Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 784: Strategic cooperation?

   Why did Chu Yuanxi think of the CV industry for the first time? Because Xiaokang is currently discussing cooperation with a leading company in the CV industry.

This company is called Qifu Technology. It used to be very, very rich around 2017, but it is a pity that Xiaokang in the original world did not cooperate with others, because at that time Qifu Technology had valuations but no products, and even its own positioning. Pinpoint.

   The so-called positioning includes not only the product line, but also whether it is a toC business or a toB business.

   Now they have made a big circle, from toB to toC to to the government, and finally back to toB. They finally found their position. If they take a taxi, they can blow the Didi driver to death.

But they are still one of the so-called CV four little dragons, rich and handsome, and the D round valuation is close to 30 billion. This is estimated as an unlisted company that has obtained a large financing of over 5 billion real money. It can be said to be Very hard valuation.

   The key is that Qifu Technology’s money is not bad. Although the landing is still not stable, the industrial chain is well integrated, and the demonstration projects have been established. It is not a bit stronger than some dragons that are far in the future.

   However, Chu Yuanxi is still wary of the cooperation with Qifu Technology, because this company relies on the two money in its accounts and often uses strategic cooperation as a breakthrough point to make mergers and acquisitions of high-quality companies.

  The so-called strategic cooperation, the two sides will definitely conduct a very in-depth discussion and information exchange, so that the target company will be fully demonstrated. Then seek mergers and acquisitions, not only has sufficient information, but also sufficient cooperation. If the target company does not agree to the merger, once the cooperation is interrupted, the small body may not be able to withstand the impact of the shamelessness of the other party, so it is very possible to agree with the nose .

   Qifu Technology integrates the industrial chain in this way, and the integration is good.

   This kind of bullying is something that Chu Yuanxi must take precautions against in the early stage of a well-off period, otherwise he will survive psychologically, but the company may not survive. The unwarranted interruption of important cooperation may result in some processes being blocked, some processes being blocked, and business plummeting. Who can bear it? Employees across the line will be shaken.

   Benefiting from the fact that Qifu Technology is a relatively star-studded enterprise in China, Chu Yuanxi learned about its follow-up operations when doing his homework. Then, Zhang Jian from the logistics system reported a cooperation plan, and Yang Cheng from the storefront system also reported a cooperation plan. They are especially cooperating with Qifu Technology.

   The cooperation plan reported by the store system is very straightforward.

   Fresh food is the most profitable of all the products in convenience stores. One of the most important products in the well-off fresh food is 724’s signature, oden. Although this gadget is profitable, it consumes manpower, because the user will constantly think about it when buying it, and the clerk can only wait patiently.

   Especially when it comes to sales promotion, because multiple promotion plans may appear at the same time, users have to compare prices, which is a test of mental arithmetic, and even more so for the staff. Especially during the peak period, it is a torture to the shop.

   So the best solution is to use robots to pick up and pack meals. This operation can definitely be done as long as the robot is powerful, because oden cooking is modular, and all kinds of cooking are easy to pick up. Put them in the well grid pot according to the rules, and the robot can complete it. As long as the pot is not a monster, the robot is even better than a human Fishing is fast. In this way, only a touch screen is needed, and users can operate by themselves, which can greatly liberate the staff's manpower.

   Although there is a suspicion that useful robots are occupying human jobs, it is an unstoppable trend for robots to enter full-scale service, and there will be more and more in life in the future. Those who do business can only embrace, and cannot be a car, they must be ahead of their time.

   This is the same for individuals, not to mention companies. Don’t you see, there is a houseworm by the West Lake who has set up five houses next to the Ali Cainiao logistics base, ready to harvest the rent of Ali employees, and then found that the park is full of robots? This is the price of not being forward-conscious.

  Whether Chu Yuanxi, Yang Cheng, or Du Tie who is currently in the position of consultant, everyone knows this situation very well, but who can provide this robot service? Xiaokang is definitely impossible to develop the robot by himself, even with the robot's software and hardware technology. If Chu Yuanxi intends to do this, it would be the same as GoPro's decision to enter the drone.

In fact, although Xiaokang has five R&D teams, the external demand is still very large. For example, in terms of vision, although Zhou Mingjun himself is an AI vision veteran, Chu Yuanxi would rather castrate his vision ability, not He will start a separate visual project team, but let him manage both the AI ​​group and the VR group. The future development of AR will also belong to him, but he will not do visual alone because he can't do it.

   If you want to make a vision, you have to make a whole set, and you have to have the ambition to make a Qifu technology to be worth doing. In fact, it is about the same size as a robot. It is full of illusions.

   So a well-off society definitely needs many toB companies to provide various solutions for it.

   Specifically for robots, Qifu Technology said they can provide one-stop service, and I heard that Xiaokang is planning to use self-service methods to manage the store on a large scale, so it hopes to establish a strategic level of cooperation.

Although there are many types of 724 convenience stores in Tianchao, no one has used robots in the fresh food segment, and I don’t know whether the users can accept it. Yang Zhilai just wants to purchase a batch of convenience stores and have a try. I have never thought about strategic cooperation, but The other party brought it up, and he appeared very sincere, so he made a report of his intention to cooperate and sent it to Chu Yuanxi.

   As a result, the plan to purchase a one-stop solution was passed smoothly. Strategic cooperation requires "research and research".

  Logistics cooperation plan is also very large, even bigger. Because he had to burn money in logistics, Zhang Jian became the number one big money-eater in the well-off society during this time, and his expenditure exceeded the sum of all research and development expenses. Where does the money he handles spend? On the one hand, it is the manpower and capacity system, on the other hand is the storage system.

   Warehousing system, the best in China is Ares Technology, which is a logistics robot. Not long ago, this company was acquired by Qifu Technology.

This merger and acquisition made Chu Yuanxi feel a deep pity, because Ares Technology is indeed very high-quality. It has a relatively mature product line and good research and development capabilities within two years of its establishment, and the intelligent storage system introduced adopts machine vision and high The precision sensor can realize centimeter-level precise positioning and navigation in the internal area of ​​the warehouse.

   In short, the warehouse service system of God of War can be compared to Amazon's robotic warehousing system in the United States. In the end, Chu Yuanxi didn't wait for Chu Yuanxi to get up and he was already swallowed by Qifu Technology.

   The plan that Zhang Jian reported this time is to build an intelligent warehouse of close to 100,000 square meters based on the warehousing service provided by Qifu Technology, which is enough to meet the total warehouse demand in the Xiaokang Imperial Capital area for a long time.

   was then directly rejected by Chu Yuanxi.

   This veto made Zhang Jian look bewildered, because although it costs a lot and does not need to be so big for the time being, it will definitely be necessary in the future. After building such a warehouse, the well-to-do SKU management will definitely be able to step up, why not so fast?

"Lao Zhang, it's not that I deny you, but your intention to cooperate is okay, but if the other party proposes a strategic cooperation, I have to deny it." Chu Yuanxi saw Zhang Jian still blank, so she had to say clearly: "We I have known each other for such a long time, I will not hide it from you, Lao Yang, Yang Cheng first purchased a batch of'Wish Technology' robots, and then'Wish Technology' offered an invitation for strategic cooperation. You are in harmony. Ares Technology's cooperation, and then "Yishengxian" supplies our store, do you know these three companies?"

   "I don't understand." Zhang Jianxin said to me why? I have never heard of the names of these companies. (Zhang Jian must have never heard of it, because the names of these companies are compiled by the author Jun Hu. I beg you, readers, to hold your hands high and not to sit in the seat!)

"Xingwish Technology is a subsidiary of Qifu Technology, and Ares Technology is now too. Then in life, it is rarely the second shareholder of'Haojiafang Convenience Chain Store', and Qifu Technology is the major shareholder of Haojiaofang. It is hard to say what relationship they have. , Because the actual controller of Haojiefang has connected transactions with these two companies."

When Chu Yuanxi said this, she frowned, "What are they doing? I have to consider this question. It is impossible for us to put all our eggs in the same basket, Lao Zhang. Give fresh food and cook oden. Even if they suddenly cut the supply to us, we are not particularly afraid, right? It is nothing more than the clerk working harder and changing the fresh produce supply chain. But your storage plan, the investment is not a little bit, I have to drop it, otherwise I May become the fool of the year this year or next year."

   Zhang Jian felt that the worldview was opened, and after Chu Yuanxi sent him away, he could finally continue to eat melon.

   It is a pity that almost all the melons in the past few days are bitter melons. First of all, India jumped out and banned the download of TikTok overseas version tiktok in India because it is harmful to children. This reason can't be said to be particularly nonsense, but it seems very disheartening in the context of the overweight trade war. In fact, in February, the United States fined Toutiao US$5.7 million for infringing on children’s privacy. It can be seen that on the soft side, people actually take it very seriously.

   Following the Cold War mentality is Oracle, a world-class company whose founders publicly declared that they would lay off large-scale layoffs in Greater China in order to combat the technological circles of the Tian Dynasty. Why does this make the public on Weibo advocating that technology knows no boundaries? The layoffs this time were a straight cut and cut the R&D department to a negligible level. Many database siege lions who have worked for Oracle for many years have a large number of options in their hands, all of which have been lost.

Perhaps the only delicious melon is that Jackie Chan killed another and refreshed his advertising record. The actual controller of a game company listed on the A-share market was accused of manipulating the stock market after losing contact for more than a month. Criminal detention by the Public Security Bureau. The so-called brothers came to kill me, and a gamer lay down in the legendary world.

   While he was eating melons, Elizabeth knocked on the door and came in: "A lady came to you and said that you promised her."

   "Why did I promise her? Who did I promise? What did I promise?" Chu Yuanxi looked dazed, and said that you can't speak Chinese, can't you not speak English? There is no female appointment to see me recently?

   I saw Elizabeth shrugged, "It seems to be your former colleague. I don't think she lied, so you should see it."

Soon people were brought in. Chu Yuanxi saw that it was Chen Qi, the manpower of the original Pengfei Technology, who had been following Li Zhaokai, and later became Chu Yuanxi’s little ear and provided last week’s technology. With many key information from Deep Space Data, it turned out that the Deep Space Data infringed on the privacy of citizens and was taken away from the investigation.

   Why don’t you make an appointment? Are you afraid that if you say it in advance, the old man has planned to break the contract? Chu Yuanxi said that you look down on me too much, right? What I promised will definitely be done.

   What's more, blasting deep space data with a punch is a decisive thing, not for the Pakistani people or for the well-off, but for this aura called "Don't mess with Chu Yuanxi". This punch went out from a very tricky angle to hit the point, at least there are people who have the face and possessions in the future, they must have concerns about whether to touch the company of Chu Yuanxi. So Chen Qi's favor must be paid back.

   I saw Chen Qi quickly sit opposite him and said: "Chu, I have already figured out what to do."

   "You can call me Chu Yuanxi, Mr. Chu sounds awkward."

   "Hahaha alright." Chen Qi smiled awkwardly, "I think the direction of entrepreneurship is-geek media."

   "Geek, media? Why do you want to be in this field?"

"Because I feel promising." Chen Qi was calm and composed, and apparently had done enough research. "And it just happens to be a project that I can afford to build, and the right people can be found. No matter how old I am, I can't do it. "

"It's not bad for you to think about it from this perspective." Chu Yuanxi nodded, unexpectedly Chen Qi's idea of ​​finding a project was pretty good. In fact, the first thing to consider when thinking about the direction of entrepreneurship must be her current ability to build a market. Upper limit. Just like the creation of Ba Ren more than a year ago, at that time Chu Yuanxi thoroughly considered where he could do it. With his ability to compose a game at that time, the Ba Ren entertainment path was the optimal solution.

   And Chen Qi, her idea is so wonderful that she started as a media in Pakistan, and she can easily get help from the Pakistani group. After all, it is the relationship between investment and being invested. As long as the quality is acceptable, you can get it without shame, and the benefits of Cengba people are justified.

   Chen Qi's eyes lit up, "So you support me?"

"If you don’t support it, I’ll give you money as long as you choose it. That’s okay. But to be honest, I’m not too optimistic about this geek media. Can you tell me why you think it has a future? See details."

"Okay. First of all, it is the domestic geek group. Although it does not seem to have a large proportion, it is because we have a large number of people. The actual number is still quite a lot. However, there is a lack of professional media, so this segmentation The track feels pretty good.

   Next is that the group of ‘geeks’ can actually be expanded. The mainstream media now defines geeks too narrowly. In fact, from hackers to modified car enthusiasts, from online to offline, anyone who pursues the ultimate through hands and brains can be called a geek. The portraits of these users have similarities, so the potential audience is not low, and the users The quality is very high.

   Then there is demand. Whether domestic or international, geek activities are relatively hot as long as they are held, and the popularity is very high, at least very lively. If it is connected to the media, the content is easy to produce. If you want to be a media, the communication index is not low. You see that a cyber security World Cup will be held in June. It was in the Imperial Capital. Last year it was super popular, and this year should not be bad. "

   Chu Yuanxi inserted strongly at this time and asked the question: "Then how to close it? How to realize it? How to generate profit?"

   This question stunned Chen Qi, "Is it necessary to consider monetization during the entrepreneurial period? No one seems to think about this kind of thing in media entrepreneurship?"

"Yes, so we media's valuation is generally not high." Chu Yuan Xixin said that you are a typical cheating entrepreneur who only considers blowing bubbles and not considering landing. "Now we media monetization can be regarded as a regular routine. Yes, you have to consider your own monetization method, otherwise the valuation will not go up if you just advertise."

"This is what I don't understand. Look... Well, let's take "Middle Night Gallery" as an example. How can an advertisement for "Middle Night Gallery" start at 300,000 yuan? If you can achieve a turnover of 100 million, why is the valuation only 100 million? This realization does not correspond to the valuation."

   "Yes, many people have this problem, you have to consider it if you want to be a media."

Chu Yuanxi said and stretched out two fingers: "First, you don't necessarily receive suitable advertisements every day. You can pick up any advertisements. You can't post it for a year, and you will lose your skin after half a year. It is a trivial matter to lose your followers. Users simply don’t click on the ads you send, and the value of your ads drops off a cliff.

Second, the valuation of self-media is unlikely to be high, because it can be blocked anytime and anywhere. It is a trivial matter to block you if Dragon Father is upset, and there are other gods who can block you, so it must not be calculated in normal mode. Valuation.

   In fact, making games and movies is the same. It’s a bit better than self-media, with high turnover and quick money, but it can be blocked anytime and anywhere, for various inexplicable reasons. "

   Chen Qixin said that you are not from the media, games + movies? You have taken it all! Was it because of this reason that he devoted himself to the entity to manage the well-off life of the **** horse? Well, thinking about it this way seems to be very I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "If you don't even think about how to close your mouth, I strongly suggest you think about it again. Why am I not optimistic? Because This thing is thundering and raining a little bit, and some people die in front. Did you know that there is a MakerMedia in the U.S. known as the “geek benchmarking”? The ancestor-level geek media is already cold. People engaged in activities are very hot, 100 Ten thousand people participate, do you dare to think? But there have been large-scale layoffs, no one can survive the investment and will go bankrupt."

   "Hiss..." Chen Qi gasped, "I have heard about this too, but it's from the United States, so I didn't care too much."

"You have to care. That's a benchmark. The benchmarks are down. Except I promised you five million, who would dare to invest for you?" Chu Yuanxi felt that it would be better to make things clear. "If you don't understand it, , At most you just wash that 5 million into your pocket, which is meaningless."

   Chen Qixin said that it is interesting, especially interesting! But after this little thought was broken, there was nothing to say.


   was shielded protectively, and the salted fish was no longer found in the search for the title of the book. You can only find it by searching for "looks like a master". There is a sense of imminent disaster. Dear readers, please pay attention to this WeChat public account to avoid losing contact. Although there is nothing on the top, it will be there in case of loss.


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