Xiaokang's work became more tense after entering May, and it continued for ten consecutive days. On the one hand, Milestone 3 is about to begin, and bicycles will be launched on May 17. This is the first major battle. Bicycles and health coins must be added to the APP's operating system, and they must be combined with members’ shopping counterpoints. Currency types have different functions, and the special funds should not be confused.

   There is also a lot of running accounts for the trial operation of the Dongzhu robot, the upgrade of the logistics, etc., and the detailed review of the previous work every weekend, which takes up the valuable rest time of the executives for free.

On the other hand, there are more than a dozen stores opened, and the users contacted have become very large. The feedback from the users is more information, and then it is found that the old revolution has encountered new problems, and some difficulties that have not been considered before need to be solved .

   In fact, we are not afraid of problems from the same level or a higher level. Soldiers will block water and soil. You have Zhang Liangji and I have wall ladders. Chu Yuanxi has recruited public relations and legal teams long ago and is ready.

As for the common methods on the commercial battlefield, such as strategic cooperation, it may be 100% to switch to Yang Jiangang. Xiaoli Baer learns to wrestle for food, but it will be resolved within a minute by Chu Yuanxi No one knows that they have already walked a circle on the wire rope without even explaining.

   But the problem from users is definitely a headache for any business. And there is no way to complain, because Xiaokang is a kind of manned store similar to an unmanned store. There is a 24-hour scanner at the door. When the user takes something, he directly hits the barcode on the product on the scanner at the door. The bill is issued on the touch screen, and then you can check out by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone.

But even so, each store still needs to be equipped with about five clerk, adjust the goods, carry out the final step of fresh food processing, take cooked food for customers, etc., and collect cash, sell cigarettes and other operations. The key is to be responsible for answering. problem.

   This is equivalent to two sets of mechanisms in parallel, and the one with no one needs to pay market education costs, because there are still many coupons used for user subsidies, and they have their own usage rules.

Therefore, it takes more time to train the shop assistants in the early stage of the well-off period, because each shop assistant must be proficient in the membership system and usage rules of the entire APP, otherwise the user holds the phone and asks, the shop assistant does not know how to operate, and the user experience is over . This is also the reason why the APP version should not be iterated quickly. The version of the Jaguar update will make the store staff confused.

Then Chu Yuanxi discovered a problem. In the original world, Xiaokang’s APP launched its functions bit by bit. The subsidy discount was also found through trial and error to find the optimal solution. All elements are coded like code blocks. At the beginning, the types of functions to be developed are only roughly determined, and the specific ones must be crossed by feeling the stones.

   So the cost of education in the market is gradually rising, basically a smooth curve.

   This time, because Chu Yuanxi has done it once, I feel that if you adjust the functions like this, then adjust the service like this, or advance a certain discount, the user experience will be better. Trial and error like in the original world is very clumsy and wastes time.

   But this "good experience" means a good experience when users fully understand the APP function system. New users have never used Xiaokang's APP, or even seen such advanced services, and education costs are all piled up on the threshold of entry.

The most direct manifestation of    is that Xiaokang has neither reputation nor credit, which causes users to simply not want to experience it. It’s like the same online novel. If it’s written by a great author, the reader won’t be able to read it. If you look at the author’s pseudonym, you should take a second look at it. If you’re an unknown person, you won’t read it, and you will miss the back Great content.

This question is actually difficult to distinguish between authenticity and falsehood, because when Xiaokang in the original world started to make a big push, it also used a mature version with very diversified functions to make a big push. When new users touch the product, they will find that this system is a treasure. The system is more complicated, and there are many discounts buried in it, which require careful experience.

   But now, on May 17, 2019, when Milestone 3 begins, the day when bicycles are officially launched, this problem "appears" to be a problem, because no old users are "savvy" and word-of-mouth communication is blocked.

Even the Pakistani and well-off employees have been confused by a large proportion because there are too many coupons in their hands, and they don’t know how to spend them to maximize their benefits, and squeeze the hard-earned money exploited by capitalists as much as possible. come back.

   This problem may be numb if it is replaced by someone else, but it is not a problem for Chu Yuanxi, because this kind of blockage did not appear today, and the system test began to show it. In other words, he has sufficient time to prepare two sets of solutions, waiting for the day when the bicycle goes online.

   The first set of plans is called: "Information from Pakistan, go!"

Chu Yuanxi also has a communication tool called the Pakistani self-media matrix. Although it is said that the Shangba people are suspected of shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft artillery, the layout of Xiaokang is only limited to that of a super small area outside the North Fifth Ring of the Imperial City. , But this is the first mosquito, and its value is very high. Therefore, it is imperative for the Pakistani people to move out, but it is more complicated and must be effectively delivered to users in the area south of Longde Zijin outside the North Fifth Ring Road.

   Therefore, the Pakistani information was published on Weibo and WeChat, and then they specially found some local life-like Douyin tuba in the Imperial Capital to exchange resources, and for one thing, they gave coupons.

   The advantage of self-media is that it can teach meticulously, and it can directly play instructional videos, which can overcome the barriers of user education. It should be ok through the message feedback and coupon code receipt.

   The second set of plans is called: "Push the staff, go!"

On this day of bicycle launch, Xiaokang has the obligation to let students who have filled up paid members understand that they have one more benefit-free cycling. Therefore, the push staff must not only master the APP functions, but also have their own opinions and opinions. Communication skills, so that more customers are willing to fill up members, get discounts, and obtain free cycling qualifications.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi was able to sit on the Tiaoyutai firmly, and even let Liao Xingxing and Du Zetao start a live broadcast, watching them personally end the push to passers-by. Not only did they have to push in person, but they also had to PK to see who was an The number of APP installations going out is large.

   It turned out that Liao Xingxing’s tongue was full of flowers, but he was completely defeated. Du Zetao was young and young, with a face of collagen. He killed his grandmother and younger sisters, which was not comparable to old bacon like Liao Xingtao.

   So Chu Yuanxi, who had been spinning for ten days, could finally sit down while drinking tea and watching the live broadcast while continuing to eat melon.

   The melons these days have been relatively positive, but there is also a sense of humor. The first melon is related to the acquisition of MPS, which is the shame of the Chinese investment community. It was the one Xu Xin used to give an example when Chu Yuanxi and Xu Xin were discussing. Everbright and Stormwind acquired the European sports copyright company MPS and then was hollowed out. , A miserable loss of 5 billion.

   On the eighth day, China Everbright took Baofeng to the court to demand compensation for losses, but Chu Yuanxi felt that internal tearing would not solve the problem. However, the follow-up impact of this event will be far-reaching, and it may be an improvement for mainland capital to go abroad.

   Immediately after the exciting news came, China Unicom launched the Pioneer Project, began to sell 5G mobile phones and looked for mice to demonstrate the extremely fast download speed. In fact, this event means a stronger show, but the faster 5G is popularized, the greater the benefits for Chu Yuanxi. Many of his gameplays are based on the power of 5G, such as blockchain gaming, there is no 5G If it is just a castle in the air, you must build a foundation for the mobile and Unicom dads to play around.

   However, if someone embraces the future, others embrace the disability. At the 5G technology summit held by himself, a big guy questioned that 5G radiation is more harmful to the human body...Big guy, you are a postdoctoral fellow in physics from a famous American university! Are you hosting the 5G summit to criticize it?

   Before and after this episode, HTC finally withdrew from the mainland market.

   This day is long overdue, but it will always come, especially for the former Android machine king-HTC is the first Google manufacturer to invite cooperation with Android machines. At that time, IOS belonged to Apple and Android belonged to HTC, leading the trend together.

   But this great company with the opportunity to dig its own grave and despise the mainland market. HTC's attitude towards the mainland market is the same as Chu Yuanxi's attitude towards Kuaishou when he was engaged in Pakistan last year. This is a market. It is worth doing but you don't want to invest much effort. As for the product? Just throw away products with good data in other markets.

   Therefore, HTC's mobile phones in the mainland are expensive and ugly, and the haughty four-chin phones were kicked to the ground by Xiaomi. Even so, HTC is still the same, and even treats mainland users differently. The same version of mobile phone has a high-end version of the overseas version and a low-end version in the country. Not to mention the hardware and architecture, even the system is different, but dare to sell more expensive? I don't know who gave Wang Xuehong the courage?

The most ridiculous thing is that she was slaughtered by Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Microsoft, BlackBerry and other mobile phones in the European and American markets that she valued. Patent lawsuits and supply chain disruptions caused HTC's sales to collapse. Ironically The only environment where there is no need to worry about a fair competition in patent litigation is the mainland. She has already played it down, and she never wants to stand up.

   Chu Yuanxi drew a circle on the small notebook, it seems that there are things that can be bought. And Wang Xuehong's current slogan is "AllinVR". In that case, maybe some people are worth digging? But that should be a few months from now before the right time appears. As for cooperation... To be honest, this option itself exists in theory, but Chu Yuanxi doesn't believe that it will be implemented one day.

   Then, the trade war suddenly ignited to its peak, and the news network international sharp commentary officially issued its voice. This is a grim event for anyone familiar with the domestic top-level ecology.

   The other side of the ocean put Huawei on the entity list of the Ministry of Commerce and the Security Bureau, so that all knowledgeable people will become poker faces-companies on this list will be embargoed.

   The country of the United States, like a mirror in its heart, never mentions whether Huawei is breaking the law. However, Huawei has long taken measures to deal with it. Even the lawyers hired have caused headaches for the US Ministry of Commerce-that was the official responsible for investigating Huawei from the US Ministry of Commerce...

   It is still this period of time, Chu Yuanxi is particularly concerned about Fang Shiling's progress, mainly because she has to submit the paper in June, and there is still more than a month left.

   The importance of this table book is self-evident, and it is related to whether Chu Yuanxi's series of plans will hit the street. If, if a high-civilized character breaks out and writes a qualified Taiwanese script, then Chu Yuanxi will have to use extra means. The original one cannot seal the throat with a sword because the sword is stuck. Can't pull it out.

   Although it is said that there is no psychological burden for performing surgical blows, what are the bad consequences of doing so? Just doing this is to really pull Zheng De into the water. In other words, if Gao Wenming was on the street, then Chu Yuanxi's envoys were impeccable; but if Gao Wenming didn't attack the street, Chu Yuanxi would use conspiracy.

  The conspiracy is inferior to the conspiracy because the conspiracy is difficult to complete alone, and the conspiracy is a ruse, and no one can be involved. Zhuge Liang calculated that the northwest wind would blow for three days when the fire burned Chibi, and then a whole set of qualities were arranged for Zhou Lang for three consecutive years. As for Zhou Lang's bitter flesh to offer serial Jiang Gan theft, these operations were not the result of Zhuge Liang's conspiracy. , But it must be so, because Zhuge Liang borrowed from Dongfeng's "overall situation has been determined."

   But what if the Siberian butterfly flapped its wings? Zhuge Liang also had his head bald.

   However, the collected news made Chu Yuanxi feel very weird. Fang Shiling actually asked her editor to write the manuscript at the same time, and it was extremely fast? How is this possible? The key is that rough intelligence can be collected, but it is not so easy to take out the manuscript written by the other party and have to rely on guessing. It's just that Gao Wenming didn't seem to be aware of it, because Fang Shiling signed a contract with him for a director + screenwriter, and he was in control, just waiting to start the game.

   In other words, his dream of directing for many years is about to come true! Although it is a variety show, who dares to say that the director of a variety show is not a director? The case is simply confusing.

   There is nothing surprising about things that can be understood, but if the enemy makes an incomprehensible operation, it must be added up. So Chu Yuanxi asked Baisha for advice.

   Baisha created with peace of mind during this time, and was blind to Chu Yuanxi, Pakistani people and even the project. Anyway, the three million one-season contract was signed, and he waited for Chu Yuanxi to pay the milestone.

   So after three months of running-in with Uncle Sheng, Baisha has now entered a high-yield period. There are eight episodes in the first season, and five episodes have passed the review of Uncle Sheng.

   After receiving Chu Yuanxi's inquiry, Bai Sha quickly gave his guess: "The other party may have changed the direction."

   "What does it mean to change the general direction?"

"Uh... it's not that I look down on my peers. Ask Uncle Sheng. If you want to write about this subject, it is ancient economics, ancient politics, and the general background of the Warring States period. Any decision may directly trigger a war. To be able to withstand scrutiny, there must be suspense, to inspire the audience to think, and to write effortlessly? Speed ​​up is impossible to speed up. But if you don’t write about politics or economics, or express it in the form of a family, it’s better to write of."

   "You mean... the way of the two-dimensional element?" Chu Yuanxi used a fashionable word, which was taught to him by Mallor, because the flat head brother is a novel website focusing on the two-dimensional element. The so-called two-dimensional element is a genre that does not need to talk about the logic of reality, but only needs the logic of the plot to be complete. Because the plots of comics are often full of flaws in the realistic logic level, the two dimensions are used as the title.

   Mario is very irritable now, the kind that people don't get close to, because now there are corpses on the Internet, and he is the same, afraid of losing contact with readers all day. So every time the Xianyu style is updated, the readers are greeted to pay attention to the author's WeChat official account, although he hasn't written anything on the official account, so you won't get lost.

   I was very happy to see Bai Sha, "Hey, you still know the second element? That's right. If the other party throws away the difficult part, it will be fast. I will tell you in detail and you will understand.

   The core expression of this variety show is the opposite spray. The opposite spray is the essence. The content of the spray determines whether it is wonderful or not. The content of the spray has three forms-the form of wisdom, the form of finding fault, and the form of nonsensical.

   Wisdom, needless to say, the two parties who spray each other are for the country, but they have different ideas, and the sprayers are very tall, and they have to refute each other theoretically. And we must pay attention to the method, the content of the spray varies from person to person, and guide it according to the situation.

  The form of finding faults is similar to Weibo fans scolding ~www.ltnovel.com~ ridiculing each other, and even creating contradictions out of nothing. Comparing standards. But in the actual history, there must be many passers-by, who are basically traitorous officials. There are many famous traitors in the history of Qi, such as changing teeth, setting up tricks, and prescribing prescriptions. It's just that Jixia Academy is full of philosophers, and there is no soil for such people to survive.

   Zhuge Liang’s tongue fight against the Confucian group can be divided into the upper and lower half, the first half is the spurt of wisdom, and the second half is the spurt of finding fault. Because the previous ones were loyal ministers of the Wu state, Zhang Zhao and others really believed that surrendering to Cao Cao was the right choice for Soochow, so they had to refute the other party from a major perspective. The knees of Yan Mi, Lu Jizhi and others were bent behind them, and one of them was kneeling, so Zhuge Liang directly attacked them and swollen their faces.

   In other words, the form of finding faults should not be sloppy. At least one must understand certain historical events and figures. If Zhuge Liang didn't understand Yan Mi and Lu Ji, he couldn't attack him personally. So although it is not as tall as the first type, there are many highlights. The first type is equivalent to some detours, and the second type is short-handed and more straightforward. "

   "What about the third type?"

"The nonsensical form means that you don’t need to know history, military, culture, or historical facts and characters, and you just start editing it. It’s like writing a...a script similar to an overhead novel, do you understand? ?"

   "Oh oh oh, I see, is it a bluff?"


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