Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 806: The social value of well-off

Assuming that the subsidiary of Pakistani Games intends to sell for 30 billion yuan, which is the current valuation of the Pakistani Group, Chu Yuanxi believes that there will be no problem if the "Enemies of Rome" is included, and even the game performance is good enough. If it were, 30 billion would not be able to satisfy his appetite.

But if you don’t pretend, you can sell for 30 billion. It’s definitely not pretend, uncle, we won’t pretend!

So the question becomes, how can the valuation of Pakistani games be blown to 30 billion while leaving "Enemies of Rome".

With this technique, Chu Yuanxi believed that she was a professional, yes, just do it, do it, and then do it again!

Hu Shiheng smiled bitterly twice without knowing that he had already completed an intracranial orgasm. He took out his cell phone and looked at it. It was a brief questioning program. The first one was listed, and the second one was social.

"Xiao Chu, I heard Sister Xu talk about your prospects for middle-aged and elderly social. The question is, are you all conjectures? Is there any case to prove it?"

Is this doubtful about the valuation prospects of Xiaokang?

Chu Yuanxi said that I couldn't tell the example of the original world, what should I do? Hey, wait, I remembered a paragraph that Mario said during the chat before.

"Yes. Last year, there was a new media novel called "Daughter-in-law". It was a little yellow essay, without any extraneous description, and followed the purely obscene route. The protagonist is an uncle in his 50s and 60s, targeting middle-aged and elderly people. The whole network pushes, guess how many people pay to read this book? 60 million people, 60 million users pay to read through WeChat official account, not 60 million total subscriptions, but 60 million subscriptions. So, only How many people do not pay to watch the free chapters?"

"So much!" Hu Shiheng opened his mouth and couldn't close it completely. "How much money does this book make?"

"It has generated hundreds of millions of GDP. This is still the case that the official large number does not accept this kind of advertisement. This promotion is too low, but it makes money, so it is the underwater public account. If the large number is shameless, it will be shameless. Push, it should be okay for 100 million people to pay on the entire network? Tens of billions of clicks are reasonable, right? There will be no small fresh meat fans who repeatedly subscribe to 10,000 copies of sales. Xiao Huangwen is entirely for making money, no Fetching data, there is no leaderboard, it is very pure and direct, and does not engage in those falsehoods."

Chu Yuanxi said while patted his head to estimate the data, "Then, because it is easy to reproduce, the two reading websites plagiarized it. As a result, the relevant departments were warned and fined because the plagiarism scale was too large, and the original one was fine because the scale was small. It's so troublesome to be warned and fined, it's conceivable that knockoffs are also very popular."

At that time, Mallor was very excited, mainly because the period from 2013 to 2014 was the golden period of Xiao Huang Wen, and Zha Lang was still studying, raising the banner of Huang Wen. Cuiweiju, Yanyu, Boyi, etc. have a large number of crazy driving, super speeding violations, and the wheels are almost running away. Later, Zhalang's study was severely knocked down by the state, and the police uncle directly arrested people. This unhealthy trend was stopped, and Post Bar Qingshui Wen turned out to be a baton.

It was a golden age for racers like Mario.

Why is Mallor so excited? Because Chu Yuanxi was actually chatting with him about the expansion of the Southeast Asian market.

"The Enemy of Rome" written by Mr. Mario, although it belongs to the copyright department, it is also related to overseas because of cooperating with Monica. Although Monica focuses on Europe and the United States, Southeast Asia is definitely overseas in name, but Southeast Asia In fact, it is the focus of Elizabeth's work. It belongs to the well-off and does not belong to the Pakistani people. So after going around a super big turn, Chu Yuanxi talked to Mario about the Southeast Asian cultural and creative market.

Then Mallo happily said that it is not against the law to publish a small essay in Southeast Asia, and that other people's laws are not at all concerned, and no one cares about streaking in the street, let alone code words. As a result, the batch of Xiao Huangwen that was a disaster for domestic readers was all translated to Southeast Asia.

However, some unopened scum made money in Southeast Asia, and lard became blinded, and was translated into Avin to promote money to Saudi Arabia and Iran, and lost the lost pants.

Chu Yuanxi said that you, the Roshan Devil, are so happy? Isn't Huang Wen the cancer of online novels? This year, the supervision is so strict, the corpses are everywhere and blood is flowing into rivers.

Hu Shiheng asked curiously: "How much was fined?"

"Not much. There is still room for negotiation on the fine system of the Celestial Dynasty. Although they made hundreds of millions of dollars in pornography, they must smuggle accounts. It's normal to say that it's not worse. I don't need to talk about the details. "Chu Yuanxi said deliberately, "Take another example, those mobile mahjong gambling games. In the past few years, more than N mobile mahjong companies have sprung up like bamboo shoots, and many of them were acquired by listed companies for profit. Was severely beaten by the state.

Who is playing these mahjong? Not a young person?

In short, middle-aged and elderly people have money and leisure, and they have kept up with the pace of the mobile Internet, but there is a lack of products suitable for them, and there is a lack of teams that understand the needs of this group to make products for them. These people are new users of the mobile Internet, lacking social networking, games, and everything. Those webcasting video platforms are still growing vigorously. Where do the new users come from? Mom and Dad users have started to watch videos on their mobile phones and PADs.

The entire celestial dynasty is aging, but all mobile Internet products ignore this group. Xiao Huangwen first discovered this market. I looked for those Huang Wen. No, the operators of new media articles took the data. Among the users of underwater official accounts, more than 70% are users between 30 and 60 years old, and only 30 young people. %, so the appearance of "Daughter-in-law" is also normal.

Do you think we have a future for grabbing? The whole world ignores Africa. The old Zhao of Transsion Technology tailor-made the beauty exposure for the black uncles. It will be done in one go, and it will be on the science and technology edition. Is it the same methodology?

The so-called middle-aged and elderly users actually include many young and middle-aged users in the sinking market, and their characteristics are the same-no applicable products. Many products launched for young people are for young people in first- and second-tier cities. A year ago, there was a movie called "The Ex 3 Goodbye Ex", which was scolded by the "mainstream" movie audience. Douban scores were terrible, but the box office was 2 billion. The audience was all 18th-line youths, crying and watching. This is a product adapted to them, and it is still a blue ocean. "

Hu Shiheng didn't say a word, and quietly listened to Chu Yuanxi's long explanation, and nodded while listening. This is the insight into the market. The so-called insight is the ability to sense the moment when the signs appear.

It becomes a cottage in the evening. Everyone in the celestial dynasty knows that the cottage is not as easy as imagined. The success of the village owner is not only due to luck. Only those who are best at it and have enough resources can have it. Larger room for leeway.

Early is a higher level of premonition than insight, letting go from a macro perspective and looking down on the future.

Premonition, insight, and copycat are three completely different models of business strategy. It is not easy to get one of them right. Hu Shiheng's mental abacus turned, it seems that Chu Yuanxi has little ability in copycats, and the other two are fine.

Then he looked at the third item on the phone, fundraising and usage.

He easily pulled out the printed Xiaokang's fund-raising usage form from his bag and placed it in front of Chu Yuanxi: "Xiao Chu, do you see if the amount of funds used is too high?"

Chu Yuanxi looked at this, isn't this the fund usage calculation table that he gave out? What Hu Shiheng points to is the IT investment part. This part seems to be quite a lot. In the next three years, about 1 billion R&D investment will be needed every year.

"This is really not high, Mr. Hu. If you understand 724, you will feel that our investment is not enough, at least 1 billion will not be enough in three years." Chu Yuanxi understands this very well, "The best of 724 convenience stores The solution is to become an IT company, because it needs chain development, tens of thousands of stores, unified management, and it must have strong data mining capabilities and IT genes.

With so many stores without strong IT and information processing capabilities, it is impossible to achieve a large chain. Not only can they not manage the stores, but they also cannot effectively accumulate data. If the data is invalid or even wrong, it's all over. Conversely, a person's annual salary is 100,000, which saves 10,000 manpower, and a salary of 1 billion a year, and there are other cost savings. This R&D investment is very cost-effective. "

"But how did 724 spend so much research and development expenses?" Hu Shiheng slapped his thigh. He must have done his homework, at least completed the homework of nature, but he wanted to go deep into the industry and lacked in-depth information.

"I won't make a detailed calculation, let me list it for you." Chu Yuanxi took out a pen and wrote directly on A4 paper. Inventory turnover data management system, consumption insight forecasting, private procurement and food safety monitoring system, store supervision system, unified consumer standard service system for chain brands, fresh food supply chain management system...

Hu Shiheng wrote a lot of things, and Hu Shiheng became more and more fascinated by it, because these names are too big.

He suddenly thought of a joke he saw recently: multi-purpose individual tactical late support support components, which can also be called washbasins; advanced individual multi-terrain, high-speed deployment and convenient tactical supports, which can also be called Maza; Bing anti-star anti-satellite head optical biological protection device can also be called a straw hat.

Does this seem to mean the same thing?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "The development of these data systems requires a lot of investment, but it can save labor costs. The cost of labor costs for a store with a unit of 10,000 is extremely huge, and it will be more open to join in the future. You only Noting the continuous investment in IT, but not the continuous expenditure on the cost.

The investment in IT is large, but the establishment of strong data can form a strong synergistic industrial chain ecosystem, using automated methods to control the process from research and development to production to transportation to retail, improve quality and experience, and improve efficiency.

What makes Goudong more valuable is his back-end system, and his financial technology is reflected in this huge system, which is king. Many of us who do convenience stores go to Dao Guoxue 724, just look at the merchandise display, and feel that if we learn a lot, we will just copy things when we return to our country. Isn’t that nonsense? "

It sounds like that, "But, what is your huge expenditure on map development...for?"

What Hu Shiheng wants to say is that you are not in vain? How beautiful you use the Gaode map now, almost no money. Instead of researching and developing by myself, I planned an annual expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars, and repeated the wheels with BAT, and only hundreds of millions of dollars is not much at all. If you want to develop some detailed functions, it may not even be enough. This is obviously better than buying. Rent!

This is Yuan Longping's pot!

"Because..." Chu Yuan Xixin said which pot you really didn't open and which pot you didn't open. Do you think I would spend this money? Isn't this what Li Tietou forced?

"Because my business map plan is not limited to the Great Heavenly Dynasty, but there is no map weapon that can be used to get out." Chu Yuanxi said with great momentum, "Southeast Asia is my plan to kill next year. The market for China is currently being planned. Although our development here has not been done yet, it seems a bit irrational, but there is no time to wait. If you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult to find a good market entry point."

He carefully observed Hu Shiheng’s expression, and saw that when Hu Shiheng heard that he entered Southeast Asia, his eyes were very frozen, and there was a introverted halo flashing in his pupils. This is the performance of the old ghost after years of receiving the stimulus signal. If there is thunder in the heart of Pinghu.

"You know, the business model of maps must be large-scale. The larger the plate, the better the business prospects. If I am only satisfied with developing a map that can be used by bicycles, I cannot provide services to others as a third party."

Hu Shiheng nodded heavily, he knew a little about map business. As a five-time venture investor, he has a solid knowledge of the content and ecology of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, but he is not particularly familiar with the traditional fields, such as convenience stores' dependence on IT applications.

The essence of map development is to form a systematic business. Only developing the map function itself does not require a particularly large R&D expenditure. This function is sufficient for bicycle companies. But what about search? Quality map search is a huge research and development project. What about the map information flow? Geographic location, traffic information, point of interest information, user data sharing, etc., require a large number of cloud services and a large number of engine development.

If these functions are not done, the map is a bicycle map, which can not be said to be worthless, but it is better to access AutoNavi's API.

With the continuous development of these functions, you can provide third-party underlying services for others, become commodities, and then produce commercial behavior.

Hu Shiheng didn't ask Chu Yuanxi's Southeast Asian strategy. Since it was only a "plan," then as an investor, he should not interfere now. When the business plan is formed, Chu Yuanxi will naturally start a round of financing, so he is not in a hurry at all. Besides, going to sea is the tide of this era, the dividend of the Belt and Road Initiative, so the move to go to sea is not a problem in the general direction. If there is a problem, it must be out of self-control. I don't know whether Chu Yuanxi's preparation is adequate.

After thinking about it, he felt that even if there was no such thing as overseas expansion, Xiaokang should also develop map functions. Otherwise, according to Xu Xin's joking statement, Xiaokang is challenging Ali in new retail, Baidu in cloud computing, and Penguin in games and social networking. The headline department is so arrogant, and it didn't start a war with the Big Three at the same time, anyhow it still maintained a limited agreement with Ali.

With the well-off strategic plan, it is certain to touch the forbidden areas of the giants, and the only one that can provide map services is the Big Three + NavInfo. The problem is that NavInfo mainly has a map navigation function, which is different from Baidu Gaode. If the giants are angry, they must dig a ditch, just like Guangdiantong no longer sells traffic to Toutiao, who will buy the service at that time? I'm afraid I can only work together to develop a bicycle map to deal with.

At this time, Hu Shiheng is still not quite sure that Xiaokang's online content is also strongly linked to the map, and the map information flow required is not generally large. Not only he didn't know, but even the employees involved in online content development didn't think about it because the work packages sent out in the OKR system were all fragmentary. Even if Chu Yuanxi gave a prompt, even if someone could see all the OKR mission packages, there were too many mission packages, and it was difficult to organize a clear context in the game.

Hu Shiheng pondered for a moment and said, "Do you want to decouple from Ali with this map system? Ali's business system has a wide range of It is very difficult for you to avoid it completely." The war is on, but in his opinion, Xiaokang is based on convenience stores, and the main opponent is Ali, which focuses on new retail. Therefore, it is the right way to make maps by yourself to reduce dependence on AutoNavi.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi waved his hand gently, "Xiaokang treats Alibaba as a small bogeyman. Therefore, we must fight an asymmetric war and make full use of all available resources, even those of BAT.

My strategy is to make it not so easy for Ali to find the right target when he notices a change. In fact, I was a little bit delusional about being persecuted, thinking that I might get Ali's attention if I am engaged in a well-off life, but fortunately I didn't. In this way we set off first, and Ali will not catch up when he finds it can be pursued. The secret to keeping Ali from catching up is to change, use change to always lead two positions, and strive to become a giant before the change runs out. "

"Ali is very good at learning opponents. In fact, they are not right to take those nicknames. They should take Murong Fu and the like. The stunt is to turn the stars and directly bounce back the opponent's martial arts."

"Strong is also limited, otherwise why can't it rebound Pinduoduo? Is Pinduoduo what kind of sweeping monk?" Chu Yuanxi smiled lightly, thinking of the very funny things that happened in the last six months.

A large part of Ali's e-commerce revenue is service fees, which are based on the data services provided by Ali. It is also a popular data product that merchants must buy in the e-commerce era. The essence of this service is Ali's advertising fee for e-commerce diversion, and Pinduoduo broke through this model, based on the WeChat social chain for group purchase fission, and hit Ali's empty door.

It is Ali's eternal pain not to spread one's own product information based on the penguin social relationship chain. Therefore, Ali learned from it and made a determination.


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