Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 802: Can I change it?

Wednesday is June 12th. This short three days can be said to be super lively and dizzying.

First of all, Magic City launched a very magical version of the garbage classification policy, and it is forced to start with shops, and then quickly expand to residents. People who walk on the streets overnight are frequently asked by the management and classification aunt: "What kind of garbage are you? ?"

As a result, the word "carry to be clear" has a new meaning, which means that the magic city people can clearly distinguish what type of garbage they are carrying.

Chu Yuanxi sprayed it when he saw this effect. WeChat asked An Qi: I have a question. If you use the cockroach house, the carton is recyclable garbage, and the cockroach is wet garbage. Then you must not put a cockroach in the garbage. Dig it down?

Angie is poor, helpless and weak, and furiously counterattacks: You don't need to be proud, your imperial capital will have such a day!

Chu Yuanxi made a big laughter: I'm sorry, don't you know that the empire will be divided into Beijing style and Shanghai style no matter what? The garbage classification rules of the Imperial City are 100% different from those of the devil.

Immediately afterwards, a war broke out in the air-conditioning industry. As the 618 approached, Miss Dong made heavy blows. Within 48 hours, a major competitor who could also be regarded as a behemoth was beaten with a mouthful of Huanglian. It is estimated that relevant state departments will be required to appease. And coordination. But even if the incident can be subdued, the damage to the brand is simply hard to describe.

At the same time, the property market ushered in an unprecedented cold wave. The relevant state departments implemented non-public measures to suspend public financing of more than 20 real estate companies that were active in acquiring land in the first half of the year.

Unlike Internet companies' habit of financing through equity, real estate companies usually borrow debt financing. This operation has no effect on ordinary people. However, people who are concerned about the macroeconomics of the celestial dynasty have noticed an unusual meaning after seeing it. The central government to the local government, the government to the enterprise, the window guidance to the market law, the underlying reasons are intriguing, in short, the relevant departments are very busy!

It was also at this time that major moves occurred in Internet companies, and many of them were worthy of attention.

For example, the two products of Toutiao APP and Douyin have changed their coaches one after another, which has a significant impact on Pakistani information. Half of Pakistan's self-media matrix falls on the platform of Toutiao. However, this change of coaching is not a sudden change, because the development of Toutiao APP in the past year or so has not been as good as that of Qu Toutiao. We must know that the number of daily active users of Toutiao APP exceeded 100 million in 2017, and it is only 120 million today. The development speed is fast catching up with Weishi, and there has been a slight decline after entering 2019. Can this be tolerated?

However, the headline coaching change also has bright spots-the new head of Douyin comes from the acquired team. The efficiency of such acquisitions is very high. It not only acquires products and users, but also completely absorbs the other party into the body. In China, Toutiao often does this, so it is not accidental that people become giants.

This information was collected by Lu Yu with the help of the abridged form and submitted to Chu Yuanxi, circled out the ones he thought were valuable. This greatly improved Chu Yuanxi's information acquisition efficiency, and it also improved Lu Yu's ability, training his strategic vision through information selection.

Not to mention that in the contemporary information society, even in ancient times, the diligent emperor has everything to do with everything, but also requires information filtering by the Ministry of Education, the Minister of Military Affairs and the like. However, Lu Yu obviously still needs to exercise, because he reported the development and financing of Xiaohongshu as key information.

"This is the heart of being an e-commerce company, Lu Yu!" Chu Yuanxi punched a big X up and instructed: This is noise and needs to be filtered out.

In fact, the noise is a bit too much, because Xiaohongshu is a success to some extent. In 2018, e-commerce GMV is approaching the 10 billion threshold, with 250 million users and 85 million monthly active users. It is seeking a new round of financing at a valuation of $5 billion. You must know that they just completed a round of financing for $3 billion in the middle of last year, and Penguin Ali invested together, both in terms of financing rhythm and Internet judgment standards.

In particular, Xiaohongshu is also engaged in live broadcasts and short videos, which still has a strong connection with Pakistani information. However, Xiaohongshu is a closed loop of content + short video + e-commerce, and the self-media account has a very distorted tone. Chu Yuanxi thought for a while and continued to write: If you must go to Xiaohongshu to open an account, do not use the name of the Pakistani people, and do not divert from the Pakistani people, re-do the drums and open another one, only use the content production capabilities of the Pakistani people. I agree, but you have to set a reasonable KPI.

After the Ba people were formed into a group, although each branch company was handed over to a specific person in charge, Chu Yuanxi was still in a state of line-up, and there was no big deal. For example, if Zhao Jie wants to adjust employee bonuses and salary standards, it is okay, but he cannot be willful. It must be based and approved by Chu Yuanxi. Lu Yu is relatively flexible here, but things like building an official account on Xiaohongshu are equivalent to starting a new project. How much company resources are needed? This situation still requires approval.

Then Chu Yuanxi got to the next one: Tie, the founder of Yicoin World, broke his position with 100 times leverage and committed suicide on June 5.

"What!" Chu Yuanxi was shocked, and then quickly opened WeChat and asked Lu Yu: Is the exchange of coins real? Is it June 5th?

Lu Yu: Indeed, the news was only reported yesterday.

Chu Yuanxi had a big groove in her heart. He committed suicide on June 5th. Why didn't Zhang Sheyu mention a word when he came on Saturday, June 8th? No wonder she had a weird expression when she mentioned Mr. Tie, no, it was them, and the token holders must also know. Nima, if such a big event has happened, he can run out to make money without a face and heartbeat. Zhang She is a talent!

Co-author, this is the collective way to routine me? Why did Zhang Sheyu come that day? Chu Yuanxi couldn't figure it out. Let’s not talk about the essence of the brick-moving project for the time being. After the exchange of the currency is over, it will be difficult for her new company’s business to try to match others. This is the rhythm of the last one who wants to get a lot of money to run away. ? But this reason is too reluctant.

But he quickly put the matter down, because the next one is even more exciting, and it will be today.

On this day of June 12, the joint venture between Dog City and returning home next week to build a car in China landed in the capital city of a northern province. Relevant departments invested 1.5 billion yuan to provide 5000 acres of land. The industrial zone was responsible for taking the lead and coordinating loans. 4 billion.

I remember that there was a news article (Chapter 727 of this book) in March that introduced Dog City's re-entry into the news field of vision. At that time, Chu Yuanxi talked to people, Is Dog City paying 600 million yuan to build a joint venture with China next week to build a car? Obviously Dog City is not stupid, so the conclusion that can be deduced is that.

It's just that even if you can figure out the joints, this matter is still weird inside and out, because there are three problems that cannot be circumvented.

For example, 6 billion is not enough! The threshold for building a car on the Internet is 10 billion, and paying a threshold fee is entirely to do the denominator. Weilai has burned 20 billion in cash, and it is Jianghuai foundry instead of self-built that burns more money. This is not enough. Yes, the built car burns compared to Tesla, and the one who does not explode within five seconds after catching fire is a hero. How can this 6 billion argument pass?

For another example, there must be a link in the automobile industry to make cars? Although the celestial dynasty is the entire industrial chain, the capital and the province is a major resource province rather than a major industrial province. If you rush to make a career, it will be either the free shipping area or the eastern part of Guangdong, or the magic city will do, why would you choose that? Up?

If others dare to choose, how can the local dare to pick it up? Does this 6 billion include the construction of basic industries? This is a big deal! But I don’t want to make a big trip. In the south, the shortcomings are solved in a long time. There, air transportation takes a day and a half. The speed of this research and development is so sour!

The final question is that he will be on the list of dishonest when he returns to China next week. How can he guarantee him with this loan? I can't figure it out, but in fact I figured it out, that is, there are some things that I can't say or write.

Chu Yuanxi put down Lu Yu's news summary and opened the company's mailbox. Today is the time to collect the homework. The boys who participated in the online content explanation meeting that day had already sent their answers before 12 noon as required.

Chu Yuanxi watched for a long time and found that none of the answers were correct.

So he sent a collective email: Thank you for saving options for the company. Although none of the answers are correct, some people still have flexible ideas. The answer will not be announced. Don’t ask if you don’t understand. Follow the development plan and find the answer during the execution. Tomorrow, the task package of this project will appear in the working system. All participants in the meeting have the right to apply for the task package. At the same time, there can be more than two captain-level employees in a team. Looking forward to your performance.

The second day was the day when the Tianchao Science and Technology Innovation Edition was launched, and it was also the most exciting day for the Pakistani + Xiaokang companies.

In the well-off society, all programmers and employees in planning positions found that a large number of mission packages with extremely high gold content appeared in the work system. Both cash rewards and options were significantly higher than the previous missions. As a result, some programmers who have already received live broadcast and short video tasks patted the table and wailed. Their "schedule" was wrong. Seeing the plump task, they couldn't join the group.

The Ba Renli is excited because this is the day when Penguin's "Yin Yang X Fairy" is open for testing. Many employees of Pakistani Games and other branches have made appointments early and just wait to go in and have a look.

What people didn’t expect was who might have stimulated the announcement of Penguin. Two major domestic mobile game makers announced today that they will open the closed beta without deleting the files, and there is no need to make an appointment. They will run together for fear of being late. All entrances were blocked by penguins.

In fact, their file deletion test has been done for a long time, and Pakistani Games have always known it, but compared to Penguin, other people's actions seem less important. It's just that the two came out on the same day to rub the penguin fever. The Penguin is working hard to announce it. It is estimated that it is also embarrassed. This is still a shame.

As a result, around six o'clock in the evening, all employees in the Pakistani Group were playing on their phones, and no one was in charge! Chu Yuanxi saw that this couldn't work, we had to do something serious!

In fact, the surroundings of "Troubled Times" have been on sale since yesterday, and even borrowed the e-commerce resources of the artifact company Barnana in a hurry. Zhou Minxi personally broadcast the goods, and the in-game promotion has been launched three days in advance. Players can start playing mode after the Android version is updated today.

It's just that the review of this **** version of the Apple Store is always so slow, and it can be irritating to skr people.

Therefore, today is a rare wooing battle between players that affects most of the game circle. Each player must show some ability.

Engaging in version updates, peripherals, or even bringing goods can be called the right way, but Chu Yuanxi still has crooked tricks to send. At eight o'clock in the evening, all the intelligence was collected. It can be confirmed that both the newly promoted two families or the "Yin Yang X Shenxian" produced by Penguin's godson on behalf of their godsons are strong in the plot gameplay, only the picture gameplay is different.

Among them, "Yin Yang X Shen Xian" is indeed a pixel-level re-enactment of the map structure of "Martial School-Adventure Site-Resource Site-Task Site" of "Troubled Times" and then upgraded layer by layer, but with the addition of a national war game. Lao Tzu is not afraid to go through intellectual property litigation.

The other two have returned to the ordinary push map structure by coincidence. In fact, the ordinary push map structure has higher requirements for plot AI, so the Pakistani people used that set of map structure at the beginning. The copy can be named randomly or can be temporarily defined. It's all for the convenience of AI scripting.

In the traditional push map structure, all copies are fixed. It is necessary to make up a changeable plot in such a small space, allowing players to experience the magic of plot AI. The training difficulty of artificial intelligence is estimated to be higher than that of the Pakistani people. Hundreds of times.

However, Chu Yuanxi didn't care about their plot. At first glance, they were all strong cottages. He winked at Lu Yu. Lu Yu immediately understood and sent out a Weibo that he had prepared for a long time. The cartoon of the battle, the following is the text: Which fairy did Xiaoshan commit? The besieged was very miserable today. There are already three cottages around, and I heard that some people have come after hearing the news. Shaking and asking for advice, what do you think of us? Can we change it?

Then the next day, on the morning of the 14th, Pakistani Entertainment's Weibo made a mockery again-Damn it, isn't this too similar? We have to change it all, it is too difficult!

This one was made into a lottery and forwarded, using Weibo's forwarding tool to send out a number of peripheral products, resulting in nearly 100,000 forwarding.

The key is that some users who repost are casual, but there are also many who like to add their own comments. As public opinion quickly became lively, Sanjing Wang Le of "A World of Tradition" and several of his minors became the most tiring, desperately sending cartoon pictures to the QQ and WeChat players of "A World of Troubles" Imported in the group, under the cartoon map, with specially designed fonts, all the few sentences chatted on Weibo are brought in, and then some screenshots of comments, of course, are representative ones.

You must know that after more than half a year of operation, there are now hundreds of official player groups for "Unwinding in the Wind". On QQ, groups are opened according to server numbers, which is convenient for players to join spontaneously. Know how much.

Of course, the last thing I can't miss is the service account of "Unwinding in the Wind", the one that updated the comics and the gift package, has now more than 40 million followers.

People have a mentality. After swelling on Weibo and fermenting to the WeChat QQ group, the already existing but relatively sparse social chain barriers suddenly became countless times thicker.

Chu Yuanxi spied on several groups of divine players. Originally, someone quietly asked if they wanted to try Penguin. After all, it’s okay for players to get a Penguin Xinyue 3, because they can unblock the other party’s account after playing the game and receiving complaints from the other party. , It's not just the problem of recharge becoming stronger. The Ba Ren is inferior to the Penguin, which has a sound and mature mechanism, in all aspects of serving the gods.

As a result, as soon as the event fermented, all kinds of follow-up ridicules appeared in the group. After all, it was a penguin. This ridicule was fully fired, and there was no need for Chu Yuanxi or Wang Le to bring the rhythm. No one asked whether to try it. Kind of.

Presumably the general group is not too bad.

Seeing this, Chu Yuanxi feels that the loss should be under control. This is called treating the person by his own way. If you accurately push it to my QQ group members and public account followers, then I can do the same. !

In fact, the only loser in this tug-of-war is the major game channels. Chu Yuanxi doesn’t have to wait for a week, and can now conclude that the channels of "A World of Trouble" will definitely be lost, either by the penguins or by the bargains. People pulled to the official website.

In fact, Pakistani people have been digging the corner of the channel, but it is not obvious ~ For example, to build an official QQ group according to the server number, which is quite hard, but the channel is also helpless. With the existence of QQ groups such as "Baidu Games in troubled times 69 Fu Hedong Battlefield", players in this channel server can easily get in.

Then it will be influenced and seduced by Pakistani officials.

For example, the Pakistani’s in-game delivery of peripheral activities makes channel service players must pay attention to the Pakistani’s official official account, otherwise they cannot contact or fill in the delivery information.

Then it must be influenced and seduced by Pakistani officials.

Wait and so, the Ba people smoothly swung their hoes on the channel through the menacing penguins.

Of course, there is a price. According to estimates, the Pakistani people expect the number of peripheral products to be sent will not be less than 5 million.

The bigger impact is DAU and recharge. On the 13th, the DAU dropped from 35 million branch lines to 3300, and the 14th declined by 3,200, which is equivalent to a drop limit. In the case of recharge activities, the daily turnover still shows a significant drop. If Pakistani Games is a listed company, it is estimated that the stock price must go down a few steps.

But for Chu Yuanxi, this was a small defeat and a win. After all, no one in this country dared to slap his chest to ensure that he would be able to retreat in the face of the penguin rushing over. What surprised him more is that although DAU was dropped, it may be due to Weibo activities or QQ group WeChat group forwarding. The speed of new users entering was also much higher than usual. It was true after H5 was blocked by Dragon Father. congratulations.

After all, the players who are lost in this situation, even if there is no penguin or cottage, it is estimated that they will be lost in the near future. This is the objective law of mobile games.


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