Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 772: Treasure market

   In terms of attributes, Southeast Asia and Africa are still different. Africa as a whole cannot be regarded as a treasure market. Some parts have treasures as a whole, but Southeast Asia is.

  The population of Africa is similar to that of the celestial dynasty, which is much larger than that of Southeast Asia, but it is also large, with many underdeveloped regions, frequent turbulence, and the government's control over society is not effective.

Take, for example, an animal paradise country in eastern Africa. Some organizations are really fighting to "protect the natural environment." In the name of democracy, they have to hold back their compatriots from moving towards modernization, and the lawsuit was won by the government. Helpless. Even if this kind of country has treasures, it is too difficult to dig.

   Therefore, there are only a few treasures of a few countries like Nigeria worth digging.

The absolute value of population, population density, and economic development in Southeast Asia are all appropriate, with a high level of education, and acceptable work intensity. Although the policy is not stable, it is still far from the turbulent period, especially the enviable population. Dividends can give birth to several or even a dozen business miracles.

   So if there is no trade war, this kind of market is called the treasure market, which is the most popular field for commercial explorers. In fact, its treasure attribute is not emerging now. Chaoshan people went to Nanyang in batches hundreds of years ago. Why? Because Nanyang has treasures.

Once the Great Heavenly Dynasty was also a treasure, and it was the largest treasure in the world, but now it has been dug one after another. Although there are still many treasures, the difficulty of mining continues to increase, the cost continues to increase, and the key is the rules In other words, the barriers are getting stricter. Especially now, even opening a Taobao shop will be patented, so explorers will naturally turn their eyes to the outside world.

   The reason why many people ignore Nanyang is that in the Internet era, we have been turbulent, three major portals were born, and BAT was born, but Nanyang is quiet, making ordinary people into the mobile Internet era and still habitually ignore that area.

   But in fact, this is because the Nanyang region as a whole has not experienced the Internet era. It has directly* entered the mobile Internet era, skipping the PC, and getting started with smart phones. So when the tide of mobile Internet comes, this treasure immediately highlights its value.

   It's a pity that this treasure is not friendly to explorers from the celestial dynasty, and everyone knows the reason.

   But the biggest opportunity for emerging markets comes from serving the billions of poor people who are exposed to the market economy for the first time. Therefore, at this point in time, it is a must to grab, and if you are not friendly, you must grab it.

   Although Chu Yuanxi temporarily thought that Elizabeth's passive protection skills could be used in Southeast Asia because of his back stab, it seemed that after thinking about it, it seemed that there was a **** in it. He even thanked Li Jingfei for his bald encouragement, otherwise he would probably miss this point of time. You must know that 2019 may be the last time window to enter Nanyang. With reference to the business war model of the Great Heaven, Graby is already in It is closed, and it may not be possible to get in half a year later.

   During this period, Zhao was attacked in Africa, because Africa is also striding into the era of smart phones. Last year, the shipment of smart phones was close to 100 million. It is the general trend that smart phones replace functional phones, but the territory of the sound transmission has been eroded and Samsung has made a comeback. At present, it only maintains a market leading advantage of ten percentage points in the field of smart phones, and it is likely to be surpassed by Samsung in an instant.

   The main reason is that Zhao's transformation speed is not fast enough, and he finally chose to push smart phones and smart TVs in Africa instead of logistics and e-commerce. It is stable, but the pace is not big enough, so that both Samsung and Huawei see opportunities.

   But Chu Yuanxi has nothing to worry about, and he can't worry about it. LeTV’s delisting, Toutiao’s and Baidu’s battle because of the stolen products of Top1 Dasou were too late to eat, because Penguin Video suddenly cut the costume drama, and almost all of them have been decided. The intent even went through the process but did not finally sign the period costume drama on the contract, limited to Guling Megatron Siye.

   This incident scared Zhang Dongdong from Hengdian to the imperial capital, who had just started the machine for a few days, and even Chu Yuanxi, who was taking Elizabeth to explore the store, was shocked.

   Elizabeth is more regretful that she can't work as a clerk to move things and sell goods, otherwise a beautiful foreigner appears as a clerk, and the surrounding community is expected to be a sensation. But this was not the effect that Chu Yuanxi wanted. To make a sensation, wait for Xiaokang to open before making a sensation.

In the past few days, Elizabeth has scrolled the road map to the well-off society that Chu Yuanxi sent to her with the intensity of her work, and then collided with many sparks of wisdom. What is the business model.

   It turned out that before the two started discussing, Zhang Dongdong was WeChat first, and then the people rushed to the posture, planning to pull Chu Yuanxi away quickly.

   "No, Mr. Zhang, don't worry, can you commit the crime?" Chu Yuanxi couldn't laugh or cry, "Aren't you going to end up looking for Xin? You don't have to fly over at all."

"Chu, the moment of life and death!" Zhang Dongdong's mouth was bubbling, "Who can I look for Guan Xin at this time? I must go directly to Mr. Fan. The problem is that I said something to Mr. Fan? Sure? You are the one!"

   "What have you heard so anxiously? Why didn't I feel it?"

" When is this!" Zhang Dongdong was really anxious, and said to his heart that he didn’t have sleep clothes, Chu Yuanxi, otherwise he wouldn’t have been so strenuous. It’s not going to be hacked? It’s hard to say? But it’s definitely not hacked. So, should we get hacked or not? We can’t get a termination fee for so long, right? The key is that there are too few termination fees. Up!"

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that it was not like you signed the contract? Is it possible to replace me? Don't ask how I charge Weining for that variety show?

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I have asked, Lao Fan has given me the answer. The principle of cutting ancient costume dramas this year is water injection dramas, Gongdou dramas, remakes, and dramas with overpaid actors. None of us Zhan. I didn't invite Dr. Zhai. The salary of the female one, Shen Mengchen, is slightly higher, but you are doing well and you will definitely not be restricted."

   Zhang Dongdong suddenly froze, and his mind was three questions: Who am I, where am I, what am I doing? Why did you tell me a long time ago that you would die? what--

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s gracious words: “This year, anyway, we will launch high-quality drama around the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and then make dynamic adjustments. No need to worry at all."


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