Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 800: Smart decision

Lu Yu shook his head blankly.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "You are recreating the wheel. This business should be done by the master of the artifact company. The Pakistani information cooperates and provides information services. At the same time, the information service fee is received and the branches are independently settled. Not the Pakistani Information is the main thing. This integration of upstream and downstream wheels is just a one-time build for our company's business structure. Pakistan is not such an asset-heavy company.

By the same token, who should lead the sale of peripherals? According to the internal agreement I designed, it should be led by Uncle Sheng, and the peripheral copyrights are all in his place. He starts selling, and you provide information services and charge fees. This is a logic. "

In fact, the sale of peripherals should have been started a long time ago, and it should be started at the end of last year, but Chu Yuanxi's preparatory work for being busy with a well-off society has fallen behind. When the Pakistani entertainment group becomes a group, the pot will be transferred to Uncle Sheng, who is more busy. There are more important things than this. And I don’t know where I can hire the right person, so I do it all by myself, so I don’t care. Not on.

It's already April when Chu Yuanxi thinks of it. Hey, the knockoff products are coming out soon, and the surrounding areas are not yet on sale? Yes, don't sell it now, and wait until the copycat products come out.

Therefore, the copyright department of Uncle Sheng hired a special commissioner. As employee No. 001 of the Pakistani copyright, he is responsible for getting through the upstream OEM to stock up. The knockoff products will be sold as soon as they come out. At present, several mouse pads, pillows and dolls have been made. .

Looking at these surroundings, Chu Yuanxi was **** that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, saying that we should be such low surroundings with such a good IP?

There are so many popular items in our game. You can’t make gold pendants. You can make some figures. You can also make eye masks, facial masks and skin care products. You can’t make mugs, key chains, etc. What? Don’t expect you to make the perimeter of the lunar rover like a small broken ball, let’s not perfuse the fans with a doll, a pillow, a mouse pad! The best thing in the end after tossing for a long time is the clothes of the artifact company Barna Naa. Can this work? This is incompetent!

For this matter, Chu Yuanxi had to directly intervene and ask the commissioner to re-design the plan. The high, middle and low grades must go, not the low end. At present, Uncle Sheng went to Hengdian, and Chu Yuanxi took over the matter directly, making the commissioner tremble every day, for fear of causing the boss to run away again.

Of course, this has little to do with Lu Yu. If his rank is higher, he may notice the profits of live e-commerce and online games at the same time, but at present he only notices the more easily noticeable.

"Then Cao Shan did it!" He couldn't help but yelled. "She can't do it with Pakistani information if she bungles the opportunity?"

"This is the third question, Lu Yu, you don't want to think that you can do it clearly, why should I not do it? From my point of view, I am not afraid of effort, but I am afraid of consuming the value of fans. What you see is very profitable, new The wind outlet, one billion a year, can earn three years, hurry up; what I see is that the live broadcast of online celebrities is a thing that rapidly consumes the value of fans, and the loss ratio is high, and the wind reviews are very low.

The essence of online celebrity e-commerce making money is to collect IQ tax, which may be just right for the lipstick brother, because his business structure is like this, and old fans lose new ones. We can't. The Pakistani puppets are okay. You can do it as a career. The money you make won't make up for the losses elsewhere.

You said that we can be a clear stream, sorry, mudslides will not work, because this big environment cannot be changed by one or two mudslides, your efforts will be obliterated by the big environment to the greatest extent, and the cost performance is too low. If it must be consumed, I would prefer to consume it in a more cost-effective place, or use this value in a smoother way for a long time.

Then, from the perspective of Cao Shan, it is simple. She is working on a brand strategy, and she has already begun to take shape in the southern coastal area. The situation I researched is a firm foothold, and the reputation and exposure are good. I can see the effect step by step from low to high. Well, and the cost is lower than expected, because the price of traditional advertising channels like Focus Media is very profitable this year. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi thought it was quite fun, because the "takeaways killed the instant noodle industry" thing was happening again in front of him, and he was very involved.

Focus Media is engaged in building advertising, cinema screens and terminal store advertising, with a market share of a rare 90%. It is not a "giant" but a near-complete monopoly. It also accepted a large investment from Ali in mid-2018. 150 100 million yuan took 10% of the shares.

However, after the Iron Curtain player was invested by Ali aggressively, he did not show a strong alliance, but fell sharply. He was very wild with a grumpy brother and went from ten yuan per share in less than a year. Much fell to more than five yuan, because its revenue and profits have fallen dramatically.

Why is it so miserable? Because Douyin accurately adjusted its business model and business strategy in the middle of last year, it almost coincided with Ali's shareholding.

Then Focus Media watched this short video application that couldn’t be beaten by itself, and started a round of advertising hurricane. Not only did it take orders from the advertiser’s father, but it also opened star map ads for the broadcasters, etc. A series of functions to match the advertiser's father and the traffic owner. Even with Kuaishou had to adjust accordingly.

Short video advertisements are all based on big data using AI to screen precise users. When advertisers look for traffic owners, they also determine the tune of fans based on the video content of the broadcaster, which matches their own products. Ever since, Focus Media was stunned to find that the advertisers’ fathers had all gone... ran away...

This is a dimensionality reduction blow. Focus Media’s advertising is called brand display advertising, which is basically the case for traditional advertising, but the advertiser’s father gradually likes performance advertising, which is precisely pushed, and after clicking it, enter the product page or even directly enter the purchase page.

Therefore, Barnana, an artifact company owned by Pakistani people, has become a direct beneficiary, and advertising costs have been greatly reduced. However, Cao Shan's brand building needs brand display advertising, and no effect...

This cause and effect quickly turned around in his mind, and Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "You have to know that it is very difficult to hit the traditional brand map with the online celebrity label. It does not seem to be great, and the benefits are average. Generally, it is not as good as games and live broadcast e-commerce. It is a completely traditional business model, but it is actually very valuable. Even if all the self-media accounts of your Pakistani information are closed, Zhaojieba's game The games have been shut down, relying on the artifact company, we can afford more than a hundred people in Pakistan. Don't laugh, this is not alarmist.

In short, you are doing an e-commerce live broadcast, which is not in harmony with her brand strategy. The internal division of the Pakistani Group is divided into labor, and it is not possible to fight separately to increase competition and internal friction. Pakistani information is responsible for the open source, which is an oil field, not an engine. "

After speaking, he watched Lu Yu quietly. After Lu Yu was denied, he didn't feel too frustrated. He just fell into a not-so-short period of thinking, and then raised his head and asked, "Mr. Chu, why are you always indifferent to the low-handed profits? I even know the value of the future business 10 billion is now sold for only 3 billion, and I can't help but put it in my pocket."

"Confidence, self-confidence. You are confident to cash out all 10 billion, of course you are not willing to sell only 3 billion." Chu Yuanxi was especially satisfied with Lu Yu's attitude. It was so right to promote him as the manager of Pakistani information!" Do you know the Stanford marshmallow experiment? The children who did the experiment were each given a piece of marshmallow and were told that if they waited until the teacher came back to eat, they could be rewarded with another piece, but most of them couldn't hold on."

"So... the children who persisted were rewarded a lot of cotton candy?" Lu Yu hadn't heard of it.

"No, it was the researchers who followed up all the children for many years. Those children who resisted eating later performed better overall and were more successful in their careers. This is the origin of the concept of'delayed gratification'. Choosing to improve self-control in restraint is an essential quality for a business."

Lu Yu nodded solemnly, and then Chu Yuanxi said: "But you are reliable in doing this, at least it is a good plan in your information company circle. Your previous work has also made great progress,% The Pakistani Group option, which will take effect today, is still the five-year one."

Assuming that the valuation of the Ba people is now 30 billion, this is equivalent to an annual reward of 12 million. This mathematical conversion can be obtained instantly by Lu Yushi, because it has been a long, long time...

This is not a temporary intention, but that Lu Yu's own options are too few. Let alone compare with managers of other branches, even if there are many employees on Pakistani Games who have paid for options because of the high dkp, and Pakistani information is here The bonus is high, but the dkp suffers.

So I was looking for opportunities to send him some, and some words were inconvenient to say too directly, such as reminding Lu Yu that his interests lie in the group, not in the Pakistani information, so his interests are consistent with the interests of the group. But this kind of remarks is a bit of a dilemma, because if Lu Yu's plan is passed, obviously the cash flow of Pakistani Information will be very good, and the bonuses of employees will be higher.

The position that directly creates profits has the highest bonus in any company, even if this position is replaced by anyone who is equally capable of doing it. This is unreasonable. Therefore, in large companies, the company's interests and the employees' interests are often inconsistent. Everyone hopes that the cash flow of this department is good, as for the overall interests of the company? That is the property of capitalists. What does it have to do with me?

This is also the most difficult point for people who run a company in the process of growing up from childhood, especially when there is no such awareness in their mind.

Chu Yuanxi was conscious, but directly speaking it was equivalent to instigating Lu Yu to stand on the opposite side of the employees who worked with him day and night, so I hope Lu Yu can understand it by himself when he gets this head office option.

But Lu Yu's brain circuit is obviously not here, and the feeling of getting a huge sum of money in an instant makes him feel like sitting on pins and needles, "I'm going...I have no problem painting the company's liver and brain, but, but I just talked to a major anchor. How can I tell people who do live e-commerce live broadcast..."

"What? You cut first and then played?" Chu Yuanxi said that you are fat enough? Are you fancying a major anchor and want to tease? "Girl, right? Who is it?"

"Ah, I thought such a good plan would definitely pass with the company's ambitions." Lu Yu shoved his head in embarrassment. "It's really a woman, and a big anchor with tens of millions of fans in Kuaishou, called Linger. She took the initiative to contact. Mine, said she wanted to transform, and asked me if I want to do e-commerce live broadcast or something. I thought it was just right. Many merchants came to contact me and asked me if Pakistani people want to open e-commerce live broadcast business. In other words, resources They are all ready-made, we don’t even need to manage warehouse logistics, just bring the goods, I think this is good..."

Damn it! Chu Yuanxi said how to go around to Feng Xueling? Isn't this what I suggested to her to transform? Is this pot owned by me?

His complexion was a bit strange, but Lu Yu didn't see it. Before he could see, he hurriedly asked: "Ling'er, I know, Feng Xueling, it's pretty good in Kuaishou's second-tier anchor. Talking about who have you hired recently? I don’t pay enough attention to you. Is it expensive to play? There are all beautiful women chasing after you? And still a big beautiful woman with millions of fans, are you able to stand up?"

Lu Yuxin said that there are more beauties chasing you, why don't you say? The one who chased you down was a beauty worth billions of dollars!

"I really don't have Mr. Chu. I recently contacted two internet celebrities, one in charge of e-commerce and the other in charge of food discovery shops. The other is also named Feng, a pure newcomer, who has not broadcast before, but it's okay on Weibo. With one hundred thousand fans, the size is considered an internet celebrity."

Damn it! Chu Yuanxi was really shocked this time, is also Feng? One hundred thousand followers on Weibo? It's not...but the calm aura in front of Lu Yu must be sustained, so he asked three ways: "All surnamed Feng?"

"Ah yes, I realized that they are actually relatives after seeing them. Did you say it was a coincidence?"

What a coincidence, your sister! Isn't this especially Feng Lin? Feng Lin Jinba? So why don't you go to **** if you don't duel with Zhu Yan! That's a mess? 100% out of control!

No, no, absolutely not out of control. Chu Yuanxi suddenly made a look of pondering, as if thinking about it, in fact, he thought it out in an instant: "Well, since the live broadcast e-commerce is not done, and Feng Xueling has the willingness to cooperate and transform... Well, she herself is a great anchor, and joining the Pakistani people is definitely a big benefit for us, and cannot be easily extrapolated."

He paused and looked at Lu Yu, only to see that Lu Yu was attentive, seeming to be thinking too, so he directly announced: "Why not let Feng Xueling be the anchor of the gourmet shop?"

Lu Yu was suddenly unbelievable! "What? Ling'er going to eat and broadcast?"

"Yes, transformation. Eating and broadcasting is also a very good type. Zhou Minxi used to do Eating and broadcasting when he retired. What's wrong?" Chu Yuanxi said in a word that Lu Yu was speechless, eating and broadcasting. Is the e-commerce live broadcast low-level? It doesn't seem to be necessary to think so?

"Furthermore, Feng Xueling has been a major anchor for so many years and still can't sing or dance. She spends all day shooting and catwalk shows. She wants to change. Can she take over Zhu Yan or Zhou Minxi to sing and dance? The brand is also smashing our brand. She switched to an e-commerce buyer, do you think it would be fine? The lipstick brother relies on eloquence and unique style. What does Feng Xueling rely on? She can’t exercise and improve herself?

It just so happens that the requirements of the gourmet shop are very low, which is a little better than the street photography, and the type is just between the street photography and the e-commerce buyer. You need to keep on show, and you need to face the camera dictation, and the gourmet shop is ultimately to promote those stores from a commercial point of view, which is the same as the live broadcast of e-commerce buyers, and can even be counted as a sub-item of e-commerce buyers class.

Do you think this is just right? It just happens to be able to exercise eloquence and exercise performance ability, right? It’s not too late for her to switch to an e-commerce buyer after she can make a gourmet shop. "

Lu Yu was silly, thinking about it for a while and realized that he didn't know how to refute it.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi pondering again: "As for this Feng Lin, you can ask her for me, and I will apologize to her personally."

"Nice!" Lu Yu felt like Chu Yuanxi's disposition. Ling'er is a fast-handed anchor with 10 million fans, and Feng Lin has only one hundred thousand Weibo Must sacrifice For one thing, the sacrifice of Feng Lin was a matter of course for Lu Yu. But these two are sisters. If they sacrificed their sister, would the sister be unhappy? Even advance and retreat together? At this time, the boss of the Pakistani group personally came out to make amends, which should not be a problem.

Waiting for Lu Yu to leave, Chu Yuanxi took out the phone and found Feng Lin's WeChat. After thinking and thinking, the keyboard popped up several times, but nothing was written.

"Forget it, wait for Lu Yu to talk..." He thought of bringing Feng Lin to the company after the annual meeting, thinking that he was being miserable by Yu Yanan when he was planning to have a deeper exchange, and he couldn't help but think of Feng Lin's leaving. A little tangled.

Chu Yuanxi knows that she is a person who rarely struggles, and can produce tangled emotions, which shows that she really cares about Feng Lin in her heart. Only in this way, after making a smart decision with Lu Yu just now, did he worry more about whether Feng Lin will disappear silently? She is a warm and direct person who can make jokes and drive her car, but the pride of her heart cannot be offended. To people who disagree with her, she does this kind of thing if she feels offended.

It's easy to just explain two sentences on WeChat, even if you tell a harmless lie? But Chu Yuanxi was unwilling to do this, because his fundamental motive was not to let Feng Lin meet Zhu Yan.

In a sense, those who can be scumbags are very sensitive to the emotional changes of the other party, otherwise they will not move. Chu Yuanxi can be sure that Zhu Yan cares about him most, more than Feng Lin, more than Qi Yu, more than Yu Yanan; but Feng Lin is the easiest to be in harmony with him, the rhythm of thinking fits, and even spiritual.

Sometimes he even felt Feng Lin was more straightforward, and his thoughts reached the end faster than him. Looking at all the girls around, only the little brunette Monica has a similar situation.

Because of this, he didn't want to conceal his motives and didn't want to lie.

That's why I struggled.

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