Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 763: Chu Yuanxi asked the question

   Chu Yuanxi's question seemed ordinary, but it was actually an extremely acute question. Moreover, it is a question that must be discussed with Elizabeth first, and then with Yuan Mu. Because if Elizabeth asks too high a price, there is no need to discuss with Yuan Mu.

The so-called independent financing means financing with "Xiaokang Southeast Asia" as a subsidiary. Although Xiaokang certainly has a high share of shares, everything follows normal corporate logic. Xiaokang is only a major shareholder to "Xiaokang Southeast Asia". "Is the invested company, and Elizabeth is the founder of "well-off Southeast Asia".

   Without independent financing, it means that Xiaokang is wholly-owned. It is a branch rather than a subsidiary. Elizabeth is the general manager of the branch, but it has nothing to do with equity. If there is any, it will also take the equity of the head company Xiaokang.

This is like the structure after the reorganization of the Pakistani Group. Both Pakistani Information and Pakistani Media are subsidiaries of the Pakistani Group. They have no equity structure. Lu Yu and Zhu Yan both take shares of the Pakistani Group and need money. In order to allocate funds by the head office, the significance of the branch is to conduct independent economic settlement. But the artifact company Barana is not the case. It is a subsidiary company. Cao Shan takes the shares of Barana. This company has also conducted independent financing from a small syndicate of five game tyrants.

   Neither Chu Yuanxi nor Elizabeth raised this issue through WeChat, and it is not suitable for casual online chat. It is best to communicate face-to-face, because it may require a round of complex bargaining to finally determine a complex structure to balance the relationship between the parties.

   However, this issue must be discussed clearly, otherwise it would be a lose-lose for Elizabeth to be the assistant to the president. There is no such thing as doing it for a while and then talking.

   And Elizabeth, of course, she understands the huge difference between allowing independent financing. At this moment, her mind went around at a high speed.

   If she changes her status and lets her sit in the position of chairman and major shareholder of the group company and dispatch Chu Yuanxi, she can play more tricks than Chu Yuanxi. For example, downgrading Chu Yuanxi from the founder of "well-off Southeast Asia" to a co-founder. But now she can't change her identity, so it is wise to listen to Chu Yuanxi's offer first.

   Of course, the aura must be sustained: "I heard that you Chinese are very subtle, why are you always so direct?"

   "It's nothing more than to look at your ambitions. Do you use circumcision?" Chu Yuanxi smiled sternly, "We Chinese generally circumvent the circumstance when it is not easy to speak. Your understanding of us is too one-sided."

   Elizabeth helplessly, pretending to turn her head and look around to hide her embarrassment. I saw that Chu Yuanxi took out a translation egg, and said while comparing: "You definitely disagree with the structure of the head office and branches, because I will not give you more than 2% of the shares in the head office. This is definitely not what you think. Yes, it doesn’t match your own resources. But directly based on the situation of the subsidiary, I don’t know how to determine the division of the results between the two parties. The well-off business model is the greatest value, but it is difficult to accurately reflect in the shares. Structure."

   This expression is very funny, but it is not easy for Elizabeth to understand it completely. The current translators are a bit miserable when trying to translate novels, but for content that focuses on professional vocabulary and supplements with meaning, the accuracy is acceptable.

   Actually, Chu Yuanxi not only wants to talk about the demands of both sides, but also wants to see not only Elizabeth's ambition, but also whether he has the ability to control her. Chu Yuanxi never forgot how beautiful Elizabeth used to be. It is normal for such a person to be a little bit more ambitious, but if it is the kind of character that can be backlashed at any time, it won't work. Don't look at her like the angry little daughter-in-law now, as soon as she finds the right opportunity, she might turn her face right away.

   This is considered to be used in suspicion, not impossible, but the other party must not be a ludicrous idiot. And the so-called stupidity here has nothing to do with ability, it is mainly related to vision experience.

   For example, in the ancient Eastern wisdom, there is a classic story called "Du Shiniang sinks into the treasure chest in anger." Du Shiniang has been a brothel oiran for so many years. With a little vision and experience, the society should know how much money they have saved, but Li Jia does not. His passion has been released after he won the heart. It is in line with the internal logic of ancient feudal society to give up Du Shiniang under various pressures. It is a tragedy for Du Shiniang to wrongly pay the heart to a scumbag, but these are not worth spraying.

   However, Li Jia sold Du Shiniang a dozen taels of silver, which is absolutely unbearable.

  Chu Yuanxi’s problem is the same. If Elizabeth is exploited too much and refuses to give anything and drives people away, no one can complain that this is his own pot.

   If Elizabeth's appetite is too big, she will never be satisfied with her ambitions. This is because she is not aware of others, and she cannot give it to others. It was originally a risk to start Elizabeth. It was a stress response after being stabbed by Li Jingfei's back, so even if she finally got confused, she could only pinch her nose to recognize it. It is hard to say that she has long been full of hatred for the world, and she has long been blackened.

But if there is a cognitive gap between the two, Chu Yuanxi thinks that a certain condition can fully reflect the value of her work for But people don’t think so and feel that she has been miserably exploited. , It may lead to car crashes and deaths, and the defeat is very wrong.

   This is called uncontrollable.

   It is said that Elizabeth once stood at the top of Silicon Valley's food chain. Neither vision nor experience should be suspected, at least Chu Yuanxi shouldn't question it. It's fair to say that he hasn't stood so high in the original world or now. This height is not about valuation, and it is not very good than valuation of Elizabeth, because she is not in the Internet industry and naturally suffers a lot. But she was once in the spotlight of the American people, and this honor is comparable to Jack Ma and other people in China.

But what Chu Yuanxi was not sure about was that she didn't rise up normally, relying on fraud and relationships. This is different from normal business failures. It's hard to say how high a vision can be. The experience is cheating. experience of.

Chu Yuanxi’s psychological reaction was not perceived by Elizabeth. She thought very simple, try to use common vocabulary, and slowly said: "The problem you are talking about is very common. It is nothing more than finding a structure that can dynamically respond to both parties. Paying and gaining at different stages. There are many ready-made examples of this structure. Do you need me to give you some?"

   "No, I think so too." Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth are equally expert in this, "but I want to give you a question first and see what your answer is."


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