Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 748: No longer are there but there are always legends

   Yes, this is the update after the legendary exemption, which exceeds 10,000 words today. You know I'm asking for a monthly pass, right? Actually subscribe what I asked for hahaha...


   But Du Shuang naturally wants to consider Fang Shiling. In her contract with Tai Shantai, the conditions for termination are very vague. Contracts with official attributes are usually the case. The more vague, the greater the room for interpretation. So what if there is a sudden convulsion in Taishan Terrace?

   Zheng De's request was that Fang Shiling would pay 2.4 million shares to the whole once the project was terminated. Or Fang Shiling can also choose to liquidate Zheng De's shares, but the conditions for winding up require Zheng De to elect. You can choose 35 million yuan in cash, or sell it at the valuation at the time of the liquidation, Fang Shiling needs to find the picker.

   After all, no one can stipulate that "Late Night Gallery" cannot increase its valuation against the trend when the variety show is liquidated, right? What if other **** is gone? Zheng De wants to retain the right to sell more than 35 million.

   The second milestone is the completion of all preparations for the project, that is, the start of shooting. This clause is very similar to the "non-financial performance" in common clauses. According to the time in the contract with Taishantai, the auction should start at the end of September, so this milestone is directly set on October 15. If the auction has not started for more than half a month, a ratchet of 1 million shares will be triggered on the grounds of major uncertainty in the project. This 1 million is included in the 2.4 million shares of the contract termination compensation package.

   This is a bit stricter, mainly due to timing. But Du Shuang did not intend to argue, because, is there a difference between a half-month grace period and a one-month grace period? It's just a variety show. It took half a year. If the project goes well, the shooting will start before October and the shooting will be rich. If it doesn't go well, why is it half a month away if it is so coincidental? What is deadline? After this time, he died, and life and death must be completed. Du Shuang was also found out in the IP circle. He has never eaten pork and seen pigs running, so it is not necessary.

   The first milestone is not to hand over the Taiwanese but to determine the share value. According to Taishan Terrace’s contract, the Taiwanese version will be handed over at the end of June, but Zheng De does not need to be so lenient. Zheng De is concerned about whether the share of "Late Night Gallery" in the variety show can maintain its value.

The terms related to Taiwanese books in Taishan TV’s contract are quite detailed. Because it involves review, modification, and even rewriting, Fang Shiling was left with three months to hand over the Taiwanese books in June and start shooting in September. zhe) Grind (teng) this table book. However, although Taishantai card formation also takes a certain amount of time, it is not reflected in the contract.

   The combination of these terms may affect the valuation of the project. You must know that it is normal for a film and television project to conduct valuations for about four times. At the same time, it is accompanied by refinancing. That is to say, this variety show is not finished at the beginning of this 100 million plate, and it is normal to continue to expand later. But no one can guarantee that the valuation will go upwards. Most of the valuations of film and television disks seen by outsiders go upwards, which is the deviation of survivors, and those who go down kneel down and outsiders can’t see it.

   Since Zheng De invested in "Late Night Gallery", which is equivalent to an indirect investment in this project, the problem is still more complicated. The way to simplify complex problems is to set a clear and unquestionable index.

   Therefore, the first milestone is more convincing. It is agreed at the time of the next valuation of the project that if the valuation goes down, the ratchet will be triggered according to the actual situation, and Fang Shiling will be given a reward for gambling on the up. From the perspective of Du Shuang’s investment experience in film and television dramas, the second valuation is often the most important, because the third and fourth times are already at the stage of project operators balancing risks and returns, especially the fourth round. All I found were those who ate fish tails, and the second time I ate the middle section of fish.

   Therefore, this plan seems to be normal in Du Shuang's view, but the actual assessment may be closer to the second milestone, because theoretically, the second round may be merged at any time after the Taiwanese review is passed. This kind of financing habit is also the reason why film and television drama projects have always been sought after. Those who enter the scene early are likely to pay back before the project is completed. Of course, they have a good vision.

   In addition, there are some indicators in the contract that reflect the inflow and outflow of project funds. At the same time, more importantly, Zheng De enjoys a veto on the asset sale of "Late Night Gallery".

   This one-vote veto power is more malicious. It is Du Shuang's focus on gathering fire, but the risk control committee asked Du Shuang: If Fang Shiling sees the situation and finds that the ratchet is too serious, what should he do if he intends to transfer his assets? As the actual controller, don't talk about emptying the company. She emptied the official account.

   Even the company’s highly respected director, Mr. Yuan Liu Yuan, asked the soul torture: Du Shuang, have you figured out your position? Who will pay you salary and bonus? You have to consider everything for the company! Sign the terms that are beneficial to the company as much as possible, especially when the counterparty’s credit is not so good.

   Du Shuang also knows that for investors, it is taboo for entrepreneurs to embezzle raised funds. Embezzlement is a risk. If the risk is successful, no one will speak, and the risk of failure is too great.

   That's why he always advised Fang Shiling to shrink his claws and stay honest for a while. At this time, you should not go around to catch opportunities. After two years, lick the wound and return the blood. Isn't it good to make some money?

   "No!" Fang Shiling said angrily, "I have no turning back now, and it is impossible to break my contract with Taishan Terrace as you said."

"Seriously, although this clause is reasonable, but if I were you, I would not sign it." Du Shuang came to the editorial department of "Middle Night Gallery" with the new contract concluded with the company. He really did not expect that A new investment agreement will soon be brought back with a new identity, and it is the largest investment agreement in the history of "Late Night Gallery", and also the most severe one.

   He still wants to save it again: "In investing in this kind of thing, don't sign it if you grasp it. There is no real progress. You have the right to back down. Isn't your script not going well?"

"Not going well? If it's not going well, I will let it go smoothly!" Fang Shiling said confidently, "If it doesn't work, then plan B and change it to a funny fan. It was originally a serious one. It's always okay to change to a funny counterpart, right? There are not many serious people, and there are not too many people who can write funny stories. There are people in my editorial department who are willing to try. I will do it at the head office, right? The originality is fast, and the audience still likes it. Time is not enough, resources are okay, The budget is also abundant. Isn't this project a must?"

" I don’t understand this. Alas!" Du Shuang suddenly thought, it seems that there are not many people he has met who know variety shows. The variety show field is really his own blind spot, maybe It is also unknown to expand his own professional skill pack.

Just listen to Fang Shiling vomiting: "Lao Du, you are really useless. There are so many rules in the contract that I brought me. The gambling becomes a ratchet. Look at Pakistani Entertainment also accepting Zheng De's investment. What a harsh term?"

"Wipe! It was decided by the big boss himself, can it be the same?" Du Shuang said, suddenly felt a little unusual. It is said that the investment of 30 million is not small. Why is the big boss Yuan Jing during the signing process? Didn't show up at all? Is it really not worth mentioning? If it's really too small, why do so many people come to the Risk Control Committee to rush themselves?

  Of course, all the terms and procedures are very formal, and the discussions are all specific, how to protect the company's investment, there is no incomprehensible existence.

   It's just that he knows the relationship between the Yuan family brothers and sisters and Chu Yuanxi very well. Even Yuan Mu has gone to the newly established company of Chu Yuanxi to become CFO. This matter has always been gossiping within Zheng De. Even though he hadn't seen Yuan Lu since joining Zheng De, the legend of Yuan Lu has always been in the company.

   These various signs always make him feel that something is wrong, but he can't tell where it is. This feels quite aggrieved.


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