Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 764: Chu Yuanxi's problem is so deep! (1/5) Ask for monthly pass

   "What? Do I still need a recruitment assessment?" Elizabeth said dissatisfied, meaning that you can despise me but you can't despise me.

However, Chu Yuanxi’s purpose was to wake her up, so she directly asked the question: "You know that there is a camera start-up company in the US called GoPro, right? You are called the female version of Jobs, and GoPro CEO Nicholas Woodman is called Jobs was second."

   Elizabeth said this, why is it so hard? "I know I know, a rising star, I understand."

   Why is chrome hard? This is because in 2014, this company carried out what is known as the most successful IPO in history, a niche company doing wearable sports cameras, with a market value of $15 billion.

   But it's not working anymore, looking for the taker, the stock price fell from 100$ to 5$. The falling speed is so fast that even in the A-share market of the Great Heaven Dynasty, it has to catch up with the big bear market, otherwise it will not be achieved. Therefore, his reputation in the United States is second only to Elizabeth, who is a fake gangster.

   Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly: "I want you to analyze why this company failed so miserably."

   Elizabeth went into silence because she didn't really understand it very much. It is necessary to know that she was wearing a gang in the 2016 general election, which is closely related to Xipo's defeat. And the start of GoPro's degeneration was officially the last quarter of 2016, so she really didn't have the time to care, and she knew the outline.

   What she cares more about is why Chu Yuanxi asked such a question on this occasion: "What would happen to you if I said I didn't know?"

   "I will tell you what they have done and the results over the years since they went public, and let you analyze it on the spot."

   This company makes a camera that geeks like. Monica once mentioned that she bought several models, which is her feelings back then. Whether bungee jumping, rock climbing or surfing, she can capture her beautiful moments. But after the IPO, because the ceiling is too small, the ceiling is limited, so I decided to extend it from the sports camera to the sports video content direction, socializing, doing sports versions of Youtube and Ins, and becoming an imaginative mobile Internet social company. She is terminally ill because she can't do content.

Suddenly those who got sick didn’t want to have their limbs amputated but to rescue them. So GoPro decided to cooperate with drone companies to zoom in on the technical advantages of their geek cameras through aerial photography, and then found DJI and said: Let’s cooperate, I will give you three points One of the profits.

   DJI's answer is: Look at my mouth shape, brother-steady-go!

  The unfurious GoPro looked around the universe and found that the quality of the drones of the DJI family was suitable for geek aerial photography, and there was no alternative. What should I do? CEO Woodman couldn't swallow this breath and slapped his head: Let's build our own drone!

This decision ran out of their cash flow, and then found that there was a reason for not being able to find a drone partner, and they couldn’t make it themselves to geek aerial photography... Not only was the quality not good, the product was also rated as the top ten of 2016. One of the big failure technology works. More importantly, DJI is the overlord of drones. How can you, a layman, withstand the crush of DJI? Was blocked by DJI.

   At this time, a variety of knockoffs have emerged, some of which come from the mysterious East, with good quality and low price. This became the last kick of the camel.

   In fact, Elizabeth is not completely ignorant. Recalling briefly, she said: "Oh okay, then I will just talk about it--"

   "No, not just talk about it." Chu Yuanxi inserted forcefully, "Your answer is related to my opinion of you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes frantically, "Then my answer is that GoPro overestimated its own strength and made a series of wrong decisions, unrealistic to do social, unrealistic to do drones, but it can't do it at all. , That’s why they committed suicide. If they make good use of their time, build brand advantages, reduce costs, and improve algorithms to improve the shooting experience, I think it may be difficult to maintain a valuation of 15 billion, but it should be okay to maintain it at 5 billion."

   "But if they didn't call out a social plan, how could they rush to a market value of $15 billion?"

"This..." Elizabeth knew the answer, but she couldn't say it. "You are also an entrepreneur, don't you understand? This is an inevitable choice. It is not the right or wrong choice, but it is beneficial to herself and investors. , This involves gambling and incentive conditions."

   Of course, Chu Yuanxi understands this question. In the terms of fantasy novels, this method is called "making a big ambition", and it is called fakeit to describe it in the Silicon Valley way. After making a wish, in the fantasy world, the power to mark the price will fall on the body. After bragging, it will naturally attract the attention of the market and increase the valuation.

   As for whether it can be restored later and whether it can be made, that is the next question.

   But the form of incentives he designed for Elizabeth must not be achieved by valuation or indicators, so it is likely that there will be cognitive biases. Even, this question actually suits him, because Xiaokang also has both content and social factors. GoPro said that he is not just a hardware company, but a content production company. Xiaokang also said that he is not just a convenience store and a bike-sharing company. The ultimate goal is social networking.

   So in fact, Chu Yuanxi asked herself this question a long time Yes, in ancient Eastern culture, this is called involuntary in the rivers and lakes. "Chu Yuanxi looked at the translation egg and felt that it was too difficult for this product. I didn't expect that the egg turned out--the people in the Colosseum couldn't control themselves.

   Seeing Elizabeth expressed his understanding, he asked the final question: "I hope you give the answer to this question, your own answer. Blindly pursuing valuation or various indicators and conditions is the original sin, but what does the entrepreneur not pursue this pursuit?"

   Elizabeth didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Pursuing to change the world."

   Chu Yuanxi smiled awkwardly, this sentence is really like ten thousand essential oils, which is equivalent to the accomplishment of a man in Chinese that should be immortal. It is too broad and not specific. "That means you haven't found your position yet."

   Elizabeth was dumbfounded, "Isn't it always to achieve inner peace?"

"It's the pursuit of self-worth. Our Eastern culture emphasizes self-cultivation, family harmony, country governance, and peace in the world. We should make a gradual and orderly progress instead of changing the world. In this process, we want to measure how much our contribution is equal to our contribution. How many shares are exchanged, this fair and precise standard will never exist."

   Elizabeth listened for a long time and finally understood what Chu Yuanxi was preaching. This is beating herself! This question is so deep!


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