Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 807: The mystery of riding package

Ali actually discovered that Pinduoduo was worse than Goudong and Meituan after the Double Eleven last year. The slow response speed made Chu Yuanxi feel a little unbelievable. The battle between Meituan and Ali is a battle in the new retail field, which can be regarded as Ali’s frontier position, while Pinduoduo is challenging e-commerce, which is the core area of ​​Ali. With Pinduoduo’s growth rate close to 200%, Ali will actually ignore it. For a long time, this matter can be too interesting.

Maybe Ali feels that Pinduoduo is inferior to Goudong in financial technology and logistics, but the problem is that if there is no one now does not mean that there will be no in the future. Maybe Ali thinks Pinduoduo's GMV is still low, but Pinduoduo has a high number of users! People take the low customer unit price.

So when Ali woke up, it was a bit too late. Pinduoduo's number of users and cash flow were enough to stabilize its own plate, and it could reversely integrate supply chain logistics at any time to improve the efficiency of its e-commerce links.

Faced with the challenge of Pinduoduo, Ali must feel like a big pitfall, because they personally stuffed their group-buying products from the front desk into the middle stage by themselves, leaving a gap for Pinduoduo. And this gap happens to be a part of Ali's business model that is inevitably left blank. If Ali also learns to fight a lot and returns to group buying for fission, how will it charge the advertising fee for e-commerce diversion?

It can be said that Pinduoduo relies on WeChat to carry out group purchase fission. It is hard to learn. If you don’t learn it, you will let Pinduoduo grow and grow in fertile soil, but you can’t learn it. First of all, the channel of fission is the problem. You must rely on penguins in China To define this new retail scene, it is mandatory to learn, but also to hurt its own business logic.

So Ali came up with a set of crooked tricks, the effect is very difficult to say.

The first is to play traditional tactics-choose one of the two, and ask Pinduoduo to withdraw from the store, just like playing Goudong's women's clothing.

But the problem is that most of Pinduoduo are small brands, and the brand value itself has no meaning to Pinduoduo users. So here we agreed to Ali, and over there register a new brand to open stores on Pinduoduo again. This caught Ali's tactics by surprise.

Then Ali made a series of adjustments, such as adding search weight to low-customer unit price products, which greatly infringed the rights of high-customer unit price merchants. Secondly, a special edition of Taobao was developed, as an independent APP to fight with Pinduoduo. Finally, unanimously tap into the sinking users and new users in a variety of APP products.

Originally this was fine, but the problem is that many wool-type products are only sold to sinking users. First- and second-line users can't even see it, search can't find it, and are treated horribly differently. Especially for coupon activities, to what extent is the Alibaba app? The coupon campaign is a direct pop-up when you open the app, and you can select people through big data.

In other words, first-line and second-line old users will never have the opportunity to see this kind of coupon, because there is no button in the entire APP that can pop up the coupon receiving panel after clicking, and it will not pop up after opening the APP.

When Chu Yuanxi found out that the Ali APP on his office phone could pop up coupons and his phone was not working, she was in a bad mood, but after thinking about it, she was in a much better mood than those merchants who were forced to choose one. So he wrote this paragraph in his notebook:

In the future, when a well-off chooses one of the two, you must not be arrogant. The arrogant choice is that you have to choose one of the two. The non-arrogant choice is that you choose me. I will lower the cost for you. If you ride on the fence, you will have a huge cost.

Having said that, no one hopes that one day they will have to use the alternative of two.

From a utilitarian point of view, Chu Yuanxi hoped Ali would make mistakes. It is best that Pinduoduo can be used as a tank to hold down Ali’s hatred, so that Xiaokang can facilitate crazy output, while Penguin treats Pinduoduo. Wait until one day in the future, Xiaokang will stab the penguin again, and then sell the Pakistani game to Ali, perfect!

Hearing what Chu Yuanxi said, Hu Shiheng recognized that although Xiaokang hasn't developed yet, there are more bad tactics than when he started fighting for more! Comparing the two, if you can’t learn to fight a lot, why can you learn well off?

The key is that Ali's learning is not a copycat. Ali does not like copycats because he is full of confidence. Ali is the most honey-confident company on the planet, and has explosive confidence in its own abilities.

Therefore, to compete with Ali, first of all ensure that you do not make mistakes. The victory or defeat of competing with giants lies not in the upper limit, but in the lower limit. It is not easy to lose if you raise your lower limit to the level of a giant, and making mistakes lower the lower limit.

So far, Hu Shiheng has basically received a relatively satisfactory answer. Even if he is not satisfied, it is at least a clear answer. In this way, he can safely participate in the well-off round of investment. If you don’t consider the unnecessary round A+, the round A financing amount should be 450 million yuan. This share is still quite large, and the big guys with strong capital can eat as much as they want. So the only concern is whether it is worth it or not.

After all, this is a long investment, and there are still several rounds in the future. It is impossible to be cautious if you have to make ideological preparations to invest two or three billion yuan.

His mentality gradually relaxed. Looking at Chu Yuanxi's entrepreneurial trajectory, his work is still dripping, which is more reassuring. However, this guy's financing is not leaking, which makes people feel bad.

Why did the A round of financing choose August? Because in August, the promotion of milestone 4 will be carried out first, and then the A round of financing will be carried out. With Pre_A's 150 million base, there should be no problem with the expansion of stores in the whole city of Imperial Capital. Then, if the effect is beyond expectations, the financing will be raised immediately, and the valuation may have to go up. It is not necessarily estimated at only 3 billion.

This little abacus! Hu Shiheng doesn't understand it. Isn't this arrangement afraid of failure to promote it? How confident is this honey to design such a “dripping” schedule?

"Oh right, Xiao Chu, do you have any plans for Milestone 4 promotion?"

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback, "What plan do you mean?"

"It's the promotion plan. You have to open two hundred stores one after another, and invest more than 100,000 bicycles. You must have other plans besides ground promotion?"

"Oh, there are a lot. Let me tell you one?" Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and it's okay to reveal some in advance. "For example, we have a'bicycle ticket', don't you know? The kind given as a registered member, one at a time."

"I know." Hu Shiheng said that I have used it, nothing new.

"We made it into a gift that can be given to each other. At Milestone 4, a sharing function was added, and users can give it to friends, so that they can be promoted through the user's own social chain."

"Huh? Are you socializing so early?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled awkwardly: "No, send it via WeChat. The new user takes the ride ticket and opens the WeChat applet directly. It has nothing to do with Xiaokang's social life."

"Through WeChat? Isn't that common? All apps are making similar red envelopes? Are you hungry? Meituan is in trouble. I remember that Didi red envelopes pushed the little blue car like this?"

"The Didi is uncontrollable, and the user is completely uncertain about what he gets when unpacking, and he can't actively send it." Chu Yuanxi knew that he did get inspiration from Didi. This method was never used in the original world, but To achieve better results, the key is to be suitable for cycling.

He went on to say: "The free coupon for the blue car given by Didi is very good and very enlightening. Do you know the good thing about the product? Compared with Meituan, it is simple and has no barriers to waste users. Mind, the user only needs to find the blue car and sweep it away after getting the coupon. So the existence as a gift seems to be similar to other red envelopes, but in fact it is different. But it also has shortcomings. It can only send one after completing a transaction Red envelopes, this restriction is actually unnecessary."

"You wait, it's a one-yuan coupon, how can it compare to Meituan?"

"It's true, but Meituan can do discount coupons without setting a threshold. No matter how much you spend, you will be discounted. You don't have to ask users to pool the threshold. This way, the user experience will be much better. In fact, Dianping is already doing this, giving V5 The above users issued discount coupons and received rave reviews."

Chu Yuanxi thought of the social gifts she designed, and confidently said: "Our cycling coupons are different. First, users will get a certain amount of cycling coupons after registering in the APP, which does not need to be obtained through consumption. VIP members are already free of charge. If you ride, you will still get a certain amount of cycling coupons every month. Then in Milestone 4, we allow users to send cycling coupons to WeChat friends or WeChat groups anytime and anywhere. What happens in this way? A scene of social acquaintances appears.

This gift will be very useful if there are enough well-off bicycles around the gathering place. It can help colleagues, friends and other acquaintances to save money directly, and it is very convenient. Although it only has a book value of one dollar, in the minds of users, this dollar should be saved. The pleasure of saving this dollar is very great, much greater than the pleasure of saving three dollars when you are hungry.

This is different from the red envelopes of Koubei Didi, which are just thrown into certain groups, and others love it. And our users will feel very good when they send out the ride tickets, and they will get the favor of acquaintances, even a thank you. This scenario can only appear on the social chain between acquaintances. For us, it is a rapid rate of fission. As long as a company has a user, it will soon be infected. "

"Oh, so the hundreds of ride tickets I saved will be useful?" Hu Shiheng suddenly realized, "I said why I have joined the VIP free ride and gave me so many **** ride tickets?"

The reason why it is **** is because even the cycling ticket has an attribute called the validity period, which is shorter than the time of his VIP, which is of no use to him. Hu Shiheng imagined a little bit, if he is a little white-collar worker, eating a simple meal in a convenience store and drinking Ruixing coffee every day, this is to create a demand point for him to be noticed in the company and help his colleagues occupy This free ride is cheap and has a lot of face.

In fact, are you hungry? Meituan coupons are not completely thrown into strangers. In the group of Hu Shiheng's company, people occasionally come to order for sharing. Just touch one can save two yuan and save two yuan, which is better than a coupon. No. This social relationship has faintly emerged.

However, he has to admit that Xiaokang’s adjustments are more targeted. When this feature is enabled in Milestone 4, this feature may become a hot spot for sharing on WeChat. Many people who feel that the ride coupons are garbage at first may not be enough. Not cool enough.

How do you say this function... Hu Shiheng thought of Chu Yuanxi’s strategy of counterattack socializing, and found that it is really inappropriate to appear too early. Milestone 3 has appeared, the store has not yet been launched on a large scale, and other first-tier cities have not yet had a well-off bicycle. If it is not on a social scale, it will only be noticed by WeChat.

"Speaking of Xiao Chu, I just heard you talk about the'User Mind' several times. It seems that Jack Ma said that the core concept of new retail is this user mind?"

"No, no, no!" Chu Yuanxi was shocked, "Jack Mana is called ‘robbing’ the user’s mind, it’s not the same thing as me."

The so-called "grabbing users' minds" is to translate it to brainwash users, such as making young people believe that microfinance is a good thing, and then it is convenient to promote "inclusive" finance.

Not only Ali, but almost all people with Internet thinking in Datian Dynasty are engaged in inclusive finance. One of them is actually consumer finance, that is, small loans for young people.

Therefore, some companies resolutely changed their names to "XX Digital Science". When they want to make money, they are financial companies, and when they are to be regulated, they are technology companies. Then the interest rate of the loan is packaged and hidden in the handling fee, head rate and repayment frequency, and some have to compulsorily purchase repayment insurance. In short, college students who have studied advanced mathematics cannot calculate the true annualized loan interest rate. How tall, very mathematical, very scientific.

These technology giants who are well versed in human nature use big data to arm themselves to the teeth. Through algorithms and scenarios, they will always send the products they want to buy to the eyes of users who yearn for beauty but are weak-willed. Those who are blindly short-sighted will be caught Promote small loan products and make people think that loan interest rates are very low.

"Hey, you can't say that, it's too extreme!" Hu Shiheng heard Chu Yuanxi vomit for a while, and said to his heart that Chu Yuanxi is still very idealistic, don't you? I see if you shout at that time? Inclusive finance is so profitable that people who have never tasted the sweetness will be indifferent. "You have to know that those companies have accumulated a lot of traffic and data, which is wasted without cash."

"You value them too much." Chu Yuanxi shook her head calmly, "They put micro-loan advertisements on Douyin and WeChat Moments. How expensive are these channels for advertising? Why do you want to vote? I have found a methodology to make this money by grabbing external traffic. This is their business, not realizing their own traffic."

"Alright, let's not mention them." Hu Shiheng hurriedly ended this topic that would easily spoil the atmosphere, saying that Chu Yuanxi's pretending not to pretend to be a Virgin has no effect on Xiaokang's current plan anyway. "The last little question. Sister Xu told me about your microvision strategy. I was curious about one thing. Assuming you are a Penguin executive in charge of microvision, how do you adjust the platform tone?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't react for a while, saw Hu Shiheng standing up and preparing to leave, and said as he went out, "I, why should I adjust the platform tone of Weishi?"

"Aren't you going to make short videos for games, short videos for sinking users and middle-aged and elderly people?"

"Yes, I do functions, such as fast and intelligent editing of live video recording, to provide an environment for these UP hosts."

Hu Shiheng found that Chu Yuanxi didn’t understand her problem, and simply said: “No, I mean there are actually a lot of short videos, but they are basically reduced to earthy video platforms. Your functions cannot stop those uploads. Do the cooking videos?"

"That's what you said? It's too simple hahahaha—" Chu Yuanxi laughed. "This kind of video that destroys the platform's tonality is called a viral video. The first time the video is deleted, the second time the account is blocked. It is impossible to adjust."

Sending Hu Shiheng away, this can be regarded as a long breath. The funding issue may be a problem in the long run, but there should be no problem in the short term, at least enough to survive Milestone 4. If it is not enough, another round of A+ round will be carried out. Of course, the best case scenario is that Milestone 4 is very effective, directly raising the valuation in the A round.

However, the valuation of 3 billion in A round itself is a bit false. Unless Milestone 4 can get around 20 million users, it is estimated that investors will explode again, but this difficulty is almost Everest level.

But 20 million users are not easy, only MLM has such a high fission ability.

The next step is to "help" Zhao Jie set out to reorganize the Pakistani game and formulate his corporate strategy. But there are also headaches in this The main reason is that Zhao Jie is not a handsome man.

Zhao Jie is Chu Yuanxi's iron rod. He is quite familiar with him, and the technology is still alive. The market is probably understandable now, but the business is almost blank.

In the past, Pakistani Games was a branch company, and only needed the ability to execute. Of course, you can have your own ideas, but they are not the main ones. So it is no problem for Zhao Jie to be the CEO. It is nothing more than managing a project team to managing a large project team + more Small project groups.

However, for the purpose of selling, the Nabaren Game itself must be an independent enterprise. It will not be affected by the Pakistani Group and can be cut perfectly. Chu Yuanxi can adjust the company structure, but how can the leader solve this? The most serious problem left over from the history of the Pakistani Group is the lack of talent reserves. It is not a shortage of first-line talents, but management talents.

Yang Jiangang has already practiced a little bit now, but even if he can be transferred to become the boss of the Pakistani game, it is estimated that it is not enough, let alone unable to transfer.

After all, the goal of the Pakistani game is to sell it at a price of about 30 billion, and then there must be a responsible person who can hold the scale of 30 billion. Zhao Jie looks like a man, and doesn't look like a 30 billion boss. Who will buy it if he throws it out?

The price of 30 billion is actually not outrageous, and there is still a lot of room for upward adjustment. You must know that when Penguin acquired Supercell at a price of more than 10 billion US dollars, Supercell was only four games at the time, and its product line began to take shape.

I have to admit that Supercell's technology, especially server technology, is indeed good, but Pakistani games want to do half of the game. The goal is not too much, right?


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