Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 754: Lu Yu was forced to succeed

The video was shown to Chu Yuanxi. It was indeed a boutique, and it was indeed tasteful, especially the scene where Li Zifeng played Xue Pinggui in Wujiapoli. After the face was painted, his eyes drooped and he hung his hands on his ears. The close-up action of the beard mouth (long beard), coupled with the long and charming sentence in the BGM, "Actress is more autumn~~ Poor place is deeply old", very very vivid. Li Zifeng's acting skills are indeed possible.

   It is a pity that Qu Gao and widowhood are the norm. Chu Yuanxi is expected to get 700,000 likes in this video, and his actual score is 650,000 in three days. And Lu Yu set himself a passing standard of 2 million likes. Only if he gets 2 million hearts in 3 days, he is considered a fire.

   But he is not convinced. After all, there are no lone cases. Maybe Douyin audiences are not good at Peking Opera? In fact, Chu Yuanxi wanted to tell him that Douyin audiences like Peking Opera very much. Not only Peking Opera but also Huangmei Opera has a good effect. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Don't blame the environment.

   Because Chu Yuanxi didn't say anything, Lu Yu tried again. This time he chose an ancient style of pure music, the one with no words, called "Geisha", a very short sound, but the sound of the piano at the beginning was very interesting.

   This is dull talking music, with strong suspense, like throwing a question, waiting for an answer.

Lu Yu was inspired by last year’s Ba Ren’s “Sorrow for the Man”, he focused his idea on the light and shadow effects, and then photographed another fine product. The electronic sound of just over ten seconds almost exhausted Li Zifeng and changed his costume. Dress up, dress up again! Audiences who are good at brain supplementation can make a big show from Li Zifeng's changes.

   However, it is a little bit better than the first shot, 800,000 likes.

   800,000 likes is already a huge happiness for many Douyin who are new to the arena, but for Pakistani people, it is "not ashamed or disturbing", which is the same standard as the national football team.

   This left Lu Yu at a loss. Fortunately, Chu Yuanxi sent encouragement in time: Ba people’s fan audience mainly enjoys seeing beautiful women, so your idea of ​​letting Li Zifeng appear is actually the right way to get the attention of female fans. Although the data is low, have you seen the rate of new fans? Not much, but every time there are one hundred and eighty thousand new fans, which is pretty good. We are making great progress, and it is inherently difficult to go further.

   Lu Yu was right when he thought about it. Although the praise is low, the gold content is high. But this doesn't solve the problem. The goal I want is fire, not Chu Yuanxi's encouragement. And you have to get hot when Li Zifeng is on the scene, otherwise a popular star will do you a day job, and you can do whatever you want, and let you wear women's clothes as women's clothes. This will not get hot. This CEO of Pakistani Information Don't do it, go back to the codeword!

   Especially Zhao Jie vomits in the group: This is to be replaced by me, I was killed by Lao Chu a long time ago, and now it is air-dried!

   This made Lu Yu dare not neglect, he must find a way to change!

   People, the easiest change to make in the face of difficulties is to compromise with himself, Lu Yu decided to make some videos where the substance is sloppy.

   The so-called “Lan Ran” people are posing for photos, and while the background music goes up, Li Zifeng’s ancient costume looks concave. But what kind of tune? "Coming Home" has recently been very popular, and many people are quoting it, but Lu Yu doesn't want to use it. Similar examples include "Pirate Generals" and the painted porridge version of "Out of the Mountain".

   Chu Yuanxi watched Lu Yu's report remotely, and said that you should not be too picky. Do you have a B number in your heart? Do you want to help him?

There are a few artists in the ancient style circle who have very vicious eyes, so they can pick good music as their own every time. Some of them are copied as they are, and some of them give play to the talents of tailors. Find a few pieces of the essence of blind jaguar and cut them. Qijia. Especially last year, Tailor Li copied the six songs of Zhou Dong and Xu Song with the help of "Sorrow for Li Ren", which directly exploded, setting a monument in the world of tailoring.

   In other words, there is a high probability that songs that have been "filtered" and "processed" by them will become BGM. Among them, the painting porridge is of course the leader, but there is actually a music tailor who is also very good, but he was cut off by Chu Yuanxi before he could perform his magic skills last year, and made the "watchthepacific" that should have been tailored by him in advance. Tik Tok's explosive version of "Travel in the Desert".

   This extreme operation added 500,000 fans to Ba Ren Tu in the early days, and it also made this tailor not famous despite his deep tailoring skills and a restless heart.

   You must know that in the original world, he directly signed his name on the composer of "My General" after appropriating it!

   But now he has a good reputation in the MC industry, and recently released a song called "A Lovesickness", which cut a few songs very obscurely, such as the English song "JustHoldOn", which was well received.

   It can be seen that he does research on the high-quality and low-popular ones in English songs! Just use this, so good!

But without waiting for Chu Yuanxi’s valuable suggestions, Lu Yu chose his own new plan. Instead of doing simple concave modeling, he took a large number of clips and edited them according to the standard of a TV series. There were close-ups, sparring, and group performances. There is a set, except for the high standard of WIA. !

   In this way, we can cut out many short videos with similar but different content, all with a sense of story, and then circle and match a few BGM, one by one every day!

   This is to take the "large quantity and preferential" route by arbitrarily shooting birds. Chu Yuanxi realized that it was also possible, but Li Zifeng was a little tired.

But what kind of ancient styles Lu Yu chose, such as "Hong Zhao Wish", "Kite Mistakes", "Not Dying", "Knowing or Not Knowing" and so The only one Chu Yuanxi feels red is " Picture of Shanghe River at Qingming Festival.

  "Lingra floats up to cover the sunset, playing a heartbroken ancient song~~

   Lifting up the picture is so beautiful, no one knows whose ink pen is—"

   In the fast-paced ancient wind, Li Zifeng sat in the pavilion, beside the ancient road, fiddled with the guzheng intently. In this short ten seconds, he finally got a 3 million likes back, which made Lu Yu shocked. The reason I was shocked was that more than a dozen videos were posted in a row. After Chu Yuanxi watched it beforehand, he only clicked on the title of this section, and it really became popular!

   This shows that there must be success learning in it, but what exactly is it?

In fact, Chu Yuanxi didn’t think about why, just based on feelings, but now I have to blindly sum it up: “Because, because this BGM is a saliva song, although the others are all ancient styles, they are not ancient style saliva songs. Do you understand? ?"

   "Ah? Ah—" Lu Yu hugged his head in Hengdian. He had previously avoided saliva songs, feeling too vulgar and not worthy of Li Zifeng's temperament.

   "What am I doing!"

Lu Yu finally summed up his thoughts of depravity, and then he searched for four saliva songs-"Bright Moon End of the World", "Yellow Sand", "The River and the Sea Will Not Cross You", and Chu Yuanxi's long-favored "A Song of Love" !


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