Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 820: We are also a technology company

I want to subscribe. Suddenly I ate a limit. Is it because I have been too water recently? This is the depression before the outbreak ah ah ah ah

In this **** face-seeking society, beauties have privileges wherever they go, especially kawaii beauties after removing the filter beauty and face-lifting. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi was not too curious about how Huang Yun became well-off in administration. After all, it was just an administrative post, not a key position such as R&D and operation. A monkey had three points of strength, and the basic administrative requirements were not high.

And this exception Huang Yun, although she has only been in the company for a few days, she has a strong sense of loli, and her image in the company is very good. Sometimes Chu Yuanxi also wonders if she can write code, she can be a The programmer encourages the teacher. But now...

"Yes, Chu...Brother?" Huang Yun nodded, feeling weak when she spoke, and wanted to explain: "Said Li Shen"

Chu Yuanxi quickly waved her hand and interrupted: "If you want to call my brother, it's easy. I am honored to inform you that I have made a solemn promise to investors and partners that my relatives and classmates will never introduce the company. You are Li Shen’s girlfriend is also in the forbidden range, so you must leave Xiaokang. You have to leave regardless of work mistakes. I'm sorry. All internship reports will be favorably given to you, specifically Wu Qianxi."

After speaking, Chu Yuanxi left a hypocritical smile and turned away.

He pondered as he walked, telling Li Shen quickly, otherwise Li Shen might be passive.

However, Chu Yuanxi really dislikes Li Shen, because Li Shen's talents are actually quite average, and the person is pretty good. This evaluation is not even a positive evaluation in society. And Huang Yun is not a school flower but also a department flower. If it can work, he doesn't need any talent. The kind of Douyin with 5 million fans is no problem.

Can these two go together? When Huang Yun graduates next year, Li Shen still has to go to school. When Huang Yun enters society, 50% is soaked away, and 50% soaks away others. Li Shen really has no chance.

Therefore, there is also a paradox about retiring Huang Yun, that is, only if Huang Yun stays in a well-off society, Li Shen can really get along with Huang Yun. If Huang Yun leaves Chu Yuanxi's envelope, then she will not become Chu Yuanxi's relative. So, in accordance with his promise, should Huang Yun be left behind legally?

Li Shen is about to end, and a tragedy is about to be staged. The more Chu Yuanxi thought about it, the more he felt that he and Huang Yun would never make it to the end, and must enlighten and enlighten him, or the second aunt would definitely blame herself. Does it work? Originally there was no such thing, but Huang Yun ran around in a well-off city, and she was already stained with cause and effect. No matter what, she was here to invite disaster!

On the other side, Huang Yun had a dog-fucked expression on her face, and she took out her mobile phone for a long time and sent a message to Li Shen: Monkey Sai Lei, your brother is really a domineering president, he opened his wife!

Li Shen returned in class time: My brother is wise!

Huang Yun: My old lady wants to unscrew your heavenly spirit cover!

She didn't know that Chu Yuanxi was also sending WeChat to Li Shen at the same time, Li Shen already knew.

Li Shen: Brother, are you serious?

Chu Yuanxi: Of course, otherwise, I usually persuade me not to divide. It is not easy for you to find a girlfriend.

Li Shen: Then I thank you so much? Let me tell you, I can find a girlfriend easily, okay? I am now the brother of the overbearing president! If I speak out. . .

Chu Yuanxi: What did you say? Will your school flower chase you down?

Li Shen sent a crying panda head: That's not true. It seems that the second-generation provincial official chasing our school flower.

Chu Yuanxi was shocked: Is there such a high-level second-generation official in your bad school? But you guys can still run out of internship schools in June!

Li Shen: In our school, there is still a younger brother who is a domineering president like me. Why can't there be a second generation of officials?

Chu Yuanxi: You chase a department flower in the same grade as early as possible. It is best to be in the same department, the one that can get married as soon as you graduate. Your brother is here, so I’m right.

Li Shen: Don't, Huang Yun will unscrew my Tianling Cap.

After sending it, he took a screenshot of Huang Yun and his chat history.

After reading these three sentences, Chu Yuanxi frowned. It was not like Huang Yun said, but the WeChat profile picture was another person.

After a while, he asked: Have you always talked so hard?

Li Shen: Well, Huang Yun is a famous violent woman!

Chu Yuanxi: What? Isn't she loli? You are not lo*ic*n?

Li Shen: What the **** is lo*ic*n? It's dangerous for me to tease her.

Danger? Chu Yuanxi was in a weird mood, saying that when you were in danger, you might still be behind, my stupid brother!

Chu Yuanxi: You Tie Hanhan, don't you feel like that?

Li Shen: What?

Chu Yuanxi: Are there any aspects of your WeChat chat content? If not, let me have a look, and I'll help you confirm it.

Li Shen: What is the identification?

Chu Yuanxi: Green tea! Still have to ask?

There is a clear time interval in Li Shen's reply: Brother, you can't talk nonsense, you are already a personal attack!

Chu Yuanxi: I'm sorry I shouldn't call you Tiehanhan.

Li Shen's nose was almost flat and crooked, and he was about to type when he suddenly saw Chu Yuanxi say: Your brother, I have read countless women, and I have seen more green tea than you have ever seen. I can see if I send chat logs at a glance.

Just brag and force you to go! Li Shenxin said that even if you see a green tea a day after you start a business, you will only see three or four hundred!

While thinking about Li Shen, I screened some chat records and merged and forwarded them. I didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to say: Do you have a choice? I want to see all, cut out the picture.

Li Shen: Why? Where did you see my wife’s green tea?

Chu Yuanxi: What do you like her?

Li Shen: I like her... because she is a **** goddess who likes to wear vacuum clothes?

Chu Yuanxi: Don't you like her violence?

Li Shen made an expression that rolled his eyes.

Chu Yuanxi: That's right, she's managing the personnel design. When she was an intern at our company, she was a weak loli. She never said whether she had a boyfriend. She was a violent and **** goddess in your school. Do you know what this means?

Li Shen: What?

Chu Yuanxi: Let's put it this way, the probability of green tea is as high as 84% ​​for all the beauties set up by the business person. I told you that you are my brother, she is in front of you, and behind you is the other side, don't you think there is a problem?

Li Shen: Then why is she doing this?

Chu Yuanxi: Hehe, maybe because you feel invincible in college, right? I'm sorry, the green tea **** will be beaten up a few times when he enters the society.


In the end, Li Shen didn't take a screenshot, and he didn't dare to see people if he was ashamed, but Chu Yuanxi's obligation had been fulfilled. Everyone is responsible for their own affairs. Chu Yuanxi also has a lot of things to be busy with. For example, in the citywide promotion of Milestone 4, whether to change the advertising slogan.

It's all small things, but it can also be understood as all details. At that time, Jobs’ success learning was widely praised in China, and the ultimate goal was Jobs’s buttoning details. So much so that Mr. Gongsun didn't learn what he should have learned when he started his own business, and he learned this remarkable school home.

The sky turned around on June 18, and two remarkable events occurred, and they were all related to Chu Yuanxi.

The first is that Kuaishou has issued a wolf-like call. The goal has changed from a great product to a great company. Specifically, Dau will reach 300 million before the Spring Festival next year. Douyin's current dau is 300 million.

The company is a more complex product than a product. A mediocre company has no future. Kuaishou made a sound to compete with itself at this time, and the goal set was more realistic. When Chu Yuanxi had to talk to Lu Yu about repeating the wheel building, Also talk about Kuaishou.

If Kuaishou really makes organizational changes, optimizes the structure of iterative products, and changes the face of Buddhism in the past, why don’t Ba people increase the construction of Kuaishou accounts?

Kuaishou was underestimated in 2018. It was the first half of the year. After being invested by Penguin, in the second half of the year, I finally realized that we can't rely on Penguin for everything, so I caught up. But its biggest problem will never be changed, that is, the biggest difference in user operation between Douyin and Douyin is not flowing.

Kuaishou’s videos can’t be continuously browsed one by one by swiping. Whether it’s recommended content or following the content in the account, you can only go back and click the next one after watching. This is the operation that TikTok is fundamentally ahead of Kuaishou. , You can continuously slide up and down to replace new and old content to form an information flow.

As a great company, you must have the mind to listen to slander, be able to make the best choices for the company, consider the pros and cons of word-of-mouth and tangible benefits, and have the courage to correct your own mistakes, even to competitors To learn, compromise with reality at the right time.

For example, the volcano video is very well done. The ui is similar to Kuaishou, but each video can be scrolled down. If Kuaishou is willing to make this change, of course it will be laughed at by the industry, but it is worth it! It can be said that Kuaishou noticed that the problem is not too early but too late, but it is still too late, because the market is still large and has not yet closed.

It was simple for Chu Yuanxi and Lu Yu. In the past, the Pakistani media, the brand of Douyin is very deep, and the content is not so suitable for Kuaishou, but Douyin Kuaishou is changing, changing in the direction of neutrality, and there are many Kuaishou volcano-type earthy videos in Douyin, Kuaishou. The content of shooting dance in the street is also growing. So today, the content tone is not a big issue, at least not a crucial issue.

And Kuaishou, although dua is lower than Douyin, but its users have a strong purchasing power! Kuaishou is a wonderful thing in e-commerce, and the official advertisement is turned into a **** by Douyin, but the e-commerce ability of the up owner is stronger than that of Douyin. According to the gossip, Kuaishou is more than ten times more effective than Douyin. For the same number of fans, Kuaishou up masters can play ten Douyin.

Chu Yuanxi banned Lu Yu from being an e-commerce company, so he didn't have first-hand data, but it was understandable if he wanted to. The so-called most mentally handicapped ads can screen out the most paying users. The lower the user’s thinking ability, the lower the thinking ability and the easier it is to be carried. Various scammers in the Tianchao territory are usually screened out through initial user screening through mentally handicapped promotion. Has a very high user conversion rate.

If Kuaishou's dau comes up again, it will be amazing! So if Kuaishou really solves the user's information flow problem, it is really worth increasing investment.

The second thing is actually wider and more explosive, that is, after Facebook has been planning for a long time, it finally launched its blockchain white paper stablecoin libra today.

Libra is the Libra in English. Maybe Xiaozha thinks his blockchain currency is fair because of its stability? He claims to unite some major payment companies in the United States, such as PayPal, Visa, etc., to build a super node, and then make a higher-end WeChat payment.

That is to say, stablecoins are the same as WeChat Pay at the user level. Users can recharge and withdraw cash, but cannot obtain coins through mining. However, at the technical level, blockchain technology is used to ensure currency security with a distributed credit system. WeChat and Alipay are centralized.

As soon as this news came out, the public circles of the entire celestial dynasty were all excited! Some said that digital credit hegemony would once again fall into the hands of Americans; some said WeChat Alipay would be hit by 2.7 billion Facebook users; some said This embodies the digital currency ambitions of Wall Street. In short, it is nominally sad for spring and autumn, but it is actually creating panic. Suddenly, people in the currency circle also exclaimed. Many people who didn't know the truth were panicked after seeing it, not to mention whether they could read it or not, as if the RMB was about to open and fall?

Haha, are you trying to trick the Chinese government into opening up the air currency network? Chu Yuanxi said that Wall Street has no ambitions. Anyway, many investment institutions on the Chinese side have differentiated a group of vested interests. Without them, they would not have pitted so many people. At this time, your people are worried, are you planning to ship it?

So Chu Yuanxi became a keyboard man, personally boarded the WeChat of Pakistani Entertainment, and sent out a long-lost essay.

The ridiculous thing about this incident is that stablecoins are fundamentally different from the idea of ​​“algorithm is king” in the blockchain. The beliefs that people in the currency circle usually talk about are completely different, and the key is that you can’t mine to get coins. There are coins for recharge, and others can praise it, can you guys say it?

Moreover, it is hard to say whether Xiaozha is whimsical or asking for directions, but the set of stablecoins he made will definitely be shot to death, because how to bypass the service between US banks? There are more than 7,000 banks in the United States, and more than 10,000 credit unions. Have you ever asked them about the stable currency? Alipay and WeChat only need to handle less than a hundred bank credit unions!

The key is that there are no fees for transfers between banks and bank-to-mobile payments in China, but not in the United States. The PayPal paypal in the United States, which is the company that Elon Musk first started, costs $ plus a handling fee of about 3%. You buy a 3$$ handling fee, who can bear it? It is too difficult for users in the United States!

Therefore, the mobile payment in the United States is not prepared for the consumption scene of small high-frequency payment at all, it has no such foundation. In Tianchao, you can buy cold noodles and fried gluten on the street. You can pay at will. But Tianchao's mobile payment is not so friendly to large amounts. It sets various restrictions for fear that users will be deceived by fraud.

Chu Yuanxi wrote this pile of things crackling on her Weibo, and finally concluded: The value of money is to buy things. The total international trade volume of Tianchao last year was close to $5 trillion, while the total global international crude oil trade in 2018 was only $400 billion. In other words, the U.S. even the oil-$ currency pricing system is almost out of order. What is the use of a blockchain? What can be bought with currencies that the celestial dynasty does not recognize? It’s good to let it go to misfortune. Let’s eat and drink. I wish Laozha success!

As soon as this article came out, there were countless reposts and comments. Many people ran in and spurted strangely, but quickly drowned in the vast ocean of people.

It’s no secret that Chu Yuanxi’s use of blockchain has been developed and raised step by step with Xiaokang. Even the Pakistani entertainment has been contaminated with the attributes of blockchain. Although most people are ignorant, even if only one in a thousand is knowledgeable, the eight-figure fan base of Israelis and Palestinians is also a block chain information dissemination unit.

At this time, as soon as Xiongwen came out, many leek-level blockchain players who could not find the backbone immediately found their homes, put their hearts back in their stomachs, and then burst out with great enthusiasm, and they did one thing, known to everyone!

This stupefied for several During the process, Chu Yuanxi quietly completed the final recruitment of this stage.

One day, Chu Yuanxi went to the booth at the door to sit. He was not an interviewer, but he wanted to observe the interview process. As a result, the interviewer hadn't come yet, but the applicant had arrived first, and then found Chu Yuanxi sitting alone on the deck, so he came over to strike up a conversation: "Dude, are you here for the interview too?"

This buddy wears big black-rimmed glasses with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and has thick hair like Yuan Jing. Chu Yuanxi took a look. Quickly waved his hand: "Ah, no, no, I belong to this company. Our company has a coffee break in the afternoon, so I will take a break. You came for an interview? I called the interviewer for you?"

The spectacles of the visitor lit up: "Ah? No need. Hey, I'm asking, I heard that this company is so cruel that it always makes employees work overtime? And it pays less wages for options, is that true?"

"Salary, isn't it? The industry average, right?" Chu Yuanxi suddenly didn't know how to answer this question? "Brother Dei, you can be a taboo in the workplace if you ask this."

"Hey, I can apply for the job by my skills. If I can't, I will change another one." The people who came here didn't care. "Hey, I heard that the financing of convenience store companies is so easy recently. Many convenience store companies have money in their hands, and this is not a high salary. What are you waiting for to dig talent?"

"Well, it's easy and not easy to compare with whom? It's easier to raise money than a game company, and it's far worse than a chip company, right?" Chu Yuanxi said, thinking that they have 100 million in their hands. I have money, I can't!

I only heard people say: "That is, they are technology companies, can convenience stores compare to them?"

Chu Yuanxi said that we are also a technology company. Hey! At this moment, the interviewer came. It was a duo of Liao Xingxing's younger brother accompanying Du Shirt. The younger brother was stunned when he saw it: "President? Do you know him?"

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