Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 802: Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight (part 2)

First make sure that one's own superior areas are not violated, and then spread from the users and content of cartoons, games and novels to other areas. Yuan Mu understands this style very well, but there is an essential problem.

"Wait for a while, Chu Yuanxi. I remember that when you criticized the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, didn't you say that Luo Guanzhong wrote it? There are always plots of sending a diligent worker into the enemy camp to inquire about news. In fact, it is impossible. You now open your mouth. Silence means that Penguin finds someone who understands the content to take the helm, and replaces traffic thinking with content thinking. The question is, where is such a person?"

"Do I understand the content?"

"In fact, it's not a special calculation, you said it yourself!"

"What about me + Uncle Sheng?"

"Then... is it okay?" Yuan Muxin said, what did he say about it, and he wouldn't lead Uncle Voice to take refuge in Pony.

"As far as the content area is concerned, there are so many talents in Penguin. It is easy to make a combination that is larger than me + Uncle Sheng." Chu Yuanxi said muran: "Others don't have this background, including Ali. But don't forget, Penguin has Two subsidiaries, one is called Reading Group and the other is Penguin Animation. I dare not say anything about other content. Headlines may be hard to find for content such as game novels and animation. Penguin’s talents are a lot of talents. ."

Xu Xin nodded: "This one is over, then fourth?"

"Fourth is, what is the basic disk that WeChat must guarantee in the social field? I am asking the user group."

"A basic social disk that must be guaranteed?" Both Yuan Mu and Xu Xin paused, because WeChat has a wide range of social roots and penetrates into the capillaries of the celestial dynasty. I really haven’t thought about how it is a basic disk, let alone guaranteed. Of it.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "In my opinion, WeChat must protect the middle-aged and elderly groups and family groups. From the perspective of social density, the social density of middle-aged and elderly family groups is not low, and it is often just needed. Assuming that there is no external force, WeChat cannot operate on its own or is eliminated by new things. Just like Weibo eliminates blogs, users start to lose a lot, and the middle-aged and family groups must be the last to lose. But this plate is also the most dangerous. ,because--

The Toutiao department actually made a big mistake. It’s really hard to do socializing for the middle-aged and elderly! Middle-aged and elderly people are the main force in using Toutiao APP. Look at the rumors in your family group. The source is basically Toutiao APP.

Middle-aged and elderly people used to be less valued, but how many years have smart phones been popularized? Even the mobile phone dividend has peaked. Middle-aged and elderly people have urgent social needs. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Mu and Xu Xin looked at each other immediately. Xu Xin had been instilled in a well-off society. Not to mention Yuan Mu, he immediately thought with a sharp heart, is the well-off community social networking aimed at this demand? At least partially aimed.

Immediately, Yuan Mu was a bit irritated. Did Chu Yuanxi say that High hadn't shut the door? There are many managements in this conference room. But after thinking about it, they don't know the specific plan of Xiaokang. Currently, there are only five people who know the social plan of Xiaokang plus Liu Lu.

Chu Yuanxi also didn't want to drive people away. This kind of high-end question and answer is rare. Letting the brothers listen to this is actually good for broadening their thinking.

So he went on to say: “Games, novels and animation are the most stable line for penguins, and middle-aged and elderly people are the most unstable. It should be said that penguins are lucky, and the headline department has never noticed this obvious point of force. If I steer Penguins, It must be the use of WeChat's relatively leading social advantage to dig a fire ditch, and then use the means in Weishi."

"Are you...sure that middle-aged and older people and family groups, play short videos?" Xu Xin is incredible, because she is a middle-aged and old person and has little interest in short videos, especially Douyin. There is nothing on it that suits her taste. If it weren't for the hard work that must be done by the investment outlet, she would definitely be unfamiliar with Douyin.

"I'm sure. In fact, because the giants don't do it now, some entrepreneurs have discovered this need and started to do functions. Have you heard of "Xiaoying"?"

Chu Yuanxi said, suddenly thinking that Xu Xin might reshape his worldview after opening this app.

If he wants to socialize well, he must pay attention to the trend of the market. Just as Yuan Mu felt, middle-aged and elderly social interaction is indeed a point he intends to attack. Since Penguin does not take it seriously, the well-off society must of course pay attention to it. Therefore, the market that may pose a threat will be concerned.

In fact, for the battle between Toutiao and Penguins, Chu Yuanxi sits on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, as long as the two sides don’t touch the social interaction he wants to do, but there are always insightful entrepreneurs in the market who are trying different things. Opportunity, so I can’t relax at all.

Xiaoying, a simple video maker, is one of the more powerful ones, and the big words and loud words of the video made are fully in line with the needs of middle-aged and elderly people. The key is simplicity. Input a photo and you can process it. The so-called processing is a fool-like selection of special effects. It is very simple, but the output effect is very good. At least it is good for the elderly. Some people riding a phoenix extracted the characters in the photos and flew in the video, quite a bit like the 86 version of Journey to the West, which is simple and straightforward but fancy.

What really made Chu Yuanxi's focus was Xiaoying's slogan-"New special effects every day". The help of this slogan to retention rate is unimaginable.

Of course, if you want to engage in microvision, you must develop a video product that meets the characteristics of your own platform. It is impossible to copy Xiaoying. Copying the Xiaoying platform will ruin it, and it will not show the dominance of Big Penguin in the content field. But the idea of ​​this demand and solution will always exist, and it can be done.

The key point is that short video APP is an algorithm recommendation platform. As long as there is enough content, it is not difficult to recommend, and users with different preferences can be perfectly distinguished.

Especially the Douyin mode is a mode with only one video per screen, and Weishi, obviously will enjoy the big data of Penguin, which is incomparable by Douyin. When a new user enters Douyin, it is a blank sheet of paper for Douyin, and it will take a while for the algorithm to recommend accurate recommendations. For Weishi, it is not a "new" user at all. Whether it is imported from WeChat or QQ, there is very sufficient big data, and algorithm recommendations can be made from the beginning.

Therefore, there is no contradiction between the preferences of middle-aged and young people on the platform. There are two main categories at the same time: game animation novel + middle-aged video. Moreover, just as the entertainment group and the middle-aged group are the two extremes of the penguin’s social plate, short videos only have games, cartoons and novels that walk on one leg, which is not easy to diverge, but there are also short videos suitable for middle-aged and elderly types, just like Stretching the noodles at both ends is the same, and the speed of expansion to the middle is at least multiplied by 2.

While she was talking, Chu Yuanxi turned on the phone and showed Xu Xin the small shadow inside. Xu Xin was immediately confused, asking her heart that Chu Yuanxi had already entered middle-aged and old age earlier? Why is there such an app on his phone? The key is why there are still so many works in his APP? Damn, his taste is unique enough!

As for thinking, Xu Xin recognized it. Chu Yuanxi has repeatedly emphasized that at home and away, socializing is the home of the Penguins. It is obviously a strategy to pull the enemy into his own home.

Without waiting to ask questions this time, Chu Yuanxi directly said the fifth item: "The last thing I want to do is... In fact, when I gave a self-media lecture to a group of investors last year, I said that Penguin can give vibrato in music. Cut the roots and dig in according to those grass-roots musicians. These grass-roots musicians were suppressed in the process of the commercialization of Douyin, but their popularity is still there. They took advantage of the opportunity in the middle of last year to dig, and all their heads were dug away , And then filed a music copyright lawsuit with Toutiao.

Penguin Music is the largest music copyright company in China, with extremely high barriers, with a valuation of more than 200 billion yuan, and it should be fully utilized. "

"You take it for granted, right?" Yuan Mu interjected, "How difficult is it to determine the music copyright lawsuit? Your time cost is too high. Douyin won't be afraid of this lawsuit."

"That's right, but it can involve the energy of Douyin, right? Barriers, how should they be used to develop their own business may be confusing, but it is a good way to hinder others. How to solve the available music sources is absolutely Is it the problem that makes Douyin a headache, or what I just said, they have too many historical debts, infringed countless copyrights, but they have no relevant configuration, without the valuable strategic position of'Toutiao Music', all the accounts are bigger I have to pay it back later."

Chu Yuanxi even sneered while speaking, "The luck of Penguin's misfortune is that Toutiao doesn't know how to do social networking, so it can't be done. Otherwise, if the flash is done, you can see what it is on June 7th today. It looks like a defeat. This method can at least allow Toutiao to do social networking and games so quickly, which is of strategic significance.

In short, if I follow these five rules, the total number of games, novels, and anime plates is still very large. In addition, the middle-aged and elderly plates extend to the middle, and the microvision still has a DAU of 60 to 70 million today. , It’s not as good as Douyin, but it should be a good complement to Kuaishou. When the seeds are cultivated and then expanded, the rest are all specific details, don't you need to say more? "

Xu Xin was shocked. She never thought that Chu Yuanxi actually considered it from this perspective. No wonder he can do it as a Pakistani entertainment! Moreover, Chu Yuanxi happens to be a person who understands both social and content. The key is to understand traffic. Isn't this invincible? Unexpectedly, Tantan shop passed by and heard such a report.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi finally added: "Of course I was watching and eating melons. After I really ended, I didn't feel so relaxed. In fact, the easiest and most effective way for Penguin is to buy Kuaishou wholly and let Su Hua bring a gun to vote. What kind of micro-vision. The most important thing to do in a business is to know what your limits are and what you can't do. Penguin has been showing off for too long, creating the illusion that I can do everything, but it is not so omnipotent. "

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the silence in the conference room, and quickly said: "Brothers are all separated, all are separated. It is inevitable that knockoffs will erode the market, but even if we retreat, it will not be less than 500 million. Running water every month, plus the overseas share, the annual net profit of 6 billion is no problem, so I put my heart back in my stomach. Yang Jiangang, wait, your kid will have a celebration banquet tomorrow. Wouldn’t it be authentic? ?"

The reason for Yang Jiangang's celebration banquet is simple. Round A got his wish and got a valuation of RMB 700 million to RMB 100 million, so he has been rubbing his hands in excitement these days and almost killed him.

Then yesterday the first $30 million has been paid. Due to the supervision of the raised funds, the money will not be paid all at once, but in batches. Even if the first payment arrives, there will be no changes. Therefore, tomorrow Saturday will work overtime, which is just a celebration.

"You know everything every day, so come on. You are also the peak visual effects CFO." Yang Jiangang laughed. No one was unhappy in the peak visual effects these days. Well, except for Chen Kuo, he was harassed by Wang Hui. It's miserable. Fortunately, Bai Fume didn't care too much, especially after hearing about Wang Hui's wonderful view of marriage and love.

Although Chu Yuanxi didn’t have much comradeship with these people, she was sincerely happy for them, because Yang Jiangang’s overtime intensity far exceeded the average level, and also surpassed the Ba and Xiaokang, and even surpassed Pengfei Technology. It's livestock. But Yang Jiangang is also relatively generous and basically gave a lot of options. This group of animals can see the dawn of victory and see the hope of getting rich, more happier than anything else.

However, Chu Yuanxi couldn't get happy, and turned around. On Saturday morning, Chen Yu left.

Normally, a manager-level personnel change can't even be seen by Du Tie. Tian Baorui is the end point, but Chen Yu sprayed it with others in the group of classmates.

Although Chu Yuanxi never bubbling, she can still see it, so she explained to others the reason for her resignation-the job she wanted to find was the more money, the less things are close to home, now it seems that the money is more Not much, there are so many things, only one is close to home, and in the end he was trained by the leader.

Chu Yuanxi said that you should be trained! Can you do customer service if you think too much? In a service-oriented company, a good customer service is definitely exhausting. Chu Yuanxi has been doing business for many years and must deal with customer service. What kind of customer service is a good customer service because of product bugs and other reasons? Over the course of the day, he will be beaten again by Sankei, and he has been beaten out of experience. On the contrary, a bad customer service will not confuse it, nor is it angry, let alone committing it.

So Chu Yuanxi thinks she knows customer service, and also knows how urinary a bad customer service is. Just like the previous Xiaokang customer service, the service is not bad or not, the key is irritating. The last thing users need is to watch the customer service as a repeater. It is enough to do the reading comprehension once, and the customer service does not need to send it again.

Basically speaking, customer service should have a deep understanding of product rules, how these activities should be implemented, and how to redeem the content of the activities. If the customer service can't understand it, go and communicate with the product manager to let the Sankei explain clearly. You can't understand these rules as a customer service. How can users explain clearly when they ask? But in the way of repeater, the customer service only needs to know which rule the user asks, and then copy and paste, which is easy and happy.

So even though she was upset, Chu Yuanxi thought about it for a while, but Chen Yu might still feel sorry for her. I wanted to see Mingyue, but Chen Yu, although the relationship was good when she was in junior high school, she was a scumbag and was never a hardworking person. Xiaokang's requirements are high, it may be really difficult for her, let her go.

Chu Yuanxi cannot rest this Saturday. Why did Xu Xin go to a well-off store to experience it in a surprise? Because she still has a mission to find Xiaokang some more money.

It is June 2019. The sensitivity of the entire private economy to money has reached its historical extreme. While watching the attitude of Yang's mother, I also watched the frequency of moths in the United States. Youdao's analysis is fierce as a tiger, and the ups and downs are totally irresponsible. In this environment, the money is held to death, which is completely different from 2016.

Moreover, listed companies were originally the main channel of capital flow, but now listed companies generally have no money, and they dare not blindly invest in Jaguar, otherwise they will be stunned by the Securities Regulatory Commission, especially the kind that is easy to form goodwill~www.mtlnovel. com~ It’s not easy to get a lot of money with a pinch of this tube.

Then there are banks. Banks have a lot of doorways no matter how they are in the past and now, and the holes formed are buried deep under the water. They have a very strong ability to resist risks, which is stronger than that of many companies.

But today's situation is not tightening, but unprecedented tightening. The safety rope broke when it was tightened to a certain extent, and countless underwater holes began to surface.

Therefore, it is a hundred times more difficult to find money than in 2016. Chu Yuanxi wondered if it was this investment and financing environment in the original world, he would not be able to find a group of crooked investors to extend his life. Entrepreneurship in the world may fail.

Today, his capital is more sufficient, so not only did he not kneel, but he also had to make conditions. This posed a big challenge to Xu Xin, because Chu Yuanxi had requirements for the identity of an investor, and no money for industrial capital, so it was quite tiring to find it. Finally, yesterday, some big guys expressed their willingness to intervene deeply, but they have to go to the store to experience it.

That's why she sees the needles and goes to experience the experience first, but don't make any baskets.

If it's just looking for money, Chu Yuanxi believes that her own signature can still be found now, but it needs to be deeply involved, and it's different if she's so heartbroken like Aunt Xu. So on Saturday, he had to wait at the company, wait for Xu Xin to bring people, and then go to the store.

Soon, when people arrived, Chu Yuanxi took Yuan Mu out to meet him.

The person Xu Xin led today is Hu Shiheng of Orchid Capital. According to his position, he is actually one step behind Lin Jian of Dadu Ventures, and even worse than the background. What do these two points show? It shows that the growth rate of Orchid Capital is much faster than that of Dadu Venture Capital, otherwise the coffee position will not be one level but several levels.


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