Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 745: Fortune-telling theory (two/five) seeking monthly pass

   During this period of time, Milestone 1 of Xiaokang has been successfully concluded. Milestone 2 is relatively simple. The online part is for testing the development of the membership system, and the AI ​​vision-related applications are easily tested. The offline part is ready to open a shop cart. Among them, the head office opened a store in advance without bicycles as a pilot, allowing the staff to rotate to adjust to the state to find a feeling, and also to test the membership system.

These things are simple to say and you need to pay attention to details and process. In short, this head office is selected in a slightly remote community with a moderate flow of people and not too much, but it is definitely enough as a test. It opened quietly under the auspices.

   Chu Yuanxi also ran to buy a few things as a customer, and then found that the alley was so deep and the discount was so strong that only people in a few nearby communities were moved by the wind.

Xiaokang’s membership system is divided into two levels. The first level is called registered members. As long as you register, you can get a stack of coupons, cycling coupons and discounts on shopping. The second level is paid members, and you can enjoy member discounts and discounts during the payment period. Random paid discount promotions, and the benefits of free cycling.

   This system is the basic structure of the entire well-off society. All online content, mobile payments, including currency circulation, etc., are circulated within this unpretentious system. So it seems unremarkable, but there are so many interfaces that have been buried inside, and it must be tested for a period of time before it dares to hit the road.

   During this period of time, there are still flying melons both domestically and internationally. For example, on April 10, the international astronomy community made a major achievement, and the black hole finally washed out the photos, which invigorated the world and was regarded as a major progress in human history.

   Then the copyright of this photo was taken over by a certain company and claimed responsibility for it. This official announcement stirred up thousands of waves and inspired countless people who eat melons. The next day they dug up another major achievement of the company. They also announced that the copyright of the national flag and emblem is in my possession.

   That is, the company does not engage in music copyright, otherwise the national anthem is also theirs.

   Many things happened at the same time on this day. For example, at the end of the NBA regular season, Popovich became the head coach with the most wins in the NBA. Several major players who have witnessed the memory of a generation also announced their retreat on this day. The wolf snake led the Buddha to the west, the demon sword returned to its sheath and the lightning went out. How many legends have ended, there are no old drivers in the arena.

   As a result, I haven't finished sighing here yet. On the British side, Wikipedia Assange was arrested by Scotland Yard police from the Ecuadorian embassy. Compared with the stars in the sports world, this is a true legend, a legendary hacker, a legendary cat, and a person who can spend billions of money without taking care of it. There are fewer and fewer people like this now.

It just so happens that in the country, there is also a person who has handled billions of money and did not care about his heart. He regretted that Ali’s Jack Ma turned into a blessing leader, and followed Qiang Dong’s brotherhood, calling on young people from a peculiar perspective. People rushed to fight while they were young, and caused a stir in the arena.

   At the same time, Qiangdong’s business is not over yet, and the other party initiates a civil lawsuit in the United States. The law in the United States is different from that in the country. Criminal and civil are separate. If a criminal case is not filed, it does not mean that the civil is not liable. Therefore, Qiangdong still has a lot of messy things waiting for him, like a footnote to his brotherhood.

  So many major events are reflected on the Internet, of course, it is impossible to have no splashes, especially the Internet is the fastest reaction catalyst.

   Then, when the Pakistani people held the annual meeting and "sexy president draws cars online", Chu Yuanxi also defined the struggler, and spent a lot of space to define the "inefficient struggler". At that time, although this remark also caused a little splash in the public opinion, some industry leaders laughed at this person for not being beaten by reality, but it passed quickly, and I did not expect it to become a hot word on the Internet two months later. It was also turned out and re-spread by someone with a heart. After some processing, it still received a lot of likes on platforms such as Douyin Kuaishou.

   This incident made Chu Yuanxi very angry, because these likes and fans obviously belonged to the Ba people, but they were stolen. Lu Yu, who should be doing this, is still in Hengdian, and the one who is playing Zheng High is not in the imperial capital for the time being. It was too late when he wanted to do it!

   As a result, some media came to the company for an interview and blocked Chu Yuanxi, and asked straightforwardly: what should you think of the struggler, the struggler, and the low-efficiency struggler? Please comment on Mr. Chu.

   "What else is there to evaluate?" Chu Yuanxi hurried away, "Anyway, our company is not fighting hard."

   "No, no, it's mainly because your'low-efficiency struggler' is now causing a certain degree of public opinion, and many people are discussing it. Don't you know? Didn't you say that you like to embrace public opinion? Just say a few words?"

In fact, Chu Yuanxi still respects this kind of new media with out-of-home interview business. The newness of new media is actually reflected in the low cost. The reason for the low cost is that there is no such business that requires overhead. I washed the manuscripts and pictures of other people's first-line interviews, and reorganized an article based on the keyboard man's perspective, so it was new.

Therefore, he is more tolerant to this media girl: "The difference between a fighter and a fighter is that they both work A fighter who dares to take money and fights against it. Don’t you want to take it? Be more confident. Why are you confident? Because you have technology, gold collar, and struggle is only a blue collar, you can replace it at any time, so you have no confidence, you have to fight for yourself and call on others to fight together, in order to show yourself to get the company's appreciation."

   "Then why didn't the Pakistani people fight hard?"

"Our company does not have such a person because I have already stated it clearly, and I don't appreciate such a person. Our company has flat management, upward and downward efficiency, so there is no. The point of struggle is that the boss is not aware of it in the environment of struggle and violence. When it comes to your struggle, do you understand the truth? A company that is struggling to be rampant cannot be flat-managed, and there is no need to pay more. The boss has money and time and is very happy. Why pay attention to struggling?"

   "What about the inefficient struggler?"

"As for low-efficiency fighters, they should follow the trend. You can understand them as the'struggled'. There are some skills but not much confidence, so he has to follow others to fight. I hope they spend their time. Become a real struggler in yourself, so that you can take a lot of money, and the company’s price-performance ratio is also high, which is a win-win situation. When I'm done, I can let me go, right?"

   As a result, these words were put on the Internet, and countless people looked at them with magnifying glasses. Then compare it with the words of the blessing teacher, and you can pick out the problem if nothing happens.


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