appeared later, come from behind?

Is the search of the three major portals ineffective? It's really not as powerful as Baidu, but it's not much worse. At that time, Baidu search had no other functions, no image search, no products such as Baike Post Bar Knowing, just search, everyone was not good at it, so it was not the main reason.

The main reason is that Baidu is a pure search engine, there is nothing messy except search, so users just open Baidu whenever they want to search. The three major portals insert the search into the homepage at a small corner. You are the user. What do you want to search when you want to search? Obviously open Baidu.

Is this a real thing?

The same chat partner has him on Alipay and also on WeChat. Do you open Alipay or WeChat to find him? WeChat is dedicated to finding people to communicate, but Alipay is not. This is why the Alipay app cannot play social networking. How simple is it? "

"Oh, oh, okay." Li Jingfei didn't know what to do on the phone, not at all like his usual aggressiveness.

Huh? Why doesn't he raise the bar? Chu Yuanxi couldn't help being curious: "What are you doing? Why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"Make a I am going to vote for a social team, and then I will give some comments."

Chu Yuanxi almost squirted out a sip of hot tea, saying that he was indeed an iron-headed baby. He dared to join the social team these years. Didn't he see how Daddy Long wielded a 40-meter sword or felt his neck was hard enough? But on second thought, I didn't have any position to criticize others, because I was a typical stiff neck.

On the phone, Li Jingfei waited for a while, and sighed: "It's unexpected and reasonable that you didn't persuade me. Everyone advises me not to socialize, but you have a vision!"

Chu Yuanxi said that I have a fart look! Do you feel the praise from netizens? I haven't said anything yet! In other words, how about telling him about the well-off society?

But Chu Yuanxi held back after thinking about it. Secrecy is the root cause of failure, or not to mention it? Many times there is a price to help others. If you don’t help, your friends are morally owed, but you owe yourself to yourself. Everyone has their own scale in their hearts.

As for Xu Xin, Xu Xin is a well-known industry leader with a trust halo. Compared with Xu Xin, Li Jingfei has a leek stem and a sickle demon.

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