Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 786: Do you have that with her?

"Yes, I think Gao Wenming might be writing this." Bai Sha's expression was a little weird. "It's just that you say he writes very slowly, I'm a bit confused. I think that with his ability, he can only Writing nonsensical forms cannot write the first two. But shouldn’t writing the third one be particularly slow?"

   Chu Yuanxi thought it all together, Wei Ning said, this variety show, Taishan Terrace is for the provincial leaders to see the results, then Gao Wenming wrote the third estimate, is it difficult to judge? But it's not enough that he can write the second one. Bai Sha said that the speed is not as good as the third one? "But the editor of the Late Night Gallery is also writing, and writing extremely fast, what is the situation?"

   "I don't know either?" Bai Shaxin said you ask me who do I ask? "Adaptation is not random, and joking is not nonsense. Even the third type is impossible to'super fast'. Is your news accurate?"

   "Should it be okay?" Chu Yuanxi said, did I have been counter-investigated?

   The Pakistani once had a business handover with "Late Night Gallery" for a period of time, handing over the IP of "Fang Ge", from the fan channel, to the script content, to the style of painting, etc., the front-line players on both sides knew each other. Of course, the first-line commanders of the Pakistani people are Uncle Sheng and Jiaotu. Similar to the early days of the National Revolution, only the generals had no soldiers, and the other side dispatched real first-line editors and painters. So they waited for the mobile game "Uncle Sheng and Jiaotu" to be launched. The coffee position was immediately pulled away.

   So now if you want to find out what is not important, it is not difficult to chat or gossip.

   Would you like to go to Taishan Terrace to try it out? If you ask more, maybe Wei Ning will be alert, right? However, although the person in charge on Taishan Terrace is Wei Ning, there are still many other forces intervening. If the project is one's own, it would be annoying to death. I wish I could collapse this group of scum, but the project is not my own, then they are all good friends!

Chu Yuanxi asked Bai Sha to wait a moment, and opened WeChat directly, and found a post labeled "Shang Zong Late", which was the late stage of outsourcing of Taishan Terrace. He had previously added WeChat through Weibo and knew that he had received the advance payment. , And directly docked with Fang Shiling behind.

If you have a Weibo account with a super V in your hand, it is simply a magical tool. For example, if you want to add the contact information of the business manager, you don’t need to actively look for it. Just find the Weibo of the other company and send it to the new one. If you like and leave a comment on your Weibo, you can wait for the other party to come to you.

Like this merchant, the special effects company has a total of 800 fans, which is not much better than Shimizu Suren, and there is usually no likes or comments. He was praised by such a big name by Pakistani Entertainment. Chu Yuanxi did not wait. In 20 minutes, after eating a melon, the private chat on Weibo will be a little red.

   The current layout of this project is the Taishan station control panel. Fang Shiling is the producer, responsible for finding the director, producing the script, leading the crew to complete the filming and directing. Taishan TV is responsible for the card formation and organization of resources. What kind of crew, venue, service road, post-processing, lighting and dubbing, etc. are all matched by Taishan TV. But the combination of these resources is for Fang Shiling's use, so the person in charge of each unit directly docks with Fang Shiling, as long as the money is in place, he can do whatever he wants with Party A's father.

   So Shang is always a good tentacle, and Chu Yuanxi communicates more easily, saying that she cares about this project, and she is afraid that Fang Shiling's blind Jaguar will ruin it. Is there any new progress?

   Anyway, he has asked more than once, and the other party answered quickly: there is no new development, and it is impossible. There is no filming. In theory, there is nothing to do. Recently, I just communicated several forms of laughter.

   Chu Yuanxi: Laughter? Is it Qianlong Rinpoche's laugh?

   Mr. Shang: No, that laughter is voiced by an actor. I do post-processing. Similarly, you must understand the live broadcast, similar to the kind of background audience laughter that the sound card frequently broadcasts during the live broadcast.

Meow meow meow?

   Chu Yuanxi showed her mobile phone to Bai Sha. The two have big eyes to small eyes. Why are there audiences laughing in this variety show? How many more manifestations? Is the fog on this side getting worse?

   "Forget it, I won't worry anymore." Chu Yuanxi put the phone away, "Anyway, this project can't run, you can finish writing with peace of mind, and I will have time to engage her when she submits the paper."

   "I have never been worried." Bai Shaxin said that I have money, why am I worried? But Chu Yuanxi meant to see off the guests, but he still had questions and didn't ask for advice.

   I only heard Bai Sha say: "Old Chu, I want to ask something, do you think there is a future for animation?"

   "Why ask this?"

   "Didn't you build an animation platform with peak visual effects? Uncle Sheng told me." Bai Sha smiled, "I want to contribute to this animation platform and jointly develop animation IP."

   "Oh, you saw that I developed an IP cool, do you want to try it?" Chu Yuanxi was very welcome. Yang Jiangang is doing UGC and PGC platforms, but it can also fully support the form of IP authorization development. The difference between the two forms is nothing more than who is going to compile the animation table. The platform has manpower to compile the table. The script must be a high-quality script, otherwise it will not be enough to delay the effort, and then the proportions will have to be changed slightly. No matter how you look at it, it is appropriate.

   He explained the difference between the two to Bai Sha, and asked him to consider whether he should hire a professional person to be responsible for the production of PGC content, mainly learning the animation production and presentation form, or only authorize IP. Then, Chu Yuanxi replied in the form of a question: "Is the animation worth doing? Is there any future? I will ask you one thing. What did Jobs do after he got out of Apple?"

   Baisha looked blank. Obviously he was not a fruit fan and could not recite the life of Master Qiao.

   I only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "After Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple, he only did one thing and founded Pixar Animation Studio. Do you think there is a future for cartoons?"

   "That's it!" Bai Sha picked up his purse to leave, walked to the door and suddenly stopped, and asked, "Old Chu, do you hate Gao Wenming?"

   "Huh? Gao Wenming? I don't hate him."

   "He got so much help from you, bought his account and solved the set for him, and then helped Fang Shiling grab your project. Don't you hate him at all?"

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that I haven't had a crush on Gao Wenming, why should I hate him? What right does he have to be hated by me? Just because you are against me? There are too many scums against me, do I hate it? Of course, the expression has to be changed.

"It is a bit unhappy if you have to say that. However, at least 3 million of the more than 30 million DAUs of the mobile game "Troubled Times" were diverted through "High Station Master", I took a big advantage. 300 What is the concept of 10,000 DAU? It’s a little bit cruel to players. It’s easy for a game company to go public with a monthly turnover of 100 million. He is my benefactor. I don’t hate him at all every time I think about it.”

   Bai Sha said that he wiped it off. It turned out that this was the reason. I thought you were so magnanimous, Bai Sha was moved! I should find a chance to tell Gao Wenming this, and see what expression on his face will come!

   In essence, "Baisha" is a patriotic account, and "Home of Gao Wenming" is a well-known account. Gao Wenming does not necessarily know Baisha, but Baisha must know Gao Wenming.

   It is also this period of time. Elizabeth's Chinese level can be described by breaking the ice, at least she can say a few simple words, such as hello, goodbye, I love you and so on. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi gave her a challenge, let the store system provide a person, accompany her south to step on the foundry and supply chain of shared scooter.

  The production of shared scooters is more complicated than that of shared bicycles, and there is no centralized industrial kingdom like Wang Qingtuo, so the foundry needs to choose carefully. Especially under the cloud of trade war, the supply chain of global high-tech industries may be interrupted. All businessmen who need physical products must consider issues that they did not need to consider before.

   However, judging from the feedback from the industry, the high-tech products of the Celestial Dynasty have low prices and good quality, and the domestic supply chain is more complete, so the vitality is very strong in this competition.

   Therefore, although domestic companies complained endlessly, they are much better than those in foreign countries that do not even have the qualifications to complain. In just a few days after Huawei was added to the entity list, the US technology stocks plummeted as a whole. Among them, Huawei's major suppliers all plummeted, with only 20% of high-quality stocks falling.

   More funny things are yet to come.

   The U.S. prides itself on its high level of technology, but the problem is that high-tech supply chain companies need high-tech customers to buy goods, otherwise who would sell such high-tech products?

  As soon as the list came out, all the high-tech companies in Silicon Valley were dumbfounded. The supply chain was cut off from it. No one wanted to sell it! Then, immediately, the lights in Silicon Valley were bright, everyone rushed to beat the blood, worked overtime for three days without sleeping to make goods for Huawei, and must eat a few more mouthfuls before the list goes into effect.

   This is an unimaginable grand occasion in a US factory, and it has not been seen for decades. It seems that the bourgeoisie of the world finally united at this moment, and even pushed back the list of all other enterprises like a vent of revenge, sending out a desperate cry.

   What is even more desperate is that DJI is also on this list. Together with the previous ZTE, this is a war between the United States and the Yuehai Street Science and Technology Park in Nanshan District, Pengcheng City, Eastern Guangdong Province.

  Of course, those companies that are purely engaged in mobile Internet are asset-light, not only can they watch the fire from the other side, but they can also ring the bell to go public.

   Uber, the originator of shared travel, recently ringed the bell. Austin, the legendary female worker of Uber who was responsible for ringing the bell, and the founder Kalanick had been kicked out of the company, so he was banned from coming to power.

   This Austin used to enter a drug rehabilitation center because of drug abuse. When he joined Uber, he did not even send emails. He could only post flyers and even do customer service on the phone. Now he is the head of autonomous driving operations. Her life experience is full of highlights, inspiring Du Zetao and also inspiring Elizabeth, because Austin is now the representative of female entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, replacing Elizabeth.

   Elizabeth will set off at the end of the year or early next year. The time is not particularly abundant. Not only must the domestic foundry be settled, and the design plan given by Xiaokang must be tested, but she must also devote limited energy to organize a research and development project team. Some individualized R&D in Southeast Asia cannot be all pushed to the Xiaokang headquarters. Xiaokang’s R&D is a precise chain, and it will be disrupted if it is added.

Considering that both Xiaokang and Southeast Asia have high requirements for maps, and Google Maps are not available in China, and AutoNavi is not very good in foreign countries, it is better to have your own maps. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi decided to build A miniaturized service center for map research and development, which is also used by the well-off headquarters and Southeast Asia. As for Elizabeth's other R&D needs, which are relatively scattered and relatively low in cost, she has to take care of it herself.

   This map center station will be established sooner or later, but it will be after the stable operation of the well-off bicycles at the earliest. Because this version of Xiaokang Bicycle is connected to AutoNavi, if it is not stable, it needs manpower to sort it out and stabilize it. After a stable version, manpower can be deployed to form a separate map project team.

   This is the next step, and now Chu Yuanxi’s job is to hold the line, and in the form of supervision to ensure that Milestone 3 can be opened smoothly this weekend.

   Especially this time it involves the cooperation between Ba people and Xiaokang. For the first time, the Ba people's propaganda tools were used by Chu Yuanxi on Xiaokang's head. The result is quite gratifying. The use rate of coupons issued through Weibo in the three days from Friday to Sunday reached 30%, which is slightly lower through WeChat, but through the promotion efficiency of external local life-like Douyin Tuba It's super high. Almost 40% of the weekend's passenger flow is driven by Douyin to check in. It's like an artifact!

The key is that this video seems to be unremarkable in Chu Yuanxi's eyes. The UP owner rides a well-off bicycle and talks about bicycle benefits, then gets off at the store and enters the store with a coupon to sweep the goods and then beep again. Beep a few words, talk about the variety of goods and how cheap, and finally praised Xiaokang’s self-service checkout process with the exaggerated tone of lipstick brother, and told fans that they can open Douyin to open, there are discounts, that’s all .

   Of course, the shooting level and rhythm are well controlled, but it is just good. There is no real difference from the videos of a large number of food exploration shops. As a result, it has brought 5,000 paying users!

   Chu Yuanxi was stunned by this matter. It is reasonable to say that this video exists as an exchange resource, but if it is to buy an advertisement directly, there will be at most one hundred thousand. Twenty yuan for a user is not expensive in itself, but if it is a "local paying user", it is super cheap, because they will spread to the outside world.

If it is a small county, there is no need to advertise the promotion at all, let alone a 30% discount. Even if a product is 50 cents cheaper than the lowest market price, if it is just needed, people from all over the county will flock to it for fear of the end of the event. end. Word of mouth is so fast in the enclosed area.

   And an open area like Imperial Capital does not have this kind of spreading advantage, it needs a certain amount of seed users for fission, even if it is a large-scale promotion. Therefore, the promotion intensity is not the most critical. The 49% discount and the 79% discount won’t be much worse. However, there are more than thousands of seed users, and they are seed users who are familiar with social media. The effect is absolutely extraordinary. It is foreseeable that passenger traffic will continue to grow in the next few days.

   Seeing this situation, Chu Yuanxi felt regretful, and immediately asked Lu Yu to set up a few local life accounts of his own. This category is lacking in the Ba people, and has never been engaged. Even Chu Yuanxi feels that the value is average. If there is a need, it is very convenient to find a local Douyin UP host to exchange resources, but I did not expect the effect to be so. it is good!

   After turning the sky and coming to Monday, Chu Yuanxi decided to do a big thing, which is to visit Graby's entrepreneurial group. Their company has been registered, named Kaimenke, and its headquarters is in the second phase of China World Trade Center. It is very tall, but it fascinates Chu Yuanxi.

  Graby’s Imperial Capital R&D center is located in Zhongguancun Erjo. It is said that the headquarters of the opener should be nearby. Even if one is the headquarters’ R&D center and the other is a branch company, not to mention mutual care, at least R&D should try to avoid duplicating wheels? Besides, letting a group of IT migrant workers come to work in China World Trade Center is also performance art?

   Is there any boycott among them?

   With speculation, Chu Yuanxi was about to drive, but Zhu Yun chased it out after entering the basement.

   Chu Yuanxi almost wanted to look up to the sky and scream, and said Zhu Yun, if you want to chase me, can you just say it? Love is not always the first to speak and lose.

   As a result, Zhu Yun actually licked his face and said that he hadn't seen Ah Du for a long time, and he wanted to follow along to recount the past. Chu Yuanxi said that you know I used to kick the gym? It’s still old, it’s good not to be typed out!

   Chu Yuanxi had a dark face and was hot in the car. Zhu Yan sat in the passenger seat and asked while buckling his seat belt: "It was here when Qi Yu took the Gucci Gucci Prada back then?"

   "At the front, next to the pillar, do you see the sign above? That's it."

   "Hey, you remember it clearly."

Zhu Yan's face seemed to have no joy and no but Chu Yuanxi heard a sour taste, "Of course, this underground garage has contributed to the Pakistani second largest self-media account. I don’t think it is a problem. I have a better memory.

"Fuck you, estimate everything. You have no problem with your memory, but your worldview is a problem!" Zhu Yan angrily pulled the seat belt, and after Chu Yuanxi stepped on the accelerator to start the car, the roar of the Mercedes-Benz motor Middle asked: "What's the matter with the female detective you hired?"

   "What's the matter?"

   "That is, why did you hire a U.S. who can't even speak Chinese as an assistant to the president?"

   "Because, because of her high valuation."

   Zhu Yun couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Do you know who she is?"

"Oh, even you know who she is?" Chu Yuanxi was a little surprised. He didn't know that if a woman thinks that another woman is a rival in love, then even the eighteenth generation of the ancestors will be able to find out. Identity.

  I only heard Zhu Yun asked coldly: "Do you have that with her?"

   "Which one is that?" Chu Yuanxi pretended to be confused, and then suddenly realized, "Oh, that, yes, too much!"



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