Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 746: Slobber in the air (Wednesday/Friday) Ask for monthly pass

On the other side, Facing the turbulent public opinion and various one-sided and biased interpretations of his remarks, the leader of the blessing could not be silent, so he quickly explained on another forum that this is a tribute to the strugglers, and once again Interpret the yearning for the 996 work system.

   Suddenly, the media people rushed to Pakistani entertainment like chicken blood, because during this period of time, although the Internet ridiculed, but there are both theoretical and logical, and the power of communication is wide, Chu Yuanxi is the first! The key point is that the two people's arguments can be understood as completely opposite, or they can be seen as having a lot in common. The two words of Lu can be seen from whom.

  Chu Yuanxi saw so many microphones handed over, the gentleman from the society, and he said that you are not cheating me? I don't want to attract any dad's attention now! A bright light like a well-off, a day of diving is a day.

However, considering that the Pakistani Group has a valuation of about 30 billion yuan, it is impossible not to attract attention. Even if the fathers do not pay attention, it is impossible for the war investment team under his father to not pay attention, and Xiaokang has shouted again. With the slogan of 300 billion, there is no need to deceive yourself.

  The so-called “sacking the enemy and losing the horse”, compared to the two worlds, the Pakistanis in this world are the boosters of a well-off society. They are an advantage not in the original world, but they are also more attractive, which is not conducive to lurking in the dark and then raiding. So Chu Yuanxi has nothing to do with stage fright.

   The last time the girl asked him: Should I pay tribute to the struggler.

   This question is very difficult to answer. Whether you answer it or not, you can produce a lot of saliva. If you answer no, it is to fight the blessing teacher and be placed in the tank position. The answer should be, maybe even Chu Yuanxi's wind commentary will be brought down and put on the same hat as the leader of Fubao.

   You must know that during this period of time, the hat of the blessing leader has not been worn less. It is called a symbol of capital, how should Chu Yuanxi answer? Chu Yuanxi's answer is: "Your level of this question is too low, right? Should you pay tribute to different people. Do you know that there are three types of fighters in me. Which one do you want me to pay tribute to? He gave out money, and each took what he needed. We salute each other, right? I have been suppressing low-efficiency fighters. I definitely don't pay tribute, right? You improve yourself first, and become a qualified person as soon as possible. . Struggle is in urgent need of care, lack of the ability to improve themselves, to help them improve, rather than busy paying tribute. I finished saying goodbye."

   When many interviewers took a look, they wiped it out. He wants to confuse this question. How can this work? However, Chu Yuan Xifei also fled Yuan Mu's car and drove away.

Today is April 16th, which is the time for Zheng De to internally discuss the investment proposal for "Late Night Gallery". After Chu Yuanxi deliberately laid out his plan, he finally adjusted the situation back to the right track. It was time for him to make a move today, so I have to meet Yuan Jing. You also have to see how Fang Shiling signed the contract before you can continue to recruit. The contract was just passed to him.

In the car, Yuan Muchun was proud. During this period of time, the well-off Pre_A has been completed, 150 million yuan has been paid, Xu Xin led the investment of 60 million, Zheng De followed 40 million, and the rest was divided among others. The balance was just right. All things are considered satisfactory, let her complete an Okr.

   She was sitting in the driving seat, fastened her seat belt, and looked at the rear-view mirror. Chu Yuanxi was sitting in the back seat and looking at the contract with her laptop. "Hey, do you really think so? Why have I never seen you help to improve?"

   "Because I don't have this, but Yang Jiangang should have it. It's time to take care of it." Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to talk about this topic anymore, because some things were hard to say.

   In fact, fighting is a role similar to a thief, which seriously damages the employment environment. Not to mention whether foreign workers work inefficiently overtime, even if they work 12 hours a day and output the workload efficiently, they are also thief, because this is an obvious act of lowering the hourly wage.

   When the boss sees that the hourly salary can be reduced to two-thirds or even half of the current salary, he is definitely unwilling to continue to pay according to the current standard. This is human nature. Over time, vicious competition will form. The end result is that what should have been done by two jobs is forced by one person to do it, and one employment position is directly eliminated, causing a crit on the employment rate.

   But Chu Yuanxi can't say such things anyway, even in private chat is not convenient, because he is a job creation person.

   However, even if you don’t say it, a new media person who is still thinking about it after the interview will not let him go so easily. Although people run away, we can play freely!

   So when Chu Yuanxi arrived at Zheng De, there was already a tuple of freshly published manuscripts on the Internet, interpreting both positive and negative sides, and seeing Chu Yuanxi on the opposite side of the Fubao leader.

   Chu Yuanxi only noticed that he was going to be put on the fire after receiving the news from the rear, and said that this group of grandchildren was looking for death? This is deliberately trying to trigger Jack Ma’s saliva in the air. Is it because the Pakistani people’s Weibo hasn’t been sprayed for so long that they are forgotten? Beware of my lawyer's letter warning!

Speaking of the lawyer's letter, two days in advance, on April 12, Xu Caikun took up legal weapons and launched an attack on station B, where he was almost the only real source of traffic, and then posted the lawyer's letter, as if Letter from the lawyer = the appearance of winning the case.

In the end, I didn’t expect that most people would be stunned when they saw the lawyer’s letter, but station B was a company that just went public on the Nasdaq in March, and there are too many things that have been eaten. You are not afraid of the environment, why are you afraid of aquatic products? As a result, there was a gun-to-gun and knife-to-knife at station B, and he went back head-on, saying "The lawyer's letter has been received after being forwarded by enthusiastic netizens", and the stock price skyrocketed.

This of course will irritate Xu Caikun’s fans, so an eye-popping scene appeared. When they wanted to go to station B to make trouble, they were surprised to find that it was not easy to register at station B. They had to pass a sulky answer test. They are allowed to become registered users, and they basically take the test-no-pass!

   This mechanism is so witty that a large number of Taobao shops on Taobao to answer the B station, and then large transactions of B station with a unit of 10,000 yuan appeared.

Uncle Shengjiao Tu was excited about the incident, and they yelled to sell their accounts. Only Zhu Yan felt that Xu Caikun fans were so pitiful, but the uncle Sheng said: "They are worthy of pity? Their parents are pitiful. OK?"

As a result, Chu Yuanxi just wanted to make a call to the Pakistani legal affairs, but he did not expect that Xinhua News Agency published an article signed "Xin Zhiping": The 996 work system enforced by some companies is for overdraft health and the future. If it cannot be effectively guaranteed The interests of employees, if they ignore their wishes and their physical and mental health, and even make them unable to get even overtime pay for their hard work, this is precisely the harm to the strugglers and a misunderstanding of the spirit of struggle.

  In an instant, all the voices on the Internet died down, like a coffin board...


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