Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 809: Zhao Jie, I am optimistic about you or replace you

At the beginning, Yang Jiangang, imitating Zhao Jie, suggested adding the re-creation function of passerby users to the H5 sharing, which also got the amazing sharing effect. In the end, he took 5 million DKP from Chu Yuanxi’s soft and hard bubble, and merged his original 3 million. Get together and hatch peak visual effects.

How could Zhao Jie forget this?

So Chu Yuanxi gave Zhao Jie a specific suggestion-to create a complex IP closed loop.

In fact, this idea has always existed before, and it was inspired by Li Jingfei, the iron head baby. It’s just that Zhao Jie just started to develop a water-testing mini-game product, so everything seemed to be going well, so he didn’t add a mess, now...

Li Tietou previously invested in a social team to engage in "mini game social networking", in an attempt to make a small game explosion, and then steal the social relationship chain of WeChat users through user viral fission, and then import the address book phone call. Build your own social network and attribute users to your own social app. The posture of WeChat wool is very strange. (Chapter 742)

Although Chu Yuanxi asserted at the time that this was a group of people who could not do social activities blindly by Jaguar, they would eventually die tragically. And now, just like Zhao Jie, there is no explosive game, there is no fission at all, and it is impossible to confirm whether the follow-up idea is correct. The whole team is half disabled, and one will be presented in the foreseeable future. Very shameful death.

However, their idea is worth learning! A small game that can become a hit is a treasure trove.

Therefore, the first step of Chu Yuanxi's plan is to make a mini game. The goal is only DAU. Therefore, all the numerical design in the game focuses on retention and sharing, regardless of income.

It can be said that according to the methodology originally given by Zhao Jie, there is a huge contradiction between income and fission and retention. Because the core of its income is advertising rather than in-game payments, all the places where the payment points get stuck to the player are set to be solved by the player by watching advertisements instead of paying. The real purpose of card players is not to make the player pay, but to point advertisements.

At the same time, the key point of user fission can only be linked to payment points in this system, so revenue and fission are to preempt payment points, and there is a contradiction.

Even if there is no such causal relationship, for game users, the more advertisements they watch, the lower their desire to share. Therefore, removing income will magnify all factors that are conducive to fission.

In the second step, the mini game should be packaged with the IP that the Pakistani people hold the copyright before making. After making the hot money, link with Pakistani information to push this IP in reverse.

This is contrary to the current trend of small games, because the current small games try to increase the popularity of the game's big IP, in order to increase user awareness and reduce education costs. The plan that Chu Yuanxi made for Zhao Jie is just the opposite, and it is the IP of the Tuba person.

If you do a calculation, the advertising revenue of a popular mini game is roughly around 10 million yuan. But the full copyright authorization fee for launching an explosive IP can be more than ten million. What's more, the Pakistani people may not all authorize them, and they can digest some of them.

Since the current mini-game methodology is a traffic business, and the purchased volume is rewashed with a stronger conversion rate, why can’t the Pakistani people redefine this traffic business? IP business is clearly the advanced stage of traffic business, which is traffic + content + word of mouth. Upgrading this dimension is not just to capture the value-added revenue of traffic.

Uncle Sheng has been to Hengdian for more than half a month, and he will be back soon. After returning, he will start to select the right IP.

Although by 2019, the temperature of the copyright market has dropped below freezing point, and the entire first half of the year has passed, the number of large IP authorization transactions nationwide, except for the external procurement of Uncle Sheng, is still less than 30, but that These are unverified IPs. The IP promoted by Ba people through mini games is an IP that has been verified in the game field.

This is the use of small games to empower IP, and then Pakistani information secondary empowerment, after the two extreme acceleration, the IP will naturally take on a new look. When Uncle Sheng chooses an IP, he has to buy it with money. It must be good in content and reputation. In this way, a high-quality IP with complete content, traffic and reputation will not drop in price.

It can be said that this test mainly tests Uncle Sheng, because high-quality copyright has the characteristics of low cost + high value + obvious bonus blessing, and it is not worried about selling, but the creation process must be delicate.

There are so many details that he must consider. This should be the first real test that Uncle Sheng has faced since he took charge of the copyright company. For example, it is necessary to fully communicate with the game producer, consider what copyright is suitable for adapting a small game, consider the current production difficulty and the difficulty of adapting the same big game in the future, consider whether the type is suitable for film and television adaptation, and even consider this Whether it’s easy to create the advertising material when IP content is purchased.

Why are many games clearly not legendary, but advertisements are legendary? Because the legendary user base is strong, it is worth a visit. Let the ads catch these users first. Including those ads that are swallowed up and down, download it and have a look. Isn't this an MMORPG with a left-hand joystick to control the movement of the right-hand skill button? The exquisite level of the advertisement is truly extraordinary, just to trick players into it.

Calculated in this way, the KPIs of Zhao Jie and the brothers’ incubation and entrepreneurship are not counted as game revenue. They are only calculated based on the number of successful mini-games and how successful a certain product is. Every successful mini-game can be counted separately. Configure a WeChat service account to collect users and send gift packages to users. Baren Group has the richest experience in how to use traffic and activate fans.

According to Chu Yuanxi’s wishful thinking, if this is done, the product line of Pakistani games will soon be enriched, and the related supporting structure will soon be improved. At least in the eyes of outsiders, Pakistani Games is a self-sufficient game company with multiple channels and multiple output paths. The key is to inject these successful IPs from Uncle Sheng into the Pakistani Games. , The valuation is easy to mention.

The only disadvantage is that the wheels must be reinvented. Pakistani games also need to be equipped with copyright managers and media departments. In the future, Pakistani games must control their own fan channels, and it is best to form a matrix.

Fundamentally speaking, this is a bug in the fan economy. A self-media based on the number of fans can be transformed into another similar self-media clone through the operation of washing fans. Fans are still those. Fans, but valuations are no longer those valuations.

Experienced investors can tell how fictitious this puffy configuration is. For example, research enthusiasm, the energy of a self-media account should be the number of fans and activity as "points" in mathematics, find the area, and have learned advanced mathematics. Anyone can understand this concept. However, no matter how harsh the research is, and encountering self-media avatars with real performance and operating entities, such as the new IP model of Pakistani Games, they can only stare.

The essence of fan economy is to divide the time attribute of fans. Under the concept that time is money, it is finally realized into money through the accumulation of time. Therefore, no one has stipulated that fans of a certain self-media can not allocate a similar amount of time to this self-media clone while the original time supply remains unchanged. Maybe the clone's operation is outstanding, and the fans are assigned to the past. It's more time.

After all, time is the only attribute that is fair to all fans, and everyone is 24 hours a day.

In fact, entrepreneurs around the world have long reached a consensus on this point, not only entrepreneurs, but also giants. In order to hunt for the fan value that the fission attributes of small games can obtain, many domestic channels have long put small games in a very important position. For example, the app store of large blue and green factories has three hundred small games for review every day. Paradise for mini games.

That's why Zhao Jie has always had great confidence in mini games. But Chu Yuanxi's strategy came out, and he was stunned, because he had entered a realm he didn't understand at all.

Chu Yuanxi patted his shoulder heavily, "Boy, a game company worth 30 billion will rise in your hands. I look forward to your performance."

"Fuck you are putting too much pressure on me!"

"It's not big, it's not big at all." Chu Yuan Xixin said that I worked so hard to sell you and leave "The Enemy of Rome" behind? Re-creating wheels is not only necessary for the Pakistani game, but also for the Pakistani group, and immediately has to extract the "Enemy of Rome" project in the Pakistani game to let Yu Wenhui temporarily return to the Pakistani group. He is the next manager of the Pakistani Group’s wholly-owned gaming subsidiary.

Well, in name, it's called the reorganization of the Pakistani game by combining advantageous resources. It happens that the VR experts of Pakistani games are seconded to Xiaokang for online content development. As for the development team of mobile games...well, they are also transferred to Xiaokang for online content. Anyway, as soon as this operation comes out, the "Enemy of Rome" project will definitely have to wait for the Pakistani game to be sold before the official development, otherwise it will be a competition in the industry.

"No, Lao Chu." Zhao Jie's expression turned awkward, "As you do, we brothers hatched by DKP, what about this platform? What we want is, what we want is entrepreneurship."

"Juvenile, you have to use your own brains, you can't just do projects." Chu Yuanxi said earnestly: "I expect the CEO of Pakistani Games to be the head of a 30 billion company. If you even do this I can’t hold on to the small things, and I can’t find the right solution. Why don’t you change yourself to become the CEO? You have to accelerate your growth to be worthy of a 30 billion company, understand?

In addition, if you want to start a business, there is no contradiction in what you have explained to me. The core issue of entrepreneurship is nothing more than how to balance the interests of all parties. You have to find your own clear positioning, clarify your own value, and then start, understand? "

"But, shit, where did I get 30 billion? The market value of the Youzu is only over 10 billion, right?"

"More than 10 billion is okay? Don't keep comparing yourself to the poor, you naive boy. The perfect market value is more than 30 billion. Our income is not worse than perfect, right?" Chu Yuanxi signaled Zhao Jie not to beep, "I Knowing that we are inferior to perfection in other aspects, I know that it is not enough to make up? When your mini game is successful, copyrights are not necessarily worse than perfection. Perfection is nothing more than taking Jin Yong's four copyrights, which is the only thing that perfection has Irreplaceable place."

Zhao Jie felt that his IQ was in a hurry, and he said that it was Jin Yong's copyright. Hey! You can make money while lying down! Just make a skin-changing mobile game with a copyright of at least 100 million yuan a month. You let me use the copyright derived from the mini game to benchmark, I use the face to benchmark?

Chu Yuanxi turned to the "Enemies of Rome" project team. This project was established at the end of April and early May. It is in line with Zhao Jie’s small game plan, but the VR part is still being framed, and the mobile game part has already started the first version, but it is the most basic, even the game There are no internal functions yet, but it is difficult to implement the step of calling the scene.

This is a game with a large-scale MMO as the underlying architecture. The first version is the most difficult to play, because it will take a while to prove which technology is used to implement the client-side architecture.

Now this adjustment is an earth-shaking adjustment, and the Pakistani information Lu Yu will also follow suit.

At the same time, there was something trivial in the administrative department of Xiaokang. A new administrative girl who was still in her junior year came for an internship. Because she was new to the job and was not familiar with the business, she lost the attendance record of Xiaokang last week... …

The matter is big or small, or small, because many colleagues will be very upset. Although Xiaokang is an OKR system, attendance still needs to be remembered. It is not possible to work at home. You must work in a company. Taking into account that overtime is a relatively common phenomenon, the company implements a flexible working system, and you can arrive late the next day if you leave late. But what if you are late on a normal day?

The humanized system given by Chu Yuanxi is based on the length of each person's working hours, on an annual basis, giving N tardiness times. Exceeding the number will affect the distribution ratio of the year-end bonus. In other words, people who work more overtime can be more late.

If the attendance this week is lost, colleagues who have overtime hours are at a disadvantage, and those who have a record of being late this week are up to date. Although the impact is not absolute, it is not unreasonable and uneven. Speak out in the company group.

Chu Yuanxi saw this girl confessed in the company group last night, but he didn't expect the incident to come to him.

He just pacified Yu Wenhui and made a wish for Wenhui to be appointed official, promising that when the Pakistani Group reopens a game subsidiary to produce "Enemy of Rome", he will not only be the manager, but also allow him to honor DKP as the proposed company. Co-founder of the company. This is equivalent to a variant of the incubation business model, taking the equity and options of the subsidiary company, which is completely different from the branch manager of Zhao Jie who holds the options of the parent company.

"What are you talking about? What's the name of this girl? Huang Yun? I don't know him. What is she going to see me for?"

Chu Yuanxi stared at the executive director Wu Qianxi with questioning emotions in the company aisle, asking her heart to say that if you drive her, it will be over? As for how to write the internship report, it doesn't hurt to be a little bit obscure, it doesn't hurt to write her a pass, so small things like this will cause trouble to me? What use do I want you?

I have a little impression of this administrative girl, Chu Yuanxi, mainly because she has a pretty high-looking appearance, and she is also very watery and temperamental. But what is this place? This is the Ba Ren & well-off office space. There are more beautiful girls, and there are more girls with temperament. She is nothing but young.

Of course, for the beasts in the well-off life, it would be nice to have such a seductive girl. After all, most of the beauties on the Ba people can't pick up. But this does not constitute a reason for not being able to open her, let alone make the president face to face. "Can I not see you? Why can't you handle it? Is the authority I gave you insufficient or something?"

"No, hey, Mr. Chu." Wu Qianxi is in her thirties. She is well maintained but a little bit blessed. She is developing into the fat world. At this time, her two thin eyebrows twisted, and the girl said: "The little girl said she had a relationship with you, isn't it inconvenient for me."

Chu Yuanxi's face suddenly changed: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, no one has a close relationship with me in Xiaokang. I have solemnly promised Liu Lu that I will never recruit my relatives and classmates in Xiaokang. If she really does follow If I was in a relationship, you quickly opened her to me, it was a mistake."

Wu Qianxi said that your elders are so cruel, are you so unfeeling? She is really an old There is always no sinner in doing things. Even if she wants to open Huang Yun, she can't do it. Chu Yuanxi must open it, or she will be the one who will eat it in the future.

She suddenly looked embarrassed: "No, it's mainly the little girls who haven't graduated yet, pitiful, I'm not this, that, isn't it? I can't do it."

Chu Yuanxixin said that you opened a front desk last time, but it was quite ridiculous. The knife fell in that hand and everyone cried. Because of what? He thought for a while, but couldn't remember it, mainly because he didn't care much.

"Well, I see, I want to see what kind of kiss I am with, huh!"

Soon Chu Yuanxi couldn't hum, and changed to: "Huh? Are you Li Shen's girlfriend?"

He has a saying, I don’t know when to vomit or not, this cousin can do it, he hooked up with his junior in his freshman year. When the old man was in his freshman year, I skipped it...

He blinked. It turned out that Li Shen liked it. Huang Yun wears a plain long dress, with long hair, big eyes and small face, and a moderate height. She looks a bit like a beautiful girl in the second dimension. "So, Li Shen suggested that you come to Xiaokang for an internship?"

As a start-up company, Xiaokang has been established for less than half a year. During its inception, according to Chu Yuanxi's meaning, it did not recruit interns and did not start school recruiting. School recruitment is generally a large-scale, established company, with fixed positions and promotion ladders, with clear ranks, and a simple summary method-large companies.

It’s not a big company. It’s hard to be willing to recruit fresh graduates from 985 and 211 schools, let alone Peking University and Tsinghua University. The main purpose of school recruitment is to obtain high-quality graduates and supplement the company with potential shares. .

But there are exceptions.


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