Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 755: I didn’t understand until I was crying and laughing (Tuesday/Friday) Asking for a mont

   Chu Yuanxi looked at this song list and couldn't laugh or cry, because except for "A Song of Love", the first three are all the same! It's exactly the same, just changed a word, a scale is not bad!

   However, they all signed their own names on the composition, and they don’t know who copied whom without careful investigation. And even the rhymes of "Mingyue Tianya" and "Huangsha" are the same? Lu Yu, what virtue do you lack for choosing one of them?

Instead, Lu Yu checked it out and said excitedly: ""Mingyue Tianya" is original-no, it was first cut like this. The other two, emmm... Anyway, I just use a BGM, the words are different and they sound fresh. a little bit."

   There is nothing wrong with this reason! What else can Chu Yuanxi say? It's nothing more than you cut him or I reproduce you, there is no need to distinguish between superior and inferior. The tune of "Only Love for Life and Death" in "Mingyue Tianxia" is so similar to "Liren's Sorrow", and "Liren's Sorrow" is edited from Xu Song's Qingming Rain. Don't just feel like it.

   So this batch of finished products is what Chu Yuanxi is seeing now, and the effect is outstanding.

   The tune of "Bright Moon and End of the World" is particularly suitable for scenes where Jin Geliema and fierce fights are played. If you change to another one, you can only edit existing TV series and movies to fill the visual content. But Lu Yu is different. After staying in Hengdian for so long, he can also rent props if he can find a group performer, and he can even rent a horse to play high directly.

   But "A Song of Love" made Chu Yuanxi quite touched, because the words the MC filled in happened to hit his heart.

  "It makes you feel bad,

   makes you pretend to be crazy while drunk,

   will be reborn one day,

   didn't understand until crying and laughing.

   I would like to ask Qingtian the geometry of this life,

   I'm afraid that there will be a lot of hardships,

   The past asks for a cup of lovesickness.

   If this time it still seems to be persistent,

   I am obsessed with you,

   Then I might be passionate. "

   Chu Yuanxi thought of herself while watching Li Zifeng's performance in the video. It's a pity that that passionate heart has been shattered, and after being shattered, a stone heart grows again...

  Today, Yuan Jing and Fang Shiling will affix their official seals to the investment agreement.

   Chu Yuanxi is quietly waiting for the news of the signing, while Fang Shiling and Du Shuang are in a coffee shop near Zheng De for the last time to sort out and have a long conversation.

   Du Shuang no longer knows what to do, and he is deeply regretted, or that he shouldn’t be involved in this matter. It’s not impossible to expect Fang Shiling’s success, but he is engaged in investment, and he knows how to invest in trends. Superstitious people attribute it to luck, and Fang Shiling’s luck is covered by the dark clouds. I don’t know how many immortals I need to be.

Now, he has seen it open, "Little House, every entrepreneur who signs ratchet must have the consciousness of losing control of the company or even being kicked out of the company. You have also reviewed the contract, and the conditions are fair and dangerous. You Have you done this enlightenment?"

   Fang Shiling is also very boring. At the signing gate, people who have never signed a bet can not be able to not beat the drum. Her heart has been "boom boom boom" and has maintained a heartbeat of more than 120 for several hours.

   "Fair? Haha..." She sneered, "Except for the incentives in Milestone 1, which is fair? I will pay Zheng De for all."

   "But I'm giving you the right of liquidation. Zheng De Investment is to make money, not to lose money. 35 million is the price I managed to lower. The people on the board of supervisors originally asked for 50 million."

   "The problem is that they want me to lose 2.4 million shares!"

   "So you don't have to sign! I have always advised you not to sign if you are not sure." Du Shuang also sneered, saying that you still know you are afraid? "Are there 2.4 million shares? Think about it if the variety show sinks, your valuation of "Late Night Gallery" may not be able to maintain 110 million. Zheng De doesn't really want much. Originally, the request from the risk control committee was to let You promised to bet on cash, I told them directly that you have no money and it will be difficult to execute at that time, and then it will become what it is now. You just have fun, think about the sky!"

   Wanma Tengkong is an IP cultural and creative company that hit the market a few years ago, and it is also a tragedy in the Tianchao IP investment community. The gambling clause signed with investors was to pay cash if they could not be listed. As a result, when signing the contract, the confidence was full, and then the situation suddenly changed. The state has strictly regulated the listing threshold...

  The regulating stick turns up, and there are no eggs under the covering nest. Not to mention that Wanma went public, the founder died of illness, leaving a debt of 100 million yuan to his survivors. This incident was brought to the court after the uproar, and Fang Shiling was also in this circle, it is impossible not to know, but in today's environment, after listening to it, it is even more sad.

Before this round of financing, "Late Night Gallery" was valued at 110 million shares, with a total share capital of 8.8 million and a valuation of 12.5 yuan per share. Fang Shiling accounted for 5 million shares, Daxia invested 2.8 million shares, and the remaining 1 million belonged to other subsidiaries. Voters are scattered. Zheng De invested 30 million in cash for Series C financing, took 2.4 million shares, and the valuation per share remained unchanged.

   However, one thing that everyone knows is that after the C round of fusion, Fang Shiling's shareholding is less than 50%. Although this will not shake her actual control of the company, the psychological touch cannot be said to be small.

   This is also the reason why Zheng De's terms are more stringent. The actual controller must be strictly controlled to empty the company. This is the unspoken rule of the Chinese venture capital circle.

   But Fang Shiling knows that she has nothing to consider. If she fails completely, it obviously means she is dead. After all, she has reached this stage. It is impossible to do financing that only wins but not loses. But as long as the project is successfully completed, the penalties of milestones 2 and 3 will not be triggered. Even if milestone 2 is triggered, don't forget that milestone 1 also contains incentives to increase the valuation of variety shows, which can actually be tied. So as long as it's not completely defeated, it's nothing great.

   The most urgent task now is to get through the difficulties in front of you. The taste of it will be understood by those who understand, and those who do not understand will not understand until they cry and laugh...

When Du Shuang and Fang Shiling were dull Yuan Mu and Chu Yuanxi were also talking, but the atmosphere was much more relaxed, especially Yuan Mu was very comfortable, because Chu Yuanxi’s conspiracy became , Zheng De can gain control of "Late Night Gallery" at a cost of no more than 50 million yuan. What if the conspiracy is resolved by Fang Shiling's brilliant hands? Then Zheng De made a successful investment, making money both inside and out.

Therefore, while waiting for the news of the contract, she was in the mood to chat with Chu Yuanxi, and there were indeed a lot of chats, because on April 19, not only did Ba people’s vibrato works explode, but also two things happened. .

   The first piece was Zhang Dongdong. She finally turned on the phone in Hengdian, and she quickly produced a version of the script and passed the trial. Li Zifeng had to enter the working state and could no longer play with Lu Yu.

   In the last few days, Li Zifeng clearly felt the impact of Pakistani traffic. Because the short videos continued to explode, and it was the male number one in "Troubled Times" promoted by the Pakistani official, fans all regarded it as an official preheating, so traffic flooded into his personal Weibo, and the number of fans in an instant was Double. Close to 5 million.

   So he is still a little bit reluctant. If this is done for a few days, maybe it will break ten million?

   It's a pity that Zhang Dongdong is urging him in a hurry. This year the situation is getting more and more severe. The reaction in the film and television dramas is the continuous occurrence of shifting and shifting operations, and there is a lot of noise in the circle.


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