Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 803: The richer the wiser

The next day is Saturday, and Feng Lin’s first weekend in the Yue-style villa, Yu Yanan proposed to have a Haidilao to celebrate. The Datun Road store in Haidilao is two blocks away from Ziyu Villa, which is not worth driving, so Chu Yuanxi decided to go there by a well-off bicycle.

This area is a key area for Xiaokang to put bicycles. After the first batch of investment, they have been continuously investing based on data analysis, so they will find cars in a short time. As a result, Yu Yanan was stunned to find that the two QR codes on the front and the back of the car she had found were all painted, so she couldn't scan the code.

"It's easy, just drive with Bluetooth." Chu Yuanxi took Yanan's mobile phone directly, and clicked "Bluetooth" under the window scanning the QR code. The interface suddenly changed. First, an animation of Bluetooth pairing covered the screen. Then an interactive window similar to a list appears, but now only a string of digital codes is displayed. Less than two seconds after clicking the "Unlock" button, the car lock "click" popped off.

Feng Lin has been watching, and suddenly asked: "Why don't you learn the little red car, write a string of codes on the pedals, and manually enter the codes to unlock?"

"That code can also be erased. You don't need to paint it all. You can't open it if you erase a number." Chu Yuanxi returned the phone to Yu Yanan. "It's also troublesome. How easy is the operation. "

Yu Yanan turned out to be a mobile phone, and she felt quite technological. But she immediately thought of a question: "But what should I do if there are so many well-off bicycles around? How do you know which one is?"

"If there are several vehicles that can be driven, the user can switch to other ones that directly scan the QR code, right? And the sensing distance of Bluetooth is very close, and it can be sensed within ten meters. We have specially adjusted the power to be weaker, five meters. It’s the limit, it’s hard to see what you said."

Yu Yanan nodded thoughtfully, Feng Lin was already in the car. Xiaokang's body is a little shorter than Xiaohong Xiaolanha, and the basket is huge, and the recognition is very high, so it is very easy to recognize. Feng Lin and Yu Yanan kicked the car, and the rate of turning around suddenly increased. It is reasonable for such a stylish girl to drive a BMW. The style of riding a bicycle is very problematic. This miniskirt is a big problem.

Chu Yuanxi was lingering behind her, saying that she should make a short video to promote it on the vibrato as a street photography work. Street shooting on Douyin is now very mature, and there are a lot of them, and there are many common methods with successful methodologies. Pakistani people can take medicine according to prescriptions. In case the fire out? The users who pay attention to the young lady, especially the users who pay attention to the white thighs, will definitely not fail to see the advertisement written on the car body, right?

The advertisement written on the body of Xiaokang is-Xiaokang convenience store, enjoy life and ride for free. For new users, the QR code is a jump download, and for APP users, it is to scan the code to drive. New users download the APP for the first time and register, and they will be given 30 ride coupons, and they can also get new rides in various ways. In short, users who first started with bicycles are definitely satisfied.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi hurriedly took out her mobile phone to give Lu Yu a voice, but it was not in a hurry, because now there is no need for Xiaokang to be popular on Douyin, at least milestone 4 A short video of when all emperors are pushing bicycles. It has the effect of publicity.

Soon the three came to the Datun Road shop, because it was just after 11 o'clock and there were not many people, Chu Yuanxi ordered the food directly.

As a result, Feng Lin wanted seafood and Yu Yanan wanted spicy. The waiter was about to help order a mandarin duck pot. Chu Yuanxi stretched out his hand: "Slow, we want four square grids, one of which is spicy, and three clear soups." Then he reached out on the pad. Click with a crackle.

The waiter's expression suddenly changed slightly.

When the waiter left, Feng Lin immediately asked angrily: "Mr. Chu, you are tens of billions, so you are reluctant to give me a seafood pot? Have you ever used me as your prospective girlfriend?"

Yu Yanan snickered, and Chu Yuanxi whispered: "You usually do not play Douyin, so you don't know how to eat poor Haidilao."

"What? Eat poor Haidilao?" Feng Lin looked left and right, "You didn't go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and bring them in."

Chu Yuan Xixin said that it was just for hunting, and Haidilao was not an open shantang, and it was impossible to always bring your own dishes.

"Your food is against the regulations. We have to eat it within the limits of the rules set by Haidilao. In order to provide users with high quality at a lower price, Haidilao uses the best raw materials in the industry, especially It's small ingredients, the variety is very rich and the materials are solid. This is the result-we can use small ingredients to adjust the bottom of the pot, mushroom soup, seafood, tomato, Thai spicy pot are all available, and the beef pot is just without big bones. ."

Feng Lin was even more angry: "Mr. Chu, you are tens of billions, are you as good as it?"

"Yuanyang Hotpot 88, Sigongge only needs one spicy and cheap price." Chu Yuanxi said, the waiter brought up the ordered ingredients like running water, including a gluten bubble.

Chu Yuanxi received the treasure, went to the seasoning area and filled two bowls of beef cubes and mushroom sauce, and then divided the gluten ball into two parts, and instructed Yu Yanan to tear the gluten ball open and stuff half of it into "Mushroom beef sauce gluten" Another part instructed Feng Lin to beat beef cubes, chopped peanuts, chopped green onion, shrimp slips with raw eggs, and then gluten **** were dug into the holes, and the shrimp slipped and sealed to make "shrimp slip gluten balls."

It’s not over yet. When the pot "gurgling" boiled, Chu Yuanxi took a bowl of rice, topped it with free beef diced and green onion coriander, and topped it with two spoonfuls of home-brewed tomatoes. The very strong smell of rice floated. Feng Lin looked at Yu Yanan, Yu Yanan chuckled, brought the bowl of tomato beef rice and took a bite, immediately showing a very enjoyable look, and whispered: "Could Chu Yuanxi still harm us? "

The waiter looked stupid at the side, and said that he was a master! No wonder three people are confident that they only order 150 yuan dishes + pot bottoms for dinner!

At this time, he suddenly heard Chu Yuanxi say: "Hey, little brother, I heard that your watermelon is delicious?"

"I'll get you on now!" The waiter said that you are really good at it! Watermelon slices are not placed on the condiment table in many stores, but customers can order them.

When the watermelon was in place, Feng Lin picked up a slice and found that it was still a Kirin melon, not a cheap one like Jingxin or Xisha! This sip of watermelon actually made her eat the shameless pleasure of stalking wool, which is completely inconsistent with her own personality! "Haidilao is really miserable. If the guests are all stingy like you, wouldn't you have to die?"

"It's impossible. As long as Haidilao doesn't let you bring its own dishes, you will definitely make a profit. It's just a matter of making more and less." Chu Yuanxi paused, stretched out her index finger and shook, "And I'm not picking. It's the realm after he has penetrated the life." After speaking, he took a toothpick, broke the crab stick, picked a bunch of shrimp slips inside, fixed it with a string of toothpicks, and threw it in the seafood pot.

"Oh, you, an ordinary rich person, still have a sense of superiority?" Feng Lin waited for a while and picked up the crab sticks wrapped in shrimps. After a bite, it was full of shrimps and meat, and the taste buds would overflow. Not to mention, it's really delicious!

"It's not a sense of superiority, but a return to the basics, do you understand?" Chu Yuanxi pointed to the sparse customers in the store, "Young customers like to hold on to the scene, because they have a boundless future in the future and have not yet reached the peak of life. Supporting the scene can enhance their confidence. Heart, even if it is false self-confidence, the money is worth it."

"Well, I understand." Feng Lin didn't know if he understood it or pretended to understand, he nodded three times: "And you are different, you are already a middle-aged person, it's useless to support the scene, poor. Only money is left, right? You are an ordinary rich man."

Yu Yanan is not good at venomous tongues, and is very simple to make up the knife: "I thought I had already reached the pinnacle of life."

She seemed too quiet today. Not only today, but these days, she looks silly and sweet on the surface. There is no edge or temperament at all. It is not her at all. Chu Yuanxi can't help but suspect that she is. It's not like adding something to himself in front of Feng Lin.

This is obviously a bad school! Who did you learn this from?

But she couldn't pierce her, Chu Yuanxi had to tap the glass with chopsticks: "The peak of my life is still far away, where is this?"

Yu Yanan asked: "Then why are you so picky?" She picked up a mushroom beef sauce and gluten. After eating it, she found that it was much better than shabu-shabu...

"Don't you know that saving money is the driving force for the progress of this society? You can gain insights into many business opportunities by saving money."

"What business opportunities? Tell me a few words, I also run a company and be an ordinary rich person."

"Okay. For example, you often fly by plane, right? Airplane mileage points can be redeemed for black gold cards in many hotels." Chu Yuanxi said, opening WeChat and searching for "Roommonger", "But you don't often use this right yourself. What should I do? Someone developed this kind of small program."

Feng Lin took it and saw, ah, this small program is all about reselling black gold rights. Turning the points rights into a special room with a price advantage and reselling them to people in need, users can save almost half of the money.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This small program not only achieves standardization, but also develops this kind of high-end community based on the black card crowd. It has great community operation value, so the valuation is not low, but If you do it now, you will definitely not be able to catch up. In short, the money-saving industry is a big market."

Feng Lin and Yu Yanan said in unison: "Sure enough, the richer you are, the more stingy you are!"

"Obviously, the richer, the easier it is to produce wisdom."

"Really? Isn't the old saying that being rich is not kind and business is not good? What do you think?"

"What do I think? I remember the old saying is about being poor and rich in conscience."

While Chu Yuanxi was talking, a little brother of the waiter ran over and handed him a little change and a glass bottle of drink. Saying thank you, Chu Yuanxi took the drink and opened it directly and poured it into the cup.

Feng Lin looked at it and thought it was white wine, but it said "Laoshan White Flower" or something, Chu Yuanxi held the bottle in his hand and couldn't see the back. I saw Chu Yuanxi poured himself a glass, and then shook the bottle at them, meaning to ask them if they want it?

"what is this?"

"It's just a kind of drink, similar to mineral water. It's delicious and a health treasure. Many Southeast Asian leaders love to drink it. The Imperial Capital sells less here, but I sell it when I am well off." Chu Yuanxi said to two girls alone Pour half a cup, and then toast: "Respect the wealth and conscience." After speaking, he raised his neck and drank it all.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi drank so happily, Feng Lin didn't doubt that he had it, so he took the cup to drink. Yu Yanan has a long mind, but she has lived with Chu Yuanxi for a long time, eating together so many times, it seems that something is wrong?

Um, Chu Yuanxi is a particularly easy-going person, how could it be possible to ask the waiter brother to buy him drinks? This is not scientific.

What is this indicating? Yu Yanan mobilized her own mind and reasoned homeopathy. There was only one answer-this was bought for us temporarily, no, it was bought for Feng Lin!

Suddenly, she felt a sorrow and resentment. She glanced again, Chu Yuanxi had already put down the bottle, and the sign said-Laoshan White Flower Glossy Water.

Suddenly, Feng Lin squirted half a cup of the drink in a "wow" sip, and then "cough cough" lying on the table and coughing, obviously choking hard. Chu Yuanxi, who had been prepared for a long time, ducked gently on his side, and then went over to give Feng Lin a back with a smile.

When Feng Lin raised his head, there were a lot of water and tears beside his eye sockets, but he was laughing, out of breath, and laughed a lot of tears.

"I want to die!" she said as she beat the table with a small fist, and then put the cup up, and there was still the other half in it. "Respect the wealth and conscience!" After speaking, he drank the same, but his long neck trembled violently three times before he swallowed the saliva.

Yu Yanan cautiously finally received the reward, and the sad haze was swept away. "What's the smell? It really tastes so bad?"

"Probably... the smell of stinky socks after three days of sweating." Feng Lin looked at his cup, feeling lingering, and didn't dare to say "one more cup" or something.

But even so, Chu Yuanxi had already admired, Feng Lin was a ruthless person! But this description is very problematic, Feng Lin, your sweat is simply too low!

I saw Feng Lin put the cup on the table and said, "Ordinary rich man with a conscience, how do you compensate me?"

"what do you want?"

Yu Yanan was suddenly excited when she heard that, what? There are rewards? I knew I would drink it too! Feng Lin is simply too scheming!

Watching Feng Lin ponder, she couldn't help but urged: "How about buying a car? Maserati is good."

"No, no," Feng Lin shook his head, "Isn't he looking for something to buy a luxury car?"

"But you also want a car. You were talking about it yesterday."

"I want it doesn't mean I need it. When I need it, I pay for it myself." Feng Lin raised his head, "What I want is a way to make money. For example... Well, let's talk about Haidilao, why are they doing this? Cow? How did it do it?"

Damn it! Chu Yuanxi said that what Feng Lin asked was the Dragon Slaying Technique, which was more valuable than a luxury car.

And counting this time, it was the third time she asked about the company. It seemed to be serious? Amazing my prospective girlfriend!

"Haidilao, I don't know much about it and just talk about it. I think there are two points. First, it gives employees a clear promotion channel. Only when employees are motivated can they have such a good service. Chuancai-Backstage -Lobby waiter-Excellent waiter-Talent pool training-Shop manager recommendation-Haidilao University-Lobby manager-Reserve store manager. Haidilao management has established the pyramid of the bottom talents, and then the talents are exercised and just expand outward. If it doesn’t reach the ceiling, this enterprise will not break.

"The second one?"

"The second is that its upstream industrial chain is well integrated. If Haidilao wants to be a head, it must have its own supply of raw materials, so as to ensure the quality of the dishes and the lowest cost. So it has'Yihai' and'Shu Hai’s two masters do supply chain, raw material processing and hot pot bottoms, etc., and they fish from the bottom of the two seas. In addition, there are talent companies, decoration companies, etc., all of which are Haidilao Complete."

"Other companies can also develop their own upstream?"

"But it's not as good as Haidilao." Chu Yuanxi sighed, "Do you know who the main customers of Haidilao's supply chain are? We actually do convenience stores. Its supply chain companies are all open to the outside world and all are independent. It does not only supply Haidilao. If there is no Haidilao's supply chain, Xiaokang will have a big head."

Chu Yuanxi gobbled it up while do you want to eat so fast? Because Hu Shiheng is coming this afternoon. After this period of intensive communication, Hu Shiheng is basically ready to get on the bus. This entry means that regardless of the short-term investment share, the subsequent rounds of financing will continue to participate, and that certain special resources are open to the well-off.

But there are still some things that President Hu didn't want to understand, or he hadn't coordinated with Chu Yuanxi and Xu Xin in his ideas.

Soon Chu Yuanxi waited for Hu Shiheng alone in the Pakistani tea room.

Hu Shiheng is the type that the richer, the smarter. This wisdom is not only embodied in being bold when it is time to be bold, but also in seeing things accurately or deeply. The key is to know how to advance and retreat. People with a certain amount of wisdom will know that some things cannot be achieved or controlled by their own abilities, and can only be influenced, so they know more about advances and retreats, what is worth persisting, what should be given up, and what is a sense of proportion. What a compromise.

Usually, the wisest time is when people are in middle age. Too young is easy to be enthusiastic and unable to control oneself; too old and boring and easy to be stubborn. You must do things you participate in and achieve yourself. The desired result, on the contrary, lacks a little aura.

For example, some elders who match people, whether they are relatives, friends of their parents, or even old friends of grandfather generation, these people who have reached the age of age, it is very easy to introduce a blind date. Can't it? You have to screw it up for me! You two are so suitable, why not make it?

This is senselessness. Faced with such a situation, young people must not worry and use wisdom to solve them.

But there are some things that even wise middle-aged people have to tangle, such as the issue of listing.


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