Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 771: Push the heart to the belly (four/five)

Seeing Liu Lu's entanglement, Chu Yuanxi felt it was time to give a carrot, "So, Sister Liu Lu, history is always repeating, and you can learn from history as a mirror. You don’t need to be too entangled, my Pakistani group does not Worry about value preservation and appreciation, Xiaomi is already in your past tense. It doesn’t matter whether Miss Dong helps or teaches life, it doesn’t matter to us, just eat melons."

   said, he took a big tea bowl and poured Liu Lu a bowl of tea, "Also, have you noticed that I pay more attention to Xiaomi?"

   "I found it. It seems that Xiaomi’s problems have been researched specifically for the sake of me..."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that Liu Lu also has the potential to turn into a spit! "Hahaha, it's not that I want to **** you, but I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will be like Xiaomi.

   Don’t look at me and brag every day that I know R&D and operations. In fact, I am an operation background, and the product manager is mainly to pull operations. I don't really understand research and development, so I just scratch my head. I can't get into it if I really do it.

   Rebs, you can see that he is like a code farmer all day long, he also focuses on operations, and all those who come down from Jinshan are operations masters. In other words, I may experience all the highlights he experienced when he became a company, and then I may also make any mistakes he made. It is not possible. It is a high probability that every pit will move towards me. Can't run. This is called taking people as a guide to know the gains and losses, I have a foreboding.

   Do you know why I don’t mind if you question me? You are my medicine when I get sick from now on! Yuan Mu disagreed with me to ask her brother is a very good thing, so that she can change from fake medicine to real medicine. What I am afraid of is that you clearly see that I am here wrong and do not say anything. Anyway, when you get the shares, you can sell your wealth and freedom at any time. The two of you, the number two and number three didn't say anything, let alone no one said. "

  Speaking of these, Chu Yuanxi had to recall the painful history of financing in the original world. At that time, many people should have known that such financing was wrong, but no one said.

   Why don’t you say it? Don't you want to say it? Are you waiting to see the joke? In fact, it's not, but can't think of a better solution, can't provide better medicine, so that the upper and lower are in anxiety, and they can only stand up and go down. Many companies are like this, and there is nothing wrong with it. If you just say it is wrong, tell me what is right? Your so-called correct method does not solve my urgent needs. What use is the correct method? The effect of the medicine is too slow, and I will die if I can’t recover!

  How to avoid this situation? In fact, the reason is very simple. Freezing three feet is not a day's cold. You have diseases in the stomach and intestines that spread from the body and the skin. The diseases of the body and the stomach are usually caused by quick success. Therefore, think clearly about the following things before you do it, don't rush for quick success and instant benefits. Even your body and skin should not be sick. Naturally, the stomach and intestines will be fine.

   The reason is simple, but this is a particularly complicated problem. There are too many interference factors and too strong, for example, capital quit!

   There is a chance to be a business enterprise, but I am not, what about valuation? If you can't blow bubbles, no one will raise money for you, and even angel investors have to persuade you to hurry up, or you won't even have the chance of getting sick. This has formed a paradox, which is difficult to understand without regaining success.

   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi’s strategy was to blow bubbles desperately and start the thief ship first, but I didn’t rush for quick success. If you want to master this balance, you must either be a father-level person, or there is a Pakistani group that can provide benefits.

   Chu Yuanxi fell into a short memory, while Liu Lu sat opposite him, feeling quite a bit in her heart.

   "Hmm... So you are so lonely?" She felt Chu Yuanxi's loneliness, and Chu Yuanxi was willing to share this loneliness with herself, making her feel particularly warm.

   "It's not alone, it's because I rose too fast." Chu Yuanxi exclaimed, "Look at the Ba people, most of the founder members are engaged in art. They have a good relationship with me, but they can't help me.

   Several R&D talents, Yang Jiangang, I’m a little disappointed. I’m a bit disappointed at the moment. I’m a little bit outdated. He has not even been a project manager, so he has too many steps to start a business directly.

   Zhao Jie is a cadre, but he doesn't show up in other aspects when he works well. He is quite satisfactory. Currently, the department leader is most suitable.

   Xue Ming can have both technology and ideas, but the most suitable one is to lead the R&D project team.

   Yu Wenhui is okay. He didn't become the CEO of Shangbaren Game and he didn't complain. "The Enemy of Rome" game project can be regarded as the next key project of Pakistani people, and it is very difficult to deal with. It is complicated in terms of technology, design, development mode, etc. As a result, he sorted it out very well and felt that there was still potential. However, there is no way to pull over to help. Recently, "Enemies of Rome" has been established immediately. This game is too important to do without him.

   I said that these are not burying them, but the starting point is low when being a Ba. It's like playing the game of Three Kingdoms and you are playing Cao Bao. At the beginning, it is really impossible for you to recruit big cows. Then I was a prince who opened up territory and expanded territories very quickly, but the talent growth rate could not keep up. It's not that they didn't work hard, they were all leveling, but what I wanted was support from a new height. UU Reading www. No one at can give me this kind of support.

  Like Yang Jiangang, he has actually worked very hard, and he is also very good at calculating, but his experience is obviously not good. He is definitely good at execution, but if I set my plan and I direct everything and he executes it, it doesn't make much sense. At least he is not qualified to be my medicine. He can't see that I'm getting sick. If I get sick, it must have a particularly long incubation period, and only people who are close to me with a level and strategic perspective can detect it during the incubation period. When it enters the outbreak period, the disease is in the stomach and even the bone marrow, and no one needs to find out. "

   These last words deeply touched Liu Lu, how did Rebs get the disease? The lesion must be found now, but what is the antidote? Can't be helpless to prepare for hospice care, right? If major appliances are really used as medicine, then...

   She asked this question, and Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought that they had gone so far away from the question. This was the original question!

"The antidote that Rebs currently seems to find is mainly new overseas markets, that is, India, Africa, and Southeast Asia." Chu Yuanxi shook his head, rather unoptimistic, "Africa is not good, Africa is now talking about old Zhao Zhenggang. Samsung and Huawei reluctantly reached in, and all three are exporting like crazy. India is even worse. India is the antidote but it has been taken in 2017. The curative effect has been declining. Now it barely maintains the number one but the market has been eroded. Therefore, Southeast Asia is Xiaomi In fact, the only antidote. You said that if Xiaomi had prepared a few years earlier, what would happen?"


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