Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 778: Technical and design points

   "If it is 5G, if you use cloud computing, you are not afraid of it." Zhao Jie said without thinking, "If it is the current level of technology, then there is nothing to think about."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yuanxi, Chu Yuanxi said, why did the ball kick back to me? In fact, everyone is watching him. The problem of "environment editable" is already very clear. It is very simple for him to make a decision. It is best to decide by patting his head-do you want to take a risk?

  Using the "environmentally editable" AI provided by Xue Ming will face a large number of uncontrollable risks, and the project may be renewed due to this, and the existing technology cannot solve it. Although it should be possible in the 5G era, it's all about guessing what it looks like in the 5G era. Who dares to make 100% of the tickets? For example, what if everyone depends on cloud computing in the 5G era. It may be necessary to lease computing resources on the cloud blockchain from Xiaokang. These are all problems.

  Moreover, making games is not to show off technology. Editable environment can be considered as a gameplay. Designing a big gameplay is to make the game more fun. So is it fun to edit the environment? There was no game Demo at this time, and Chu Yuanxi himself was not sure. You must know that he is an experienced Sankei. He has traveled around the market for many years and has seen countless products that he thought he had added a very awesome gameplay. When he was demonstrating it was all good, then he rushed to the street.

   So he hesitated. On the one hand, the genes for risk are thrilling. Chu Yuanxi loves novel and changed things in her bones. She doesn't like sticking to the rules. She finds a methodology and repeats it to death until she ruins this methodology. Otherwise, there won't be the glory of "Out of the Mountains", and you won't be able to eat this crab.

   On the other hand, for a large-scale project, the Pakistani people can afford it even if they lose 100 million yuan in research and development costs, not to mention how much it loses, but what is the hope of the project members? Playing games is so tiring and the frequency of overtime is so high. Isn't the picture that after the game is successful? Therefore, the employees who suffer the most after the product has fallen into disuse will always be the employees, and the company will benefit the most after success, because the company takes away the bulk of the profits.

  Under this situation, Chu Yuanxi couldn't make the determination to go it alone. It is conceivable that this is a big project, with a team of at least 100 people, shouldering the happy life of so many people. Isn't the blind Jaguar determined to be scolded?

   He decided to procrastinate Dafa, so he called his name: "Xue Ming and Yang Jiangang, did you two get through it? Let's talk about it first. Xue Ming talked about robots posing as players, and Yang Jiangang talked about core battles and card development."

   After he finished speaking, he stepped off the forum and prepared to think about it. Unexpectedly, at this time, Yuan Mu from Xiaokang sent a WeChat message: The people from SoftBank are going to come, see you?

   Chu Yuanxi frowned immediately and replied: It’s impossible not to see, see, but after May Day, I’ve been too busy recently.

   Yuan Mu: You are big enough.

   Chu Yuanxi: There is no way, I have to talk to the female detective first.

   Yuan Mu keenly felt something, and immediately asked: Do you plan to reject Softbank? SoftBank Investment has huge resources. The mobile payment license that you asked my brother to clear before may be a troublesome thing for SoftBank.

   Chu Yuanxi: I do want to politely refuse, Softbank's money is not easy to get, but let's talk about it then.

   Xue Ming was almost finished speaking when he was meditating for a while and then raised his head, and the people below were also taken aback. AI and AI are not the same. All things editable / terrain editable mentioned above is an AI, and the player task related to the world line is another AI. What Xue Ming is now talking about is the third one planned to be adopted in "The Enemy of Rome". This AI has only communicated with Chu Yuanxi and is called a fake player.

   In fact, this kind of robot pretending to be a player is not uncommon in the game circle. There are a large number of robots in TCG mobile games that fake players through AI, and then beat players crying fathers and mothers in the arena.

   But the fake players of "Enemy of Rome" are not to be nursery, nor to make real players feel that the game is popular, but to enrich the game content and generate enough variables.

The world line is immutable. If the AI ​​is issued to the player by the task of the world line alone, it is basically to kill 20 sheep, enter the dungeon and grab ten slaves and come back. Although it can change many tricks, it doesn’t It may not be dull, and it is impossible to generate tasks like "Protect Sylvanas to take the head of the big screw".

The emergence of AI fake players is not to chat with the players, but to hang on these fake players the same world line mission as the real player, and then pass the mission to the player, or the world received by the player The combination of tasks creates new demands, at least to stimulate players to enter the instance.

   In this sense, it can also be called an intelligent NPC, but its intelligence level is insufficient, only pseudo-intelligence, and it is not intelligent when it is out of the task environment. It is incomparable with those intelligent NPCs in online game novels.

Let the AI ​​compose the plot based on the dungeon map, generate levels, and generate the mobs and bosses related to the story. This is indeed too abnormal, but let the AI ​​manipulate a fake player to play the dungeon based on the copy information in the database. It's actually very easy.

   For example, in the game of StarCraft 2, Google made an AI, called Alphastar, which can beat a human champion player even his mother can’t recognize it. Isn’t that much more difficult than copying?

Therefore, this design idea can produce a complex task like "pretend to help Hellscream to kill Varian Wrynn, then jump back after the battle, backstab Hellscream, and claim credit to Varian Wrynn", even let Players face the choice of the scene, the two brothers fought, which one is backstab?

   This kind of game experience must be liked by players, without any doubt. In the past, this kind of plot could only be pre-existed in the version by planning and editing in advance, and the plot played by each player was the same, although it was very exciting, but also monotonous. However, what "Rome" hopes to achieve is an infinite number of plots, high-level branch plots, which will not affect the evolution of the world line, but make the player experience full.

This is the result of long-term communication between Chu Yuanxi and Xue Ming. It can definitely be achieved and will not occupy too much resources. Chu Yuanxi is called the Goldbach conjecture in the game world, which is far from the future virtual online game in online game novels. The environment is getting closer.

   Of course, if it can be equipped with everything that can be edited, it will be a step further, enough to be called a "semi-smart online game."

  If you want to evolve to full intelligence, AI fake players need to be able to respond to players' needs, and to respond anytime and anywhere. This is temporarily out of reality. But even a semi-smart NPC is enough to excite Chu Yuanxi. It is definitely a world-leading level. It takes the glass **** that has not been enterprising for these years, and even licked his face and asked the player "Don't you have a mobile phone?" Street.

  What is Niubi? Ba Ren’s mobile phone games surpass the glass **** console games, which is awesome!

   Xue Ming finished Yang Jiangang's turn, he mainly introduced the gameplay. Chu Yuanxi suddenly stopped him before he went up: "Lao Yang, when you go up, you will introduce the project according to the style of doing roadshow financing, understand? You don’t have many opportunities to exercise normally, and it’s useless to practice alone. There are so many people today, you can exercise to save time for stage fright."

   Yang Jiangang suddenly came onto the stage with a dazed expression.

   In fact, in terms of gameplay, except for Chu Yuanxi and Yang Jiangang, no one is particularly clear. They all know that summon battles are to be carried out, but they have not elaborated on other things. They urgently need the real thing. And Yang Jiangang should not only talk about it with a roadshow attitude, but also be more detailed, because although most of the people sitting below understand games, they may not understand the difference between VR games and ordinary games. It is too new, and their design concepts are all based on the main points of VR games, they may not be able to get their own ideas.

   Even he himself felt that Chu Yuanxi's steps were too big. But with the advent of 5G, the ecology of the entire gaming industry will undergo earth-shaking changes due to 5G. VR is about to turn from silence to eruption. Since Chu Yuanxi is not afraid to go one step faster than the times, why not?

   One of the characteristics of game development is that when sorting out the project plan, you can leave the core battle and core gameplay blank. For example, Yu Wenhui can make the plan first, and then supplement the gameplay and battle. Although both are particularly important, because they are so important, as long as the development mode is determined, the workload of experienced project managers can be easily quantified.

  Moreover, the core gameplay and combat must be developed by the existing mature technology. There can be no misunderstandings, otherwise the person who proposed the idea would simply add confusion. At the same time, only a few people are willing to adopt the ship's new realization method, not impossible, but most people are conservative and unwilling to take risks.

   This is also the reason why many mobile games that are known as big productions are made in special effects, scenes and other art, but the core gameplay and combat are conservative. New technologies and new engines have appeared, and I hope that others will test the water first. After stepping on the pit, they will be able to do it again. The employees think of the new gameplay or battle mode of the ship, even if it is technically easy to achieve, it is too risky as the core gameplay. , And few bosses are willing to try.

  The problem is that if the adventurous person dies 99, the one who does not die can earn 10,000 times. When Yang Jiangang was planning, he was not afraid of death. Anyway, it was not him who died, so he often made unexpected proposals.

   However, he was uncharacteristically in "Enemy of Rome", not because he felt sorry for Pakistani's money, but because he was designed according to VR games. The most important point of VR is ease of use, or ease of operation.

   Players can operate in a three-dimensional view, which is a very bad experience under the existing equipment system, because the eyes cannot see the hands. Therefore, at present, it is easier to open the situation in VR is the operation of hand-held somatosensory equipment*, such as the fruit cutting game, holding two somatosensory sticks in your hand, and pulling and cutting like a laser sword.

   This kind of game is called a mini game no matter how good it is.

There are also maze puzzle games, which only need to touch the key points and movements in the scene, and operate through the eyeball recognition mode, similar to "stare who is pregnant", the method is simple and easy to understand. This type of game also has certain aspects in VR. Word of mouth.

  What the Pakistani people are doing now is MMORPG, a large-scale interactive role-playing game. This span and complexity can be said to be tens of thousands of times that of a puzzle game. To make a VR game, the simplified operation must be simplified to death.

   So the idea that Chu Yuanxi put forward at the beginning was that no matter what mode the core battle is, it should be an automatic battle, similar to a hang-up game, just let the player see the battle process.

   The Legend of Sword and Fairy Stepped on a mine to trigger a battle to switch to the battle scene, and then the enemy and the enemy team shot in turn according to their positions. "Enemies of Rome" can also be made to switch to an independent battle scene in every battle, and then automatically fight according to the battle rules.

   This battle is three-dimensional. The character can move, summon, and can also use skills. It looks beautiful, but it was rejected by Yang Jiangang because it was not suitable for multiple people.

  If it's a stand-alone game, you can do this, but the online game is like this, which means that multiple people must work in teams, otherwise, just "into the battle" will not be able to coordinate. But forcibly forming a team, it will inevitably become a mode where the captain will be the front of the car. It is not essentially different from Fantasy Westward Journey. It is nothing more than a VR environment and a core combat system.

  Chu Yuanxi thought about it, too. You can't copy someone else, it's too special. Therefore, the battle scene cannot be switched. Whether it is in the world map or in the dungeon, you must fight in the current scene like Yamaguchi to be a high-quality MMO.

   Therefore, at the end of last year, the two people communicated repeatedly and determined a conservative but not boring core combat mode.

   I saw Yang Jiangang stepping onto the forum, coughing very solemnly first, which seemed a bit like a monkey, and then he said: "Done from the legendary Dota brothers, have you played it?"

Chu Yuanxi sat down and immediately slapped her slap, like a traffic policeman stopping the illegal vehicle, "You can't do it, Lao Yang, you fall off as soon as you open your mouth. If you do this, you won’t be able to collect money. Go up and speak for you?"

   "What should I say?"

Chu Yuanxi glared at Yang Jiangang, "Do you really need my hand-in-hand teaching? Don't come up and just mention competing products, just say how you are, how you think, what is your thinking, what is the good idea of ​​this idea, what is the purpose? Why can it be used to establish a project. Of course, you will definitely have a PPT at the time. Now you pretend that you already have a PPT that can be used to demonstrate effects or even demos, and then start talking."

Then he turned around slightly and said to others: "Don't laugh. All of you in this room are likely to start incubation and entrepreneurship in the foreseeable future, and at least be able to obtain similar qualifications. Lao Yang’s today is the tomorrow of many people, you I also watched and thought carefully, so as to save me from teaching one by one. Maybe you will not be as good as him then. I think Lao Yang's heart is still bigger."

   Suddenly, there was a lot of silence below, especially those like Zhao Jie and Yu Wenhui who had already saved some DKP in their hands and became more concerned. At the beginning, the DKP system was regarded as an interesting new thing, but now, there is already a red-eye trend within Pakistani people, especially those employees who take DKP slowly have begun to think of ways, because to some extent , DKP is better than money.

   The special reward that Zhao Jie suffered when Chu Yuanxi gave him was a Pakistani option instead of a DKP, so he could not directly use it to incubate the business, otherwise he could do it alone now.

   Sitting down at this time, I couldn't help but feel a little wandering, thinking about how to set up a project if I incubate a project?

   Lu Yu, who is sitting on the other side, has less DKP, not even better than the ordinary employees of the game team, but he also has a careful thinking about setting up projects. At present, the frame of Ba people's information was left over by Chu Yuanxi back then, and Lu Yu hasn't left a strong mark of his own after working for so long.

   It’s not that I don’t want to stay, but I won’t stay. It’s easy to register some Tractor We Media accounts and hire someone to fill in the content. It’s good to write explosive articles or draw comics, but what about the purpose? Therefore, Yue Lue mentioned it to Chu Yuanxi twice and was rejected, and was rated as a waste of money, so today is a good opportunity to learn.

I saw that Yang Jiangang entered the role very quickly. The only problem he needed to face was how to tell his set of content, and in what order to "speak" well, but the things that need to be said are fine, at least for Chu Yuanxi. , So it’s easier. The difficulty is equivalent to entering a novice village in the game to level up. The people sitting on the stage are slimes and goblins, and Chu Yuanxi is the boss of the novice village.

   In fact, there was a need to simplify player operations for a long time in mobile games, but the battle without operations at all seemed boring. Therefore, the game "Legend of Dota" found the best balance point of simplified operation, and became the second super hit in the history of mobile game development in the sky until the dead pesticide was born and then dominated the country. Relatively speaking, it's not that simple. The operation of this set of mobile games must be simplified and adjusted.

   Why is there such a change? Because users are constantly changing, they are all mobile phone users. In 2012, 2014 and 2016, the sensitivity and acceptance of mobile phone users to complex operations were completely different. The later, the higher the acceptance or thirst for complex operations, and the more diligent users who originally didn't like operations or who could only accept simple operations.

  Yang Jiangang and Chu Yuanxi reached an agreement on this point that in the early stage of VR games, like mobile games, users’ adaptability to complex operations will not be much different, so they need to be as simple as possible. How simple is it? To the extent of "Dota Legend" will do.

   Therefore, the core form of "Enemies of Rome" is that the player clicks on the summoning materials in the battle, summons partners to fight, then strengthens, upgrades, and advances the materials, increases the value of the summoned objects, and merges them to obtain new materials.

  The advantage of this method is that the summoning object hits by itself, and the player only needs to operate the movement + summoning two things, the operation requirements are very low, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

  The disadvantage is that you can’t go up and chop directly, you can’t use skills, and you can’t command the summoned object. You can only affect the position of the summoned object by moving, and the player may be upset.


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