Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 749: Unexpected attention (Monday/Friday) Seeking monthly pass

   It was the afternoon of the 17th that Fang Shiling was ready to sign, and Chu Yuanxi immediately sent a circle of friends:

   Financing is the same as with keys. Especially those old locks are rusted inside, so why do you work so hard? Even the master has to ask you:

   Are you worthy?

   You are not worthy.

   Are you worthy?

   How many do you match?

   You need to know that Chu Yuanxi’s circle of friends is expensive, and it is generally not posted. After all, there are microblogs that are followed by millions of fans to play. Who is OK to post to the circle of friends? So many people thought that Chu Yuanxi had blocked their circle of friends from viewing it?

   Therefore, many WeChat friends who secretly followed Chu Yuanxi saw that he actually posted a circle of friends with obvious meaning of cursing the street, and had already pointed out, and suddenly felt a little unusual, more beautiful than how beautiful.

   Especially Yang Yuanmei had something to say but did not say in person, she had to go to Chu Yuanxi’s circle of friends to leave a message, yin and yang asked strangely: When will the second season of "Fang Ge" come out?

   This is a typical Mai Tai, but there are too many turns inside that outsiders can't understand it.

   People who can understand are naturally cool. When He Nami saw Chu Yuanxi say "only this season" with a furious expression, she basically understood, and she could understand what she didn't understand through brain supplements. After all, she only resigned from the Ba people in September last year, and she was still there when Chu Yuanxi gave the platform to "Brother Fang".

   So she followed WeChat and asked Yang Yuanmei, only to find out what big planes "Middle Night Gallery" was doing recently.

   "Huh? The little lover has turned against each other?" He Nami said to herself, "I look forward to the fight between "Barren Entertainment" and "Late Night Gallery"."

   Just then the boss of the company Geng Bin passed by. Geng Bin likes to wear a dress and tie a bow tie to make the plump figure less fat, leaving a watermelon head to make his face small, at least the visual effect is small. He is only 1.65 meters tall, smiling all day long, and with a posture, he looks very talkative.

But his thinking is much sharper than ordinary people. When He Namei said this, she suddenly felt very strange, because He Namei was very gossip about Chu Yuanxi in his company. Among them, Fang Shiling from "Late Night Gallery" It's the most important thing, and it has more dramas than Zhu Yan.

   You must know that they are also engaged in self-media. The currency circle is difficult to engage in self-media, but the basic market in the market segment is still relatively active and easy to attract fans. Up to now, it has attracted more than 200,000 followers.

   Of course, this is far from his goal. To realize his plan, not many millions of fans are not enough.

   At this moment, what? Chu Yuanxi and Fang Shiling got into a fight? The keen intuition immediately told him, is there any connotation in it? He knocked on the back of He Nami's chair: "Collect information about these two people."

   Soon, through the super invincible inside line of Yang Yuanmei, a complete set of ins and outs was presented in front of He Nami and Geng Bin, even including Fang Shiling's play in Ba Ren in mid-March. This is not a secret. It's rare for a good girlfriend to find herself. Yang Yuanmei seemed to know everything, but He Nami disappeared after asking.

"Hey, it turned out to be seeking financing from Zheng De? emmmm..." Geng Bin's eyes rolled, and his heart said that things are probably not like the information presented by He Nami, and there may be some hidden stories behind them. It is Yang Yuanmei's level of executives that the Pakistani people don't know.

   He didn't say anything, got into his office and started calling.

   Soon, Lei Siyun dialed Zheng De's phone and had a conversation with Yuan Liu. After all, Yuan Liu is his old leader, and there are things that cannot be said to outsiders, but they can be said between two people.

   So not long after, Geng Bin patted the desk in the office and realized that he might have missed an excellent opportunity!

   There is a problem, absolutely there is a problem! Geng Bin became more sure of his judgment. Although Yuan Liu did not say anything, only that Yuan Jing did not attend the risk control meeting in person, but personally explained to the risk control committee how the terms should be set. So Geng Bin has already understood the content of the clause. Without mentioning the specific clauses, there are too many doubts about Yuan Jing's performance. Is Yuan Jing wanting to cover it up? It is better to take part in the risk control in person and bring it up in person.

   This is definitely not an emotional entanglement, let alone a lover's rebellion! Geng Bin immediately smelled the scent of conspiracy, and it was clearer than Du.

   It seems that Lei Siyun also knows Fang Shiling, so let Lei Siyun investigate it!

   The next day, April 18th, Lei Siyun handed in a very sufficient investigation report and checked the business of Chu Yuanxi and Fang Shiling. The main reason is that it's so easy to use celestial inspections, enterprise inspections, and so on. It is very convenient to follow the vines.

   A report that seemed to him to be very ordinary, was shocked when Geng Bin saw it! Fang Shiling’s report is fortunate. It’s nothing more than a story of entrepreneurs who are constantly in trouble and persevering. While saving the valuation, they are desperately looking for a breakthrough. Unfortunately, they are getting deeper and deeper in the quagmire. There are more stories of this kind in the United States. I don’t know how many I have seen.

   But, God horse! Chu Yuanxi also did a well-off? Didn't he do self-media? How did he go to do local life? You can't beat these eight poles, right? What? Is he still doing blockchain in his local life? What is the logic? I have been working on the blockchain for so many years, and I have never thought of linking up with local Could it be that Chu Yuanxi has also been involved in the currency circle? and many more! This team member list...

   He stared at the list of Xiaokang’s core members and looked at both sides carefully, and his heart was almost full!

After a moment of concentration, Geng Bin immediately took out the phone and called Lei Siyun again. He first gave him a strong compliment. The investigation report was too detailed and efficient. Then he gave him a new instruction-to contact Fang Shiling and ask Ask him, is it okay for Hua Yun to invest in one share of Zheng De's terms?

   Unexpectedly, Lei Siyun was silent for a while, and said quietly: "Mr. Geng, you don't know much about investment banking? Don't ask, it's definitely not possible. Zheng De's terms can't have priority and other restrictions."

   "Hey, try to contact Fang Shiling first, let's talk about whether it works."

   "What if the other party requires a higher valuation and higher financing amount?"

   "Hiss...I do the calculation." Geng Bin really took out his calculator and pressed it for a while, and then he exploded in foul language: "Fuck! The post-financial valuation has already been increased by 140 million, and can't be added!"

"If this is the case, I suggest that you take over the equity in Daxia. Daxia should be willing to deliver." Lei Siyun said while calculating. He has been in this business for many years and intervened. The investment in new media and IP is not one or two days. I am very familiar with the story of the world. Whoever has what is in his hands is a basic skill.


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