Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 801: What to panic!

Why do people who work hard are happier? Because people who work hard usually don't have time to struggle.

Chu Yuanxi originally thought that she would struggle until the next day, but she didn't expect that the time came to the evening of the 7th and there would be no time to struggle, because Big Penguin began to release reservations for a certain game, and many of the Ba people were all caught on QQ and WeChat. Pushed the appointment recommendation of this manga with the same name.

This set of comics can be regarded as a veteran migrant manga in the national comics. It can often appear in the top ten of the penguin animation rankings, and it is very suitable for adaptation into a card game. There are many roles, many maps, many monsters, many props, many skills, and many copies. In short, it is made for combat adventure, so it can be a growth chapter and become a migrant manga.

Peasant Man is an honorary title, representing traffic.

But it does not have many professions, because the fantasy setting in the ancient background of the celestial dynasty does not have professions. The heroes are all able to resist, fight and develop their careers. Therefore, the most suitable ip for adaptation is always a card game.

Chu Yuanxi looked at the game introduction, what "cool 3d", "classic genre", "multiple talents", "featured gameplay", etc., are just plain publicity. Basically all companies release games. It can be like this. But "various plots", "customized protagonists" and "building upgrades", e...

Without waiting for Chu Yuanxi to speak, Zhao Jie has already invited the president to visit Pakistani Games to participate in an important discussion.

When Chu Yuanxi sat in the large conference room, I saw that Zhao Jie was already playing with the projector. There were many people sitting below, and even Jiao Tu and Lu Yu came over. The only ones in the Ba Ren Group were Uncle Sheng. So absent in Hengdian.

Yang Jiangang also came from downstairs. In addition, there were some cadres of Pakistani games, such as Sanjing Wang Le.

Zhu Yan took a seat next to Chu Yuanxi, and asked Mu Ran, "Is this our copycat? Penguins finally came to grab the money?"

Chu Yuanxi saw that many people around him were watching him, including Xue Ming. "Is there any doubt about this? Isn't it inevitable for Penguins to grab money? The key is how to grab it. At least six or seven knockoffs will appear in the next three months. Zhao Jie, what are you doing with a projector?"

"I'll show you a good-looking one." Zhao Jie looked up, took care of the projector, and then stopped talking about the opening remarks, briefly introduced the situation, and then began to play the video, a video of a mobile game.

Suddenly, the sound of "fuck" was heard frequently below, and Chu Yuanxi almost choked, "Awesome! Have you stolen other people's deo?"

"How can it be called stealing?" Zhao Jie sighed, "We call more friends and it is easy to do things. This is something that people show to Penguin, let's take a look too, everyone has an idea."

In fact, I have already watched it. The degree of completion of this deo is very high. Many people look rather uncomfortable, because if it is not 3d, it is close to a pixel-level copycat. If you ignore the artistic difference between 3d and 2d, all processes are the same.

"Fuck! So shameless!"

"Does a little creativity die?"

"Is the ui redesigned anyway? The ui of this Nima 3D game is almost the same as the 2D game, and I am really drunk."

"I rely on me! The gameplay is exactly the same, is there any new gameplay? Haven't the special gameplay been done yet?"


Chu Yuanxi looked at Zhao Jie. Zhao Jie had obviously watched this video, so he was silent. He also has something to say, but don't worry, wait for Zhao Jie to say it first.

When Zhao Jie saw that Chu Yuanxi was sitting so securely, he was inexplicably bottomed, and asked, "Brothers, actually I have only one question, what shall we do?"

"Fuck, your question can be divided into n multiple questions."

"What should I do? Damn it!"

"Stay steady, be steady. There may be more than one enemy."

"I didn't say anything about doing activities."

"I feel that I should wait for the other party to take a look after opening the server, and then make a plan."

The following chattered immediately, and Zhao Jie was at a loss.

Why does Zhao Jie ask that? Because mobile games are now the cash cow of Pakistani Group. No matter how the Pakistani people publicize it, how awesome it is, how huge the business is, how good the endogenous nature is, how reliable the matrix and fans are, the problem is that other businesses don't produce milk very much, and the cash flow is basically in the game.

Therefore, the operation of the mobile game is not the business of the Pakistani game family. The usual operation is nothing more than version updates, activities, new cards, map expansion, recharges, etc., he only needs Xiao Guicao to maintain stability. Besides, his next batch of planning is not impossible to recruit more than Yang Jiangang's qualifications. For such a successful project, when the wind of recruitment is released, the planning of job hunting can break the threshold.

Therefore, the operation of Pakistani games is no big deal. The new work can be carried out in response to the strategy of "small game groups" proposed by him, which can make full use of the flow of Pakistani information very smoothly. And in terms of copyright, because Uncle Sheng is now starting to purchase copyrights on a large scale, it can also be used for Pakistani games, which is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone, taking into account both peak visual effects and Pakistani games, and it is very efficient.

But when encountering such a major event, Zhao Jie immediately slapped his claws.

Chu Yuanxi said that you have gathered so many people, are you planning to divide the pot? In case the decision is wrong, everyone should bear it together? This Zhao Jie was cunning and cunning, as expected from Pengfei Technology, foreseeing that a pot would fly in, and he would first draw enough people to cushion his back.

In fact, from the game level, there are not many ways that genuine products can attack counterfeit products, especially if counterfeit products take the incremental market, users are not overlapping, and there is no way at all. However, because it is produced by Big Penguin, the user overlap is relatively large, because the main user distribution depends on WeChat, followed by the headline matrix, and then the major game channels.

The source of users of this ip was mainly the comic WeChat public account. This is the effect of the Pakistani matrix after the screening of all the accurate users into this service account and then the overall detonation, including the headline users, after a series of chewing The final destination is also here. Then there is the viral distribution of h5, both of which are WeChat channels. Therefore, it can be said that Dragon Father is the real father, the only person Chu Yuanxi needs to kneel down.

At present, the number of users of official service and game channels is roughly 64, and the retention rate of official service is significantly higher than ten percentage points. It can be seen that the amount of ip sucked is still obvious, and the main channel for ip sucking is WeChat.

When Big Penguin pushes its own game, WeChat mobile q must be the first position, followed by App treasure, which is equivalent to digging in its own land, and it is not too simple to capture accurate users.

In WeChat, directly screening the following users on the Baren Entertainment Comics account is undoubtedly accurate users, simple and clear without difficulty.

The hand q is a little more delicate, and what you catch is the group. Anyone with the key characters of "chaos in trouble" in the name, catch all the group members, and then push them a message-the server will count down for a week, and this is the only time to make an appointment Double, make an appointment to enjoy the registration package. This kind of eye-catching slogan is the most powerful. It takes advantage of the user's hatred and loss of mind. The user line that has been noticed is reserved, and once the reservation is made, it must be a series of information flow bombing.

But in turn, the Pakistani can also launch a counterattack based on this, designing activities to hold the players. That's why Zhao Jie asked, what should we do, in fact, how do we fight back?

Soon, seeing Chu Yuanxi not talking, the next chicken was one-mouthed and the next one was a duck. The point of contention was nothing more than what kind of activity plan to make, whether to stimulate recharge or stimulate consumption, or whether it had nothing to do with recharge but lengthen the game time? To extend the player's online time, there must be new output and corresponding gameplay, so that the player consumes time to obtain, and even activities outside the game are considered.

However, Chu Yuanxi clapped her hands: "I said you can't grasp the point."

He asked Zhao Jie to pull the video to the beginning, "Look, do you see this green logo? This is the production company. Although Penguin has increased its self-research, the agency is still the mainstream. This is the product of the Penguin agency. This company has someone do you know?"

The knowledgeable people immediately looked at each other. This company is awesome! It's not a penguin better than a penguin. If you want to talk about copycat games in China, no one dares to say that it is second. Therefore, Penguin Games recognized this godson. It turned out that they did it. No wonder the 3D knockoffs and 2D are all pixel-level!

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "I feel relieved when I see this logo. Although they are deeply cooperating with Penguin, Penguin Animation gives them a big IP. This IP is very good. The IP of Penguin Animation is very good, at least worth tens of millions. , And then the Penguin gave them traffic, which is more valuable, but I’m relieved."

"Where did your confidence come from?" Jiao Tu asked very arrogantly, "We are all trembling."

Chu Yuanxi said, why didn't I see you shivering? "You don’t know the game, so you can just tremble. Just now everyone’s opinions are summed up. In order to snipe this game, we need to hurt our user experience, whether it’s a recharge activity or a consumption activity, or a pull Long game time all hurt the user experience, right? You panic.

We have been operating for more than half a year to achieve a balance of user experience. Regardless of the time occupied or the consumption of RMB, it can basically satisfy most players. It is not easy. Therefore, the current monthly turnover can be maintained at hundreds of millions of dollars without dropping. The version has been updated ten times, and dau can not be maintained. This is a hard-won result, unlike some For the game, a batch of users will run once the version is updated. Are you going to destroy this kind of results with your own hands now? "

"Then you mean to ignore them strategically? It's impossible to ignore them, right?" Yang Jiangang asked humbly. He is now accustomed to thinking at a higher level. Even if he can't think through, he will stand up and talk. But limited by vision, insight is not enough.

Chu Yuanxi was very calm. He found that these brothers had no fear of the menacing big penguins. There was dignity, but they were not afraid. This was a very good signal.

"It's definitely not'ignoring', the key is how to'see'. I told Zhu Yan just now that the penguins are robbing money and it depends on how they do it. Now there is nothing to be afraid of in this robbing method. The most taboo thing is not to attack me. Let's mess up first, understand? If you don't understand, I'll tell everyone about it.

It is said that at the beginning of 2013, a mobile game company brought the entire industry up. Before 2012, the industry ceiling was a single game with a monthly turnover of one million. This company's product relied on copying an island country's mobile game to achieve a single-channel single-server daily recharge of 300,000, and a monthly turnover of 50 million. It can be said that it has driven the investment of the entire mobile phone industry. There are 10,000 game teams in the country instantly, and 1,000 teams copy them, including Big Penguin.

At that time, Big Penguin's game had two series: National and Tiantian. The knock-off product launched was titled "Everyday xx", which also received the traffic support of Penguin, but it was useless and failed.

Why does the big penguin have a complete defeat when it makes a copy? Because the ‘social contempt chain’ exists objectively, even big penguins may not be able to cross the past, although they are most likely to cross the past.

Later, the company forgot the futility of thousands of product copycats, and embarked on the path of successful domestic counterfeit products, and then lost streak in a row, and even the pixel-level copycat Zhaiyi products were reported to the court by Zhaiyi. Explain what?

It shows that the player community is more inclined to originality, and the contempt for cottage is a factor that cannot be ignored. We are now occupying the orthodoxy, and now facing the big penguin's knockoffs, we go to fight the game. If it is done well, it is called losing, and if it is broken, it is called chaos.

What company are we? We are a company with powerful information tools, and we are fighting for war. What we want to fight is the social contempt chain, understand? Don't attack the city, the big penguin hopes you will attack their city. The siege is in the arms of the big penguin and enters the field they are good at. "

If you say so, you can understand all the truth, but this is the big penguin. Who is not afraid? Wang Le was the first person to see Deo at the same time as Zhao Jie, so he had been worried for a long time. At this time, he had to break the casserole: "Mr. Chu, just tell me, what should we do and how should we deal with it? "

"How to deal with it? First of all, you should keep the server stable, and be careful not to have any problems with you during this time. I have two arrangements. The first is the peripheral products. Although the uncle sound is not there, I have already started to promote it. Wait for the copycat When the product went online, we started to bring goods from the media and sell peripherals. At the same time, there were activities in the game, and no game props were sent to the peripherals.

You should pay attention to this activity not to consume the player's time excessively, and not to be linked to recharge. It can generate a certain amount of indirect consumption but not to an excessive degree. Our main purpose is to give, to inclusive, so that ordinary players can also get gifts. Wang Le will contact me later to determine the process and format. "

"Aren't you going to lose a lot of money?" Zhao Jie was shocked first, "We are 35 million dau, how much do you have to give away?"

"Are you stupid?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that Zhao Jie has become the one with the slowest growth rate now. "Do you know the little raccoon collection card? Our peripheral products are complete sets, such as the five-element magic key chain. , Let the players lack three, and then show the set in the game, follow the show on Weibo, show on the official account, show on the Douyin, and open up the e-commerce directly, understand? This is called in-game promotion, sell One or three of the capital will come back, and you can earn one more. The more you give, the more you earn.

Now is the time for the game to feed back the Pakistani media matrix. The only problem is the production capacity. The copyright company has been operating for a few months. The foundry has been found but the design work has returned. The other party will start testing in a week. I don’t know if the production capacity can keep up. Leave this to me and let the well-off people run. "

"Okay, I understand." Lu Yuxin said whether to go around or go back to the e-commerce company to bring goods, but the large-scale release of the surroundings is really helpful to the creation of social chain barriers. This is the social contempt chain. Something worth studying.

"No, you don't understand. The second arrangement is entirely the job of the information company. Let's start collecting enemy information now to see how Big Penguin pushes it, and whether the advertising intensity is is the main promotion channel? , Where is the secondary. You will arrange this when you go back and make sure that someone is responsible. Originally, this should be Zhao Jie’s job, but they are not professional, so you just did it for you."

"What are you doing?"

"It's all talked about tactics. If the big penguin fights in a silly battle, it will push it openly and start from scratch according to the new product. No matter what incremental inventory users or the like, then we have no good way. If we touch porcelain Well, instead of promoting fake products, right?

But if Big Penguin's operating department has some different ideas, then we have to be prepared for the quality triple. How to get it, let me tell you secretly.

I know that for all of you, it has always been peaceful development and has never been challenged by the tip of the needle. Especially when it comes to the most difficult big boss, there is no mob level to send experience for us to practice, so you panic.

No need, brothers, really no need. The Big Penguins are not invincible. Their copycat game has not only lost once or twice, but has already lost many times. And we are a company with a particularly healthy internal structure. Although the absolute size is a hundred times different, the big penguin is not overwhelmed by all the bodies. We just need to be united and not afraid. "

This paragraph was obviously cheering up. The faces of everyone in the audience were very different. Some looked super handsome with little stars, some frowned and thought about countermeasures, and some put doubts and fears on their faces.

Yang Jiangang is different. He is none of the three. Why are you not afraid? It seems that this is not the first time you have encountered this kind of challenge? Damn, we will be together in 2013. Have you been possessed by some thousand-year-old monster? Otherwise it won't make sense.

At this moment, Yuan Mu pushed the door and walked in. He just heard the last passage, and he was taken aback: "When did the big penguin fail so many times?"

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