Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 807: Chen Kuo is so easy to routine?

"Oh, I see, do you want to use the animation copyright of "Troubled Times"?" Chu Yuanxi said that your abacus is pretty good.

From the perspective of the Pakistani people, after the Pakistani entertainment group is formed, the brothers have to settle accounts clearly, and the settlements between each branch are required, let alone between the peak visual effects.

The animation copyrights of "Rome Enemy" and "Animal Company" were handed over to Yang Jiangang for free, because at this node, the animation copyrights of these brothers are not worth much, and will not affect future development and development. Authorization, free authorization is beneficial to Pakistani Group. The former mainly faces Europe and the United States, and the Pakistani people need streaming media content. The latter is exhausted in Chu Yuanxi's view. As the first project of the Pakistani people, the historical mission has been fulfilled. If there is any other residual value, let Yang Jiangang can squeeze it.

But "Out of the Wind" is different. Its film and television copyright is priced at tens of millions, and then the animation copyright is authorized for free? It stands to reason that the copyright of this animation should not be less than 10 million. Isn't the free delivery suspected of hollowing out the Pakistani group?

But after another thought, because of the special licensing situation, the copyright of the animation of "Troubled Times" certainly cannot sell for a high price. At present, domestic animation web dramas are losing money, and the cost is too high, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands per minute. Therefore, the animation is not for animation, but for traffic using animation, and then other derivative methods of the same IP are harvested, the most important of which is games. For this reason, the general animation authorization in the cultural and creative field must be matched with other authorizations.

But there are movie and TV games in "Unwinding", although you can get very high traffic when doing animated web dramas, which is higher than the average big IP, but why do you use these traffic? The game and its surroundings have been eaten by Pakistani people. Therefore, there will be no idiots who will spend a lot of money to buy its animation rights. This state is quite clear after a little reasoning, and the insiders know it.

In that case, it doesn't seem impossible to give peak visual effects? No, no, this can't be given casually. Chu Yuanxi suddenly remembered that she had planned a long time ago. The copyright of this animation must be locked and cannot be developed now, even if it can sell for 20 million, it will not be sold.

"Sorry, sorry, I must freeze the animation copyright of "Troubled Times", and I will not proceed with any development for the time being." Chu Yuanxi apologized, because there was nothing wrong with Chen Kuo's expectant thoughts.

Chen Kuobai was happy, and asked in amazement: "Is it because of preventing overdevelopment?"

"No, for the follow-up development plan of this IP, the changes must be preserved. Have you ever played Go? In some places where changes can be preserved, it will be indeterminate. The future of "Troubled Times" may be a live-action movie, an animated movie, or maybe Inject new content through cartoons, and even drive sequels. Animation is a direction that must be frozen, and the cards cannot be lighted up."

Chen Kuo doesn't know if he understands it, but what the **** is Go? But he believed in Chu Yuanxi unconditionally, so he didn't go into it further.

It has been half a year since Chen Kuo has been the CTO or the second-in-chief of the company. Chen Kuo has been completely different from him half a year ago, learning to think as a leader instead of only considering projects and technologies. It is precisely because of this that he has accumulated a lot of problems in this not short period of time.

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi was very sexual, he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Chu, I always have a small problem that I don't understand. It happens that you are a bike-sharing. You say that bike-sharing is not profitable, so why don't you raise the price?"

"Huh? Raise the price? How?"

"By mileage. Isn't Didi also by mileage?"

"Ahem-a genius idea!" Chu Yuanxi almost coughed up the wine into her throat, "Don't say, the little red car really did so, shortening the starting time and increasing the price in disguise. But this is definitely not possible, there is no consensus. Xiaohong's price increase was quite unsuccessful.

You should pay for taxi rides. This is the consensus of the whole society, because taxi rides burn fuel, and the cyclists have paid for themselves. For the same distance, you pay fifteen yuan for a taxi. It feels right and right to ride a bike. At least, users don’t want to pay by mileage. It’s acceptable to pay fifty cents. One dollar is the limit, and one dollar for five is just a shame. "

"But in fact, the maintenance cost of shared bicycles is not low."

"Hey, the situation does not depend on what the facts are, but what the mainstream views of the society look like. So making money from shared bicycles is a false proposition in itself, and profit is unlikely."

Chen Kuo was quite surprised, "Is it so miserable?"

"It's really miserable. Manufacturing a bicycle is an expense, but it's not the main thing, mainly maintenance and operating expenses. In contrast, the money collected from the bicycle is not much, and most of the profits are swallowed up by maintenance expenses. And then do you have to subsidize users? It’s too difficult for this model to be profitable if you compare it with friends and businessmen. Just look at Xiao Huang."

Chen Kuo is still unclear. So, I don’t know why Xiao Huang and Xiaohong did this. Later, so many followed the trend and what was in the picture. At one time, entrepreneurs were crowded to the point that no colors were available. If there was no profit logic, it would be a whole era. Comedy.

But it is not a problem to get to a well-off society. Chen Kuo has observed Xiaokang closely and knows that all bicycles in Xiaokang are recorded as expenses. Although nominally non-member riding is also charged, there is actually no concept of income. In other words, Chu Yuanxi did not charge, but the business logic was clearer, and his thoughts flowed smoothly, not to mention the profit and loss of this part. When all are recorded as expenses, shared bicycles are a kind of "commercial tool" for the well-off.

While he was thinking, Yang Jiangang toasted to the table of the departing employees.

The table was crowded with fourteen people, but this arrangement was the only option. Yang Jiangang's method of stimulating overtime is nothing more than three tricks, leading by example, playing **** and issuing options. Therefore, many resigned employees have also received options, but they have suffered substantial losses due to resignation. Even so, the three of them have some points left. Although this financing was successful, they could not cash it out due to time, but they all saw the hope of cashing out, and almost all the invitations came.

Yang Jiangang also gave up today. The drink was dry and he was slightly drunk at this time. Unexpectedly, Wang Hui stood up suddenly and drank three glasses with him.

Both of them drank beer, and Yang Jiangang drank and left dizzy, not even expecting Wang Hui to pick up the glass and start toasting at each table. While toasting and apologizing, this time interrupted the work of the big guy, and it was really sad. The personal relationship problem has been entangled and can't let go, making you laugh so much. As he said, the wine in his hand kept pouring, and the wine was dry until the glass was dry. She looked like a female wine magnate. It seems that she usually has no time to play, and soon the wine came to Chu Yuanxi's table.

One advantage of drinking is that it is not easy to be perceived by others. Chu Yuanxi couldn't see what state Wang Hui was in now, anyway, his face was very red.

Her appearance is not low. A score of 70 or more is enough for technology companies. Although she looks gentle and generous, she can actually play and be a girl with an exposed aura, otherwise she would not take the initiative to attack Chen Kuo. Confession. At this time, the wine was pouring up, and it became more charming.

The first glass of wine to respect Chu Yuanxi: "Chu, you have to drink this glass. Without the incubation system of the Pakistani Group, there would be no peak visual effects, and there would be no opportunity for us to get together today. You are the origin of the entire business, although I have already left this company, but your mindset to structure the company has always shocked me. Peak performance is thanks to you today. They say this is equivalent to flattering. Sorry, I’m fine, haha Haha—"

In an instant, all eyes gathered.

Many people in this company don’t know Chu Yuanxi. They must have heard of it, but Chu Yuanxi doesn’t go there often. He can go four or five times a month, so I know him. There are not many people who know Wang Hui.

Before Wang Hui left, he was also the main beauty. Although he was not the management, he would be in time when the art department started to expand its recruitment on a large scale and was preparing to enrich the art resources. There were many new talents under his staff and the demand for design outsourcing had to contact In other departments, Wang Hui's popularity is pretty good.

So now, after Wang Hui said, someone found out that that person was the president of Pakistan.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Ah, hey, I can’t say that. Didn’t my incubation system also allow me to get a CFO with peak visual effects? Maybe in the future the peak visual effects development will be more than the Ba People’s Group. Fortunately, to become a first-class platform in China, when the time comes, I will be more convincing as the CFO of peak visual effects."

Suddenly both the host and the guest were suitable. Chu Yuanxi raised his neck and drank the cup of Corona, and Wang Hui did the same, drank a cup, then immediately filled it up, respecting Chen Kuo.

Although it seemed to be fluent in this movement, Wang Hui's feet were already spinning, and he staggered a little bit and he was not particularly stable.

She held the table smoothly, her eyes were a little divorced, but she still raised her head and turned her gaze to Chen Kuo's face. It might not be a face either. Looking at it from Chu Yuanxi's point of view, it is just a bright bald head when making an extension line.

Chen Kuo was embarrassed, and he didn't know how to hold the cup. Fortunately, Wang Hui didn't say a word. He just stared at him. He didn't dare to challenge his gaze. There was a thin and narrow line on the corner of his mouth. Then he raised his glass and stretched it forward.

Chen Kuo also raised the cup subconsciously, and the two of them touched their wine glasses lightly, making a "ding" sound. Immediately afterwards, Wang Hui seemed to be shaken. The wine glass shook violently, and the beer spattered suddenly, and a piece of hops sprinkled on the old compassionate shirt.

Wang Hui hiccuped his wine, raised his neck and drank the rest of the wine, then naturally took out his handkerchief and wiped it with Chen Kuo, and handed the empty wine glass to Chen Kuo. Chen Kuo didn't dare to move, and subconsciously took the glass, only to hear Wang Hui say nonchalantly: "It's full and full."

Chen Kuo obediently filled the wine, but he hadn't drank his own glass yet. Wang Hui didn't care, put away the handkerchief, picked up the wine glasses again, and clinked the glasses again. This time, both of them drank all in one shot.

Next to Chen Kuo was Yang Jiangang's seat, but Yang Jiangang was toasting in circles outside. Wang Hui sat down naturally and poured the wine again. This is the first few drinks she has counted tonight. Chu Yuanxi looked a little bit dumb, and said to her heart that these sisters can drink so, ah, hello? Isn't it a problem with drinking? I saw Wang Hui taking a cup to the left and right, as if he was going to kill Chen Kuo, but he was actually trying to kill himself.

But this liberated Chu Yuanxi, because Chen Kuo had no chance to ask questions. He stuffed his head and ate rolls of roast duck. Because it was so delicious and the atmosphere was very warm, he unknowingly ate it a little bit, and then his stomach reacted. He was thinking of getting up and taking it. Suddenly, Wang Hui He fell back with a grunt, slid down the back of the chair to the bottom of the table, and lay face down on the ground.

What the **** is this? Chu Yuanxi said that you don't want to drink anything good or bad, drink to death here, peak visual effects can make headlines. When the time comes, the news catches the shadow Hut wrote that the employee worked overtime for five days and five nights without sudden death, and fell to death before the finish line, and can demand Yang Jiangang's life.

"Hey you guys, get people up quickly, ask the waiter for hot water, don't let Wang Hui lie on the ground." Chu Yuanxi rushed to take over, seeing Chen Kuo and others around him still stunned, and quickly went blind. Command, and then ran into the bathroom.

While he was squatting, there was already a brief confrontation outside, mainly because of who sent Wang Hui home. She must be okay, breathing well, just drunk.

But going home is definitely unable to go home by yourself, which is embarrassing. Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. In the end, they looked at Chen Kuo by appointment. You didn't say anything. Not only did you recognize her house, you also lived in her house for a long time. When the two lived together, Chen Kuo lived in Wang Hui's residence, otherwise Wang Hui's blue friend would not be able to visit.

Chen Kuo was quite unhappy, wishing to pour water on Wang Hui to wake up. Isn’t that all on TV? The prisoner who was tortured but fainted woke up with a splash of water. But this is obviously impossible, and I can't wake up, so I can only send it back.

Although he drank, he was still sober in his mind. He didn't want to give it to him alone. He didn't have to be alone to give it. As a result, when he asked for help, he didn’t care about it. Not only did he do not care, he even heard that new employees didn’t understand the situation. He began to misrepresent him. He whispered that he was awkward, and the goddess took the initiative to confess that he found a new love after he finished sleeping. To Bai Fumei, the contemporary Chen Shimei. Look at what a miserable beauty Wang Hui is! Chen Kuo refuses to send her home, is there a little conscience?

Chen Kuo's face was a little red because he had drunk. At this time, even his neck and face were **** and angry!

Yang Jiangang fell into a state of numb claws on the side. He had never encountered such a thing before and did not know how to deal with it. As a social animal for many years, it’s okay to let him manage product research and development, and it’s okay to rush to the front line to fight in person. He is a bit short of managing people, and his ability to handle emergencies is zero.

Therefore, Yang Jiangang's first reaction was to look for Chu Yuanxi, but he couldn't find it. So, when he should stand up, he was hidden.

When Chu Yuanxi came out, Chen Kuo had called Didi and had just gotten into the car. Chu Yuanxi squatted for a long time, her legs were sore, and she came out to see, huh? what's the situation? Is Chen Kuo getting caught up? This is too easy a routine, right?

He couldn't help feeling a little worried for Chen Kuo.

At the same time, Lu Yu of Pakistani Information was also worried. He had just sent Feng Lin a WeChat account to explain the ins and outs, and offered an invitation for Chu Yuanxi. There was something that made him feel that the bones were in his throat, but he couldn’t say it, because he suddenly recalled that he had never mentioned Feng Lin’s name at that time. Hey, what Chu Yuanxi said at the time was—as for this. Feng Lin, please ask her for me, and I personally apologize to her.

How did Chu Yuanxi know her name is Feng Lin? Because you know Feng Xueling, you know Feng Xueling has a cousin? Isn't this too bullshit? Feng Xueling's nickname is "Ling'er", without the word "Feng" at all. Chu Yuanxi was full to investigate her family situation?

However, this was the first time I could ask at the time, and it seemed weird to ask afterwards. And the point is that Lu Yu has been with Chu Yuanxi for a long time, knowing that if he was really stupid to ask, Chu Yuanxi would say: What? Has this matter? Sorry, I really forgot.

So he felt a little worried inexplicably, but he didn't know why.

On the other hand, Feng Lin saw Lu Yu on WeChat and said: hello Feng Lin, there has been a change in the food exploration shop eating and broadcasting mentioned Our company Chu Yuanxi wants to meet you personally, time You decide, President Chu has been free recently.

Immediately afterwards, another one: Well, you and President Chu met before?

Feng Lin looked at WeChat, smiled knowingly, and replied: I don't know. Tomorrow, tomorrow and Sunday, I will go to your company.

So Chu Yuanxi went back to the townhouse, took a shower, and found that Lu Yu had arranged the itinerary for tomorrow. To see Feng Lin, Chu Yuanxi was a little distracted, what should I talk about?

Just as he was distracted, the poppy raided from behind, pressing against his back in an illegal parking posture.

"I drank today." Chu Yuanxi said embarrassedly. He found that his energy was not as vigorous as he used to be after 30 years. Although there was no obvious change in his body, he occasionally appeared mentally before fighting, and he couldn't even guarantee the frequency of driving once a day. Forcibly driving is too much physical exertion, the brain is very confident, the old waist will complain, the arms and legs strike frequently, especially after drinking, the function is obviously stagnant.

Sometimes he laughs at himself. Entrepreneurs really don't have time to do so many things. Even if they do, they should first be allocated to exercise. But having said that, the amount of driving exercise is actually not much lower than that of exercise, especially when driving a German car.

Therefore, the poppies have been very accommodating to Chu Yuanxi since they lived in the leaping villa, otherwise they would not have gotten a bunch of equipment to exercise every day. If two people work together, one person will give less effort and the other will naturally have more effort.

Listening to Chu Yuanxi's second counseling, the poppy is a bit weird, because generally Chu Yuanxi has to struggle first even if she wants to counsel, at least her mouth is hard.

Women have a terrible sixth sense, and the poppies suddenly startled, "Is someone coming?"


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