Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 765: The shareholding structure of well-off Southeast Asia (2/5) ask for monthly pass

  As a veteran entrepreneur, Elizabeth can't remember how many employees she has faced. She often meets from the bottom to the CEO level, because the fraudulent company needs to change the CEO frequently.

   But an interview like Chu Yuanxi's plan to educate people is really unimaginable.

   "Are you worrying about me? Am I just so untrustworthy?" Elizabeth asked half bitterly, but couldn't walk away. The despised familiarity made her feel embarrassed.

   "Haha..." Chu Yuanxi smiled heartily, "I thought you were more open than others, after all, I don't know how much sunshine is left in your heart."

   "I just want to do a big thing, to prove myself to the world again. I'm not 35 years old and can still fight. I don't think so much about you!"

   "You have been the president for more than ten years. How can you not think about it more? Then I will talk about the structure of my design, which is relatively simple."

   Chu Yuanxi stood up and walked to the blackboard, and drew a horizontal line with the branch on the top and the subsidiary on the bottom.

   "A well-off Southeast Asia is first in the form of a branch company. Until you do well enough, I can agree to switch to a subsidiary form, allowing you to operate capital, and even dilute the parent company, but the conditions and valuation must satisfy me."

   "Are you really willing to let go?"

"Of course, I do not do overseas to control the world or control the economy of other countries, but to make money. I have said, first to rule the country and then to calm the world, my country has not yet been governed, and there is no need for transnational companies. ."

   "What about the specific conditions?" Elizabeth was a little urgent.

Chu Yuanxi has actually expressed his concerns and expectations to a certain extent through the question just now, so he directly reported on the data: "Xiaokang, I said before 300 billion yuan to pass, referring to domestic, not including overseas. Then According to the overall size of Southeast Asia and the level of social development, localization difficulties, local sniper attacks, etc., I think it corresponds to 30 billion yuan. In other words, half of Graby’s valuation now should be in reality. Within five years of entering."

   Elizabeth nodded solemnly. This valuation is about to catch up with the highest peak before she wears it. "I hope your 300 billion has not miscalculated itself."

"Hehe, don't worry, my 300 billion is definitely a conservative estimate, but 30 billion is estimated with a head and has not been calculated. I still have key business models that have not been spread out, so many people are waiting to see my jokes. .You are by my side, and I will tell you my core plan after I finally complete the whole link. At that time, Xiaokang should probably start developing the core plan.

   The interest relationship between you and me lies in measuring ourselves and measuring the enterprise. In fact, what I am most afraid of is your misjudgment, what misjudgment a well-off society can bring to a well-off Southeast Asia, so I just talked about it before. Then I will talk about the specific conditions. "

Chu Yuanxi said, writing 30 billion on the horizontal line, "I have repeatedly emphasized that the core business model of Xiaokang is the most valuable. If you agree with this conclusion, then, I will only be able to reach the scale of 30 billion in "Xiaokang Southeast Asia". Think that it fully reflects the value of this business model, so 30 billion is your independent financing condition. When it reaches 30 billion, the branch will become a subsidiary, and the head office will no longer insist on wholly-owned holdings, and give you up to 30% of the shares as an incentive ,but--"

   Elizabeth said that you don’t want to sell it. I’m sure to approve it.

"The first is the exercise of equity incentives. We don't need to set any conditions. As long as it is a valuation of 30 billion or more, someone is willing to invest, and you can exercise as much as you invest. The financing cannot exceed 30%. That is to say, top financing. Under the circumstances, the company’s shareholding dropped to 7/13, still occupying a simple majority. I believe this condition should be possible with the advanced business model of a well-off society and your surviving contacts."

"Yes, if it doesn't work, I will look for a bonanza. According to your words, he has a mine at home. If it is really valuable, Google will definitely be interested. They all want to live a local life in their dreams." Elizabeth likes this condition and can't like it more. , How to do financing is her best field.

"Don’t be busy and happy. Starting from the second round of financing, Xiaokang must have priority investment rights and priority sales rights. Do you understand? I can accept exit, but I cannot accept disorderly exit. In the second round of financing, Xiaokang has the right to request new Institutions first take the shares of Xiaokang and then increase capital and shares in "Xiaokang Southeast Asia". If the valuation is too low, I may continue to invest.

   So, if after the first round of financing, you can't find new funds to eat the share of the parent company, then you may not be able to raise equity unless I don't sell it. At that time, Xiaokang was no longer wholly-owned. When replenishing cash, you and the investors who entered the first round are obliged to share it. It is impossible for my family to pay. therefore--"

Chu Yuanxi paused here, "Therefore, the institutions involved in the first round of financing must be financial investment can not have board seats, and cannot be protected by ratchets. Starting from the third round, Xiaokang will not do anything. Restriction, I can accept that the shares will not be diluted to a simple majority without withdrawing, just follow the normal shareholder model."

   Elizabeth suddenly looked distressed. What she is best at is using the board of directors to do financing articles. However, Chu Yuanxi's ability to give this condition has made her surprisingly tolerant. Chu Yuanxi's starting point is still valuation. As for dilution, although he takes the initiative, it is not absolute. Well-off can either continue to invest or even lead the investment, or exit, which is more flexible. In contrast, she is also more flexible, and she can accept the dilution of this 30% equity, or even withdraw.

   For this unfamiliar business, she wants to see exactly the next five years. Elizabeth has not been so self-conscious. Therefore, she only cares about the last question: "Are you going to send me a deputy?"

"I'll talk about this later. Our Datian Dynasty has such a good domestic environment, and there are not many who are willing to go overseas to develop..." Chu Yuanxi decided to suppress this problem, "If you have any questions, you can enter with them. Well off duty. Oh, right, when talking about GoPro’s social networking, I want to say that it’s not a wrong idea for them to do social networking. They just don’t do content operations. Lays can’t do social networking.”

   Elizabeth is very fascinated, so she asked why Chu Yuanxi emphasized this?


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