Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 777: "Enemies of Rome" project meeting

   Relatively speaking, the Pakistani project establishment meeting is not that complicated. The mini game Zhao Jie shoots the head, and the big production Chu Yuanxi shoots the head. The difference is that Zhao Jie is limited by budget and Chu Yuanxi does not need it. The Ba people were not abandoned by Chu Yuanxi, but the focus was different at different times. His current expectations for "The Enemy of Rome" are very high.

  The purpose of the project meeting is to ask others to remind the person who pats the head whether you are too blindly optimistic, for example: "Chu Yuanxi, you want to get a monthly salary of $500 million. Is the expectation too high?"

   It was Uncle Sheng who asked the question, who came from across the company to participate in the "Enemies of Rome" project. Don't talk about Uncle Sheng today, even Lu Yu and Monica are here, because this matter has something to do with them, some are to be the source of content, and some are to empower IP.

Chu Yuanxi scratched his nose, and then decided to correct the wrong perceptions of many people: "Uncle Sheng, let me tell you this, if "Uncle Sheng" wants to use a KPI for crazy harvesting, just now, suppose If we can control the overseas version to do activities synchronously, we will be shameless, how about it? Launch a supporting version, and hang up all the new tricks and games, and continue to do activities for a month, 3.5 billion yuan a month, I believe it is It's done. Of course, this is called Yin Chi Mouliang, not only Mouliang, but even Chen Long Si Snake Wu Ma and Wu Yang have been eaten, and there is nothing left behind."

   Zhao Jie touched Yu Wenhui's gaze, and they all felt that it seemed feasible to do this? After all, the products of the Shanzhai army will come out without knowing when it will come out. At that time, "Troubled Times" will definitely be a big yellow flower tomorrow. It is better to take advantage of the harvest now and cut a stubble, and wait for the Shanzhai army to come out. Dump, say: There are too many cottages, who can stand it?

   Wouldn’t it be that the money has also been earned and the reputation has been preserved?

It’s a pity that Chu Yuanxi didn’t think so. “So, I hope that the average level of "Enemy of Rome" can reach the limit level of "Troubled Times," right? Of course, this requires all the structures of the group to work together and polish the content. Content, think about how to promote the study of empowerment methods. In short, I think you can."

"But the content of your game is another adventure that is completely unverifiable." Zhao Jie said and glanced at Xue Ming. "The AI ​​you want to do this time is a hundred times more complicated than the troubled times. It's not a training to write a plot. Artificial intelligence will do."

   "Xue Ming, can edit all things be done? Can the world mission AI be done?" Chu Yuanxi knew that something to be pushed was too new, and someone would be confused, so he called it directly.

   "The second one will definitely work, but the first one does not know." Xue Ming said openly.

   The so-called world mission AI means that there are three lines for the player in the game, a personal mission/story line, a world time line, and a faction confrontation line.

The development of the personal line is linked to the dungeon. Two players who are online at the same time, the personal task line is at different nodes, and an NPC that may be interacting with player A is already several dungeons for player B. "The plot is killed".

   For MMORPG, this line does not need AI, just go forward according to the established plot. The AI ​​of "Unwinding" is used on this line, because it is a card game and not a large-scale interactive game. There is no such thing as a world line. You can use a standardized method to make the plot flexible, the difficulty of the copy is consistent, and the AI ​​is generated. And control only the dialogue plot.

But opening the personal line in the MMO is simply looking for death. The copy of the MMO requires the player to move in the scene. There are boxes turning, NPC assisting or divine repair, protecting NPC, drilling in and out of tunnels, and even player changes. The appearance deceives the key monsters and a series of gameplay. Let the AI ​​take over this system in its entirety. According to the map scenes in the game, the plot will be written and NPCs will be arranged. Not to mention Xue Ming, Chu Yuanxi can't mention this condition, because how to make the AI ​​understand the map in the first place is a problem.

   But the world line of MMO has operating space, which is the gameplay that Chu Yuanxi hopes to see in the new tour.

The so-called world line is a historical development line set by game developers, just like the "extra late", "forgot to open", and "too slow" version changes in Yamaguchi Mountain, which is to advance along the world line. of.

According to the interval and event of the world line, as well as the player's personal status, such as level, combat power, map, etc., it is possible for AI to send tasks to the player. Only the place where the task is performed is on the public map. Not in the copy can be achieved.

   When the specific task is generated, some world NPCs are delineated, and the AI ​​will hang the task on the NPC. As long as the world line itself is not affected, the game content can be kept stable.

   If the world line can be done, then the faction confrontation line will not be a problem at all. In fact, faction confrontation has been the standard configuration in the game many years ago, and it is nothing more than a matter of the strength and tricks of confrontation.

   In this regard, AI can play a role of adjustment. Yang Jiangang’s original design was that AI controls the camp commander and adjusts the tasks of the camp at any time according to the actual situation. But later, considering the imbalance of player power, this mode has little meaning, so it is only necessary to generate missions according to special gameplay when conducting faction battle relatively speaking, it is the easiest to achieve. So Chu Yuanxi didn't even ask.

   When I heard that everything can be edited, many planners in the audience secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because once everything can be edited, the workload of planning will increase by a hundredfold. However, Xue Ming immediately asked for a supplement after breathing heavily: "But changing the terrain can be done, and you can also design a matching gameplay."

   Several planners spread directly on the chairs.

Yu Wenhui quickly confirmed: "Let’s fight in a field battle dungeon, and the terrain can be changed. Will it be too trendy? Isn’t there too much room for players to play? How to design a dungeon? Do monsters also have The ability to recognize terrain?"

Xue Ming has a very strange expression: "Don't talk about the game, now the robots in reality are outdated by location-based path finding. They scan in real time to avoid obstacles or jump into pits. Don't everyone know? Google That machine can not only jump into the pit, but also be kicked and adjusted directly. Is it difficult to achieve this in the game?"

"Xue Ming, there may be a discrepancy between you and Yu Wenhui. Your concept should be local computing, and I think it's all OK. Yu Wenhui's game requires a long server connection to verify every step. You avoid this It’s not that one or two are many. In the same scene and the same combat power, is the amount of server calculation too large? Zhao Jie evaluate it?"


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