Seeing Zhu Yan's expression of madness, Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but rubbed his stomach and laughed while sitting in the driving seat. He patted the steering wheel twice in a row, and even the Mercedes Benz started to move in snakeskin.

"Swish" along the basement exit, Chu Yuanxi turned the steering wheel back to the right in Zhu Yan's screams, and said solemnly: "Not only did I promise to invest in her, I will also send her to Southeast Asia to open points. What about the company. The'that' you said was an appointment to her, right?"

"Count you cruel!" Zhu Yan gave Chu Yuanxi a vicious look. If it weren't for fear that he would have another snakeskin to walk around, Jiuyin White Bone Claw would be on!

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "Since you know her identity, you should know that I can only stop at the superior or the subordinate or cooperative relationship with her. What do you think about you?"

"What am I thinking about? Wait, why?"

"Because suppose I have **** with her, and the problem of her identity will erupt in the future, I can't explain it, and it won't be clean. Is this unclear?"

There is obviously a ghost! Zhu Yan said angrily: "It seems that you can explain her identity problem now?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi nodded easily: "I can really do it now."

"Then how do you explain?"

"Don't ask, it won't work if you say it hahahahaha"


Soon, the car cut from the fifth ring to the fourth ring, followed Chaoyang Park to Nanchu to Sihui, and then drove westward to the second phase of the China World Trade Center. Because of an appointment, I went up to the 18th floor with a green light all the way, then registered at the little girl at the front desk, and was introduced to a small meeting room.

Zhu Yan stopped talking when he got out of the elevator. He seemed to have a little b-number in his heart, but at this time, he also found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and quietly pulled La Chu Yuanxi: "Why don't you even have a person to greet you? You guys The position is too low."

"You go out and wave every day, are you accustomed to cuddle before and after shouting? You have to forgive some people, because..." Chu Yuanxi didn't care at all, "I can hang them for a day when they come to Xiaokang to visit."

"Hey, your turn is too sudden, right? The girl at the front desk said that the leaders are in a meeting."

"Yes, I can also hold a one-day meeting. Well off there, Wenshan meets the sea. You don't know how many things are going on."

"Cut! It sounds like someone is going to visit you." Zhu Yan said and looked out the window.

The office space of Kaimenke is really prestigious. The area is large enough to accommodate two hundred people at the same time. The windows are bright and clean, and the surrounding area is full of large tropical green plants. It is very impressive. Although the area is not comparable to that of the Pakistani people, the place is expensive and the rent is expensive. It is several times the rent of Pakistani people.

After watching and watching, Zhu Yan bulged his cheeks after a long time: "Look at the office environment of others, it doesn't seem like there is something that requires you."

"Hey, looking at their office environment, I know they can't get better. Such a high profile is a misunderstanding of the capital's investment and business environment?" Chu Yuanxi laughed, "When they ask me, hehe... "

"You will raise yourself and belittle others. I'm not an investor, so don't fool me."

"Why is it foolish? You analyze, Graby is now the time when funds are most needed, and the financing plan has not been completed. How much cash can you give to the subsidiary?"

As he said, Chu Yuanxi pointed out the window, "Look, although you are all working at the computer, you can tell from the hair volume, dress and temperament that there are actually no programmers here. It was strange when I came here. R&D is too artful. What does it mean now? It means that they either entrust the R&D work to Graby’s R&D center or find another place to arrange R&D. The former will definitely be stagnant, and the latter means that the swollen face will fill up the fat man. It doesn't feel good. So why do you want to hit a swollen face to fill a fat man?

"Slap swollen face... for whom to show it?"

"Yes! You have made progress!" Chu Yuanxi looked at Zhu Yan with admiration today. She has learned to use her brain instead of a woman's intuition to think about problems! "In order to show investors and partners, see, we have money! Both increase confidence, Raise the valuation again, and the calculation is good. Who needs such a show? People who actually don’t have much money."

His skills in financing are really well understood by his wife. The key is that they are playing the remaining routines by himself. The existence of the Pakistani Group actually has this effect, and compared to the expensive office environment of a China World Trade Center, The cash flow of the Pakistani people is more convincing, and the effect is beyond words.

In fact, there is another argument to support this argument, that is, when Graby claimed to use 3 billion dollars to kill him when he was valued at 6 billion US dollars, after playing for a few years, he is now worth 9.5 billion dollars. It is comparable to before the start of the latest round of financing.

That's why Graby has just thrown everything away and plans to raise 6.5 billion US dollars at a time. This is based on 70% of his own body, and life is not enough. Why does it have such a high funding requirement? It was definitely not for normal development, only one possibility was to fight Jack Walking to the death! This was also the reason why Chu Yuanxi told Elizabeth before that the boss and the second are going to fight a big battle.

Moreover, Graby's financing plan for this round is too outrageous, so it took almost a year to raise to 4.5 billion, and the goal has not been completed yet, so it is absolutely impossible for them to give the opener how strong financial support.

Yuan Mu's investigation result was an initial fund of 100 million US dollars, but what Chu Yuanxi saw today, it can be concluded that this is not the initial fund, this is the entire fund, and it is estimated that it was squeezed out of the teeth. Although it is not small, it is necessary to continue financing for what you want to do.

This is why two of the four top executives of Openmen are special investors!

Why did Chu Yuanxi lick her face and ran to the Kaimenke headquarters to take a look? It was because of Yuan Mu's questionnaire that he had huge suspicions. One of Nima's four senior executives was from the Southeast Asia headquarters, the other was a dumb, and the other two were investors. What kind of mission is this? Why did you feel relieved to build such a weird organizational structure?

Today, I took a casual glance and finally realized that this is the plan to be frantic on the road of financing! And Xiaokang's pulling in Yuan Mu to do cfo is actually the same thing, but it goes further.

When it comes to investment, valuation, etc., Zhu Yan's weak areas are not much interest. It's just that Chu Yuanxi just entered the door and sat in a small room, looking through the glass window, and being able to reason out so many things, it still shocked her.

In the shock, the door of the hut was pushed open, and several people filed in. Among them, Li Jingfei and Ah Mu are both old acquaintances of Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan immediately greeted him, and then Li Jingfei solemnly introduced the lady who entered the house last: "This is Ms. Cheng Huilin, the co-founder of Graby." After that, He also introduced Chu Yuanxi and Zhu Yan in English.

Chu Yuanxi had noticed this lady a long time ago, she was indeed quite young, maybe because of the good maintenance, or her mental head, she looked only 35-6. She is not tall, wears a Graby green t-shirt, and does not have the image of a strong woman in the workplace. Her black face is a bit masculine, with a flat nose and a persimmon face, especially with a partial, completely male face. The stylish hairstyle makes it possible for Chu Yuanxi to misunderstand him as his brother when walking on the street.

Cheng Huilin and Chu Yuanxi shook their hands vigorously, and then they said to each other for a long time. Soon, everyone began to speak in English. Zhu Yan was surprised to find that even Ah Ya was fluent in English, although there was no foreign accent. , But the words are quite clear.

In other words, she could barely listen to all the people in the room, saying that it was definitely no show. She had to admit sadly that most of the English she had learned for more than ten years was returned to the teacher when she left the university.

"Au, your English is so good?" She took the time to whisper to Au.

Ah Du listened to a self-defeating smile, "Thanks to Mr. Chu for giving me plenty of time, so I have the opportunity to improve myself."

"Why do they become so pleasant to speak?" Zhu Yan was immediately stimulated, and this fairy can't be the only one who is the lowest, right? However, she soon discovered sadly that she had to admit that the people in this small room were all personable. As for what they were talking about, we don’t know, and we dare not ask...

When Zhu Yan was very entangled, Chu Yuanxi had already fought and talked with Wang Yueheng for three rounds, saying to each other that he was not short of money, and testing the opponent's hole cards.

Just listen to Wang Yueheng’s words: “You actually burn more money than us when you make a small convenience store. Our store is more than a dozen of you, and its ability to absorb traffic is also the same, but the maintenance cost of a store is more than ten. The store is much lower. I guess you don’t even talk about spreading to the whole country, even if you want to spread the Imperial Capital, you need to spend at least 10 billion. Your difficulty is greater than ours."

Chu Yuanxi lacked a feather fan in her hand. After listening to it, she laughed, "But my thighs are hard, and I haven't played the strong support yet."

"Didn't Xu Xin vote all the time?" Li Jingfei said to his heart, what kind of support do you have?

"Don't you know?" Chu Yuanxi pretended to be curious. "The money of the old Zhao of Transsion Technology is already ready. Maybe it will be written into the fundraising use of the ipo version of science and technology."

Wang Yueheng said to raise you a ghost! "Don’t be funny, okay? Is the fundraising of the science and technology version a child's play? I see if the sound transmission is like this, can it be mysterious, they are not high-tech, research and development The expense rate is similar to that of Xiaomi, so I am embarrassed to make a new version?"

"Wang Yueheng, you really have long hair and short knowledge." Chu Yuanxi looked disgusted, "Sound is about to become the overlord on the mobile Internet in Africa, okay? Music player 50 million users, copycat Douyin's short video application vskit one Tens of millions of users, news aggregation apps, browsers, smart TVs, big data, artificial intelligence, what not to do with voice transmission? Who dares to say that it is not high-tech?"

"What overlord, don't talk about it. The browser with the highest market share in Africa is Opera. It was invested by Kunlun Lao Zhou. It was listed on the Nasdaq last year." Li Jingfei saw that Wang Yueheng was about to be overwhelmed. Quickly take it over.

I saw Chu Yuanxi's sigh, "Yes, mobile payment, technology travel, medical care, retail, etc. There are too many entrepreneurial projects in Africa, and it is impossible for Lao Zhao to have all three heads and six arms. It’s normal for others to come in in such a big market."

Suddenly, Li Jingfei found that there was nothing to say, because the few that Chu Yuanxi said casually happened to be the most popular projects in Africa. Many Chinese entrepreneurs flew to Africa to do this. Compared with Wang Yueheng, he and Graby have deeper involvement and more exchanges. Graby's research report on ‘other markets’ is very rich, and he took advantage of the situation to make up for his homework.

The so-called other markets are markets other than Southeast Asia, which of course also include Africa. But in the end, Graby chose the Heavenly Dynasty as a breakthrough point, which can be described as courageous.

Thinking of this, Li Jingfei blurted out: "Chu Yuanxi, you should go to Africa to start a business. If you know this, you will definitely succeed."

"I can't, I can't, can't." Chu Yuanxi shook his head like a rattle, "African entrepreneurship is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have come from the 90s, who are in their 50s, who know how to run a relationship and can smooth out the dirty. It would be great to copy the skills I learned in the Celestial Dynasty. I didn't catch up with that wave and I didn't understand many things."

"If you don't understand, you can learn."

"Study, it's good for me to understand how to start a business now."

"Hey, why do you think Zhao Zhujiang will be successful?" Wang Yueheng frowned. "There is no African hair, no roads, no logistics, no funds, no government support, even the Internet infrastructure is incomplete, and the entrepreneurial environment is too bad."

"When Jack Ma created Ali, these things didn't work well. Didn't they also make it? No opportunity is an opportunity. If you have everything, it is a risk if you do it again. Don't you have such a point of investment?"

Wang Yueheng said that you are here to play in the gym? Every sentence frustrated me, why don't you frustrate Li Tietou? He was very angry and said in Chinese: "Chu Yuanxi, when it comes to risk, your risk is much larger than ours. Have you ever considered that this venture failed to bet too much and you will even have money for food in the future? what?"

Zhu Yanxin said he didn't have enough money for food? Great, I will raise him!

As a result, Chu Yuanxi laughed wildly, "I? I'm sorry, I will write a book about entrepreneurship and sell it when I have no money, and then I will fight with other entrepreneurial influencers. At the same time, both parties will share knowledge and sell money. What do you think? I do it three times a year, and I think it’s not a problem to earn 100 million a year. What is financial freedom? You can lose as much money as you save, but your ability to make money at any time is called financial freedom."

"Fuck, who can you make 100 million a year?"

"For example...Dr. Wu? The ones from Google are all suitable to be internet celebrities."

Li Jingfei Hu Luhu Hu Lu his little hairy head, "Dr. Wu? Is it the one who scolded Baidu first, then Penguin and finally Google?"

"Yes, Dr. Wu scolded Google, but the knowledge sharing he wrote has sold for more than 20 million yuan, and I can continue to sell it after tearing it up. This business is pretty good, and I will do it when I retire. "

Zhu Yanxin is finished, she can't count on it in this life...

I saw Chu Yuanxi straightened her posture while she was talking, and the rare feeling of humor was put on her face, and she said, "Actually, I have two meanings here today. The first is to see what you lack. There is no shortage of investment. If there is a shortage, as long as the valuation is right, I will also invest. It seems that there is no shortage. The second is to talk about cooperation. Are your central warehouses acceptable for rent?"

"What is Mr. Chu planning to do?" Ah Ya, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said, "I heard that you are also building logistics. There should be no shortage of warehouses, right?"

"My logistics is a model with more warehouses in front of the center and fewer warehouses." Chu Yuanxi said in a hurry. "Although there are other preparations, if you have spare time and can rent, there is always another choice. Isn't it? Coo is in charge of this matter?" After speaking, he cast his gaze on Ah Mu.

"We may have to discuss this behind closed doors." Ah Ya made a panacea answer without even thinking about it. And Li Jingfei and Wang Yueheng shared a common heart os: We lack investment! Of course we lack! The problem is that you will invest in us. Are you crazy?

Soon, Chu Yuanxi bid farewell politely, and then took Zhu Yan out. After getting on the elevator, Zhu Yan couldn't restrain the great power in his body: "Chu Yuanxi, you completely confused me, aren't you still looking for financing? Are you still investing in them?"

"I'll just say that, people don't believe it, do you really believe it?" Chu Yuanxi said that this is not an overbearing presidential drama, otherwise you are so stupid and sweet, let's see how the president shaves your nose.

"What about your request later? Will they agree?"

" is equivalent to already rejecting it. In case they agree, it will not be convenient for me." Chu Yuanxi walked out of the elevator and took out his mobile phone to open WeChat, but he still hadn’t walked there. The message about the parking space has been finished, and it is sent to the circle of friends.

The fog in front of Zhu Yan's eyes has obviously not disappeared, "No, it means that you know that people are going to refuse? Then what do you do when you come all the way? Get to know them when you are in place?" There is still in her heart. The second half sentence, is it just like me to fish for work time?

"No, no, it's called fishing if there are benefits, if there is no benefit..."

Immediately after that, when she sat in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, and finally had time to look at her phone, she discovered that Chu Yuanxi in the circle of friends made a rare voice and wrote very fancy. In summary, she opened the door through field inspections. The customer has no money and is very short of cash. Before they even saw me, they were rushing to study how to find money.

"Hey hey hey, you are spreading a rumor! What did you do on the spot?"

"Hey hey hey, how can this be called a rumors? I call it, stabbing." Chu Yuanxi quickly started the car, as if he was afraid of the door openers rushing out of the China World Trade Center to draw him, quickly drove onto the overpass. Go straight to the Fourth Ring Road.

As he turned on the music, he said, "I'm telling the truth. But for the stabbing, I have to have a basis. You just asked me why I came, right? I stabbed when I didn't come, and others had to believe me, right? Besides, before I stabbed the knife, I myself have to make sure that they have money and no money, otherwise I really became a rumor? I took a look at the scene today and talked about it, I confirmed that they have no money, and then draw the knife. ?"

"Nothing wrong, ghost, you guessed it!"

"I have to tell you well." Chu Yuanxi was going to tell Zhu Yan to promote her awareness.

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