Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 802: Sitting on the Mountain and Watching the Tiger Fight (Part 1)

"Don't worry if others ask, do you ask too?" Chu Yuanxi was shocked, "I will help you recall the memories. Forget those little unspoken cottages, let's pick up the big numbers. Did the Penguin search lose all? Merged into Sogou. E-commerce, and finally ended up relying on investing in Goudong and Pinduo."

   "You said that Penguin made a copycat and then failed." Yuan Mu was confident, "Dasou and e-commerce are not copycats at all."

"Okok, Weibo, Daily Express, and Weishi, these three counterfeit products are not tragic? If you have to say that Weibo is not a counterfeit, the last two are still in sight, Yuan Mu, you have been there since 2016. Sleepwalking?"

In fact, it’s not just tragic. Daily Express’s match against Masthead’s APP and Weishi’s standard Douyin. The defeat of these two battles filled Penguin with anxiety and caused a huge blow to morale. It also exposed Penguin’s core business-gaming. Under the muzzle of the headlines. In fact, once Toutiao became the No. 1 distribution platform, making money from games is an obvious option.

   Especially high-quality games that can be promoted to the national level, through the spread of a huge number of engines, it is easy to eat the basic plate of the dead pesticide. The basic plate of the dead has a great overlap with the vibrato. This is no longer a question of worry, but an imminent despair.

   Yuan Mu was stunned, "That’s all for the Daily Express, isn’t Weishi considered defeated? Last month, DAU increased by 25%, a quarter increase in a month."

"The Douyin has 300 million DAUs, and Weishi has been in business for more than a year, and the DAUs are only a few million. Does it make sense for you to talk about the growth rate? Big Penguin has concentrated half of the group's resources, and it is almost the use of dead pesticides for Weishi Diversion, so what's the point of you never giving up?"

   "But Penguin hasn't handed in his gun yet." Yuan Mu said with a weird smile.

   "Not paying guns is nothing more than expanding the loss, a large amount of investment has no effect, or it is not reconciled."

  At this time, someone outside the door said: "I am not willing to change me."

   While talking, someone turned around, Chu Yuanxi took a closer look, fucking, Xu Xin is here! Yuan Mu is a wicked person who is smoking, why didn't Xu Xin notify him when he came? How can I be so awesome? He glanced at the time, "Boss, why are you here so late?"

"Hey, isn't it only eight o'clock? I never fell asleep before one o'clock at night." Xu Xin came in casually to find a place to sit. "I just went to your well-off store to check it out. Let's talk about it later. I'll tell you Ask, what is the reason for the failure of Weishi, if you change you, what do you do."

   "Cause of failure? This is a long story."

   "Then you can say it briefly."

   Chu Yuanxi scratched his head, it is difficult to generalize this thing. The problem is that I have just finished blowing it up, so I have to keep blowing it, or else I will lose it? Xu Xin said "ask for advice", which is not to be taken lightly. So the main contradiction changed from directing the work of the Pakistani group to how to maintain the compulsion.

Chu Yuanxi thought while saying, “First, what’s the problem with Weishi? Looking at the data, Kuaishou and Douyin’s retention are both around 80%, while Weishi only has more than 40% points. The user’s duration is only for Douyin. A quarter. Why is it so miserable? Because the content is not good, UGC has almost no atmosphere.

   We have a deep understanding of this, because our Pakistani people upload Weishi content all for Douyin. After the Douyin is transmitted, it was dropped. This is difficult to create a community atmosphere, and users can naturally feel it.

   This is the direct cause of the failure of microvision. So why is it so? It has to be analyzed. Let me start with the conclusion. My view is that Penguin has been using its experience ten years ago, and will fall behind without innovation.

  Isn't the penguin inclined to have large resources? It’s very large, and Weishi’s budget is guaranteed. It has digged Ins’ algorithmic siege lion to expand the team. However, even the Toutiao Department’s qualifications to involve some energy are not enough. Only when it started, Zhang Ming was nervous. At once, it caused a war of words with pony. Then I found out that it was a paper tiger.

   Are you saying that the microvision restart is too late? It is not too late to restart at the beginning of 2018. At that time, Douyin hadn't surpassed Weibo, but the way it started was wrong. This startup method has won countless times in the past, but in the battle of graphic information flow, facing the headline system has been defeated.

   The daily report is finished. Penguin News looks at the installation data and it's okay. It hasn't been able to catch up but has been catching up. But in fact, Penguin News wouldn’t do the same if it hadn’t been promoted by WeChat’s powerful and nearly rogue methods. It only has the number of installations, which accounts for far worse user time than Toutiao APP.

   Therefore, Penguin is anxious. If he is in a hurry to pursue short-term results, he can't patiently figure out a solution. It is better to copy past experience, and this experience has already been defeated in the Daily Express. Why is the penguin so persistent? Because this experience embodies Penguin's proud product capabilities and group combat capabilities in the past, it is a successful experience.

But also because of the "success" of this experience, the Penguin looks at the product with an invigorating mindset. You must first look at the width of the track and think it is wide enough and there is enough room for commercialization before doing it. Short videos are abandoned, and Douyin didn't even attract attention when it appeared in 2017.

However, entrepreneurs nowadays don’t think about the problem in this way. Entrepreneurship is based on the idea of ​​looking at the sky. First look at the product itself, whether it is good or not, and then study the market to what extent the product can be brought, that is to say, the track It can be widened, and how wide depends on your own efforts.

   This is why Su Hua and Zhang Ming chose to make short videos, but pony felt that it had no market. It was not until the three short video products of the Toutiao department reached tens of millions of DAU that they thought of taking action.

   If I change to me, I will fully support Su Hua, exchange resources for equity, and do not require control, but it is said that Su Hua must cooperate when needed.

   But Penguin is not. Penguin personally ends the game and throws Kuaishou aside. All the traffic portals of the Penguin are reserved for Kuaishou, and all others are exclusive to Weishi. So Kuaishou was also in a downturn for a while, and then became self-reliant. It only gradually eased in the second half of the year, but it was overtaken by Douyin.

   If the Penguin's end this time is done in a single battle, it is actually okay, but the Penguin is defensive, the defense is not flexible, the organization is not high, and the style of play is outdated. "

   Chu Yuanxi Dangdang said so much in one breath, and his heart said that it is so reasonable and well-organized, should he be able to keep his compulsion by opening his mouth? In fact, these problems are not exposed by Penguin in one or two days. The short video happened to be his main battlefield last year. Of course, I have a deep understanding of it after fighting for more than a year. After all, I thought that Microvision could have any better wool to squeeze, but there was no use for eggs, which is regrettable.

I didn’t expect Xu Xin to quit, “You’ve said that too many people have said it, you’re not good, it’s too superficial! In fact, I have been secretly listening outside for a long time. Why are you not afraid of Penguin pixel-level cottages, giving you confidence? What's the deeper reason? Get some dry goods quickly."

   "Uh..." Chu Yuan Xixin said that what he said before was relatively safe, and it was considered dry to others, but it was really close to Xu Xin. The problem is that everything else is my own feeling, and there is no real hammer.

"What are you doing? In fact, Penguin's thinking of launching Weishi in 2018 is still in the era of traffic and has not upgraded to the era of content. Therefore, content is placed at a relatively low priority, lower than traffic, or even lower than internal management processes. It is very difficult for a multi-departmental giant company like Penguin without being elevated to the point of cross-process. Do you understand that?"

   "I...probably understand?" Xu Xin was not so sure, but one thing immediately came to her mind. For a long time, Wei Shi had to get traffic from the Penguin. Penguin is the distribution center of Penguin's internal traffic and content, so it also holds the financial rights. For example, if Weishi wants to sign, it needs Penguin to approve money.

   This is inevitable. It is impossible for the Penguin to control the traffic without controlling the cost, but the fight is also like this. Weishi complained that the content provided by Penguin was not strong, and Penguin believed that there was a problem with Weishi's algorithm, so Weishi wanted to sign the content by itself, but Penguin refused to approve the content.

   This is the sorrow of being one step behind. The ecology of short videos has been defined by Douyin and Kuaishou, and there is a distinct community atmosphere, so these two can attract free. But latecomers can't do it and need to spend money to buy it. This is the reason why Zhang Ming was so painful when the connotation joke was cut. The original joke was also attractive, and the community atmosphere was very vivid.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "But after 2016, the entire mobile Internet has entered the age of content. To give a few examples, it is said that BAT is now behind B. This statement did not exist before 2016. How did B fall so fast? Yes? The answer is very simple, because there is no content gene, only traffic thinking. So they are really sincere in doing Baijia account, the traffic dividend is very sufficient, open the search page, the homepage is slowly Baijia account.

   But is it useful? Only traffic can no longer be done now, Baijia is very typical.

  Why do I say that we are not afraid of full-pixel replicas of competing products, even penguins? Because the Penguin game is nothing more than taking a high imitation product and investing in traffic and resources. In the early years, Penguin succeeded many times in such a simple and rude manner, including mobile QQ, and directly re-engraved the PC version without any thought. .

   But starting in 2016, this set of counterfeit tactics has been useless, and the point-to-point head-to-head play has failed continuously. This is the preset position for entering the enemy, even if the penguin comes, it will be bitten off. "

   Zhu Yun waited for Chu Yuanxi to stop and immediately applauded, and there was a warm applause in the conference room. Chu Yuanxi looked at Xu Xin, and said that he could give Zhu Yan a credit. The reality is very good, it is very important!

   Xu Xin also clapped for a while, "Hey, what you said is pretty good, so what do you do if you are a penguin? Let's not talk about quick hands, just talk about microvision."

"The restart of Microvision is equivalent to starting from scratch. If I take the lead in solution is--" Chu Yuanxi paused for a long time, substituting himself in the positions of Pony and Martin, and said : "I first sue Douyin for infringement and use of our game copyright, and cut off the content of popular games such as the dead eat chicken by Douyin! Then--"

   "Wait, what are you doing with the game content?" Xu Xin was really taken aback this time, "Penguin did this, but I never figured it out."

"Dig fire ditch to restrict the other party's development. Penguin did it but it was too late, half a year too late. You can see how Ali reacted when facing challengers. The dog is here, Ali did not go to die for 3C products and big Home appliances, but to prevent Goudong from making women’s clothing and restrict him to men’s products. Jack just digs a fire ditch first without starting an emergency fire. The first step is to stop damage. This is called knowing how to advance and retreating. .

   And penguins are not. Penguins must be eaten by me, so penguins must be chased wherever the fire burns. No matter if the place is the opponent's home court, it must not be exhausted? If Jack went to the door to install the major appliances, would he be able to survive Goudong's service? The wise man defends his home court first. "

   "Okay, what you said makes sense. What then?"

"Then at this point in time after the Spring Festival last year, I did the following five things. The first is to allow microvision to cross-process, find people who understand the content to take the helm, give money to resources, delegate power, use content thinking to sort out the product, and adjust ideas. The content must be the king, you can sign in whenever you want to dig."

   Xu Xin interrupted again: "Penguin did this too."

"But it was a year late to sign in to what I like. One year, Douyin has become a giant, such a critical year, the year at the turning point of change was delayed, what did you think of? Anyway, I thought of Baidu ."

Chu Yuanxi immediately connected the conversation, "What is the sign of Baidu's decline? It is said that the emergence of the mobile Internet has thrown off Baidu, no, but after the emergence of the mobile Internet, it cannot keep up with the inflection point of the key information flow reform. And every time you get up early and catch up late. The advantage of Penguin over Baidu is that Baidu doesn’t seem to know what it’s missing, so it makes mistakes again and again, using different postures to miss the historical New Year. Penguin knows exactly what is missing. , So it’s especially painful."

"Wait." Yuan Mu suddenly said: "The way you said about digging people is the same as the author of Toutiao APP digging Zhihu back then? According to your own words, this is the practice of the traffic age, and now it is not entering the content age. Is it? Can you still use this old method? Haven't you always despised Penguin for using the old method?"

   "Are you stupid?" Chu Yuan was stunned. "The headline app digs knows who pays attention to whoever is high. That is the practice of the traffic age. If I take the helm, I must dig over the content.

   I don’t care how many fans they have. Anyway, what Penguin’s traffic is is that I only need the goal to produce the content category I need. The same operation, different ways of thinking, understand? My digging operation requires front-line players to have strong content recognition capabilities, instead of digging one by one against the leaderboard. How can you think it is the same? Content first means looking at the content atmosphere in the community as a KPI, and traffic first means looking at the growth data of users and DAU as KPIs, it’s that simple. "

   Yuan Mu made a gesture of please continue.

"The second thing is to have a meeting with the group executives above the vice president to emancipate their minds and put down their bodies. What do you mean? It means that when we Penguins were the boss, how did others challenge? How did they steal chickens? Kou Kewangwu You can also go, understand?

   Don't think about what industry hegemony you are. Baidu has also dominated, how fast is it declining? Taking advantage of the social throne at the bottom has not been shaken, put yourself in the position of challenger to do things, challenge upward, instead of thinking that there is no pit that my big penguin uses resources to fill in the uneven pit, this idea was defeated for the first time Yes, if you lose twice, you should quickly abandon it.

The essence of    is, never enter other people's home courts to play. The key point is that the various units in the organizational structure work together to work together. Don't divide the hills anymore. Chasers are not qualified to fight inwardly. They all guard their KPIs. The result is a huge waste of resources. "

   "Penguin did this too." Xu Xinxin said that your co-author is to do the things that Penguin did in advance, right? Isn't this your typical hindsight?

"No, they didn't get it right. Penguin just made structural adjustments, but the time was at the end of September, and it was still half a year too late. Moreover, it is useless to change the structure. The key is ideologically. But is the headline system really hard? The headline system is doing its best, and you can fight as you like. If Penguin doesn’t know how to sort it out the ideas will not be unified, the short video game Just hand in your gun and you will lose."

   Xu Xin clapped her hands: "Okay, the third one."

   "The third one is to guide Weishi to focus on short videos of games, to dig out high-quality, to attract the dead and the anchors who eat chickens to make short videos, and to dig directly when they encounter good ones."

   "Games?" Xu Xinxin said, are you addicted to games? "Game-type short videos are very rare regardless of Douyin Kuaishou? Can this kind of short videos attract users?"

"Lack of guidance is of course rare, but it already has it. The first anchor of Douyin, Tuan Tuan, made a short video of eating chicken on Douyin, and then went to Shark to start broadcasting. Who knew eating chicken before the rise of Tuan Tuan Can short videos do like her? The result is very popular. It can be seen that this category actually has great potential to be tapped.

   Besides, the big penguin is far more than the dead and the chickens. There are a large number of games, and there are more materials to make. This is called developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses. Making game categories is the core competitiveness of Penguin. It is in line with Penguin's genes. This is the most stable line.

Followed by novels and animations. Penguin is also ranked first in the domestic dominance in these two fields. It is also a content carrier. It is especially convenient to transform into short videos. There are also clear copyright barriers. Douyin can't do it. If you dare to touch, tell him. In the process of Douyin's rise, countless copyrights have been infringed. Among them, Big Penguin is the most infringed. Just grab this point and work hard. "


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